Build Madness

Chapter 643 Panda Burning Incense Resurgence (adding more rewards for 'No Nickname')

When Zheng He's fleet sailed out of the extremely depressed Golden Beach and entered the high seas, what they faced was another scene.

Dozens of warships from Ice Bear, North America, Wajima, and Nanbangzi wandered around, aerial fighters flew interspersed, and hundreds of sailboats on the sea level swayed left and right in the huge waves.

Look at the banners, Huo Dun, KS, Ninja League, DreamWorks, North American Fisheries, French Hilton, Finguo Construction (an old man who bought a steamboat), Nanyang Development Bank, Nanyang Construction Group...

Dozens of famous companies, big and small, have a cooperative relationship with Tiancheng.

Of course, the only top 100 players in the world are Horton and KS.

The moment the other party discovered Zheng He's fleet, they fell silent, probably shocked by the hidden power of the phantom, and immediately set off fireworks that someone seemed to like very much...


"Raise our flag!" Ge Xiaotian stood proudly on the bow of the ship and gave an order.

In the past, Tiancheng was among the top 500 of the mother planet, but after the reorganization of Tiancheng International Holdings, it has jumped to the top 100.

Its own banner will definitely have a certain effect on the high seas.

Fireworks are brighter...

However, at this moment, time seemed to stand still. Tens of thousands of spectators, including the pilots in the air, heard a buzzing sound in their ears, and all electronic equipment suddenly failed...

All the ships sounded the alarm...

Dozens of fighter planes spun around and fell down. Just when they were about to crash, the electronic equipment returned to normal again, adjusted the flight status, and rushed into the sky...

The inexplicable change made the military departments of various countries suspicious.

The fighter planes returned quickly, and the warships came to a standstill one after another...

Faced with this scene, although the entrepreneurs were surprised, Zheng He's fleet had already sent out a signal, and without asking what happened, they quickly ordered their crews to move closer like a large force.


Zheng He's treasure ship.

Daoyi pushed the electronic silence equipment into the accompanying mountain town center, and walked out of the cabin after recovering all of them.

"Boss, the effect is very good."

Ge Xiaotian, standing proudly on the bow of the boat, nodded, "How much power did you consume just now?"

"The ten-second limit is about 20 million Franklins."

"When the cannon fires, ten thousand taels of gold!"

"Boss, if we can increase it to one minute, this trip will go more smoothly."

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, ten seconds is already very good."

"Then let me tell you two, officially start the plan?"


To be honest, Ge Xiaotian feels that everything is under control when he is not out of the sea, but when he comes to the sea, he feels a little out of control...

Almost at the same time.

The major news media suddenly received statements and announcements from Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus Company.

"At 9:11 on July 15th, our company was suddenly attacked by a large number of North American hackers. The server was damaged, the database was stolen, and the loss was heavy..."

"Hereby declares: to prevent the core code and code of Panda Burning Incense from being copied, our company will carry out emergency maintenance for two months, and purchase the most advanced Shi Guangji from the mother planet as the main server. During this period, Odyssey Antivirus expects the industry to Colleagues can develop effective antivirus software as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be a disaster!"

"Odyssey antivirus announced the core code of Panda Burning Incense..."

"Odyssey Antivirus does not guarantee whether the core code can effectively block the invasion of Panda Burning Incense, because it is constantly mutating..."

"Odyssey kills the soft-boot parent star special worm virus invasion warning..."

"As of press time, within fifteen minutes, 100,000 computers in Eastern Europe fell..."

"Montenegro responded to the early warning, and the whole country was disconnected from the Internet within two months, and the use of computers was stopped..."

"Beibangzi responded to the warning and cut off the Internet for a year..."

"Ice Bear restarts the ternary computer research and development plan..."

"Washima has invested heavily in research and development of a new generation of optoelectronic computers..." (Washima technology companies have graphene)

"North America launches quantum computer research and development program..."

"At 9:30, the electronic system of the Serbian Army was paralyzed..."

"At 9:45, many electronics companies in Tuji Country were paralyzed..."

"At 9:50, the first worm virus appeared in a certain country, and many software service providers stopped operating..."

"At 10:00, Longtian Technology announced the development of a new generation of Shenlong system..."

"At 10:05, a large area of ​​the Internet was paralyzed in Los Angeles, North America..."

"At 10:10, the North American G3 satellite was suspected to be infected with Panda Burning Incense..."

"At 10:30, the number of computers on the mother star that fell exceeded 10 million, and the damage ratio was 100:1."

"At 10:45, Pingguo announced the launch of a new generation of o sx, which can effectively prevent the invasion of panda burning incense..."

"At 10:50, Montenegro Odyssey sued North America Pingguo..."


The speed of the resurgence and outbreak of panda burning incense is far beyond people's imagination, but the turmoil in the outside world has no effect on the fleet.

After integrating the cargo ships of Holden and others, the large force headed towards the southeast of the Pacific Ocean...


Ge Xiaotian entertained distinguished guests in his own flight attendant.

When the aircraft was first bought back, it was completely old and rusty. Not to mention the power system, even the hull was riddled with holes.

After a year of comprehensive repairs, it has a completely new look now. Except for the lack of carrier-based aircraft and the island with command capabilities, it is basically the same as a modern aircraft carrier.

But the core of the carrier is precisely the carrier-based aircraft and the ship island. If you don't have may not be sold as a freighter, after all, it is heavy.

The other is the power system.

Tian became a thorough understanding of his own aircraft, dismantled it, even changed the flue, and finally installed a gas turbine that burns liquid oxygen and pure ethanol.

Therefore, the power used by the aircraft is not a conventional high-pressure steam engine, or a gas turbine, or a gas turbine burning heavy oil.

In this way, no one would dare to buy Tiancheng Aviation even if its power is as high as 300,000 horsepower.

It's not that the price is expensive, but that the maintenance of the aero engine is cumbersome and the cost is very high.

However, Tiancheng does not have the ability to manufacture conventional power boilers, and the installation and commissioning technology, and because it involves patents, it does not want to study it, so in the end, it can only use its familiar liquid oxygen and pure ethanol gas turbines.

Of course, this is the so-called Tiancheng standard.

I am very motivated, you can use it or not, but once you use it, you can only find Tiancheng Electric Industry Group if you want to repair it at a low price in the future.

Perhaps, recycling second-hand aircraft, repairing unconventional powered submarines, and restoring artificial not a dream.

The aircraft carrier is named: Canal, which is registered with various institutions on the mother planet.

In the past six months, the Canal has been running around in various coastal cities, firstly to sell tickets, and secondly to broaden people's horizons and avoid large-scale ferries from other countries entering the port, causing strong onlookers.

Moreover, after the Okhotsk Shipyard built a 300,000-ton oil tanker for Sino-Ocean Group, the next step will be to start the 500,000-ton oil tanker project, and then 800,000 tons...

When Tiancheng popularizes gas turbines that burn liquid oxygen and pure ethanol, Holden and others will slowly accept it, and then subtly promote the parent star...

"Old Huo, what's the speed of this aircraft carrier?"

Holden picked up the ceramic wine glasses, bumped them into each other, and looked out the window at the sea where the large troops could not be seen, "A ride to the top!"


"That's... um? Ge, look out the window, why are there skulls on those boats?"

"Huh? Damn, pirate?!"

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