Build Madness

Chapter 844

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has three headquarters.

One is located in the Canal Development Zone, which is mainly responsible for the business of medium and large enterprises, including group investment, group production, assistance in entrepreneurship, planning guidance, and internal fund lending of chambers of commerce.

One is located in Xincheng, Zaoshi, and is mainly responsible for the business of micro and small enterprises, including group investment, assisted entrepreneurship, self-employed partners, tax-related assistance, and business connection with medium and large enterprises.

The last one is located in Neobras, which is mainly responsible for the business of overseas multinational groups. It has more complicated functions, including cross-border investment, cross-border loans, and fixed-point driving...

This driving is not the other's driving, but everyone follows Boss Ge to enter a certain regional market, make a killing, or enter a certain type of stock market or a certain type of futures market, and then run away after harvesting.

Now there are many international members, such as Horton Foundation, Butterfly Club, Accor, Nanbangzi KS, Taimei AS, Taiwan Plastics, Nanyang Agriculture, Chia Tai International...

In terms of cohesion, the International Chamber of Commerce is the most united, because everyone has offended many super consortiums, and nine out of ten will be killed if they do not hold together.

Followed by Zaoshi Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Scattered investors, either buy Tiancheng storefront, rent Tiancheng stores, or accept Tiancheng's funding. They can be described as leaves on the big tree of Tiancheng. It doesn't matter.

Finally, there is the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in the Canal Development Zone.

Medium and large enterprises mainly follow the expansion of Tiancheng's industrial chain. Many bosses have their own funds and resources. They join the Chamber of Commerce to find new business opportunities. If there are no business opportunities, they will naturally not go around with Tiancheng to offend enterprises in other regions, and they may quit the group someday. up.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about this.

It is impossible for the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to absorb all the enterprises in Huaxia, otherwise it would be a monopoly.

And what he cares about is the leading company that lays out the 45 major industrial categories formulated according to Tiancheng's standards.

Each category has an industrial chain, and each industrial chain contains 200 enterprises, and each enterprise has several sets of production systems, ranging from raw material supply, semi-finished product processing, to finished product processing, product transportation, and terminal sales.

In this way, even if Tiancheng is targeted by North America, it can still rely on its own 'gou' resources to drive the development of the sub-region step by step for three years.

At that time, all the way to the west, the project will be completed, the sub-region will prosper, and Europe and Asia will prosper...

However, these enterprises that have sprung up like mushrooms after the rain after the industrial revolution are still in their 'infancy', and some of them have just landed with the All the Way West project, and they need to be carefully 'nurtured' by Tiancheng.

Give them business, give them orders, let them make money, grow, grow...

This is the main reason for beating Wajima.

Nan Bangzi?

A kimchi, I haven't digested it yet...

It's too disappointing!

On the plane to the Canal Development Zone.

Ge Xiaotian signed a document to donate a batch of medical supplies and electronic products to Bei Bangzi for free, so that the other party could stimulate Nan Bangzi...


Not long after, the Tiancheng helicopter landed in the Canal Development Zone.

As early as last year, Tiancheng withdrew the canal office, which also meant that the entire project was completely over.

Starting from Auto Trade City,

Canal Xingyue Bay,

The furniture city transformed by the lotus sales office,

Lotus Sports Center,

Canal CBD,

Canal People's Square,

Canal Tiancheng Square,

zoological and botanical gardens,

water entertainment city,

Dongshan Financial Street built by imitating Wall Street,

Imitate the high-tech industrial park built by Silicon Valley,

Tiancheng Machinery,

Pen, ink, paper and inkstone, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum,

Commodity Market,

Canal without sidewalk main line,

Xiangxian hub plans to expand track,

canal complex,

National Highway North Canal Town,

Canal South Civil Airport...

And the Sofitel Hotel, Tiancheng Unnamed Hotel, Sun Paper Exhibition Center, Longtian Technology Building, Wanshi Technology Building, Ruyi Textile Product Center, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, Jishi Courtyard, Jishi Safety Office, Jishi Traffic management, Shu Dahong driving school...

This is a city.

It is a new city built by Tiancheng solely and independently.

Standing in the airport, Ge Xiaotian looked at the scene with a lot of emotion.

This feeling is infinitely stronger than facing Jinxiuchuan University City.

Because it was a university town, and this side was a commercial city. When building that side, Tian Cheng already had considerable strength, but when building this side, Tian Cheng... was still in negative equity.

The more he thought about it, the more emotional Ge Xiaotian became.

"I'm so awesome!"

Dao Eleven: "???"

What are you freaking out about?

