Build Madness

Chapter 665 Boss Ge went home to farm after losing money

Inside the first aid cabin of Zheng He's treasure ship.

Horton and the others may be too old, but they were only shocked by the shells and fell into a coma for more than half a month.

On the morning of September 10th.

Horton took off the oxygen mask, opened his eyes in a daze, and rubbed the back of his head, which was a little sore.

"Wake up, wake up! Mr. Horton is awake!" Seeing this scene, the burly nurse who came in with a thermos bottle was overjoyed and called out to the attending physician.

"Where is this?"

"Flagship first aid cabin."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Did you forget? A shell exploded in the air, and my boss immediately protected you, and then... you have been in a coma."

"Hmm... seems to have some impression."

Holden twisted his neck, "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock in the morning on September 10th."

"A month has passed?"

"Yes, thanks to the attending physician from Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine accompanying you..."


After hearing what the nurse said, Holden let out a sigh, "By the way, where is Ge?"

"My still in a coma."


Holden suddenly remembered that he was protected under his body, and he could be unconscious for nearly a month. The person lying on top...

Immediately trembled: "Where is Ge?"

"It's in your inner room."

"Help me up."

Horton put on his shoes and staggered to the door of the inner cabin.

through the window.

One could vaguely see Ge with a bandage wrapped around his head, a plaster cast on his left leg, a deck board tied to his right hand, and ointment all over his body.


Thinking of being rescued, Horton was very moved...

at this time.

A miracle happened!

The affectionate call seemed to travel through time and space, reaching the ears of someone who was dying.

Then, the fingers moved...

Holden rubbed his eyes, "Ge?!"

Eyelids move...

Didi Didi...

In an instant, the entire cabin heard an emergency signal.

Countless white coats poured into the first aid cabin.

"The boss is awake!"

"The boss is awake, hurry up!"

hula la...

Various medical equipment were pushed into the room...


"Ahem... where is this?"

"Boss, you are finally awake."

"My fleet..."

"The whole army is wiped out..."

"Pfft..." Ge Xiaotian spat out blood, and the heart rate meter instantly turned into a straight line...


"Rescue, cardiopulmonary resuscitation..."

Holden couldn't bear it anymore, pushed open the hatch, and roared angrily: "Idiot! He just woke up, why did he say that the whole army was wiped out?"

"Mr. Huo, the really gone."


"My boss, directly plus indirect losses, as well as the fleet, conservatively estimated... Franklin lost 20 billion."



Before using cardiopulmonary resuscitation, someone suddenly sat up straight, his eyes widened, "I lost 20 billion Franklin?!"

Holden: "???"


Horton was the first to react, and stared wildly.

A brawny doctor understood, tried his best to smile, and shouted excitedly: "No, boss, you made a lot of money!"

"Oh, that's good, I'm hungry..."

"What to eat?"

"Preserved egg and lean pork porridge."


hula la...

Two strong men rush out the door...

Holden was a little confused, "Ge, how do you feel?"

"The feeling of making money is wonderful!"


"Old Huo, I've made money! I've made a lot of money!"


The corner of Horton's mouth twitched, and he suddenly cried...


The current situation of the local chicken is like a village tyrant taking a nap at home, and suddenly a guard with a sword rushes in chasing a salesman.

The salesman hid in the XZ, and the guards with swords slashed here and there, making the house a mess.

The village bully was very angry, and wanted to rush forward with a kitchen knife, but he was afraid that the big knife would fall on him.

So the village bully called the village chief who supported him.

But unfortunately, the power went out.

What's even more unfortunate is that the courtyard wall collapsed unexpectedly, and a group of outsiders who passed by saw their uncapped granary, and all of them had green eyes...

The village tyrant wanted to prevent foreigners from looting his own food, but he rushed up and saw that it was the village chief's family.

The village bully was very desperate, so he had no choice but to spread his anger on the big sword guard.

