Build Madness

Chapter 682 Old Huo, I won't lie to you...

Time back to three weeks ago.


Horton didn't believe that Ge Xiaotian went bankrupt. For a trillionaire, 20 billion Franklin was at most equivalent to one-tenth of Tian Chengming's property.

However, he knew that the other party had three offshore companies that controlled the Neobras, Okhotsk shipyards, and part of the cement market in Wajima and Nanbangzi.

All are tens of billions of non-listed companies.

How much, then, is the industry that he does not know about?

That's why Horton invited Ge Xiaotian to go to Canada to contract a farm, and hired five thousand Tianwei outside, shouting to help him make a comeback.

Without him, it's just a show of favor.

Horton returned to North America to absorb the assets of the clan members who died due to the disaster on September 11. He felt that Ge Xiaotian had been back in China for many days, and he should finish dealing with the company's affairs before contacting him.

One is to prove that you really want to help the other party.

The second is to continue to show favor and purchase 200 wooden warships to build a new round of Zheng He's voyages to the West.

The other is the SG pad.

This amazing little tablet.

The Longtian iPS hard screen based on TFT LCD panel technology is used as the display, which has the characteristics of fast response, large viewing angle, true and accurate color, environmental protection and power saving, stable picture and no watermark on touch. (iphone4 screen, Longtian did not add a touch screen module in order to squeeze toothpaste)

Although the chip produced by Longtian Technology is called spicy chicken, it also has its unique features.

Such as distributed layout, specialized processing, intelligent control of one big N small...

Of course, this is what the researchers told him.

Horton doesn't understand, he just feels... Playing this thing is addictive!

Leaving aside sending and receiving emails, processing documents, and browsing the web, only the three games that come with it can make him, an elderly man who knows how to restrain himself, unable to stop.

First up is Plants vs Zombies.

The clear picture quality is eye-catching and extremely comfortable.

Beautiful music, immersive, very beautiful.

The emotional painting style is pleasing to the eye, and you will never forget to return.

The novelty-hunting gameplay is thrilling and enjoyable...

From when Zheng He's fleet went to sea to when they returned to North America, Horton spent most of his time playing. (Every time you encounter pirates, the North American consortium will hide in the safety cabin, there is nothing in it, you can only play games)

Followed by Fishing Master and Bejeweled.

Boom, Carrara...

Heavy metal music with full-screen special effects, and exciting shouts:







This game is simply perfect!

Holden can guarantee that in North America, selling any game alone can exceed the price of 368 red notes for a seven-inch SG pad.

What's more, Nintendo launched a new game console this year, and the price is as high as 160 Franklin...

Without comparison, there is no harm.


Huaxia's products are of high quality and low price, some inconspicuous things, such as nail clippers, keychains, belt buckles, lighters, screwdrivers... As long as Tiancheng helps to handle the export, they will go to the Magadan Free Trade Zone in name, but in fact they will be directly shipped to North America, and then replaced Huo Dun label, you can earn a lot of money.

Horton has a lot of experience with this.

If you ship SG pad, even if you sell it as a game console, you can make a lot of money!


Long Tian was blocked?

That was blocking Longtian, not blocking Huo Dun.

Therefore, Holden contacted Wang Laoliu of Longtian Technology, intending to discuss cooperation.

However, the other party not only ignored him, but called him a spy sent by the capital camp...

This annoyed Horton a lot, God damn capital, I am a national entrepreneur! (Learned from Ge Xiaotian, won people's hearts)

It's just that the other party doesn't even counsel the Science and Technology Alliance, let alone a person who has not yet been in charge of the DuPont family?

Later, Horton remembered that in Zheng He's voyages to the West, most of the technological products came from Longtian. Although he knew that Ge Xiaotian and Wang Laoliu were at odds, in order to earn more, Horton still contacted the mysterious Ge.

Condoms are close, I just talked about the cement carrier, and the service is interrupted...

According to reports from subordinates, the operator's server was infected with panda virus...

When I replaced the satellite phone, the other party kept busy.

The next day, Horton finally called.

"Ge, sorry, there was a problem with the signal yesterday."

"It doesn't matter, I have already completed the procedures for sending 5,000 Tianwei for you. In addition, you need to wait for a quarter for 200 wooden warships."

"Don't worry, Ge, can you get the SG pad?"

"Back then on the boat, I seemed to have given you a hundred units each, and they were all broken?"

"No, no, no, I'm planning to... manage it!"

"Oh? This amount?"

"Two million units!"

"It's not a decimal."

"I know."

"You know? Then you know why my Tianyu didn't release any games or even blockbuster movies this year?"


"Old Huo, I won't lie to you, Wang Laoliu, who is so lazy, took advantage of my bankruptcy and public opinion last time to poach the game design and development team of Tianyu International, and this time he took advantage of my bankruptcy to poach Leaving the film and television special effects team."


"I've always been the one who poached others, but now someone came to shit on my head. We were in conflict, and even planned to cancel the smart home cooperation and the lease of shopping malls... You are now asking for two million SG pads, do you want me? To beg him? I want face too!"

"Understood, don't worry, our partners in Zheng He's Voyages to the West have always made money together, sharing 20% ​​of the profits with you."

"Oh?...Fifty percent!"

"Oh, hell, up to 30%!"

"Forty percent, that's it. I'll spare my face and help you beg him."


the other side.

Ge Xiaotian hung up the phone, instead of contacting Old King Longtian, he checked the inventory in various places through the ERP system.

Longtian Technology produced 200 million SG pads, and the production line is still working overtime. Lao Wang didn't even think about whether they could sell them all. The main reason was to promote the SG ecological chain.

Maybe in the first half of the year, the backlog of inventory will be purchased by Tianyu, and then given out as event gifts.

