Build Madness

Chapter 677 From the perspective of a contractor...


Tiancheng Electric Industrial Shipyard Guest House.

Hearing the report from the staff, the scene of the celebration banquet was instantly quiet.

There are more than ten layers of large iron lumps just below the flight deck. The cabins, hangars, and ammunition depots on each floor add up to more than 3,800 rooms, and the passages inside the aircraft are even more connected. Up to tens of kilometers.

Just like the construction industry needs design drawings, structural drawings, and construction drawings.

Architectural drawing: It expresses the building function, room layout, plane and vertical traffic organization, appearance, interior and exterior decoration, etc.

Structural drawing: It expresses the layout of structural components in the building, the selection of component materials, component selection and component methods, including reinforcement for concrete structures.

Construction drawing: it is the drawing completed in the construction stage, the main purpose is to guide the construction and serve as the basis for the completion acceptance.

The same is true for transforming or building large iron lumps.

To build 3,800 sets of commercial houses, Tiancheng had to set aside a 500-square-meter hall to store drawings, and arrange nearly a thousand custodians, technicians, and countless equipment to carry out remote coordination or on-site command construction, not to mention tens of kilometers of passages The Iron Hull?

If there is a problem with the drawing...

It loses the meaning of buying large iron bumps.

The Nine Institutes had no time to greet the deputy director and left in a hurry.

Xiang Jianghao, who was in charge of purchasing large iron bumps, walked aside and contacted Wuxiong Heihai Shipyard.

The deputy director immediately stood up, and then sat back to his original seat, "Let's not go there, it will save manpower and cause trouble."

The waiting time was a bit awkward, but no one cared about it.

Ge Xiaotian searched for relevant information in his mind.

In another time and space, dragging back the large iron lump is far more tortuous than this time and space.

After leaving Tuji at a great price, due to the frequent wars in the Red Sea, the superior decided to cross the Mediterranean Sea, circumnavigate Africa, and almost ran to the Antarctic. On the way, he encountered two sea storms day and night and almost sank. It took a year and a half to arrive at Lianda Port.

It didn't take long before there were many rumors about the drawings on the Internet.

Some said that under the pressure, the black bear only demolished the large iron lump peripheral equipment, and kept the core of the aircraft, including forty tons of blueprints.

Some said that under pressure from Western countries, the black bear dismantled all circuits and pipes, and even used blasting to turn large iron bumps into empty shells, without any blueprints at all.

Some also said that the rich man in Xiangjiang who purchased the large iron lump contacted the Wuxiong Shipyard through personal relationships, talked about shares with the other party, and produced spare drawings.

Recalling all kinds of things, corresponding to what happened now, Ge Xiaotian prefers the second statement.

The floating dock analyzed large iron bumps. He entered the cabin once, and the inside was dilapidated. The electrical system, piping system, and power system were either dismantled or blown up, and there was no learning value at all.

Therefore, Tiancheng only increased the construction rate from 69% to 85%.

It mainly includes decks, ship islands, arresting cables, catapults, a hangar, and shell repairs.

The rest are: decoration, which occupies 5% of the construction rate, and the wiring system, which occupies 10% of the construction rate.

'This is troublesome. '

The large iron lump is analyzed, the blueprint is automatically generated, and then the small aircraft is activated. The progress of the medium-sized aircraft analysis is equal to the construction rate of the large iron lump, both at 85%.

Ge Xiaotian originally planned to help the Ninth Institute complete the large-scale iron lump in advance, so that the other party can complete the remaining 15% as soon as possible.

Then, in the name of a visit, he came up for a stroll, copied the routing system, and activated the medium-sized aircraft...

But now there is a problem with the drawing...


Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered another thing.

In another time and space, after the return of the large iron lump, Huaxia had built many concrete aircraft carriers.

According to reports, one is to train carrier-based aircraft pilots, and the other is to save the cost of going to sea for real aircraft...

But if you think about it carefully from the perspective of the contractor, plus the few aircraft purchased before, if there is no blueprint, it may be reversed...

Push back!

This is a 'stupid' method often used in manufacturing and construction industries, but it is also the most effective method.

