Build Madness

Chapter 699 Preparations for the show

Before looking at the bidding rules, Ge Xiaotian originally planned to go to the scene, and while the bidding party was not there, he staged another "magpie's nest and dove occupation" and stood on the rostrum to sell his own materials, technology, and semi-finished products to the bidding companies that gathered together .

But now, the bidding method is different from land acquisition. It is restricted by the confidentiality agreement. Not to mention that you can't see the bidding company, and you don't even know the name of the other party. How can you sell it?

Fortunately, one's own side does not need to hide, and even requires exposure.

Therefore, on December 24th, as soon as he arrived in Beijing, Ge Xiaotian took Lao Qin and the Tianyu SG TV program recording team to Beijing Radio Station.

Some time ago, SG pads were selling well, and SG TVs made with obsolete monitors were also selling well.

Today, SG TV users have exceeded 30 million, accounting for about one-tenth of the total number of TV users.

The number of SG TVs is increasing rapidly, but because of the use of optical fiber data signals, unlike conventional wireless and cable TV, Sky Entertainment does not have the rights to radio stations. Even if it opens a movie and TV on-demand system, it is difficult to meet the needs of viewers.

Therefore, Sky Entertainment reached an agreement with local radio stations to donate SG TV recording equipment, relay equipment, connect optical fiber, and synchronize ordinary TV programs, so as to solve the problem of not being able to watch cable and wireless programs from the root.

Now SG TV already has the embryonic form of smart TV, and therefore, Tianyu has set up a team of Internet radio stations to produce "entertainment programs" and then sell them to radio stations. Information.

Our company is taking the route of wearable devices, there will be no computers, and the SG pad is just a transitional product. In the future, TV will still be the mainstream.

The purpose... to protect eyesight!


Last year, Tiancheng held a recruiting party at Gongti, and cooperated with Beijing Radio Station for the first time (not Huaxia Radio Station). After that, Shuai Bo and Tong Yingdiao were appointed as Wangjing Tiancheng, and occasionally came to Jingcheng Radio Station as a guest guest, helping the station to increase its popularity for free. With a big singer and donated broadcasting building, the relationship between the two parties is very harmonious.

Now that Boss Ge is here in person, even though the nature of the capital radio station is different from that of the local radio stations, the leaders still hold a grand welcome ceremony.

A moment of pleasantries.

"Leader, I want to reserve a time slot."

"It's easy to talk about, Mr. Ge will come forward, as long as the time is not too long, the fee will be free."

"Haha, the leader is so generous, I want to cover it for a week."

"Time period?"

"Everything except news!"


"Can't you?"

" not in compliance with the rules. There are regulations on the program schedule, and contracts have been signed for the advertisements."

Ge Xiaotian raised his index finger, "One day, 100 million red notes."


For Huaxia Radio Station, the advertising fee is calculated in seconds, and its nature is more special. It is difficult to measure it with money. One hundred million a day is a bit whimsical, but for Beijing Radio Station...absolutely sky-high.

The leaders hesitated.

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, "I know that if we break the contract with the advertiser, it will damage the reputation of our radio station, but this matter can be negotiated by Tianyu or Tiancheng."

"Don't bother Mr. Ge, it's just... you plan to play it?"

"Is it a show..."

'You can't talk about selling things, can you? '

Ge Xiaotian hesitated a little, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, remembering the contract that Tianyu wanted to acquire, but he later denied it and changed it to the story behind it.

"Leader, this is the first time I have appeared on the screen. With my influence, the ratings will definitely not be low."

"I know, if the ratings break our radio record..."

The big leader glanced at the deputy leader beside him, and nodded to each other, "Not only will we not charge you, but we will also give you a rebate."

"Then there's no need, I'm not short of money."

Big leader: "..."

Deputy leader: "Mr. Ge, I don't know your program?"

"I plan to make an indoor and outdoor talk show similar to a variety show, don't worry, it's definitely positive energy!"

"We believe that Mr. Ge will not mess around, but... need to report."

"No problem. It will take time to produce the program and notify the SG TV signal broadcast in Dongshan, Nanhe, Xishan, and Shaanxi. Let's start in the afternoon."

