Build Madness

Chapter 667 I Can Prove It's Not...

Although the Nine Institutes did not participate in the large-scale iron lump procurement project, but as the head of Huaxia Aerospace Department, when the large iron lumps arrive in Hong Kong, they will definitely take over.

After taking over, it is necessary to transform the large iron bumps. The transformation requires technology, materials, shipyards, and corresponding equipment...

Logically speaking, the procurement of large-scale iron lumps has been established for several years, and these things should have been prepared long ago.

But who would have thought that he would be detained by the native chicken.

In the past three years, the equipment of the shipyard has been iterated, the transformation plan has been overturned, and even the shipboard technology is changing with each passing day...

Coincidentally, with the rise of Tiancheng Electric Industry, it has a more advanced shipyard, which can not only build 300,000-ton and 500,000-ton giant oil tankers, but also has smelting technology, research and development departments, mature experimental links, and more important channels for rare metals. (Siberia)

The Ninth Institute's call this time was to purchase a batch of new equipment from Ge Heizi.

The two parties have cooperated many times, and the relationship is extremely close in private. It is not a big deal to pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

But before he could say anything, the other party told him that the ship was complete.

You know, the construction rate of Varyag is only 68%.

If this ship is complete, it is indeed not a Varyag.


Ge Heizi's ability to fool people has risen to international heights.

"Really complete?"

"Yes, leader."

"Stop fooling me!"

"I never fool wait, let's go and see."

Ge Xiaotian unhurriedly put down his oxygen mask, picked up his crutches, and walked out of the cabin with three steps.

"Can you keep the camera from shaking?"

"My leg hurts..."


The fleet has sailed out of the Gulf of Aden and into the Arabian Sea.

As early as in the Turkey Strait, the fourth-level shipyard built a floating dock.

Concave shape, about 360 meters long, 88 meters wide and 32 meters deep, with a lifting capacity of 90,000 tons.

Now, the floating dock has "swallowed" a large iron lump and started a systematic restoration.

The fleet consisting of thousands of ships is gone, and all the strong men are gathered here. There are many people and strength, and the family does not lack technology, and the recovery progress is fast.

Brand-new deck, beautiful hull, advanced ship island, and many steam catapults, landing arresting cables, anti-missile radar, anti-missile system, carrier-based aircraft lifts...

Observing through the camera for a moment, Jiusuo has every reason to believe that this is indeed not Varyag.

Because its construction rate has reached 80%!

From 68% to 80%, it will take at least half a year, and it has only been a week since Zheng He's fleet escaped from the Tuji Strait.


Ge Heizi picked up an aircraft carrier?

What's wrong with this world?

It's too crazy, right?

Jiusuo was numb for a long time, remembering what happened in North America...

Well, it's crazier over there.

Of course, it is also possible that this kid bought another one.

After all, there are restrictions in the country.

"You mean, Varyag is still in Tuji?"

"Yes, I saw it!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded seriously, "It's just that the Xiwa Shipping Company went bankrupt and lost the tugboat. My side suffered heavy losses, and I couldn't bring it back as planned. By the way, the leader, I picked up this ship in the Black Sea." , it should be arranged by Ice Bear in the mysterious fleet, and then we circled the Black Sea, and it fell behind, so I picked it up."


Left behind?

Jiusuo suddenly remembered the rumor that the mysterious fleet was an ice bear.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.


This kid acted as a local chicken with the ice bear!

The laggard carrier... I'm afraid it wasn't the appearance fee given by Ice Bear, right? !

Jiusuo's eyes lit up, as if seeing the truth.

"Leader, hurry up and contact Tuji, Xilu has already beaten it, don't let the big iron lump be snatched away."

Ge Xiaotian doesn't know where the nine is.

I just feel that if I want to make trouble, I must fool all the nine institutes. Otherwise, how can the leaders really want Varyag from the local chicken?

Of course, the ship had to be seen to make those deceitful deals.


What about my flight? !

Of course, the most important thing now is to transform the large iron bumps.

Install a Maozi-style gas turbine, paired with a carrier-based aircraft with a rocket engine...

Regardless of whether it can be used or not, at least it can be confirmed that this aircraft carrier is indeed not Varyag when the Mother Planet Joint Conference sends people to investigate.

As for whether Maozi will ask his family for this carrier...

They have not lost themselves, what do they want?

Besides, the other party will come to ask for it soon.



September 20th.

The manager of Ice Bear Far East, the old man with the white beard called.

"Dear Ge, long time no see, how are you?"

"Sorry, old man, I was seriously injured and almost died."

"It's really bad news...Ge, you know, we didn't make those ghost things."

"Yes, I know, that fleet came from the abyss."


"They are undead from World War II."

"my God!"

I don't know if the white-bearded old man really believed it or if he did it falsely. He sighed, and then said: "Ge, we need you to prove that we really didn't make that damn thing."

"Sure, it should be, we are friends!"

"Yay! Great, we're brothers!"

"Yes, brother!"

Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, "My words are groundless, we'd better salvage the ghost thing that sank into the Black Sea."

"Two thousand meters deep sea..."

"We, Tiancheng, are the only company on our home planet that can carry out thousand-meter deep-sea salvage!"

"Oh yes, that's great!"

"Then it's decided?"

"Great, bro!"

"Then let me make a statement for you first?"

"no problem!"

Ge Xiaotian put down the satellite phone with a smile, returned to the cabin, edited a manuscript, and uploaded it to the Baixiaotong information platform.

Tiancheng International Holdings Group solemnly declares: The mysterious fleet encountered by our company is not an ice bear in disguise, but a World War II undead from the abyss...

In an instant, the major forums exploded.

"This reason... is too ridiculous?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it. The mysterious fleet chased down the NT fleet and almost brought down the tuji. It was indeed a conspiracy by Ice Bear and Ge Laoer."

"I believe it too!"

"There is no three hundred taels of silver here! What a god, the undead of World War II!"

Forwarded by overseas forums...

Overseas Internet was in an uproar...

Chairman Wajima: Ridiculous! Be embarrassed! Two actors!


The old man with the white beard called again.

"Ge, can you change your reason?"

Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, "But I really met the undead of World War II, I can't lie, or it would be too fake."


"Don't worry, old man. When we salvage the ghost fleet, everything will be revealed."

"Yes, when will your salvage ship arrive?"

"Half a month later, early October."


"you are welcome!"

Ge Xiaotian put down the satellite phone, patted the tabletop, and called Daoyi, "When salvaging, wait for the wreckage of the battleship to rise to a certain height, and remember to arrange for someone to go down to recover it."


"At the end of the salvage, there was nothing. This proves that I really met the undead. I never tell lies."

"Yes, Ice Bear participated in the salvage at the scene, so he might believe it. But the other countries on the home planet would not believe it. They would only think that you colluded with Ice Bear to engage in this conspiracy, and then partnered up to stage a show. So, this scapegoat, Ice Bear has decided."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, opened the personnel file, and contacted the president of Tiancheng International Holdings, Master Yizhu, "Ice Bear was sanctioned in the European region, and a large number of developers withdrew from Mocos. Who do you think should be sent to Mocos to form a new company?"

"The five brothers 'Hong Zeng Huang Lu Lan'?"

"I like it very much."

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