Build Madness

Chapter 846 Big Business

"Damn ghost, get ready, get ready for big business!"

Chen Feng suppressed his voice, his tone was rapid, like a male duck's version of croaking twice, and he hung up the communication directly.

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, stared blankly at the satellite phone screen, couldn't help but light a big 13 cigar...

Why is it so high?


Chen Feng went to Melbourne.

For Tiancheng, Melbourne's big business is currently only the 700 billion subway project.

But even with Tian Cheng's current strength and status, it is difficult to participate in this project.

Because it involves ZZ, regional differences, corporate trust, and community of interests.

Perhaps only local companies, North American companies, or English companies can undertake the project.

Although during this period of time, Chen Feng resold the high-quality imitation Japanese goods and made a lot of money, but even if he threw all the profits to the Melbourne governor, the other party would not be able to help him get the construction right of this project.

But then again, it was impossible for Chen Feng to lie to him.

It is even more impossible to foolishly be fooled by the governor of Melbourne, or cooperate with the governor of Melbourne to attract Tian Cheng, set up an 'overseas construction trap', and cheat Tian Cheng's deposit and advance payment for the project.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, contacted Zhang Fugui, but found that the phone was turned off.

And when I consulted several capable generals under Chen Feng's command, the other party also expressed that they were not clear...

"It's strange... Could it be that the effect of the old age has not disappeared?"

Dao Shiyi counted, "It's hard to say. Since ancient times, there are not a few people who are late bloomers. Chen Feng is not good at real estate, but he is like a fish in water as a second-hand businessman. It's getting smoother and smoother. With a little bit of luck, maybe a blind cat will run into a dead mouse." , pick up a big business."

"Collect materials related to the Melbourne subway and send them to my office."

"Good boss."

"Also, the Melbourne subway is not a small project. The electrical industry needs to increase the production of TBM roadheaders and underwater comprehensive shield machines."


When Ge Xiaotian came to the office of the chairman of Tiancheng Electric Industry, while Ge Xiaotian had a cup of tea, the intelligence department sent materials.

Located in the southeast corner of Australia, Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia. It originated from the gold rush 150 years ago and is known as the 'New Gold Mountain' by the Chinese.

It is one of the wealthiest cities in the southern hemisphere and the first city in the southern hemisphere to host the Olympic Games. It also includes the Australian Open, F1 Racing Australia, Melbourne Cup Marseille...

It has many industries or institutions that are at the forefront of the home planet, such as the University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Maternity Hospital, Federation Square, Art Center, Queen Victoria Market, St. Paul's Cathedral...

If Sydney in the north is compared to New York in North America, then Melbourne in the south is London in England. This is not an exaggeration.

Such a city, but no subway...

Therefore, in order to ease the traffic pressure, Australian Public Transport, in conjunction with Victoria State and dozens of wealthy Australian businessmen, plans to invest 100 billion Franklin to build a 90-kilometer-long Melbourne subway, and will continue to invest in it until it meets Melbourne's transportation needs. It is expected The total length is 372 kilometers.

The cost per kilometer is about: 1.1 billion Franklin, or 9 billion red notes.

The subway has six exits involving strategic...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian yawned, and involuntarily touched the gossip shift key, turned on the office server, logged in to Xiuzhen Continent, and then contacted Sister Xiu.

"Online, tonight's decisive battle until dawn!"


the next day.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Chen Feng called again:

"Come to Qinggang Airport, lineup! You know!"


Ge Xiaotian worked all night, got up from the bed with sleepy eyes, and rubbed his messy three-finger hair.

He can be sure that Chen Feng's big business is definitely not the Melbourne Metro.

But the other party repeatedly explained that it was probably very important, so he immediately picked up the smart card and ordered Eleven.

"Bring over the vertical lift business jet and leave for Qinggang Airport in half an hour!"


Vertical lift is not uncommon. Although only North America and England have complete products at present, there are quite a few with this technology, such as Maoxiong Yake 141, Yake 38, England Harrier, French Mirage fighter, German X1 , New Zealand Martin, Huaxia's No. 4 fighter...

Different times, different technologies, and different vertical lift systems.

The most technical content is the vector engine, followed by the turbine thrust and lift balance system, and then the use of propellers or fans to lift off the ground for propulsion.

In the past, Tiancheng did not have these technologies.

But last year, in order to investigate the leakage of confidential technology, Ice Bear conducted a rigorous investigation of several aircraft manufacturers, aerospace engine design bureaus and aviation research and development centers. Being hijacked, robbed, dropped...

Later, the Ou District Holy Church secretly rescued them, but they have been included in the Ice Bear's 'death list'...

Later, Tianwei Security reached an agreement of understanding with the church in Europe, which was not very well-connected, and exchanged a French medieval oil painting that was too expensive to be valued in secret in exchange for this group of aerospace engineers who also could not be valued.

In fact, in the new century, affected by the economic blockade, Mao Xiong has been reeling from the past, showing a retrogressive trend in the aerospace field, and the gap with Europe and the United States, which is taking the high-tech route, is getting wider and wider.

But poverty limited Maozi's productivity, but did not stop Maozi's imagination.

Based on their own fighting concepts and combined with Mao Xiong's family background, they designed many new-age fighters that can deal with North American F-22 Raptors and Super Hornets, such as Su Sanqi and Su Siqi.

It's just that Ice Bear can't even get together the funds to build the second prototype, so it can only cooperate with the Nine Institutes to develop immature supporting subsystems.

And these aerospace designers who have been inexplicably living in Tiancheng for a living, entered Tiancheng Electric Industrial Group and Lao Hong's aircraft manufacturing, had a lot of money and endless resources, not only perfected the North American designed "super" Panda', also provided Tiancheng with a series of aerospace technologies.

