Build Madness

Chapter 671: Church Security

As early as when he left the Gulf of Aden, Nong Qijiu sent security guards to the church.

Different from the regularization and professionalization of Hua Xiawei, and also different from North American Huo Dun's ruthlessness in dealing with local blacklists, the personnel of the European Holy Church are all full-level troops who have experienced the test of war and have been evacuated from various war-torn areas. .

They are not the spearmen of Tianwei, the monks of the Boss Guards, or the elite heavy cavalry of Huo Dun, but the modern arms of the fourth-level town center.

Example: Infantry, Artillery, Signal Corps...

After the infantry reaches the full level, they can be transferred to engineers, assault soldiers, scouts...

After reaching the full level of artillery, you can transfer to elite artillery, tank soldiers, pilot soldiers...

After reaching the full level of communication soldiers, they can be transferred to radar soldiers, aviation soldiers, signal countermeasure soldiers...

If the second-generation arms reach full level again, they will break through the technology tree limit and be transferred to modern arms.

However, the next job change requires too much professional experience, and it is difficult to achieve it in a short time.

However, modern arms equipped with modern armaments, relying on the combat capabilities endowed by the system and the survival experience accumulated in war-torn areas, their overall strength is no worse than that of North American soldiers. I believe that in time, they can catch up with the Chinese Army.

And the mysterious fleet's calamity to the chickens relies on these modern arms.

Otherwise, being restricted by the system, one's own side would not even be able to fire a gun...

The Temple Security Brigade sent by Nong Qijiu has a 5,000-ton medium-sized destroyer, which belongs to the Montenegro Sea Department.

After receiving the notification from Zheng He's treasure ship, the Holy Church immediately intercepted the pirates.

Before the ship adjusted its direction, the naval guns fired, and released three laser-guided torpedoes, and three laser-guided anti-ship missiles...

After all, it is whitewashed, showing high technology is tantamount to proving its own strength to Europe and the United States, showing that it can fight against the ice bear, and then asking for more advanced technical support.

Moreover, the Destroyer is a heavy firepower ship with a certain amount of armor, while the frigate is a small ship without armor defense, and even its own armament is far lower than that of the Destroyer.

Now, the Sanctuary expels the frigate against the pirates, one against three, no pressure...


In the camouflaged frigate.

Two men with almost brown skin are communicating.

"According to the information provided by Xiangjiang, the other side only has two ships, a wooden sightseeing boat, and a non-functional aircraft carrier."

"As long as we grab the carrier, we will be able to dominate Sangeyang!"

"Don't procrastinate, make a quick decision..."


"Report, found a heavy fire to expel!"

"Report, the other party released the torpedo..."

"Report, the other party is approaching. Looking at the clothes, they are all dark green camouflage like the war-torn areas of Eastern Europe..."

"Report, electronic equipment under attack..."

"Report, our radar has lost its target..."


The staff of the church fully demonstrated the demeanor of hunting chickens.

Fast, precise, fearless...

While shelling and releasing torpedoes, they walked around the periphery of the enemy army.

When the three camouflaged warships misfired, they immediately launched a charge and launched a boarding battle...

Water cannon shocks, smoke bombs, flash bombs, anesthesia bombs...

chug chug...

There were only two bursts of gunshots...

Before Ge Xiaotian finished his cup of code, more than three hundred men who looked like black men were tied up and brought onto the deck of Zheng He's treasure ship.

"Third brother's person?"

"Mr. Ge, a camouflaged warship was seriously damaged and sank two hours later." The person in charge of the church reminded.


Ge Xiaotian didn't care about the address, and if he agreed that it wasn't his own Tianwei, then they would always be the Holy Church.

"Old man, notify the floating dock, move the place, fix, modify it!"

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian stood up suddenly, and carefully looked at the three frigates emitting thick smoke on the sea.

Then dial nine satellite phones.

"Old man, you may not believe me, but I picked up three more 2,000-ton frigates."


There was a long silence on the other side, "Where are you?"

"Drawing the aircraft, the sailing speed is a bit slow, and it will take three days to enter the Straits of Malacca."

"The southern part of Maliu is relatively remote, and many cargo ships that choose to detour often have accidents there. Maybe you can pick up more."

"good idea!"

"I'm joking, can't you hear me?"

