Build Madness

Chapter 680 This kid... is as wise as a monster!

Hearing that Ge Xiaotian wanted to set up a major in aviation for Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, the deputy director looked around at the well-decorated VR aviation and thought a lot.

Tiancheng technical secondary school has a detached position in the ranks of technical colleges.

First, Tiancheng distributed the simulators of supplementary professional courses to all technical colleges for free, so that students who can't understand the literature and learn the science can make rapid progress. This move has won the appreciation of countless senior technicians, engineers and professors in various fields. (for selling SG computers)

Second, at regular intervals, Tiancheng will release a batch of advanced technologies and update professional teaching materials in various fields that have been lagging behind for more than ten years. (In order to popularize the Tiancheng standard)

The third is that the innovation of Dongshan's light industry and heavy industry has driven the surrounding areas and brought earth-shaking changes to the manufacturing industry.

Fourth, the military department made an exception to recruit 1,000 students from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, including mechanical maintenance students, electrical automation students, computer control students, tank pilot students, helicopter pilot students...

Now that Tiancheng Technical Secondary School is going to offer aviation courses, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.


Aviation is the most complex system engineering in human history.

From the perspective of design and manufacturing, it involves technologies in many basic industrial fields such as electronics, machinery, metallurgy, aviation, aerospace, and materials.

From the perspective of operation and maintenance, it involves technologies in high-tech fields such as energy power, remote control, electrical automation, and computer control.

In terms of combat organization, it involves sonar detection, electronic jamming, control and guidance and other confidential technologies.

Tiancheng Technical Secondary School has high-quality majors covering the whole industry, and the majors are connected with each other, which undoubtedly greatly saves the time for coordinating the establishment of new courses by colleges and universities and cultivating technical talents for the aviation industry.

In other words, the rich and powerful Tiancheng technical secondary school went forward to explore the way first, and the military school with insufficient funds accumulated experience later.

In addition, Tiancheng has the most advanced shipyard, and also has the ability to manufacture and repair aircraft, and even has the technology to operate the aircraft. With such a complete industrial chain, it can save one-third of the cost.

The most important thing is that when Tiancheng's small aircraft was put into operation, someone met with the three leaders of the Haibu in the capital, but made it clear: If the higher-ups have a need, as long as Tiancheng's aircraft is in Hong Kong, we can complete it within six hours. Refitted and equipped with corresponding supply ships, frigates, and helicopters, they will be handed over to the Ministry of the Sea for free to support operations.

This is also the main reason why the superiors allowed Tian Cheng to engage in small aircraft, and even agreed to purchase the second and third aircraft.

Another is that the mobile castle on the sea can accommodate thousands of people.

Where there are people, there is a need.

For example, in this VR, bedding, toiletries, daily necessities, express delivery service, catering service, and cleaning service are matched with the airliner.

For example, the "fresh air conditioner two-in-one system" equipped in VR, refrigerator freezer water heater, teacup computer toilet paper, table cushion chair headrest leather, tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea snacks...

For Tian Cheng, almost all of these are ready-made.

And relying on the complete supply and demand chain created by Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, it can also ensure that combatants have no worries and reduce many cumbersome problems caused by quality.

At least, if something goes wrong, find this kid.


In China, there is no such thing as a monopoly, without Tian Cheng, there are other chambers of commerce, such as Shen Zhipeng.

The point is, this kid dares to do it.

The cement aircraft carrier plan is unimaginable, and it is bound to be blocked by other members of the board of directors. It is called: a waste of people and money.

It takes time and effort for the two sides to argue. The short term may be three or four years, and the long term plan may run aground.

But there is this kid, depending on the personality of the other party, there is a high probability that he will use Tiancheng's funds to build a few ships first...


Has this kid already thought of this problem?

Planning to use a roundabout strategy, first to have a professional aircraft carrier, and then use the establishment of a training base as an excuse to build a concrete aircraft carrier?

This will not only ensure the smooth implementation of the Communist Party, but also attract infamy.

After all, the family does not have a real aircraft carrier, but now it builds a concrete aircraft carrier, and it will definitely be ridiculed by the western countries: hope for plums to quench thirst.