For example, the pump back swing rocket engine theory (large thrust, small steering range), low-earth orbit manned technology, feasibility study report of anti-gravity device, vector vertical lift system...

Strictly speaking, the current vertical lift is useless in war, mainly due to high fuel consumption and low load. Even if it is on an aircraft carrier, it cannot meet the needs of comprehensive operations.

Just like in North America, they were originally developing the famous F-35 in the future. When they saw Tiancheng’s super-heavy super panda mounted on the super-heavy super panda and changed the “run-up take-off” operation, they immediately gave up the vertical lift system and changed it to the same “run-up take-off” , or short-distance catapult take-off.

It's not that the opponent is stupid, but that armaments need to be researched and developed according to the enemy's methods. The Super Panda is aimed at F35.

I'll play speed and fury with you, compare low-altitude penetration capabilities, and then play aerial combat with you, compare thrust vector and fighter flexibility, if you dare not play, it's your choice...

North America will definitely not admit its own food, but it has not produced a prototype of the fifth-generation fighter F-35, and it is not clear to what extent the F-35 can match the super-heavy Super Panda. At present, it can only continue the fourth-generation F-22 Raptor , follow along and play like this...

Moreover, the "run-up and take-off" of the ground-effect aircraft is like a space shuttle mounted on a rocket, and it is also a skillful operation for North America.

In addition, North America also discovered the fatal flaw of Super Panda Kai.

Can't get on the flight deck!

In other words, after the ground-effect aircraft helps the run-up to take off, the super-heavy Super Panda needs a very long runway to land. Except for the engineering island that has this condition, even a large aircraft cannot meet the landing requirements.

This makes North America much more comfortable.

However, the Super Panda Kai did not adopt the 'vertical lifting system', and Tiancheng Electric Industry did not waste such a good technology.

Extended and extended, it is applied to small business jets and small private jets.

It will definitely not be sold in China, and it is mainly for overseas super rich people.

For example, whoever has a private island must use a ferry or helicopter to go out or return, but these means of transportation are slow, it is better to buy a vertical lift private jet, with fire-breathing tail, neon lights all over the body, high-end atmosphere and high-grade...

Especially those rich North Americans who moved to the hills to build villas and prepare to escape '2012', there is definitely a demand.

This is……

There is no market, create a market!

In addition, private jets or small business jets that use vector engines to vertically lift do not require egg loads, high speeds, or various high-standard combat avoidance requirements. The final product is much lighter. Compared with fighter jets, it is not only very fuel-efficient , and the service life is also greatly extended.


Qinggang Dongjiawan.

Tiancheng Electric Industrial Experimental Airport.


The sound of the vector engine, which is different from that of a helicopter, came, and a bat-shaped small business jet, with the hole in the tail facing down, sprayed a purple-red airflow, and slowly landed.

"Reporting to the boss, we have applied for a specific route, and the airport has set aside one hour and twenty-five minutes of office time for us."

"It's very face-saving, and I will donate two driverless smart shuttles to them later."


The internal space of the small business jet is similar to that of the extended tua.

Six seats, a tea machine, miniature refrigerators, miniature computers, and miniature office desks are fixed on both sides...

The internal height is only 1.5 meters, and you must wear an X-shaped seat belt after sitting down, or be fixed in a seat that can be ejected.

Because... it can rotate 360 ​​degrees, allowing passengers to look up at the earth from the skylight and appreciate the parent star from another angle.

In order to ensure the health of passengers, the maximum speed of this model does not exceed Mach 1.5, and the maximum ceiling does not exceed 20,000 meters, which is considered very advanced.


Two hundred million Franklin.

After all, there is no fool who uses top-secret military technology in the field of civil aviation...


In just three minutes, the bat-shaped small business jet slowly landed outside the airport hall, in the open space vacated by the security personnel, while everyone was stunned.


"Isn't it too sci-fi?"

"Vertical lift?"

"Bat fighter?"

"Who's in there?"

"I bet a pack of spicy strips, it's definitely Boss Ge that I admire the most!"

"Can't afford to lose, don't gamble!"

At this time.

The hatch opens.

A black leather shoe is the first to catch people's eyes...


Boss Ge Da, who wore sunglasses and seldom wore formal clothes, walked down majesticly, facing the bleak autumn wind, with a small piece of hair on his head.

"So handsome!"

"Ah bah, hurry up, this product is about to start loading."

"Slip away."


Ge Xiaotian looked at the passengers fleeing in all directions, feeling a little puzzled...


Chen Feng seemed to have arrived a long time ago. Seeing the commotion outside, he led three oil country bosses who were all white with black circles on their heads, and walked out of the airport hall quickly.

"Hai brother!"

"Fengfeng, long time no see!"

The two pretended to hug each other...

Chen Feng took the opportunity to whisper in his ear: 'It's definitely a big business'.

Ge Xiaotian: "If you don't give me some useful information in advance, how can you fool me?" '

'Science and technology, our strengths, absolutely stable, 2 commission points! '

'As long as the negotiation is successful, I won't lose you, and the commission will be discussed later. '

'trust you! '

Immediately the two separated.

Chen Feng introduced a bearded young man in his twenties with enthusiasm:

"Ge, this is the second prince of the Emirates, Harmandan, my closest partner in Dubai."

Ge Xiaotian adjusted his language, "Hi, welcome to Dongshan as a guest."

"Wow, Miracle Ge, you can actually speak my mother tongue, that's great!"

"I can speak 64 languages..."

"Ge, this is Latum." Chen Feng secretly gave a thumbs up, indicating the wealth ranking.

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he posted it enthusiastically...

After some politeness, the three top figures in the emirate were quickly attracted by the bat-shaped small business jet...

"Experience it?"

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