Build Madness

Chapter 669 Boss Ge went bankrupt and sold the shop

Controlling a group is an art.

Tiancheng is no longer a small company, such as personnel changes, capital turnover, city-level projects, and the development of emerging industries, Ge Xiaotian just understands and almost completely delegates power.

He believes that the professional manager team composed of 5,000 masters can control the details well, otherwise...

The consequences are not as simple as throwing Africa as a barber.

However, the professional manager belongs to the professional manager. After the planning department is cancelled, the heavy responsibility of formulating the development direction falls on him, the big boss.

This was also the big problem that Seng Yi reminded him of in the Tiancheng Aerospace Department before he took over the president of Tiancheng.

The planning department is loyal, but in the fight against the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, it has more than kept its achievements and not developed enough, which made Director Xu Cheng stay behind bars many times without formulating a corresponding plan. Obviously, what he did was very unqualified.

Ge Xiaotian knew that this was the reason of the strong man himself, his thinking was limited by the system, in other words, he couldn't change jobs to manage, and his growth limit was low, so he didn't express dissatisfaction with the planning department, but just disbanded to move bricks.

Now that the plan falls on him, the voyage is long, and he happens to have time, so he naturally has to think carefully about where the chariot of Tiancheng should drive next.


Forget it, the hometown of the leading brother was demolished, and this society is sharpening his 40-meter-long sword. Although Laden was fighting in another time and space, but the time and space are different, who knows if he will stare at me , or Old Wang...

Not afraid of death, but really afraid of death.

In addition, overseas there are Odyssey Antisoft Group of Dao Er and Nong Qi Jiu, Xu Ling and his wife, Africa Tiancheng Group of Dao Wu and Monk Wu, Red Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue are responsible for the new Mox project, Dao San’s Neobras, Monk Two Okhotsk shipyards, monk three's oil painting processing factory, monk four's polar fish farm...

"By the way, where's Dao Si?"

"After talking with Lao Wang about the SG pad authorized dealer in Southeast Asia, we returned to China together."

"Let him go to the South Pole."

"Huh? We don't have a base in Antarctica."

"He's gone."


Denying overseas development, Ge Xiaotian re-examined the Southern China market.

The disbandment of the Modu Chamber of Commerce does not mean that there are no other chambers of commerce in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Xijiang Bashu, and Guangdong and Guangxi.

The south is richer than the north, and there are many big bosses, such as Erma from another time and space, who are representative figures.

Although there are no two horses in this time and space, there may be two bulls...

Otherwise, how could Wei Changfeng, such a powerful person, be kicked out of Jiangnan and almost become a bereaved dog.

It took a long time for Tiancheng to settle in Jianfu.

When you submit a large iron lump, you can also eat the big cake of the magic city.

In addition, Zaoshi New City, Modern Film and Television City, Little Suzhou Project...

Need to be steady.

Growing up too fast, without the support of big people, will end sooner or later.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian came up with Lao Hong's "big plane" plan.

The plan was to march into the Great Northwest.

After all, there was no railway or highway in 2001.

If you want to develop, like in Africa, you must first build infrastructure, such as power plants, brick and tile factories, cement factories, heavy industry, light industry...

To prepare these, means of transportation are needed.

Without railways and high speeds, large planes are the best choice.

At present, with the help of Daochang, Lao Hong has successfully broken through the technology tree by relying on the An Yi Er produced by the system, and activated the Il Seven Six in the 1970s, with a single transport volume of 160 tons.

However, compared to the current freight and passenger transport, it is still very backward, and it cannot meet Tiancheng's requirement of transporting 200 tons per rack.

If you want to break through again, you must analyze An 125, or Mia VM, or An 225.

As for Boeing or something...

Ge Xiaotian didn't think about it.

One is that the large Boeing aircraft cannot be obtained, so it cannot be analyzed.

The second is that even if Boeing can be analyzed, the parts of the other party are too sophisticated, and the restoration process is cumbersome and slow. It is better to make a rough style of Maozi, dismantle it with a clang, spend more iron ore, and it will become a new one in a short time.

In addition, the company uses pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbines, which can only match Maozi's aircraft design and manufacturing process at present.

"Inform Lao Hong to stabilize the 160-ton Il-76 first, and try to build ten emergency ones."

"Boss, there is no aircraft factory over there, and we don't have any in China, so we need to apply."

"Then you should deal with it as soon as possible, especially in the Northwest... Let's build a pilot agricultural airport in Zhangye first."

"need money……"


"You're out of money..."


"The domestic account funds were allocated to Dongshan Agriculture and Dongshan Heavy Industry before sailing to the west. Foreign accounts were transferred to Longtian Technology and Wanshi Technology to fight against computer manufacturers. This time we went to sea, we only made a fortune in Taiwan Province, but the funds transferred Give it to Chen Feng to implement the rubber tree planting plan."