The leader thought he would have to wait a few days, but he was surprised and said, "So urgent?"

"Make money... no, the sooner you spread positive energy, the better."


"Also, the copyright of this program will be given to your station when I finish it, no matter how effective it is."

"Mr. Ge... I have never seen such a heroic person!"

The atmosphere rose instantly.

"Then let's go to the International Hotel?"


"I treat you."


Tianyu has a huge influence in China. The boss behind the scenes appeared on the stage, and the leaders of Beijing Radio Station also appeared. They were full of food and drink, and quickly got approval.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ge Xiaotian led the program production team to Haidian Military University.

At the same time, our own staff also obtained the passes left by the Nine Institutes from the guards in advance, and transported a train of materials, finished products, semi-finished products, and technical display equipment into the campus.

As the saying goes, if you don't come to the capital, you don't know how many officials there are, and if you don't enter the military university, you don't know how many generals there are.

Although it is class time, this is not a traditional school, it is full of in-service leaders, along the way...

Eyes full of stars.

Fortunately, besides a few old men, Ge Xiaotian also knew a famous boss.

A bureau seat who just graduated from England.

I once visited Tianyu as a guest star, guest, and Shuishui forum, but then I was busy with business and left for a while.

After returning this time, the bureau chief will directly serve as the principal of Tiancheng Vocational Secondary School Hangmu School, and will be fully in charge of programs such as "The Bureau's Talking about Hangmu", "New Era Naval Warfare" and "Eastern European War Situation" in cooperation with SG TV and China Radio.

Juzao is a very talented and humorous person.

As for Ge Xiaotian's seven-day talk show, the main guest is the bureau.

As for the name of the show...

Ge Laoer has an appointment!

Playing tickets, it doesn't need to be so formal.

After selling things, what to do.


Due to the fact that the school is full of stars and restricted by the confidentiality agreement, Ge Xiaotian did not dare to run around, walked into the unpretentious school gate, followed the guards and went straight to the battlefield where the bidding will be held tomorrow.

Not long after, Ju Zuo appeared in an old-fashioned green leather jeep.

"Haha, Boss Ge!"

During this period of time, the bureau is not the bureau, and the war suddenly...Ge Xiaotian doesn't know if there is, "Leader, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You can't be called a leader. Several old men called me to tutor my homework, but they praised you a lot."

"Don't dare to be, but I don't know how the leader is doing this tutoring?"

"It's difficult. I want to hide my clumsiness, but Boss Ge suddenly created eight aircraft carriers. They are both true and false. I don't understand."

"Do you need to understand? Just fool around."


"Anyway, the cooperation program between SG TV and China Radio is entertainment in nature. No matter what you say, everyone has to listen to it. As for what you depends on who you are."

"It makes sense!"

"Haha, leader, I need to ask you something these days."

"Is there a salary?"

"Do you dare to earn extra money?"

"At the very least, we should take care of food and shelter."

“No star hotel!”

"That's a good thing."

"That's right."

Ge Xiaotian walked into the exhibition center built by himself, looked left and right, and picked up a steel plate, "This is developed according to Tiancheng's standards, and the serial number is TCGTS002 type high carbon steel. cracking, no deformation, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and, while possessing super flexibility, its strength is still terrifying, it is the best material for making large-scale logging saw teeth and giant mechanical shock-absorbing plates.”


The chief took a breath, grabbed the steel plate with trembling hands, and said angrily: "Nonsense, this is obviously an excellent steel for making military shovels. I don't know how many grades it is better than the current ones... How much is it?"

Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, as expected of the boss, he instantly understood his intentions, "Leader, don't be kidding, I'm just a small private enterprise engaged in construction projects, how can I be a military shovel."

"You can sell it!"

Hearing this sentence, for some reason, such a sentence sounded in Ge Xiaotian's mind...

'What kind of bicycle do you want! '

At this time, the office manager took out his phone book, rummaged through it, and called up a number, "Well, I have a friend who just got the four certificates of military industry. He happened to be planning to do this business. Help me, sell him a batch of high-carbon steel?"


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback.

It turns out that the bureau seat didn't realize his intentions, but took it seriously.

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