Build Madness

Chapter 695 Tiancheng Threshold Goodbye Qi Feifei

International Tourism City, Gold East Coast.

Tiancheng office.

The hot air in the hot pot is tumbling, and the coffee table is colorful...

After the Ninja Origins play ended, Ge Xiaotian didn't immediately switch between Ninja Prequel and Ninja Resuscitation, but lit a cigarette, picked up his wine glass, and chatted with two foreign employees while deliberating.

"How many acres of land does your family have?"

"In the past five acres, we built the Jihe Expressway and occupied one and a half acres."

"Then your family is in trouble."

Xiaogong shook his head, "The compensation for one mu of land is 26,000 yuan. In the past, it was enough to build six bungalows. I'm sure I couldn't find it. But in Tiancheng, as long as you work hard, you can earn this amount in a year. Now I got 26,000, but what I lost was the 20-year basic land subcontracted to households. In the future, children and grandchildren will all count on the remaining three and a half acres. If they can get the homestead certificate and build a new yard, In a few years, I am afraid that I will have no land to plant when I am old.”

"Your thinking is very wrong. Your child entered Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. After being assigned, why would he stay in the village? Don't talk about building a new yard, going to the city to buy a building, and when the grandson is born, your old couple will not be able to go to the city to help Take care? Tiancheng has a pension, and if the farmland is rented out, maybe the old house will be abandoned."

Xiao Gong was taken aback for a moment, carefully pecking and pondering, "Hey, it's really true after hearing what the boss said."

"So, while you are learning professional skills now, you also need to study Mandarin, baby-raising experience, and emerging technologies. Otherwise, after more than ten years, the world will not be what it is now, and your son will make you speak Mandarin. What a bad old man with a child?"

Xiaogong gritted her teeth, "I was a little flustered by what you said."

"Look at the changes in the past two years. If you don't experience it yourself, can you believe it?"

Another employee, Xiao Zhou, interjected: "Isn't that right? My cousin didn't go home for three years as a migrant worker in Guangzhou. I didn’t dare to get out of the car, I stared out the window, I thought I was back in Guangzhou, and cried like a child because of the three or four hundred train tickets.”

"If it were you, it might be worse than him."


"What's your cousin planning?"

"He would like to stay in his hometown, but he is a mason. Our clockwork engineering team has already left Dongshan, and all Tiancheng Construction needs are employees with technical certification. He is like jumping from Novice Village to the initial number of an advanced map. You can’t fight monsters, you can’t level up, and it’s hard to find a job in Dongshan.”

"This metaphor... is vivid enough! But, you didn't help him?"

"How can you help? He earned three thousand yuan this year. He only had one thousand yuan left over for eating and drinking and the child's tuition. If he didn't know Tian Cheng, he would not be willing to buy the cheapest smart card, so he couldn't get into the night school and couldn't get it. Once you get the work permit, you can only return to Guangzhou after a year."

"This is a problem."

Ge Xiaotian pawed at the potatoes in the bowl, "What do you think?"

Xiao Gong nodded, "How should I put it, maybe... this is called Bigger, or it could be said that our family's threshold is high. I heard that Tianwei caught a group of recruiting scammers a while ago, and said that they would be sent to Tiancheng with 10,000 yuan recommended. Take 20,000 yuan to properly arrange technical posts."

"Is there such a thing?" Ge Xiaotian looked at Daoyi.

The latter is not a secretary, but he was engaged in industrial technology during this period, and he was temporarily transferred to help. Hearing this, he took out his smart card to contact Tianwei, and then said: "Well, more than sixty people, four groups, send Neobras refining The iron is gone."

"We will put an end to such things in the future, but..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Xiao Zhou, "Go back and ask your cousin if he can bear hardships, if he is willing to work hard, and if he is willing to travel far away."

"Overseas construction?"

"No, follow me to the Great Northwest."

"Our new project? Don't want old employees?"

"You will have other projects, your cousin... plans the treatment of new employees according to the clockwork, and it is the same when you become a full-time employee, except that the early stage is more difficult than the small engineering team, but... the growth limit is high, and you may be able to get a house in the future. "

"Boss, I want to go!" Xiao Gong actively raised his hand.

"You are now a silver skilled worker. Not only will your salary be cut there, but your resume will also be erased and you will be re-promoted to a management position."

"I'm still young, new projects, new challenges, new opportunities, I want to be the regional general manager!"

"Hey, a good employee with a dream."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Xiao Zhou, "What about you?"

"Me? My mother is old and needs someone to take care of her, so she can't go far. Otherwise, I will sign up for the Montenegro aid project this time."

"Send it to a nursing home, or a nursing home."

"She has dementia..."

"Is it okay for our family hospital?"

Daoyi shook his head, "It can only be alleviated, but it cannot be eradicated. To a certain extent, it is like a tight string, and it disappears immediately."

Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, then sighed, "It's not that I'm advising you to be unfilial, but... life must go on. For a better life, it's better to send it to a nursing home. Our own property will definitely not treat the old lady badly."

"I know, but I'm the only child, I... can't bear it."

"Forget it, all goodness and filial piety come first, if it were me, I would be like you."

Ge Xiaotian patted Xiao Zhou on the shoulder, "Stop talking, let's go!"

"thank you boss!"

"Old man, go back and count this kind of situation, propose a subsidy, or transfer a group of suitable positions. If there are difficulties, the company will help."

"Boss, no need..."

