Build Madness

Chapter 697 Order or sell equipment?

The year of 2001 gradually went away, and the year of 2002 came in a blink of an eye.

On the land of China, everything is rapidly changing.

Agriculture, fishing, industry, commerce, electronics... boomed.

Including the military industry.

A long time ago, this industry was a 'forbidden zone'. Although the restrictions were lifted in 1982, as long as you have the four certificates of military industry, that is, China Military Standard Certification, China Confidentiality Certification, China Armed Forces License, and China Armed Forces Manufacturing Qualification Certificate, you can get a job from the military. Take the order.

However, reform takes time, and most of the private enterprises that first poured into this industry failed.

For the rest, they must either make bullet targets, rubber shoes, or produce some armed belts. For others, not to mention tracked turrets, I am afraid that they will not even have the opportunity to make helmets and holsters.

Since the turn of the millennium, this situation has begun to change.

The superiors promoted military-civilian integration, and took the lead in opening up a batch of military equipment items, including tanks, crawlers, small biubiu, large biubiu, aviation materials...

Some companies that secretly accumulate power have risen rapidly.

For example, there is a private enterprise in Beihe, which sells the chariot to the joint meeting of the mother planet and becomes a special vehicle for peacekeeping.

For example, there is a private enterprise in Weicheng, which has obtained the qualification to manufacture small biubiu and received a large order.

For example, there is a private enterprise in Shaanxi that received an order for a rocket launcher.

These things enabled Tiancheng Technical Secondary School to have tanks, tanks, and helicopters for training.

The establishment of Tiancheng Electric Industry has also enabled more private enterprises to have the qualifications to undertake armament manufacturing.

This is mainly reflected in the industrial base and the research and development of new materials.

After all, the overseas blockade, can't buy equipment, can't get new materials, if you want to make it, where do you start?

It is not the case now, Tiancheng Electric Industry has some equipment and some materials.

In fact, strictly speaking, there is no bidding for military enterprises.

If there is any order, the superior will select a group of excellent manufacturing companies and directly issue a notice.

But Tian Cheng's appearance disrupted all of this.

The equipment for private enterprise employees and security is better than that of North American special forces. Who doesn't want it?

A certain old leader in the green clothes directly bypassed the board of directors, persuaded the leaders of ICBC to help, and purchased a batch of tanks and chariots for the capital first.

The old leaders in green clothes in other regions were calm at first, but when the video of the Red Sea counterattacking pirates came out, they immediately became anxious.

But a certain person has so many grandfathers that he can't grab them at all. After much deliberation, he acted as the director, and promoted the military industry to be converted into a private enterprise N years ago, and placed an order with Tiancheng Electric Industry.

As a result, the government-owned enterprises in charge of armaments were naturally unhappy.

His job was taken away by Tian Cheng, what would he eat?

"So, the leaders of the government and enterprises got together to discuss and put forward a bid."

After listening to Daoyi's narration, Ge Xiaotian fell into deep thought.

According to his original idea, the more orders the better.

But now it seems that they don't have to order.

In other words, the order is distributed to other companies, and the equipment, technology, raw materials, and semi-finished products that manufacture the "order" are sold by themselves.

If the other party does not work hard, or the quality is too poor, or the price is too high, the company will take back the order through bidding.

In this way, the equipment was sold, the technology was sold, the materials were sold, and the order was received.

Of course, they are all brother companies, so there is no need to do such an extreme thing. As long as the other party is doing production in a down-to-earth manner, the company is completely free to not order.

Moreover, more and more manufacturing companies require more and more equipment. With technological innovation and equipment replacement, new materials emerge in endlessly...

Tiancheng concentrated his energy on research and development, and no manufacturing company would be able to do without himself in the future.

"This idea is a bit dangerous, in case the board of directors find themselves unhappy..."

"It's a big deal, the worst thing is to recognize a few more grandpas."

"piss off!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his foot and kicked, and dodged sideways.

"Boss, this is actually not important. The important thing is the research and development capabilities. As long as we maintain an absolute lead, the board of directors will not be willing to do it. You know, research and development burns money. Everything costs hundreds of millions and billions. It involves aerospace. Even tens of billions, which is equivalent to saving money for the board of directors.”

"Makes sense."

"Besides, our goal is the stars and the sea. If one day you feel that your life is in danger, we will rush out of the home planet and go wandering..."

"It's a bit far-fetched."

"Then let me say one more thing, are you aggrieved in the face of North America?"

"Nonsense, I'm going to beat it a long time ago."

"Then we have nothing to hesitate."