And Tian Cheng stepped forward...

Obviously there wouldn't be so many complications.

The deputy director took a deep breath.


That's right, is it a fool to make Tiancheng bigger and stronger?

I'm afraid it wasn't the thousand-year-old fox who rebuilt it...

Thinking of this, the deputy director exited the experience mode.

After walking to the static server and thinking for a long time, everyone took off their helmets and said seriously:

"Your kid's appetite is really overwhelming!"

"Leader, we set up the aviation profession not to train fighters, but to explore the development of a new generation of large ships and provide them with more humane logistics services."

Ge Xiaotian has never been stage-frightened. Facing the powerful deputy director, he said weakly: "We only manufacture aircrafts, but we don't use aircrafts."

"Such as North American Broadcasting, General Motors, etc., which seem to produce commercial products, but are actually engaged in arms manufacturers?"

"No, that's an evil capitalist. I'm a national entrepreneur working hard to revitalize China."

Thinking of the previous speculation, the deputy director was immediately amused, and he was even more sure that this kid would solve his and the chairman's problems, "Tiancheng's achievements in the past two years have been witnessed by the superiors. I believe in Tiancheng."

"Thank you leader!"


On the way back to Tiancheng Shipyard Guest House.

The deputy director saw that he was surrounded by his own people, and greeted him, "Old Yu, this kid is not simple."

"Hehe, it's good."

"Oh? Judging from what you mean, it seems that you understand it well?"

"I've counted Huaxia, is there a second Ge Xiaotian?"

"Ha ha……"

"It's rare to be confused, otherwise how could there be a comeback."

"I'm afraid that in the future..."

"At least everything is fine for now."

"It's just you, someone else..."

"The leaders of Jianfu University and Nanhe University will also be like me. They will not be suspicious of people, and they will not be used. We need a breakthrough, and he is the one in the new era who dares to carry the first medicine bag and rush to North America."



After seeing off the bosses, Ge Xiaotian left the dust-free computer room, walked into the temporary rest area, saw his own people all around, and immediately turned on the system.

Originally, the Nine Institutes had given the aircraft maintenance project, and the superior leader had given the cement aircraft construction project, so there was absolutely no need for him to set up an aircraft course for Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

But at noon yesterday, on October 16, an important reminder popped up in the system year summary report.

‘Hey, congratulations, the sphere of influence at this stage has broken through 10,000 square kilometers. ’ (Dao Er and Nong Qijiu’s Black Mountain)

'You need strong force to defend your sovereignty, please build two aircraft formations with large aircraft. '

'Validity: five years. '

'If it is not achieved, in the redemption list, cancel the aircraft series, and you will no longer have it in the future. '

'After reaching it, activate the super carrier, and the first ship will be free. '

After carefully reviewing the questions three times, Ge Xiaotian discovered a system bug again.

The requirement is to build two fleets of aircraft with large aircraft, not to own them.

He can sell a batch of them to the Haibu, and he can also exchange for a free super aircraft, and sell them again...

The setting of aviation courses for technical secondary schools is only for the study of large aircraft.

After all, this thing is really too complicated.

Design, smelting, manufacturing, armaments... all involve hundreds of industries.

If you don't set up a school, how can you do it swaggeringly?

"It's too difficult for me!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, and took out the unprecedented annual reward given by the system:

A small box with two card slots containing 'topological insulators' and 'optical topological insulators' respectively.

Except for the name, there is no special introduction, only one note: After the analysis is successful, its value is not inferior to graphene, and it is one of the main materials for optoelectronic technology.

"Daoyi, what is this!"

"don't know."


"Boss, special cement and defect-free concrete, as well as the first batch of steel mesh and steel wire, arrived at the seaport at 10 o'clock this morning. Where are we going to build the cement aircraft?"

"It's broken, I forgot to report the address..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was already four o'clock in the morning, "I guess the leaders are all asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Do you need to reduce the construction speed?"

"No, we have won so many projects this time, and while the deputy director is here, we can show our real skills and let the leaders sleep soundly."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he threw the system reward to Daoyi, "The value of this thing is not inferior to graphene. You should study it carefully, and I will go to bed first."

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