But when the big knife guards chased and killed the thieves, their own kitchen knives were gone (Haibu), the rolling pin was broken (Lubu, the bridge was blown up), and the dung fork and shovel were all thrown into the cesspit (Kuanbu, electronic silence). There are no weapons at hand.

In the end, the village bully decided to take his 'newly bought' bicycle and climb to the roof to hide.

But when he walked to the carport, he saw the salesman running away on his bicycle. Before leaving, he locked himself at home with the big knife guard.

This feeling……

The village bully thinks that the guard with a big sword of unknown origin will be taken away by the security sooner or later, so...

A hero does not suffer from immediate losses.



The surrender of the chickens shocked the world.

The native military ranked in the top ten on the home planet, and the second in Beiyue's military, unexpectedly surrendered to a mysterious fleet whose identity was not even confirmed.

A guide egg has not been launched, the tank has not yet been activated, the Haibu has only been bombed and sunk two frigates, and a dozen submarines have been bombed and sank, and that's it!

It is unbelievable that the mysterious fleet ignored the surrender of the turkeys and withdrew to the Black Sea overnight, saying that they would hunt down and kill Hitler...

Just as the United Fleet was heading to the Aegean Sea, intending to find out the identity of the opponent, a more shocking news spread throughout the home planet...

On September 11th, two civil aviation planes were hijacked and crashed into Buildings 1 and 2 of the North American Mother Planet Trade Center. Immediately afterwards, another civil aviation plane crashed into the Pentagon Congress Building in North America, and then another plane crashed...


Inside Zheng He's treasure ship.

"This world is crazy!"

Horton immediately knew what was happening in North America. Seeing someone accept the fact that Franklin lost 20 billion, instead of giving him an affectionate hug, "It's good to be alive."

"Yeah, it's good to be alive!"

Ge Xiaotian's fighting spirit still persisted, "Huo, you have to help me."

"no problem!"

"I hope you can increase the demand for Tianwei and warships. I want to use the money to farm in Northwest China."

Horton was stimulated by the mysterious fleet and pirates one after another, and remembered the Huo Dun Sea Guard Brigade someone proposed when Zheng He's fleet set sail. He nodded immediately, "As long as Ice Bear is willing to provide warships, I want as many as I want!"

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his drink and drank it all in one gulp, "By the way, I helped you contact the Xila flight, and I think it will arrive in North America tomorrow afternoon."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't keep the Horton Consortium, because the children, parents, and other relatives of this group of people were more or less in the trade center or the Pentagon Congress, or on the flight.

With the successful implementation of this plan, there is no need for Holden and others to continue to be hostages. It is better to play the emotional card and put them back to raise money to buy warships.

It's just that when treasure ships and large iron bumps sailed into the Aegean Sea one after another.

Ge Xiaotian didn't see the United Fleet.

Instead, I encountered the Greek wax fleet.

The other party seemed to know him, blew his whistle to say hello, and rushed towards the chicken without stopping...

"Dry the chicken!!!"

Almost at the same time.

Montenegro declared its formal independence to the outside world, formed the Adriatic Fleet, and notified all countries that had betrayed the Confederate Alliance to meet the wrath of the Yulavian fighting nation.

Bingxiong didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and he was also of the same family, so he took the lead in supporting it.

North America is in trouble and says nothing.

Italy, which is closest to Montenegro, protested weakly...

The collective silence of the European Union...

An hour later, Servi marveled at the economic development of Montenegro and incorporated it into Montenegro. (The relationship between the two countries itself is very strong, and the name of this period is: Serbia and Montenegro.)

Two hours later, Bulgaria, which is close to the Black Sea, was attacked by the Serbian and Montenegro army. The people launched a referendum. Three hours later, they joined Montenegro...

The territory of Montenegro was officially connected to the Black Sea and the Black Sea Fleet was formed.

Montenegro's first head of the sea has a very famous name: MacArthur.

Strangely, the mysterious fleet entered Ice Bear and was severely damaged and captured by the Ice Bear Black Sea Fleet, but there was no one on it...

Yes no one!

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