Dao nodded, "The Great Northwest project is about to start. In view of the high threshold of Tiancheng, I think it is possible to expand the evening school and recruit a group of grassroots employees. Then, arrange technical lecturers for employees from families with difficulties, and allocate them according to the principle of proximity."

"Very good, that's it."

"thank you boss!"

"You have to work hard. The most basic lecturer position is also one-third higher than your current silver technical post salary. You also need to obtain a lecturer qualification certificate and the corresponding grade certificate."

"I have confidence!"

"I just like employees like you who are full of fighting spirit, let's go."


Tiancheng forbids drinking liquor during working hours, even if a certain amount of beer is provided every day, a balance test will be done before starting work.

If you can't pass... sorry, absent.

But the big boss treats guests, this liquor must be drunk.

The absence is small, what should I do if I lose my job?

And Ge Xiaotian didn't drink much during this time. He went out to sea with Holden and others, just tasting red wine out of concern for safety. Accompanying the deputy director and others, everyone also used fruit juice instead.

If you don't drink for a long time, the amount of alcohol will decrease.

Therefore, the four of Ge Xiaotian, Daoyi, Xiaogong, and Xiaozhou lingered after watching the last two majestic ninja movies, drank until four o'clock in the morning, and were all dizzy after only three bottles of five-star Moutai.

The staff returned to the dormitory, and Ge Xiaotian lived in his office suite.

According to the old rules, each office has ten sets of multifunctional rooms with study rooms.

This is not for raising girls, but for the leaders to live in.

For example, the deputy director, the general manager of finance, Mr. Yu, and the nine institutes who moved here from Dongjiawan must have an office.

Moreover, Ge Xiaotian's whereabouts are uncertain, if any Tiancheng executive wants to report to work face to face, he must have a place to live.


Save resources, save money.

One way to deal with useful information for chatting over meals.

Ge Xiaotian staggered up to the second floor, nodded to Tianwei on duty, and saw that the other party hesitated to speak, "What's the matter? Urgent urgency?"

"'s okay."

"If you're in a hurry to urinate, go, in our territory, can someone mess with me?"

"'s okay, boss, you should go to bed earlier."

"whispering sound!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed and ate hot pot. He seemed to be a little angry, and his eyes seemed to be smoked. He found 001, entered his fingerprints, verified his pupils, matched his body shape, took a photo of his face, and shouted, "Open the door with sesame seeds!"


Five passed four...

"Yo, the perfection is pretty fast, if you go one step further, it will be 100%!"

Ge Xiaotian breathed out the smell of alcohol, pushed open the door of the room, and...

Leng Leng Shen, rubbing his eyes.

Suddenly, he saw a figure with disheveled hair and a white dress in the dimly lit living room...

Ge Xiaotian shuddered, and instantly sobered up,

"Fuck! Ghost!!!"

"Damn you, it's me!"

The sound-activated lighting system was turned on, and Qi Feifei, who was wearing pajamas and with disheveled hair, came into view.

"Why are you in my room?"

"You let me come back!"


"Are you planning to take advantage of Sister Xiu's absence to get rid of me?" Qi Feifei said, turning around and abruptly dancing her nightgown into a dress.


Ge Xiaotian sneered, walked to the tea machine, poured a glass of water, "I'm not tall, my chest is small, and I'm older...not interested."

Qi Feifei exploded on the spot, her face turned red, her eyes almost stared like dolls, "Ge, what are you talking about? My mother today..."

"Just kidding, just kidding, Sister Feifei, please sit down."


It seemed that it was the first time she heard someone say something nice, Qi Feifei softened instantly, and sat aside angrily, "Don't think that I came to you in the middle of the night because I wanted to have sex with you."



Qi Feifei pouted and straightened her face, "I want to ask you something."


"What is my uncle's identity?"

"It's better you don't know."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he was silent for a moment, "Don't worry, with me here, the Qi family will not find you."

"I would like to know."

"Have you heard the name Soros?"

"Well, I remember when my uncle took me away from my grandma's house, in about 1997, he mentioned this name many times. Although I went to college, I didn't learn about these famous people at that time, and I wasn't interested in learning about them until As the person in charge of Tianheng, I was bored occasionally, and I discovered that Soros is so powerful."

"Soros shorted the Hong Kong dollar. Although he failed miserably, the Hang Seng Index of Hong Kong stocks fell from 16,000 to 65,000, a drop of about 60%. Soros lost, Xiangjiang lost, and the mysterious power also lost. Who won in the end? You know, the value of this loss is as high as 2.2 trillion Hong Kong dollars... Your uncle was chased and killed, and in the end he was cornered and hid in Ge Dalong's blockade. .Of course, your uncle doesn’t have the ability to eat 2.2 trillion yuan, but even if it’s a corner, he’s still super rich.”

"It turned out to be like this..."

"No, it's not just that. Your concubine, that is, your aunt, is from England, and your cousin and cousin are from England. According to information, your uncle...may be a secret agent. You know, at that time, Xiangjiang's return was imminent. England is going to take the money away."


"So, I don't want you to get involved in this matter."

"Are you concerned about me?"

"Nonsense, in my heart, you have the same status as Ah Huang."

"You...I fight with you!!!"

"No, I mean...we are family!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door of the living room, "Good night!"

Qi Feifei pouted, "Aren't you afraid that I'm an agent?"

"It's as if you have that ability, stupid bitch!"


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