Immediately, Ge Xiaotian suddenly missed Shaobaitou very much, if not for Shaobaitou, Tian Cheng would not have gone so smoothly.

Thinking about it, he dialed the smart card.

The other party was very upset: "What are you doing?"

"Get up and pee."

"Ge Xiaotian, you call me at two o'clock in the morning, no, call your leader, or the second leader of Dongshan, is this the attitude?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, I drank too much, I miss you."


Shaobaidou was silent for a full minute, before hanging up the communication, he added: "Drink more hot water."

Ge Xiaotian happily looked at the smart card page, hesitated for a long time, and didn't dare to call Lao Yu.

Calling the other party to get up to go to the toilet, in case he gets too tired and seals off the Tianfu Group's construction site overnight, he will have to beg the other party in the end.

"Boss, go to that factory first?"

"Glove Factory."

The fourth uncle went to be the second leader of Sancha Township, and the cotton planting was handed over to Da Mao, who ran a supermarket, who was my third uncle.

The third uncle is not very capable among the brothers, but compared to the fourth uncle, he is much more flexible in business.

Of course, it is not as good as Comrade Ge Feng and the second uncle Ge Shunfeng, these two are old fritters.

And the second uncle... is the same as Nong Qijiu, so there is no way to compare.

After Sanshu took over the cotton planting project in Gejia Village, he won the cotton planting project in Xiang County by virtue of the funds he had accumulated from opening supermarkets for many years and the first year’s year-end award from Damao. Later, he took out a loan and became a major cotton household in Jishi. Chinese suppliers.

However, Ruyi Textile and Splendid Huaxia also have branch factories in other regions. Especially after the establishment of the desert town, Ruyi Textile signed a supply and demand agreement with the Northwest Agricultural Reclamation Corps, basically not using the cotton at a slightly higher price in Dongshan.

However, as major industrial provinces, Xiangxian and Jishi also have other textile and glove factories.

In order to digest local cotton and also to impact overseas markets, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, based on the old textile mills and old glove factories in Xiangxian County and Jishi City, took the supply of semi-finished cotton products as an entry point, exchanged equipment for shares, and invested additionally in technology. A cotton textile industry chain under its own control.

What Ge Xiaotian wanted to check was the Second Xiangxian Gloves Factory.

It mainly produces labor protection gloves, knitted rib gloves, cotton yarn pattern gloves lined with plush, and these products are all for overseas markets.

Other types, such as plastic, leather, five-finger and mittens classified according to finger type, are either in the main factory, or in the third or fourth branch factories, mainly for internal digestion or for the domestic market.

At two o'clock in the morning, the second branch factory located on the north side of the national highway was still brightly lit.

Ge Xiaotian signaled to the security that there was no need to contact the factory manager, and after opening the door, he went straight to the workshop.

Tiancheng implements four shifts for high-intensity operations, while production enterprises implement three shifts with an eight-hour work system, or two shifts with a ten-hour work system, because some machines need maintenance.

Come to Workshop 1.

Twenty little girls in white coats and masks walked between weaving equipment and automated instruments, picking up thread ends, mending yarn, adjusting data, or pushing the inventory warehouse...

At the end of the workshop, two young men in blue overalls could be vaguely seen driving a forklift to pack the packed labor protection gloves into the container parked outside.

"Are you tired?"

Since they were both wearing white coats and dust masks, the little girl couldn't recognize who it was. Subconsciously, she put her legs together, raised her head and chest, and raised her left hand, "Go back to the leader, don't be afraid of hardship, don't be afraid of tiredness, otherwise you will find someone else." I can’t wipe my tears when I don’t work.”

Facing the timid and stubborn little girl, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but exclaimed in satisfaction when he heard this again: "I am enlightened!"

Immediately asked again:

"Relax, don't be nervous, how old are you?"


"How long have you been working?"

"It's been two years. However, I was under 18 last year and only worked the day shift. This year, I will be working on regular shifts."

"Are you satisfied with your income?"

"very satisfied!"


"Very satisfied!"

"How much can I get a month?"

"Six hundred and eight."

Ge Xiaotian nodded again. Among Tiancheng International Holdings, only companies that start with the word "Tian" implement double salary.

Holding companies like this basically give ordinary salaries based on working hours, and wait until the end of the year to give bonuses ranging from 30%, 50%, and 70% of the annual salary according to the company's income.

If this little girl guarantees full attendance, she can get 8200 as an annual salary, 500 for high temperature, accommodation, and heating subsidies, and 500 for important festivals. The year-end bonus is 8200x70%=5720.

In 2002, this number has reached the level of ordinary employees in government-owned enterprises, not to mention the fact that production enterprises include food and lodging, travel twice a year, and occasionally grab a red envelope from Boss Ge...

