Build Madness

Chapter 731 Investment Summary

At noon on January 25th.

The black and gray Mi Erliu quickly climbed up in the eyes of everyone, left the small square in front of the Oriental Hotel, and disappeared under the northern sky.

Nanyang, which caused an uproar because of Ge Xiaotian's arrival, finally regained its calm.

inside the cabin.

Dao Shiyi replaced Dao Yi as personal secretary, summarizing the expenses incurred in this round of investment:

There are 80,000 employees, and the per capita annual salary abroad is 100,000 red notes. By the end of the year, it will cost 8 billion yuan.

Fleet maintenance, normally, the year-end settlement is 20 billion, but the use of self-owned docks uses system resources, which is negligible.

Fleet supplies, fuel, food, ammunition... until the year-end settlement, 15 billion red notes will be spent.

Leasing the rubber plantation, received 1 billion Franklin from Taimei.

AS Communication Company introduced Zigbee Network, Tiancheng needs to provide two Shiguangji servers...

AS Communications has reached a cooperation with Weihua, which provides base stations, optical cables, optical fibers, switches...

AS Group paid 50 million Franklin for the first year of Zigbee network licensing fees, and then calculated commissions based on sales.

Taimei purchased a medium-sized aircraft and paid a deposit of 1.5 billion Franklin, including corresponding carrier-based aircraft, ground-effect flying vehicles, and related radar equipment.

Taimei purchased 50 T-90 modified vehicles, 100 quick-reaction armored vehicles, several supply vehicles, rescue vehicles, and dining vehicles, totaling 200 million Franklins.

Taimei purchased one million sets of Tiancheng standard tooling and one million fiber helmets...

South Vietnam Procurement...

Cambodia Procurement...

Zhengda invested in western agriculture and animal husbandry, and temporarily stored Tianrong 2 billion Franklin. We put on the shelves Zhengda Pharmaceutical, Zhengda Agriculture, Zhengda Technology and other products, and sold six city-level Xingyuewan industrial chain lands to the other party, making a profit of 700 million Hong money.

Nanyang Agriculture purchases seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machinery...

Total labor expenses: 23 billion red notes.

Total sales of various products: 8 billion Franklin, estimated profit: 6 billion Franklin.

Advance payment: 2 billion Franklin.

Total profit: 7 billion Franklin. (Including the 1 billion from Taimei)

in addition.

The market value of Nanyang Development Group has skyrocketed, with an expected revenue of HK$140 billion in one year.

"It's really a cannon shot, golden ten thousand taels."

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and felt that it was worth the risk of going to war.

Although 7 billion Franklin + 140 billion Hong Kong dollars is far inferior to following the nine oil stocks, but this is an industry, and there are still many things to operate in the future.

For example, the rubber plantation industry affects rubber stocks, rising first and then falling.

That is to say, before Tiancheng has planted rubber, financial tycoons will first increase the price of rubber, wait for Tiancheng rubber to mature, and then lower the price of rubber, forming a trend of plummeting and profiting from it.

But if Tian Cheng can come up with enough funds, he can take the opportunity to trick the other party, that is, sit and watch the price of rubber fluctuate, and when it drops to freezing point, he will buy a large amount, after all, he really lacks rubber.

For example, this year, the production of Taimei rice has been reduced, and the oversupply has become a shortage. Next year, the price of rice may rise sharply.

If Tiancheng radiates the Nanyun rice industry through the Nanyun orange industry during this period, the Nanyun farmers will not only get a very considerable income, but they can also reap a wave in the stock market.

Another example is the cooperation between Nanyang Agriculture, one of the parent planet's food suppliers, and Tiancheng, which will soon affect the seed, fertilizer, agricultural machinery and other industries.

The stock market in various fields fluctuates greatly, and who to short, who to support, and who to cheat are all up to themselves in many aspects.

"The plate is big, as long as you operate it properly, you can make money no matter what!"

