Build Madness

Chapter 849 My project is very mature! (Add more rewards for 'Meng Shen G Gu Lianxi')

The keywords obtained from Dubai by Odyssey Antivirus through Panda Guardian are only the records left by the project initiator, investor, and contractor, and the mutual communication, as well as the data generated by the designers during their work.

It can be said that the entire 'World Island' project is not known to outsiders.

Therefore, seeing Ge Laoer, who is a thief and rich, prepares to build an unprecedented artificial Huaxia Island, which is the largest artificial Huaxia Island on the mother planet, causing a global sensation.

Does Tian Cheng have this strength?

there must be!

Does Tiancheng have this technique?

there must be!

Does Tian Cheng have this qualification?


In addition, this is Ge Laoer's first time using the international web.

The operator made news as soon as possible, and made a lot of hype.

Naturally, the Chinese media is not far behind. Ge Lao Er is a bomb, not to mention such explosive news.

Three minutes later.

The chairman of the group under Tiancheng International Holdings expressed their support...

And overseas.

NT Group said: Wait for me to go public, invest as soon as possible!

Huo Dun Group said: We will invest at least 2 billion in Franklin.

In NT's last round of financing, the poor Butterfield Club: We gave Franklin 5 billion!

hula la...

Other members of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce must follow...

Then, major super groups, major families or chaebols...

Anyway, you don’t necessarily have to vote if you say it, just join in the fun and show your face.

Therefore, you contribute, I contribute, and the initial capital climbs to 50 billion Franklin at a speed beyond people's imagination.

This once again proves Boss Ge's driving ability.

Seeing such support from overseas friends, Boss Ge became even more excited. Excited, he turned on the Shiguang Machine and talked about the brief project...

ten minutes later.

The leader of Shaobaidou sent a telegram with the seal of the board of directors for approval.

Learn from Deputy Director: 'We don't need to pay for it, he can do whatever he likes in the southern waters, increase the land area! '

'The increase in land area is bound to advance the continental shelf, and then expand the scope of territorial waters...'

'It's a good thing. '

'No, it's strategy! '

Ge Xiaotian received the approval document, black question marks all over his face, he rubbed the gossip shift key to prepare his hand for the project brief, subconsciously shook his hand, and accidentally passed the nonsense to the truth.

"Damn it, contact Tianyu, and cancel it for me!"


Countless news media, as well as business partners at home and abroad, and even competitors, all stared at the media account of this product. When they saw the project brief, no matter what they wrote, they all saved and forwarded it...

First, there is not much earth and rocks around the southern waters, how to build an island?

Ge Xiaotian: Blowing sand to fill the sea!

Instead of blowing sand from the desert, dredgers are used to blow the seabed sand and water outside the artificial island area into the target circle through special 'pumps' and steel pipes. When the seawater flows out of the circle, the sand remains Within the circle, the sea area of ​​the artificial island was gradually filled with sand that was continuously blown in.

After that, steel plates were erected around the artificial island, supported by special cement, and then compacted with a dynamic tamping machine to build the island.

Second, if some sea areas exceed the limit depth of artificial islands, how to solve this problem? (Artificial islands generally choose sea areas above 20 meters.)

Ge Xiaotian: Tiancheng has the most advanced engineering island on the mother planet. Not to mention the sea depth of 20 or 30 meters, even if the sea depth is 400 to 500 meters, we can build bridge piers that can support the buildings on the sea for a hundred years.

Moreover, through a year of research, Tiancheng has mastered the technology of safely replacing bridge piers without damaging the water surface platform. Make an advertisement here. If you need to replace the pier, you can contact the business department of Tiancheng International Holdings.

Third, when is the project expected to start? When will it be completed?

Ge Xiaotian: Everyone knows that Tiancheng has always planned before moving. We have a complete set of project plans and detailed backup plans. It is expected that starting from November this year, the first batch of 20 islands will be auctioned in March next year.

Fourth, what does the project include?

Ge Xiaotian: The pictures I took are only part of the representation, and I will upload the complete 3D renderings later.

5. Are there any new projects?

Ge Xiaotian: Aquaculture, seawater planting...


Ge Xiaotian: Don’t say anything else, my project is very mature, everyone just votes, it’s guaranteed to make money!

in reality.

Ge Xiaotian's face was dark, and he dialed the special communication channel anxiously, and contacted the deputy director: "Leader, listen to me (fou), I'm just bragging..."

"I know, blowing sand to fill the sea, it must be blown!"



An office of Tiancheng International Holdings.

Harmandan, Latum, and Hou Sailei contacted the Dubai World Headquarters together, and reported and discussed details with the fathers who gathered together to wait for the news.

As far as Dubai is concerned, obtaining the technology it wants and importing a complete set of special cement production lines from Tiancheng is considered a success regardless of the price.

So all three lads were commended.

If this is not a meeting room, I believe everyone will definitely open a bottle of champagne and celebrate lively.


Just when the communication was over, the three boys were about to reach an agreement with someone, wait for the professional team to arrive, and then sign the contract...

Harmandan suddenly received a communication request from the King of Dubai, his father.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard an urgent roar from the other side: "Go and rent an office building, we'll fly there right away!"



Ge Xiaotian communicated with the deputy director for a long time, and finally explained the ins and outs of this matter clearly.