Enough to be called the high-paying class.

"are you happy?"


The little girl was stunned, "I have a job and it's so good, I'm sure I'm happy."

"Are you happy?"

"No boyfriend..."

"What kind of boyfriend do you want at a young age will affect your spinning speed."

Ge Xiaotian signaled the little girl to go get busy, and greeted Eleven, "Tell me, are factory employees in developed countries so happy?"

"The social system is different, and the cultural thinking is also different. It is impossible to compare. But if this little girl is allowed to go to a factory in a developed country, she may not be able to adapt to the environment there. If the factory employees from a developed country come to our factory... I feel I would be so excited that I would cry.”

"So, it's better to stay at our house."

"This is our family. If you go to the production company outside, you probably won't feel this way. Moreover, we recently recruited another 200,000 workers according to the needs of the Westward Expressway Industrial Park. The workshop workers in the deep and wide areas have moved north. Now there is a buzzword on the Internet, called 'running with a bucket'."


In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian often lives on construction sites, so he naturally knows what it means to run around with a bucket.

Throw slippers, clothes stays, toiletries, etc. into the bucket, roll up the mat in summer, roll up the quilt in winter, and leave with the bucket...

At this time, a middle-aged man with a slightly fatter figure rushed over at a speed of 100 meters. He was ten meters away and reported at attention:

"Report, Cao Zhenhua, director of Xiangxian Glove Factory No. 2 Branch, please give instructions."

"What are you doing so formally?"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, motioning for the other party to come forward to speak, but felt that the other party looked familiar: "I seem to have seen you in the bus operating company?"

"Back to the boss, I used to be in charge of the Intercity Civilization No. 609 from Xiangxian County to Juxian County. Later, the number of new veterans increased. According to the group's instructions, the old employees were admitted to management positions. However, the bus operation company has limited positions. Coincidentally, the production enterprises are fully expanded and urgently needed Manager, I'm coming."

"This system is good, but we are a private enterprise, so we can't take the training of the military department here."

"Back to the boss, the little girls and boys are at the age that loves to play. There are so many changes outside, and all kinds of trends are dizzying. If militarized management is not implemented, they will wear earphones tomorrow and listen to songs to operate equipment, too It's dangerous. Moreover, talking about love, going out all night, and not returning at night will directly affect production efficiency."

"Human, how can there be no emotion."

"It's too young, no matter how old it is, it must be over twenty years old."

"It's up to you."

Ge Xiaotian strolled around the second factory building, "Compared to before, is there anything good or bad about it?"

"In the past, a factory building required 200 old-fashioned knitting machines, which required 200 people to operate, and also equipped with porters, cleaners, and many maintenance workers. Now it is fully automated, and strictly speaking, only ten employees are needed per shift, but in order to solve employment, Only 20 people were arranged. Comparing with each other, the production efficiency is five times that of before, and the expenses...even if there are ten more people per shift and more salaries, it will be reduced by four-fifths compared to before. One increase and one decrease, the income is Seven or eight times as much as before."

"What about the bad places?"

"It's not as lively as before."

"Ha ha……"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the automatic knitting machine, "How many production workshops do we have here?"

"A total of 35 seats, two shifts, 20 people per shift, a total of 1,400 female workers, each with four forklift workers, a total of 140 male workers, the transportation is handed over to Tiancheng Transportation, and another 20 Tianwei, 20 security inspectors, ten electricians..."

"I can't remember even if you said it."


"As long as the operating status can reach more than 80%."

"Report to the boss, we have maintained a status of more than 98% throughout the year, and we are an excellent unit of a production enterprise."

"very nice."

Ge Xiaotian applauded and encouraged.

Tiancheng implements the "progress bar" system, which not only includes engineering, scientific research, planting, breeding, but also production, transportation and so on.

The progress bar is divided into project completion, enterprise income and expenditure status, enterprise health management, and enterprise operation status.

At the end of the year, rewards and penalties are carried out according to the average quarterly average value of a single item.

"I came here today for no other purpose, just... You see, we have ten more female workers per shift in each workshop, so another way of thinking, doubling the expansion of the second branch factory, will there be skilled employees immediately?"


"After the expansion, if we recruit 5 more female workers per shift, will the expansion be doubled?"

"Boss, the soaring production capacity will affect sales."

"Do gloves have an expiration date?"

"Pvc and PE materials are 3 years old, but weaving classes are not."

"That's right, like weaving, we can produce ten years of output in one year, and then we can do other things in the next nine years, such as knitted socks, knitted hats..."

"Boss, we have a shoe and hat factory, isn't this stealing their business?"