For example, there is no blueprint for an old building, which has special meaning and cannot be demolished. If you want to restore or copy it, it is best to use cheap building materials to make a 1:1 imitation.

And when one's own technology meets the requirements, real objects can be built.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian can almost be sure that the blueprint of the large iron bump has been tampered with, or... it is not a blueprint.


This also gave him an inspiration.

If you build a cement aircraft, design and complete the electrical system, piping system, and try to decorate yourself...

Doesn't it mean that they can not only make aircraft blueprints, but also activate medium-sized aircraft?

And, if it is successfully activated, does it mean that it can rely on cement aircraft to activate large aircraft, or even super aircraft?


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh...

The celebration banquet was very quiet, and a single sentence woke up the audience.

Fortunately, Jiusuo returned in a hurry.

"It's all old waste paper, and there is no complete blueprint that Wu Xiong said."

The faces of the leaders at the scene were all a little embarrassed.

Ge Xiaotian, as the person in charge of dragging back the large iron lump, remembered that he might sell the design drawings of the aircraft in the future, and was worried that his superiors suspected that he had embezzled the design drawings of the large iron lump, so he quickly said:

"It's my fault that I didn't know about this. Otherwise, when I was a native chicken, I went to the archives room to check and found no blueprints, so I took the opportunity to ask Wuxiong for it. Under the cannon, I believe they dare not refuse."

"I don't blame you, Mao Xiong belongs to the consortium to build the aircraft carrier. The blueprint is divided into two parts. The core technology is called 'Northern Blueprint', which is stored in Mox, and the construction technology is called 'Southern Blueprint', which is stored in the shipyard. The sale of the aircraft carrier by Black Bear is opposed by Western countries, and it is imperative to destroy the structure of the aircraft carrier. As for the blueprint, it should be done by Ice Bear's intelligence personnel."

The deputy director explained, looking at the Ninth Institute, "Can you continue to work?"

"It's hard."

"The black bear has no hanger, and the ice bear is unwilling to sell..."

Ge Xiaotian didn't interrupt.

The aircraft that the Ministry of Ice Bear Haibu sold to him were either small aircraft of less than 40,000 tons, or rags from the 1940s and 1950s, which were of no help to China's aviation program.

Moreover, the system analyzes the large-scale iron bumps, and the generated drawings are optimized products. If Jiusuo wants the drawings of large-scale iron bumps, he will not be able to produce them at all.

The most important thing is that the drawings are all in the system, that is, in my mind, there are almost 800,000 drawings...

In conversion, it is twice as much as the rumored forty tons.

The system and the brain cannot be connected to the computer. If you want to bring the drawings to reality, you must hand-paint 80 tons of drawings...

Ge Xiaotian swallowed his saliva, feeling a little guilty.

This has to be painted until the year of the monkey?

The young white-headed man diagonally across from him quietly gestured with his mouth: "It's time to show real skills!"


You thought this was a sports center!

Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes, picked up the teacup to moisten his throat.

next moment.

The deputy director and the Jiu Institute looked at him in unison.

The nine institutes took the lead in speaking:

"Tiancheng has a lot of research on shipbuilding technology. Is there a way to rely on real objects and high-tech to come up with drawings of large iron bumps?"

"no way."

The deputy director and Jiusuo were a little disappointed.

Immediately afterwards.

Ge Xiaotian's voice changed, "We can make better ones, our own."


"We have all the blueprints for the small aircraft, that is, the NT aircraft."

"When did you crack the small aircraft?"

"It was done last year."


"We can refer to the blueprint of the small-sized aircraft and combine the incomplete technology of the medium-sized aircraft to build a cement version of the medium-sized aircraft."


"It's better to build a few more ships. First, it can be used to train carrier-based aircraft pilots and train flight crews. Second, the cement flight carrier can be modified and built at will, and even go to sea. After it is formed, this is our own design. And the new generation of aircraft research and development, with blueprints, talents, and materials, will the finished steel products be far behind?"

"Actually, I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Suddenly, the deputy director clapped his hands, "It's better for us to understand the construction quickly!"

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

other people:"???"

When did you start building?

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