Build Madness

Chapter 783 I am not cheating, I just have too many numbers...

Jinxiuchuan Sports Complex.

The first round of knockout matches between Tiancheng Real Estate Development and Tiancheng Overseas Construction was extremely fierce.

From the beginning to the countdown, the two sides took turns to adopt tactics such as '2-3-5', '4-3-3', '3-5-2', 'Total Attack and Total Defense', and even took out the tactics of 'ancient times' '0-0-10', '1-0-9'.

With efficient execution, the players demonstrated the super-level competitive ability and unique professionalism that Sancha Cup should prepare for.

The coaches of both sides used unimaginable tactics to reflect the extraordinary brain thinking activity of the chairman of the company.

This is a contest of strength and wisdom.

Every minute and every second, coupled with the strong rhythmic BGM, can be edited into a "wonderful moment".

Until the end, the retired Director Sun gritted his teeth and gave up the initial points that could be doubled in the next round, in exchange for a silver lv1 player.

A certain security guard in the field immediately changed into the uniform of the Tiancheng Overseas Construction Enterprise Team and entered the game...

And the players who left the field did not leave, they picked up their security suits and put them on, panting hard to fill their positions and stand guard...

The fans at the scene were not surprised by this scene.

Regardless of the Sancha Cup or the XBA, the operating model is completely different from that of outside football games.

The corporate-named team is just a commercial promotion, not responsible for training players.

The participating players come from various fields, they may be security guards, or construction workers, or teachers, doctors, etc. Only gold-level and above are professional players.

Even if the old man sweeping up the garbage on the sidelines appeared in the finals, this is not surprising at all, at least it happened last year...

Including the team composed of bronze lv1, it may not necessarily lose.

Maybe a certain Bronze-level player suddenly became brighter under the strong pressure, and his physical fitness also broke through the limit. He successfully advanced to Silver, led the team to kill, and advanced to Gold again, making the team a super dark horse, rushing to the third place. Top 12, he himself became the quarterly MVP...

This is also normal.

In short, in Tiancheng sports events, everything is possible.

In addition, whether it is the XBA or the Sancha Cup, although the fans support the team and the naming company, they ultimately support the 'camp'.

This is due to the fact that there are too many participating teams, and it is impossible for thousands of teams to be familiar to fans.

In addition, the Sancha Cup uses an elimination system, the first round is eliminated, the team is disbanded, the second round is eliminated, the team is disbanded, the third round is eliminated, the team is disbanded, until it reaches the top 32, it can be said that the ball of water Teams, flowing players.

In this case, the game is extremely exciting, and it is always necessary to create "a belief" for the fans.

Therefore, according to the strength of the team, Tiancheng Sports formulated the four camps of mythical beasts and camps outside the territory.

For example, the Qinglong camp has teams such as A, Ji, C, and D.

In the first knockout round, A was unfortunately eliminated by a team from the White Tiger camp.

However, in Team A, there are several players who are loved by fans. Team A is disbanded, and other teams in the Qinglong camp can get a small amount of points to absorb these players and use them to gain support from fans.

The Sancha Cup is of a commercial nature. The naming of the team is for publicity. Gaining fans is equal to attracting customers. Such a mechanism is not only welcomed by enterprises, but also unanimously praised by fans.

Moreover, with the points system plus the camp system, every player will be familiar to the fans until the final semi-finals or finals.

Create stars, promote brands, attract fans...

This is the main reason why the XBA and Sancha Cup have gained huge profits in a different mode from outside ball games after two years of exploration.


There was no miracle today, and Boss Ge lost in the end.

In the penalty shootout, Director Sun defeated him by one goal.

What surprised the fans was that Boss Ge didn't hide away angrily after losing face like before.

Instead, with a smile on his face, he swaggered away from the stadium...

"Strange, there's something wrong with this product."

"Do you want to become an 'authority dog' and deny the result of this game?"

"Impossible? Isn't this a signboard for smashing the Sancha Cup?"

"But Tian Cheng is really eliminated, and Ge Lao Er will say goodbye to this season."

Among countless fans' speculations, Tiancheng Real Estate Development did not give any answer, what to do.

This made supporters sigh.

Tian Cheng was really eliminated!

This topic ignited the Baixiaotong information platform.

As a result, people reaffirmed the fairness of the Sancha Cup.

After all, it was reasonable for Tian Cheng to be eliminated.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The 18th round of the Sancha Cup knockout round.

Well, Dongshan 15th City also started the game, plus the Lotus Sports Center, Jinxiuchuan in the morning, and now this time it is ranked 18th.

In the 18th game, Ge Laoer appeared in the coach's bench again, and waved to the audience with a smile on his face.

Countless fans: "???"

"Why is this guy back?"



"Wait, this afternoon's game is..."

"Tiancheng undertook the construction of the VS Tiange electric vehicle."

"Why did another Tian Cheng contractor come out?"

"This is Tiancheng's construction, without the word "Overseas". That is to say, all the houses your family lives in are built by this company."


"Why does it feel like you can't beat someone in a game, so change your account and try again?"

"A little bit."

"The key is... Tian Ge Electric Vehicle was a new team last year, and their results were terrible. This year, the initial points are as high as 10,000. If you exchange them for a silver-level player, you can not only save 8,000 points, but also win easily."



At the end of the game, Ge Lao Er was cut off from his horse again...

"Fuck, look at his smile, I don't know why, but it hurts a little."

"Is this the so-called: You are smiling on your face, but you are crying in your heart?"


The fans were talking again.


In the evening.

Seven thirty.

Sancha Cup first round knockout round, match 35.

Ge Laoer once again appeared in the coach's bench.

The same smile, the same wave, the same audience: "???"

This scene seemed to be copied, so much so that SG equipment users filled the screen in the barrage: "???"

"Is this scene repeated?"

"Is the editor lazy?"

"Live or broadcast?"

"No, this afternoon is..."

"Tiancheng Machinery Factory V CNOOC Solar Energy."


"No, isn't Hong xx the chairman of Tiancheng Machinery Factory?"

"The old man has gone to build airplanes. He is the general manager of Tiancheng Aero Engine and Manufacturing Plant. He is competing in Weicheng this afternoon."


"This is so... It's more and more like playing a game, but you can't beat it. Open a few more accounts to try your luck."

"No, Tiancheng Machinery Factory also failed last year..."

As expected, Ge Laoer left the stage with a smile again.

the next day.

Nine thirty in the morning.

In the midst of everyone's attention, someone appeared in the coach's dugout again.

this time.

Tiancheng International Holdings VS Xiaohu Town Cement Component Factory.


This time someone has initial credits.

"It's finally out, it's comfortable!"

All the fans: "???"

At the same time, a card game called "Sancha Cup: Kung Fu Football" was launched on the SG platform.

'The first charge is 10 yuan, and ten consecutive draws will be given away'.

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