To be honest, in his mind, it is not suitable to develop in the southern waters at present, because North America has not yet fallen into the "war quagmire". If his family is too strong, it may have to face what will happen in twenty years.

In this way, there is no development period.

It's better to let North America and Ice Bear continue to wrestle in Eastern Europe, and our side quickly engages in construction, economy, research and development of optoelectronic technology, and make a fortune in silence...

"Leader, there is one more thing."


"We have reached a cooperation with Dubai, and we need to deliver a batch of special cement production equipment for the other party. However, Malaysia is not accessible to six countries, and the Kra Isthmus Canal has not been completed. Tiancheng plans to take the road from Huaxia to Pakistan, cross Pakistan, and cross the Persian Gulf. arrived at the destination."

"That's not impossible, but you may not know the details."


"The geological conditions there are extremely complicated. Geological disasters such as avalanches, landslides, rockfalls, landslides, snow accumulation, and ice accumulation often occur. The road surfaces and bridge facilities along the way are often damaged. Many road sections are difficult to open to traffic. There are wars on the side, especially when passing through the 'cease-fire zone', without helicopters and heavy armed escorts, it is likely to be robbed."

"You nod, what can I do? The road is impassable, it can be repaired, and the big deal is expansion. Besides, the benefits and risks are directly proportional. Don't look at the 5 million set of equipment in this order. In fact... the construction of an artificial island in Dubai is such a big project. How can one set be enough? It is estimated that ten or twenty sets are not enough.”

"You made a lot of money again?"

"That's not the point."


"The focus is Huaxia Island. Although my project has just been released, there are so many people helping to build momentum, and there are detailed plans for urgent production, which proves that it is mature. The construction of World Island in Dubai is currently in the demonstration stage. If we If I buy this project as a whole, I can at least earn... Hello? Leader? Hello?"

Ge Xiaotian put the satellite phone out of the window, watched the display on the screen, and hung up.


At this time.

Dao Shishi leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Boss, Chief Wadao is dismissed."

"It's expected, let's change it, and see how the next one treats us, if it doesn't work, change it."

"Also, Holden sent a message that North America ordered the North America Group and the consortium to prohibit investment in the 'Huaxia Island' project."

"Just kidding, look at making them nervous."

"The chairman of KS Group has entered again."

"Is it something... No, he has something to do with us when he goes in?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Then what do you report?"

"He asked me to tell you that he didn't follow the car this time because he went in."


Ge Xiaotian threw the satellite phone to Dao Shishi, "Since he's in, let him stay inside for a while and take the opportunity to operate it. His nephew is quite talented."

"I only know how to eat... oh, I see."

"How did the three of Harmandan and the others chat?"

"Their father is on the plane coming."

"Prepare materials and props as soon as possible, no matter what, we must win the World Island project."

"I'm afraid that North America will block it."

"No, because they are worried that we will build 'Huaxia Island'."

"Makes sense."

"That's what you say, but you have to be on guard. Notify the oil protection brigade and the engineering island to go to the southern waters, and make a show of exploring and blowing sand to fill the sea."


"Let the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space make an AR sand table as soon as possible."

"Already doing it."


at dusk.

Qinggang Airport ushered in a large group of chiefs in white gauze and black circles on their heads.

Ge Xiaotian did not go to greet him, but arranged for the Tiancheng helicopter and two bat-shaped small business jets to send him to Qinggang Wuming Hotel.

He came in a hurry, no matter what, let the other party communicate with the three Harmandan brothers, and through the mouths of Harmandan and others, describe how rich and awesome Boss Ge is...

And set aside time for the aerospace department to make AR sandboxes.

the next day.

In front of the Tiancheng International Holdings Building, another grand welcome ceremony was held.

After the two sides introduced each other, they walked into the hall.

The sand table made with virtual technology is far faster than the real thing. In addition, many supporting facilities use Tiancheng products, with models and materials. The props used to display "Huaxia Island" today are directly replaced by half the size of a basketball court.

Dynamic effects, sci-fi style, various details...

The wonderful and extremely realistic AR sand table immediately attracted all the executives of Dubai World.

"Awesome! We need it!"

"Yes, that's what we need!"

"It has to be unique!"

"That depends on how much we have to pay."

Although Huaxia Island is exciting, the top executives of Dubai World are not stupid.

Such luxury must be expensive.

Based on everyone's understanding of Tian Cheng...

Harmandan's uncle, Prince Harman of Dubai smiled wryly, "I'm afraid the investment amount will far exceed expectations."

"But it's perfect."

As if treating an old friend, Ge Xiaotian handed over a large 13-size cigar, with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands resting on the edge of the sand table, his expression blurred,

"This is the plan we conceived as early as two years ago. To this end, we improved the deep-sea sand blowing technology, developed a vertical landing engine, developed a ground-effect aircraft, created a site where both can land, and passed Numerous simulations have allowed the artificial island to cope with '2012'..."

"Oh, my lord, can it really deal with floods and tsunamis?" A rich man came up and asked in disbelief.

"As long as you hand over the entire project to Tian Cheng, I, Ge Xiaotian, guarantee that it will survive 2012 safely!"

"We want it!!!" Another rich man made a decision directly.

"Then the question is, do you want the bronze version, or the silver version? Or the gold version? Of course, if you want the brilliant diamond version, I can satisfy you too!"


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