"All gone?"

"Yes, the offshore company made 20 billion Franklin by shorting the native chicken, but the stock king's boss is too tight, and now he can't cash it out..."

"There is no profit in other industries?"

"Washima Ninja Express has 200 billion Japanese coins, which is roughly equivalent to 2 billion Franklins, and Niobras has 80 billion rubles, which is almost equivalent to one billion Franklins, adding up to 3 build aircraft factories, It is not enough to buy land for agricultural airports and build ten large planes."


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, and opened the accounts of Tianhao and Tianbo Group.

It was found that the two holding groups are all developing new projects, and the balance is only two to three billion.

And Tianheng is doing its best to produce a new generation of Sancha Wuling, Sancha Great Wall, and a new generation of Tianba Dongba Tua, and there is not much cash.

Tianwei, Tianle Tourism, etc. are preparing for the Daqingshan Ancient Cultural Center...

Tianyu, which was originally very rich, went to Nanhe, Beihe, Xishan, and Shaanxi to expand movie theaters and build surrounding cultural and entertainment centers, and even started to borrow money.

Ge Xiaotian also wanted a loan.


Doesn't the loan mean that he has no money?

What is the face?

"How much is the house price in Xingyue Bay now?"

"The average price in prefecture-level cities is 3,200, second only to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou."

"Well enough."

After the innovation of the industrial base, the value of the Xingyuewan industrial chain has far exceeded that of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Even the chairman of the board cannot deny this.

According to Mr. Yu, in the first half of this year, Dongshan’s GDP exceeded one trillion yuan, and it is expected to exceed two trillion yuan in the second half of the year. This speed is second to second, and the mother star is the first.

So, Mr. Yu asked him to brake...

Driven by this general environment, income growth, consumption growth, and living standards will increase, and housing prices will definitely rise sharply.

The value of Xingyue Bay increased by three times, or Tiancheng deliberately suppressed it, otherwise it would break five times in minutes, or even collapse...

This is the main reason why Tiancheng buys affordable housing and rents it out at a low price.

After all, the locals earn a lot and consume a lot, and the immigrant population can't keep up at the beginning, which is very detrimental to population growth.

Only by finding a way to level the bowl can we win together.

Ge Xiaotian turned over the Xingyuewan industrial chain assets.

Taking Dongshan as an example, the first phase of Xingyue Bay belongs to the city Xingyue Bay, and the second phase belongs to the county town of Xingyue Bay.

As far as the city is concerned, the managers of each branch independently develop the second, third, and fourth phases of the city...

Therefore, the Xingyuewan industrial chain already has more than 300,000 residents.

Where did the money go?

The fifth, sixth and seventh phases of investment...

As long as there is something to buy, as long as it is registered through the smart card, it will continue to be built.

But according to the old tradition, all Xingyuewan shops, including the door stores after the second phase, are all leased by member companies of the Chamber of Commerce, and are not sold externally.

The price of shops has quadrupled. It is reasonable to say that in such a favorable environment, it is not suitable for a large number of sell-offs.

But Ge Xiaotian understands that according to his family's concept of "non-stop construction", the housing price will be locked between 3000 and 4000.

The possibility of continuing to climb is very small, and it will only follow income and consumption, slowly crawling.

Therefore, it is time to sell all the front houses and shops under its banner.

In addition, under the promotion of Tiancheng, Tianheng Automobile Trade has sold a lot of cars. According to the order of Xingyue Bay's construction, a batch of parking spaces can also be sold...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, turned on Shi Guangji, and logged into the Baixiaotong information platform.


The whole Internet is talking about his loss of money.

Ge Erdan's vest was blocked, and he has more.

Find an account that has nothing to do with you...

Passerby A: "Didn't you watch the news?"


"Ge Erer is selling assets!"

"true and false?"

"Really, the shops in the Xingyuewan industrial chain have quoted."

"Didn't Tian Cheng say to keep the shop and not sell it to the outside world?"

"It's on sale, I guess the second child really can't bear it, the average price is only 5,000 yuan!"

"Damn it, it's so expensive!"

"It's so expensive!"

"Not expensive..."


Ge Xiaotian immediately became unhappy, "Is it expensive? It's cheap, okay? You have to consider the meaning of the store, offline retail, online shopping, chamber of commerce resources, chamber of commerce contacts, as long as you are willing to do business, Tiancheng has plenty of ways to help you make a fortune. But an alternative angel investment platform! Let you reborn and become a springboard for the boss! Also, the value of the shops themselves is not low. In the future, Xingyue Bay will eventually become the city center of various cities. Higher. The most important thing is that a shrewd person like Ge Wanwan is now selling his assets at a low price, which shows that he really has no money. Continue to fund. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"Father-in-law, you've been exposed!"

"Buy it or not?"

"No Money!"

"Loan, zero down payment!"

"Buy buy buy..."

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