Build Madness

Chapter 687 Ge trillion's dinner

Looking directly at the young man in front of him, the old stock king made no secret of his admiration.

so handsome!

If you have hair, it is comparable to your young self.

The most important thing is that the other party's talent is also unique in the mother planet.

In fact, apart from the shot at the UFO gymnasium and the fundraising by the rich in the capital, the two sides can be friends.

It's a pity that the camp determines the thinking, and the thinking controls the position.

"Mr. Ge was joking. The parent star is round. Whether it is based on the inverse trigonometric function to calculate the surface distance, or the direct Pythagorean theorem to calculate the straight-line distance, the distance between the ordinary person's field of vision and the horizon will not exceed five kilometers. Not to me."

"Ha, I just like communicating with educated people, it's very interesting."

Ge Xiaotian held the other party's outstretched right hand for a long time, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Buffett."

The harmonious smile makes people feel like a spring breeze. Compared with the aura of the butcher examining the belly before, it is almost a different person.

Such a change made the old stockholder a little lost...

However, the airport is not a place to talk about things. The two took a special car and moved to the Manila Bay International Convention Center.

In fact, as early as last year, many famous car dealers contacted Tiancheng, including Holden GM, either to send the car, or to send money to send the car, just for public use.

It's a pity that although Tianheng's high-end cars are not sold much, Ge Xiaotian has never changed them.

But this time, the two met in public, especially since Huaxia had just joined the WTO, a construction and manufacturing tycoon, and a financial tycoon, what would they talk about?

Not to mention the news media, even the general manager of finance had personally found someone for tea.

With such big news, automakers will naturally not be left behind.

Holden GM was close to the water first, and privately sealed a red envelope of 2 million Franklin to someone, and got the opportunity to arrange a car team.

Five modified pure black suburban...

All the money has been spent, so Horton naturally has to arrange a good publicity.

Ge Xiaotian and the stock king old bus got out of the car, and all kinds of lights were shining...

Immediately, countless reporters scrambled forward...

However, the Philippine government directly dispatched the military headquarters to blockade the entire International Conference Center. Fearing that something might go wrong, the Tiancheng Offshore Oil Protection Brigade from 800 miles away came to call...


the other side.

The Montenegro delegation continued to squander Franklin.

Have so much money?

The currency collapsed, the offshore company earned 20 billion, Odyssey antivirus spread all over the world, plus Nong Qijiu's arms business...

How much money is not important, what is important is how to transfer it to Tian Cheng?

In the name of Montenegro's independence and economic recovery, it can reach a cooperation with Huaxia to promote Dongshan's manufacturing industry, reduce and exempt a lot of expenses, remit it to Tiancheng blatantly, and get a high-value loan from the parent planet's clearing bank...

You know, the settlement bank only lends to the state, and Montenegro is obviously a good fit.

As for when...

Thirty or forty years later, the ghost knows whether Montenegro still exists.

The chairman of Montenegro continued to enter the Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu.

"Is this called a van?"


"It's great, I believe all of us will love it!"

"How many?"

"One hundred thousand cars first."


If it wasn't for seeing a large amount of funds remitted into Tiancheng's account, the deputy director and Mr. Yu would have doubted the real identity of this group of people.

I'm afraid it's not a liar, right?

However, large purchases continued.

Pure ethanol + liquid oxygen engine...

Wind energy, solar energy, biogas digester power generation equipment...

Furniture, home appliances, toys...

"How cheap are instant noodles?"


"God, two ships... no, ten ships!"


"There are also ham and spicy strips!!!"


"Quarantine? I believe in Huaxia, I am the chairman, I have the final say, no need!"


Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce +100 million.

+400 million.

+200 million.

+300 million.

+2 billion!


If it is accompanied by passionate BGM, it is even more exaggerated than the movie.

And the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, for Huaxia's entry into the WTO, hoarded goods that had almost exploded for a year, and they were also released in a very short period of time.

At the same time, Wajima Ninja Alliance and KS Group visited Tiancheng International Holdings.

Subsequently, large orders flew to all parts of Dongshan.

The warehouse reserved for online shopping will be emptied soon, including spicy cabbage, radish sticks, and pickled cabbage made by the various Limin activity centers...

at dusk.

far away Siberia.