"I'm just making a metaphor. The times are moving forward. We need to adjust the industry according to market demand. Maybe in the future, dogs and cats will all wear woven clothes and shoes and socks."


"You don't understand, do as I say, even if there is no market, we can create a market overseas!"

"Listen to the instructions of your superiors!"

"Good job!"

Ge Xiaotian said, and took out the documents, "Our second branch factory mainly produces woven labor protection gloves. The order has come. Within ten months, we will provide 500 million Franklin goods to Wodao. At the same time, you can contact the main factory, third branch factory, fourth The branch factory dispatched 300 million Franklin PVC gloves, 500 million Franklin latex gloves, and 900 million Franklin medical gloves."

"This, such a big order?"

"Since when have I ever played with a kid?"


In terms of glove export volume, Huaxia ranks first in the mother planet, but this figure is declining year by year at a rate of 5% to 10%, because wages are rising, material prices are rising, and small workshops cannot compare with overseas automated production models. As a result, the cost is getting higher and higher, and the selling price is getting less and less advantageous in the international market.

Now that Tiancheng has completed automated production, if it mass-produces products that can be stored for a long time and has a suitable storage warehouse, as long as the company continues to survive, it will be able to make profits without losing money in the future.

This is also the root of Tiancheng's industrial chain's sudden production capacity.

In addition to gloves, there are household items, white wine above 10 degrees, honey, white vinegar, cornstarch...

However, in order to ensure the balanced development of various regions, these production plants did not gather together in Xiangxian County, but were divided into north and south according to the waterway system.

Ge Xiaotian spent several days in a row, either secretly visiting, or directly airborne, or using the "boss eye" camera, after checking 45 major industrial chains, he also distributed the orders he got from the Wadao market this time.

at the same time.

On October 3, the Wajima Ninja Alliance requested Tiancheng to rent mining equipment and learn mining technology.

The two parties pretended to wrangle for a long time, and finally signed a supply and demand agreement.

In the eyes of the people of Wa Island, this move seems to represent the victory of Wa Dao in the commercial confrontation with Tiancheng, and spontaneously organized the whole country to celebrate, but they don't know that countless Wa Dao youths are about to go to the mine to shed their blood and sweat for Tiancheng...

On October 4th, Huaxia's second desert road was completed and opened to traffic. The road crosses the 'Sea of ​​Death' Taklamakan, from Hetian in southern Xinjiang to the desert town, and finally arrives in Tacheng. The total length of the desert area is 120 kilometers, and the total length of the whole line is 600 kilometers km, constructed by Huaxia Erjian.

On October 5th, the first desert-type ground-effect transportation line on the mother star was officially opened.

The route runs from ALSZQ to the northwest, crosses ALSYQ, the northern tip of Zhangye, exits JYG, passes through Yumen Pass, and then divides into a northwest route and a southwest route at the Dunhuang hub near Yangguan, connecting northern Xinjiang and southern Xinjiang.

The northern Xinjiang ends with Tacheng, and the southern Xinjiang ends with the desert town, which is operated by Ulu Tianyun Group.

On October 6th, Tianjin Port, Qinggang, Yancheng, Weicheng, Zhaocheng, Lianyun, and Jianfu respectively opened Tiancheng Duty-Free Shipping Lines with Washima Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Moji, and Osaka. Sino-Ocean Group undertakes business.

In this project, Wajima set up offices in Jingang, Qinggang and other ports to complete the quarantine work together with Huaxia and Tiancheng, eliminating the need for inspection of goods arriving at the port and improving the efficiency of bilateral trade.

So far, Tiancheng's strategy of attacking the Japanese island market has officially entered the second stage.

That is... the dumping of goods.

Wajima will definitely resist, but there is the online shopping system of the Ninja Alliance secretly helping...

Wajima collapses at the touch of a button.

However, Wajima had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and immediately resold the goods that he could not sell to North America...

North America also considered this situation, and the smart capitalists resold Wajima goods to Australia...

Originally, the price of this batch of goods was not high, but after drifting in the Pacific Ocean, the long-distance transportation incurred high costs, and the capitalists wanted to make money. After a series of operations, the prices in Australia eventually rose.

And the aspiring young man from Wajima, who just arrived at the mine in Australia, saw familiar products, and the price was N times higher...

"Yoxi, our products can actually make so much money here!"

I am more motivated.

but in fact...

Chen Feng loaded a ship of goods with Wajima labels on them, set off from Jianfu, and successfully arrived at a remote port in Australia. He and the officer who had a fight with each other because of the Melbourne subway project a long time ago, warmly Hug together.

"Get rich!"

"Get rich!"

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