"No, I think this suggestion is very good."

"The night is long and the dream is full. Haibu has already gone to the South China Sea to pick up the car, and the car will meet on time in five days."

"Then I'll take the bodyguards and come..."

Before Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly heard a piercing sound.

Look up to the sky.

Two aerial refueling planes, a large early warning plane, and a chubby transport plane, escorted by more than a dozen war bean planes, went straight to the west...

"A fight?"

"It's the North American Sartre military exercise." Dao Yi replied.

"go home."

"Aren't you picking up warships?"

"What should I do if I get beaten?"

"Then these pirates?"

"Ask the third brother if he will pay the ransom, or throw him into the sea if he doesn't..."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he thought for a while, "No, we can't let the third brother know that we did it, or we will definitely ask for the frigate."

"Throw it directly into the sea to feed the sharks?"

"Waste, isn't it good to send Africa to dig diamonds?"

"That makes sense, but we don't have a boat."

"Wait until the Sixth Strait of Malaya, buy a small freighter, and by chance, the Ministry of the Sea came to meet us, and asked the Holy Church to expel the mutual delivery ship to South Africa."


The noisy September is gone, and the more lively October is coming.

The first thing that caused a global sensation was that Ice Bear joined forces with NT to salvage the mysterious fleet, but found nothing.

This directly confirms that the two parties are colluding and acting together as local chickens.

In this regard, Ge Xiaotian tried his best to defend.

But the ice bear was ridiculed by Ouqi, and became angry from embarrassment: I did it! Not only did I do it, I want to do it again!

Well, the Ice Bear Black Sea Fleet entered the Tuji Strait and confronted the Black Sea Fleet from Montenegro. The situation in Europe is tense...

And domestic.

During the 11th Golden Week, Tiancheng's various industries exploded one after another, tourism, retail, real estate, all booming.

The shops are sold out, most of the parking spaces are sold, and the rent and property fees of the previous quarter have been collected...

Monthly income of 300 billion red notes.

At the same time, Dongshan, Nanhe, Beihe, and the primary and secondary school sports meeting were held grandly in the Lotus Sports Center for a period of one week.

Affected by festivals, tickets are given away for free, and the venue is full...

In addition, the 2nd XBA League launched a 1 billion Franklin bonus and sent invitations to basketball fans around the world.

In North America, Europe, South America, etc., many professional teams are attracted by huge bonuses.

The qualifiers will start on time on October 15th.

October 7th.

The European Templar destroyer and a small freighter headed for Africa.

Zheng He's treasure ship and the large iron lump under maintenance safely passed through the Strait of Maliu, and successfully joined forces with the Haibu who came to meet him in the South China Sea.

Two destroyers and six escorts.

This is the full fleet that is going to visit the European countries in ten days.

In 2001, although Haibu was far behind North America, it had already improved a lot compared to before opening up.

Since Tianwei and Haibu have developed many friendships in NT aviation, the large iron bumps were lifted and wrapped by the huge floating dock, and their own engineering islands were also wandering around the coast of China. The electrical industry plays and doesn't make much of a show.

Of course, it is also possible that because there is a carrier-based aircraft in the large iron lump, the superior did not tell the fleet the specific information in order to keep it secret.

As for Ge Xiaotian, he didn't see the fleet leader either.

Five days later, through the Taiwan Strait.

On the same day, North America launched the European War, sent troops to attack Afghanistan, and threatened to capture Harden alive...

Another three days later, the NT fleet arrived at Dongjiawan, Qinggang.

There is a shipyard under Tiancheng Electric Industry here, which has a manufacturing capacity of 300,000 tons and 500,000 tons of oil tankers, and the acceptance, maintenance, and renovation of aircraft carriers will naturally be here.

However, the harbor was very quiet, and there were no people to be seen at all.

But Ge Xiaotian knew that all the bosses in N were watching him...

Zheng He's treasure ship went to another wharf in Qinggang, and the floating dock began to unload the lifted large iron bumps.

The floating dock absorbs water, sinks...

The drone fell into the water...

The floating dock opens the boxes on both sides and slowly retreats...

hula la...

rough seas...

At this moment, a group of big bosses appeared collectively.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly and pressed the button.

A familiar melody came, and a red flag slowly rose in the brand-new aircraft...

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