"You group of Taoists are all masters of trouble, and you don't understand the way of Gou at all."

"No, no, our Tian Cheng is no longer the Tian Cheng of the past. You need to keep a high profile. The more low-key you are, the more dangerous you will appear. This is called keeping a low profile."

"Heh, don't you know how the richest man in Ming Dynasty, Shen Sanwan, who was as rich as an enemy, died?"

"I read a lot, don't lie to me."

"Isn't it right?"

"Shen Sanwan was born in Yuan and died in Yuan. What happened to Guan Daming? When old beggar Zhu became emperor, he died for more than ten years."


"Have you read too many novels?"

"I read Du Niang Encyclopedia."

"Maybe I misremembered..."


Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless, and was silent for a moment, "Then follow the plan."


Dao turned around and was about to leave, when he thought of something, "By the way, boss, when you read the news about Zidane's transfer in the first half of the year, you said Franklin's transfer fee of 60 to 70 million would be better than buying Moutai shares."

"It seems to be a bit impressive."

"So, I used Horton's money to buy the ship, and Franklin's 100 million, to buy Moutai's shares. In the past year, it has increased tenfold."


"Also, I helped our company develop chips, drones, Shenlong system, Baixiao UI desktop, and hundreds of new materials this year..."

"I reward you with 100 million to buy snacks."

"Thank you boss!"

As soon as Dao left, Ge Xiaotian couldn't believe it, "Ten times in a year, doesn't that mean a hundred times in ten years?!"

"That's not right. The geometric growth is probably in the trillions...Impossible, can it be that wine sellers make money faster than bankers?"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the leftover five-star Moutai he drank last night, looked it over carefully, and called Lao Qin of Tianwei Catering.

"Brother Qin, are you busy?"

"This year's taste..."

"Stop it! You can read the financial statements yourself. You can decide on dividends and bonuses. I'm calling to say that in the future, five-star Moutai will be given priority in the hotel service industry."

"Did you invest in shares, or did you buy stocks?"

"Huh? Can you guess this?"

"If you don't take a stake, can it enter our market?"


"Find a time for a drink or two?"

"It's better to hurry up than to hurry up. It's today. You fly directly to Qinggang Golden Beach."

"It happened to be lunch at noon."


Lao Qin arrived very quickly, bringing his own daughter, Qin E, to the office before noon.

"Hey, build a palace wherever you go, the Canal Development Zone is not bad, Zaoshi Xincheng will come directly to the ball, here is even a battleship, tsk tsk!"

"It's just conforming to the industrial model. When we run out of money in the future, this office can also be sold at a good price."

"Haha, you still have no money."

Qin Ming cheerfully stood aside, seeing that his daughter was intimidated by someone, "What are you afraid he will do? Call brother, it's almost Chinese New Year, give me a red envelope."

"Where's the brother, isn't it the younger brother!"

Ge Xiaotian knew that Teddy and his gang were scared by him, especially Wanshi's son, Montblanc, since he took over the new Wanshi Technology, he stayed in the company every day from six in the morning to ten in the morning, for fear that he would find a reason to send him away. Go in and accompany his father...

"By the way, everything should come out."

"It came out, it was released in the morning, you are low-key, I think you are not in Jishi, you called Lao Pang, Lao Jia and others, and wanted to hold a dust-cleaning banquet for him at the Wuming Hotel, but this guy directly refused, saying that he would go back Stay with my wife at home."

"Haha, I think he is hungry!"

Ge Xiaotian took out the smart card and called Boss Wanshi, "Where is it?"

"My brother, thank you, Mr. Yu told me everything."

"Small matter, coincidentally, I'll take Lao Qin to have a drink or two, so you can come over too."

"Hey, I'm just waiting for your call."

"Bring Lao Pang."


Not long after, Wan Shi and Lao Pang walked into the office.

The former is fat, the latter is white.

"I'll go, Brother Wanshi, is the prison window I donated so comfortable?"

"I'm not comfortable. I'm full and have nothing to do. I want to participate in labor reform, but your Yunxian Coal Kiln Director dare not let me go." (After the Yunxian Ancient City project, the three major coal mines were transferred to Tiancheng for development.)

"There is no shortage of people moving bricks, only there is a need for serious sex offenders, forget it, let's not talk about this, what do you want to eat today?"


"Try Tianwei's new Thai sister dishes?" Lao Qin suggested.

"I don't have a cook for Thai girl cuisine."

"Take it with you. New dishes are on the shelves. Why don't you, the big boss, try them out?"

"Ha, it's winter, so let's have a spicy seafood chowder, breaded chicken curry with coconut milk, steamed fish with lemon, char-grilled pork with lettuce..."

