Build Madness

Chapter 685 Ge Xiaotian: I never blow it!

November 25th.

Qinggang Golden Beach.

The Longtian technological storm had no effect on the cement aircraft carrier, and the first main body of the first ship was successfully completed.

However, the maintenance process of special cement is far more complicated than that of ordinary cement, and it cannot be put into the sea for the time being.

However, even if the role of the cement aircraft carrier is not clear, the speed of building a cement aircraft carrier this month has caused a sensation on the home planet.

You must know that with more than 3,800 rooms and the complex structure of the aircraft, the construction difficulty is far beyond that of a community of the same size.

The one-month construction period is really unbelievable.

So much so that the news directly overshadowed the Tokyo stock market crash and became the most sensational event in late November.

Numerous journalists and the public, including prominent figures from various regions, gathered on the Golden Beach.

As for Tian Cheng, he built the building on the spot.

Golden Beach is a project planned half a year ago. After so long in preparation, it is time to start construction.

There is Hangmu School, a natural beach scenic spot, Hangmu main park, and Xingyue Bay supporting facilities. Occasionally, Hangmu Racecourse will be brought over to hold a seaside cross-country rally...

I believe that journalists, spies, and secret agents with malicious intentions from all over the world will spend a lot of money to buy a set.


Not buying?

"As long as you enter Dongshan, whoever doesn't buy it, I will write it backwards!"

Inside Tiancheng Office of Golden Beach.

The deputy director, the general manager of finance, the nine institutes, Yu Zong and others who returned from the capital, heard someone's words, and their eyes became dull...

Shaobaitou said in disbelief: "You even hit their ideas in order to make money?"

"A lot of experiments have shown that the value of sending them directly to mining is not high, but if they get loans from North American banks or international banks, and wait for high prices to buy houses... Oh, yes, there are also luxury cars, investments, bonds, Then confiscate the assets and send them to mining, the value can be multiplied dozens of times!"


A group of big shots subconsciously distanced themselves from someone.

He is indeed the darkest person in China.

Even this kind of thing can be imagined!

Although the individual borrows money from the bank, if the person is arrested, the real estate will be returned to the bank, but Tian Cheng will eventually sell the commercial house at a high price.

After all, spies and agents have activity funds, so they are not short of money.



Extensive experiments show that?

"How many agents and spies have you arrested?" Even Mr. Yu was shocked.

"Tiancheng and Longtian have so many advanced technologies. They have arrested more than 500 people this year alone. Of course, the important people have been handed over to the Dongshan Security Office. Some of the other small fish are working in Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and some are working in brick kilns."

"Working at Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

"Yes, acupuncture, cupping, massage, cosmetology and other clinical trial departments."


No wonder your technical secondary school students improve so quickly...

"Don't worry, leader, we strictly implement humanitarianism, even if they are all voluntary, we will... three meals a day, big fish and meat, vegetables and fruits are absolutely enough, work is easy and enjoyable, and freedom is not restricted. Our secondary school Students love them all the time!"


"Well, leaders, let's talk about business."

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost active, Ge Xiaotian turned on the projection equipment, showing the optimized structure diagram of Huaxia's first-generation medium-sized 68,000-ton aircraft.

"The Nine Institutes should have received the complete drawings and related technical analysis, right?"


"That's right. Although the concrete aircraft cannot go into the sea for the time being, personnel can already enter the interior."

"Hangmu power system has large capacity, many loads, and strict safety requirements. It includes power station configuration, power system selection, grid structure, emergency power supply..."

"To put it bluntly, if the electrical system fails, it will be enough to cause the entire army of a complete aircraft formation to be wiped out."

"Because it involves various branches of power engineering, such as prime movers, generators, motors, speed regulation, power electronics technology, power management, etc."

"In order to find out the circuit system as soon as possible, Tiancheng Electric Industry, Longtian Technology Group, Wanshi Technology Group, combined with Sino-Ocean Group's sailing experience, took the lead in deploying a circuit system that matches the current technological level of our own."

"Of course, there must be a confidentiality agreement to ensure that it will not be leaked. The Nine Institutes can also make comprehensive changes later. This is just one of the plans."

"In this plan, we adopt a three-in-one solution of daily power supply, electric propulsion power supply and modern high-energy weapon power supply, reducing the audio frequency characteristics from the source to reduce the detection distance and accuracy of the enemy system..."

"This approach is what we call: an integrated power system."

"The integrated power system coordinates and distributes daily power and propulsion power in a unified manner, so that the prime movers of each generating set can operate at the best fuel consumption conditions, thus having better economy..."

"It can realize the centralized control of power distribution between propulsion and shipboard armament systems, especially the power supply mode of the ring grid plus regional power distribution system, which provides a physical way for the reasonable flow of electric energy, which is of great help to further improve the shipboard weaponry. Reliability is very beneficial. It provides a greater range of options for combat use of ships, enhancing survivability and combat effectiveness in high-threat environments...”

"With the use of an integrated power system, the number of various heat engines can be greatly reduced. At the same time, due to the advantages of electric energy, integration and flexible control can be realized, so that various systems can operate with high efficiency, and the structure of the ship's power system is greatly simplified..."

Ge Xiaotian was talking eloquently while adjusting the projection.

The combination of graphics and dynamic graphics is easy to understand, and various comparisons also make the big guys understand the value of the system.

the end.

Nine All Points fans, "Is this done?"

"if not?"


"As I said before, Tiancheng has all the professional technologies contained in the aircraft, and they are all ready-made. We just don't understand the weapon system. As long as your aerospace department dares to provide it, we can incorporate it into the aircraft in a short time. in the power system."

"So, it can be built?"


Ge Xiaotian nodded, and switched to a small-sized aircraft carrier, "However, I have a big plan!"


The bosses all subconsciously straightened their backs.

Tiancheng's plan...

Graphene storm, Zheng He's voyage to the West, the depreciation of the currency, the crash of game stocks, the delisting of Tokyo display stocks...

The same theory alone brings a lot of foreign exchange.

Huaxia has just joined the WTO, and this is what is missing!

"It's called the Next Generation Project."

"It's also called 'Sell small to build, sell to research big, and gradually realize the Super Aircraft Plan'."

"meaning is:

When the medium-sized aircraft is put into use, first build a batch of 20,000 to 40,000 tons of small aircrafts and sell them at a low price, and continue to improve the medium-sized aircraft during the period.

Five years later, another batch of 60,000-ton medium-sized aircraft will be built and sold at a low price. During this period, the large-scale aircraft research and development project will start.

Fifteen years later, the 80,000-ton large-scale aircraft was sold, and with the development of Huaxia, the next-generation super aircraft research and development project was started. "


The Jiu Institute couldn't help but shook his head, "We haven't learned how to crawl yet, so we're ready to run?"

"Overseas demand!"

Ge Xiaotian switched the projection, "Italia is preparing to build a 28,000-ton aircraft, France is preparing to build a 42,000-ton aircraft, and Montenegro is preparing to purchase two 40,000-ton aircraft..."

"Just like the exported guide eggs, tanks, and war bean chickens, we only build the initial version, and we don't comment on how customers modify it."

"The purpose is to drive the Huaxia steel market, improve the current employment environment, promote the development of the sea, promote tourism and business, and strengthen its own international status..."

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