Inland ships filled with soybeans, ores, aggregates, timber, and fuel oil sailed from Neobras to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. After transporting large ships, they will follow the icebreakers and interact with the Ice Bear Far East Fleet. Send it off, cross the Wohai Sea, and stop at Yancheng, Weicheng, and Qinggang, and use it to write off foreign trade exports.

All of the above, outlined a very spectacular picture.

Tianyu's first epic blockbuster this year is officially launched!

"New Industrial Revolution in Asia"



As soon as Montenegro used the 20 billion Franklin of the offshore company, the European region knew the real behind-the-scenes of shorting the currency.

In addition, the chairman of Odyssey Antisoft Group is the life and death brother of the chairman of Montenegro. In other words, Odyssey is equivalent to the chief financial officer of Montenegro...

It's okay to bring so much money to Huaxia, but also bring a money printing machine?

This is a bit too much!

England was the first to throw out an olive branch: You bought an aircraft carrier, but no carrier-based aircraft, we have folding-wing carrier-based aircraft, sell it cheap, and save some money in China!

Montenegro: The new carrier is too small, we want a Harrier VTOL folding wing carrier aircraft.

England: That's... let me think about it.

France took the opportunity to speak: We have Rafale fighter jets and super-flagship carrier-based aircraft for export!

Montenegro: Too backward, no wings folded, don't.

At this time, Idaly, who is across the Adriatic Sea from Montenegro, became anxious: If you sell a few, Montenegro will become stronger, what will you do if you beat me?

Ice Bear: I have an Airbus, can I buy it? If he dares to hit you, let's fight back together.

Italian: Be a little careful.

England, France, Germany, North America: NO BUY!

Italian: Why are you yelling so loudly!

Then secretly contacted Ice Bear: Brother, how about the technology of replacing the helicopter with the carrier?

Anxious to replace the ice bear with new weapons: Great!

Germany secretly observing: I report Italy!

Montenegro: The price of the North American Super Panda carrier-based aircraft is 40 million Franklin, which is a bit expensive.

English, French, German, Italian: "???"

For a time, the world fell into a war of words...


Manila Bay International Convention Center.

Decorative style, royal model.

In the restaurant, bursts of elegant and comfortable violin music echoed.

Ge Xiaotian and the stock king Laoba sat opposite each other, and envoys in Chinese costumes on both sides presented delicious food.

Auctioning dinner is not for eating.

It's communication.

In other words, the stock king old bus wants to make a fortune.

"Mr. Ge, how is this city?"

"Very beautiful, if there is me, maybe it will be even more beautiful."

The stock king old bus smiled slightly, "I wonder if Mr. Ge is willing to invest here?"

"I heard that the stock king likes to play cheap stocks and fight big with a small one. It used to be really developed here, but now it is turbulent and the economy is sluggish. Does the stock king feel that this place will be revitalized?"

"No, it will only be more backward here, we can play and leave."

"Sorry, I'm a kind-hearted person, and I'm not a speculator. If I make a region miserable and anger people, it will make me feel uncomfortable."

Ge Xiaotian understands what the stock king and old bus mean. Tiancheng International Holdings announced that it will enter Manila, which will inevitably attract a large number of companies to follow suit.

Manila's economy is recovering, the future is bright, and various stocks are rising wildly...

Then, Tiancheng withdrew its capital for some reason, and the stock plummeted.

A real player comes on the stage and shorts the currency in the region.

This is the game of financial predators.

Unfortunately, the purpose of Tiancheng is mutual promotion, simultaneous development, common prosperity and a win-win situation.

Unexpectedly, the stock king old man smiled, and stretched out his hand again, "I always thought that Mr. Ge was the Soros of the Oriental Industrial field. I only felt the greatness of Mr. Ge today."

"Miao Zan." Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, so he put down the knife and fork to hold him.

"I want to join Tiancheng."

"Sorry, Tiancheng is not listed."

"I'm an investor, not a speculator. If Tiancheng enters North America, I believe that with my ability and the Buffett club, I can bring Mr. Ge a new business empire."

"I'm afraid that the people behind you will disagree."

"Horton is your friend."

"Haha, I believe he welcomes you very much, but whether he dares to ask you is another matter."

"Wait and see!"

"Oh? Can you speak Chinese? I suddenly have a crush on you."

"I believe that in the near future, you will like me more."

"Okay, as long as Holden dares to accept you, I will invest in North American real estate."



"Happy cooperation!"

“What a fantastic night!”

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