"Boss, North America ordered us to release the five hundred North American journalists it detained."

"Reporter? What reporter?"

"It's the agents and spies."

"There are so many?"

"It is estimated that they felt that they should not go back, so they made up a number."

"Do you think it would work to replace the civet cat with the prince?"

"It's hard."

"Using Horton's power to fabricate identities?"

"It is necessary to eliminate the leader and some familiar faces who keep in touch with North America, and replace those low-key agents who are stationed in China with our own people."

"Announce the list, let it go."

"Do you want to stuff some private goods for our own people, so that we can prove that we are indeed secret agents, and we can get promotion and salary increase."

"I heard that North America contacted the Swiss Royal Navy to introduce underwater lidar?"

"Yes, in fact, North America has a semi-finished lidar, known as the 'magic lamp', which is used in the HSL-94 reserve squadron of Haibu Aviation and the SH-60 "Sea Eagle" helicopter to search for mines, but the technology is immature. Not the flashlight-style 'Hawkeye' lidar developed by Saab Dynamics in Switzerland."

"I remember letting the church handle the company."

"They transferred some of the information to the Royal Navy."

"Where have we come so far?"

"This technology has been abandoned and changed to an imaging technology based on the research of graphene terahertz antenna reflection arrays. When the nine institutes develop an optical quantum computer, we will also add neutrino technology as an auxiliary..."

Ge Xiaotian didn't understand. He opened the technology tree and found that it was not activated. He immediately waved his hand, "When they complete the transaction, modify the underwater lidar technology, let the agents take it back as soon as possible, and then send the complete one to the Ninth Institute."


"Is there anything going on in the domestic company recently?"

"The holding groups in various regions are holding annual meetings. SG TV users have heard about the internal competition, and watch in front of the TV every night. The ratings have skyrocketed. The temperature-controlled rooms that were promoted by the opportunity also attracted a large number of wealthy families."

"It saves a lot of advertising costs."

"Are you still sponsoring the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

"No, let other companies in the chamber of commerce join, suits, furniture, home appliances..."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly remembered Bawang's shampoo and rubbed his smooth head, "Who's shampoo can help me grow it, I will sponsor them 10 billion!"

"Boss, to be honest, the authentic Zhangguang 101 of the richest man Li doesn't work, so there is little hope."


"I remember that when you were in a car accident, the laboratory kept a blood sample, and Daoyi found out..."

"Find what?"

"The number of divisions of your cells and embryos is almost twice that of ordinary people, even more than bastards..."


"No, what I mean is that your metabolic rate is 95% lower than that of ordinary people. In other words, it may take ten years for others to grow hair in a month."


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his chin, the stubble he shaved two years ago has indeed not grown back yet, "Wait, doesn't this mean that I can live forever?"

"It's not a concept. Your heart and genetic programming can't withstand aging, and you don't have the antioxidants and cell healing proteins that are produced independently in your body. Even if you drink nutrient solution every once in a while, you can live at most one hundred and fifty years old. The reason why the metabolic rate Underneath, it is probably related to the main brain. In other words, what you think about a problem consumes not brain cells, but the energy of the main brain. In order to protect you, the main brain lowers your metabolism and prevents a large amount of information and calculations from shocking you into an idiot... No, Boss, this is what Daoyi said, boss, don't, this is a plane, I don't want to get on it..."

"It's a bastard and an idiot again. I really don't feel that you are doing something."

Ge Xiaotian closed the hatch, opened the smart card, "Walk back to Gejia Village by yourself, and you must be home before New Year's Eve."

Hoo hoo...

The wind whistled through the communicator, and Dao Shili's voice came faintly.

"Damn it, it's so cool!"


Dao Twelve, who filled the seat, was eager to try, "Boss, actually he didn't finish talking..."

"The Kra Isthmus Canal will open at the end of the year, and the Antarctic project needs additional manpower. Go ahead."



"Walk to Antarctica?"



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