You must know that the depreciation speed of electronic products can be said to plummet. The longer the inventory backlog, the more the product will depreciate. It is better to give it away to attract customers while it is valuable.

Horton wanted to purchase SG pads, which was expected by Ge Xiaotian, otherwise he would not have arranged so many game devices in the fleet.

Logically speaking, this kind of customers must give discounts, such as 20% off, rebates, and matching gifts...

But Longtian is unique.

Moreover, in order to ensure the status of the official flagship store, the official store of authorized dealers, and the after-sales service of the LT store, all out-of-stock products have serial numbers, and all authorized dealers must pay a purchase deposit of 200 million Franklin, prohibit distribution, and crack down on unauthorized sales stores.

If more than ten SG products are sold without authorization, after the serial number review, the authorized dealer responsible for the purchase will not only have the security deposit confiscated, but also face several billions in compensation for Franklin's brand value.

Therefore, except for Longtian, no one outside can provide Holden with more than ten SG pads.

Most importantly, this is not a one-off deal.

Next year, Longtian squeezes toothpaste and launches SG pad2 with touch screen function and touch games such as Watermelon Ninja. Holden will have to find him to buy it.

If there is no price increase this year, how can overseas prices continue to rise next year?

Ge Xiaotian drank a cup of tea, smoothed his thoughts, and contacted Horton.

"Old Huo, Old Wang scolded me, it's disgusting, I feel uncomfortable... well, I won't mention it."


"It's like this. Although the mother star United Electrical Engineering and Electronics Conference specifies the use of general wifi standards, Longtian implements its own Zigbee protocol in China, which belongs to a super large wifi and is not compatible with North American wifi wireless standard protocols. Therefore, you If you purchase the Chinese version of the SG pad, you will not be able to access the Internet in North America."

"Understood, I plan to use it as a game console..."

"Listen to me. The Huaxia version is like this, but the Wadao version, Nanbangzi version, and Nanyang version... are available overseas. Wang Laoliu decided to give me 10 million Japanese version SG pads."

"How many?!"

"Ten million units."

"I only need two million units..."

"Yeah, it's difficult for me too. Wang Laoliu is making things difficult for me. Either don't buy it, or 10 million units, and have to settle the account at one time. You know, my family doesn't sell SG series products. If you agree to Wang Laoliu's , bring 10 million units, give you 2 million units, and I will throw away the remaining 8 million units, this is not a small amount, three billion red notes."

"But I...Ge, you know, I'm selling it secretly. The sales speed is not that fast, and the market is not that big. The SG pad is different from nail clippers. It has a chip, and it cannot be used as a Huo Dun product with a different label."

"Old Huo, have you heard of 'parallel imports' and 'student consumer groups'?"

"It doesn't sound too difficult to understand."

"As far as I know, Huo Dun started to expand into the low-end market after taking over the security business in the rich and corporate fields. Many bronze-level Tianwei became guards in colleges. And there will always be some mischievous children in the school. For convenience, some people often find college guards to get close, and even give gifts."

"Yes, I have issued regulations to clearly put an end to this phenomenon."

"It doesn't have to be like this, Lao Huo, this is your market."


"Still don't understand? Distribute SG pads to college guards, let them use naughty and poor children as the upper line, and go offline according to the development, sell one, draw a sum of money, sell more and smoke more, and even develop into agents ..."


"Imported parallel machines are of the same quality as genuine ones, and can be repaired. The market is booming, and they are cost-effective and fashionable. Do you think anyone will buy them?"


"We are also doing it for the good of the children. Mischievous children can have a job to do, and poor children can have an income, so they are entitled to work-study programs."

Holden suddenly came to his senses, and shouted excitedly: "Yes, Ge, this is really a genius level of marketing. We are for children, so that they can adapt to society earlier."

"OK, send over two billion Franklin as soon as possible."

"Okay...huh? Wait, two billion Franklins?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"One 368 red note, 10 million units, after the discount, at most 3.6 billion red notes, why is it 2 billion Franklin?"

"I don't want to do this either, but you know, Longtian was blocked by the Science and Technology Alliance, and it is very difficult to expand overseas markets. In order to recover costs, all products are priced overseas at almost ten times the domestic price. 200 Franklins, already Very cheap."

"Ge, I just want to sell it as a game console. It doesn't matter what version it is. I want the Chinese version. Even if it costs a little more, five hundred red notes, or even six hundred red notes, I'm willing."

"He won't."


"Then let's not do it?"

"200 Franklin...Although the profit is low, we should make some money."

"In this way, for the sake of my friends, I will share less profit, 40% before, and 20% now."

"God, you are so generous!"

"Happy cooperation!"

After finishing the call, Horton breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of selling the SG pad as a game console, a thought flashed through his mind, but he couldn't grasp it...

the other side.

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone and looked at the cement aircraft in the distance, "Notify Tianyu, Tianrong, Longtian, and a dozen overseas offshore companies to short the weaker game machine manufacturers first, and then keep an eye on those major players. I want Old Wang to dominate the game industry within two years, or else... the name Watermelon Old King is also good."

Longtian never planned to enter the computer field from the very beginning, the purpose was to promote personal terminals and professional servers.

In the past two years of development, Ge Xiaotian has also made too many preparations for this industry that he is unwilling to engage in.

Poached the former largest graphics card supplier on the mother star: 3Dfx.

Poached the third largest graphics card supplier from the former mother star: ATI.

Covert extradition of lithography machines, etchers, and the equipment that makes them.

There are also countless scientific and technological talents dug from overseas...

Coupled with the plug-in of the system, the special abilities of Daoyi and others...

It's time to explode!

It is believed that following the graphene storm, the mother star stock market will usher in a new storm.

It's just that North America launched a war, and the financial giants, including the stock king Laoba, are eyeing oil stocks...

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