"Wait, why haven't I heard of these dish names?"

"Just make nonsense, test the master's level."

"Well, I'm afraid the old chef won't be able to do it."

"Then it's not the old cook... By the way, let's have another serving of Taimei Dongbei cuisine, green papaya salad, and Taimei lemon, for an appetizer."

"Where's the wine?"

"Five-star Moutai... come here from Qinggang city area pretending to be a fan."


After Ge Xiaotian finished ordering, he glanced at the timid Qin E, "Li Xiuxiu and Qi Feifei went shopping in Qinggang City, you also go?"

"Okay!" The latter didn't have time to say hello to Lao Qin, and ran away.

"This child!"

"It's up to you, no matter what, I'm sure I'll make you fall apart."

"Oh, I used to think about having a child, but now that I have one, I'm worried about marriage. Teddy was fine at first, but it's a pity that the two of them didn't call."

"Teddy likes children's shadows."

"The two of them? Aren't they acting on occasion?" Wan Shi asked curiously.

"At that time, Tong Ying was still a starlet, and for the sake of the scene, she partnered with Teddy, but now...they have been in love for a long time, like glue."

"This feeling is elusive." Lao Pang held up his glass, "Long time no see, let's go."

"How is Sun Paper doing this year?"

"Catch your rocket, jump up, can't stop at all, and the market value has doubled by more than 20 times."

"Our Dongshan farming needs fodder, and we need to protect the greenery for the environment, but we always import wood from Ice Bear, which takes time and effort and increases costs. Why not invest in a branch factory in Neobras to build Ice Bear's own brand."

"I'm afraid they won't recognize the brand we built."

"The five Xiaohuang brothers have already gone to Moscow to invest in real estate. As long as the factory is built, the market is ready."

"That's a good thing." Lao Pang raised his glass again.

"How is your son?"

"Which one?"

"Four sons."

"It's okay, you've learned a lot by following me."

"Where's the third son?"

"Responsible for the southern market, relatively stable."

"Well, I'm going to take a few orders from the military department and ask your third son to come over and set up a manufacturing company, how about it?"

"Can he do it?"

"I said yes."

"That's fine."

"Well, you hand over Sun Paper to your fourth son."

Old Pang's hands trembled, and the white wine in his glass almost spilled all over the table. He turned around to look at Wanshi who had just come out, and said in a trembling voice, "It's my turn?"

"What do you think! Sun Paper has already taken shape, not to mention the leaders, I am not willing to move, and the paper industry will be the number one in the future."

Ge Xiaotian refilled his wine glass, "That's it, I'm going to form North America NT, and engage in real estate over there. You have experience in managing large listed companies, and you can be regarded as the best person among our group of old people."

"Everything is the most suitable, he has played finance."

"Old man Pang, you really have no conscience. I just came out. I think your company was in trouble back then, but I borrowed more than a billion from you..."

"What and what!"

Seeing the two of them fighting, Ge Xiaotian flicked the table, "It's like I like cheating teammates, brother Wanshi, the current Xinwanshi is almost equivalent to Wanshi financial technology in the peak period of sixty or seventy, and there is also Ruyi Textile. No. 1 in the industry.”

"I know, my brother is famous for his loyalty, I naturally understand, I'm not saying I don't want to go in, I mean..."

"Okay, it's not a matter of going in or not, it's about making money or not, Lao Pang, don't worry, I have 30,000 Tianwei there..."


It's not just Lao Pang who rants, but also Wanshi and Lao Qin.

"Thirty thousand?"

"Well, there will be more in the future, which is the current Huo Dun."


"At that time, Huo Dun will be given full control over NT's properties in North America. Even if we manipulate the stock market later, with so many security guards in full gear, how can we leave you there?"

"All right."

"Look at the way you are going to die. If you don't go, I will go." Old Qin pouted.

"Forget it, Brother Qin, there are new projects."

"Just kidding, I'm too busy with catering..."

"Your dream has been fulfilled. Although Qin Hei Ya has not spread all over the country, it has dominated the north. With the continuous expansion of Tiancheng Real Estate, it will sooner or later become the parent star brand."

"It's early, we still need to work hard."

"I think so. Old Pang's third son is responsible for the raw materials needed for the production of military products. You are responsible for selling related processing equipment and related semi-finished products. It is also one of the new industrial chains of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."

"It's a bit difficult to sell to them. It's best to go through the relationship first."

"No need, you will go to the capital with me in a few days, and then I will let you see what real strength is."


"Then it's settled. Let's talk about salary later."

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