Build Madness

Chapter 884 Rich people want to see big ships

The night of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Countless parallel twin-rotor transport planes gather at the Xiangxian hub from all directions.

After landing, Tianwei security and anti-epidemic personnel quickly formed a "security inspection channel" to verify and re-register every person who went through labor dispatch or desert immigration procedures.

At the same time, the news media squatting nearby also spread the spectacle at home and abroad.


Hub Scheduling Office.

This is different from labor dispatch companies, which are semi-official and semi-private.

The reason for saying this is because it can coordinate the Dongshan Railway Line, and even affect Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe and other places, and it must be the official responsibility.

However, with the expansion of Tiancheng's industries, they are connected to each other, and successively applied for several railways for intra-industry transportation, management became a problem.

For example, in the small commodity market in the south of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, there is a railway track leading to the modern film and television city.

It seems that it is just an internal railway of a private enterprise, but in fact it undertakes the passenger and freight transportation from Nansi Lake to Donghu Lake.

Including Xiangxian County hub diversion, Daqingshan tourism diversion, Taishi steel transportation diversion, Okhotsk resource diversion...

Last year, this 20-kilometer-long railway set a record for the mother planet in terms of inter-regional transportation volume.

Moreover, as the Daqingshan Development Zone unites the four surrounding cities (Xiang County of Jishi, Yunxian of Heshi, Liangxian of Taishi, and Yanggu of Liaoshi) to form an ancient cultural center, the construction of township subways...

In order to coordinate the development, the superior handed over the operation to Tian Cheng, who will only be responsible for the overall management from now on.

Therefore, the Xiangxian hub dispatching department is semi-official and semi-private.

The leaders all work in nearby functional departments, and the operating company is all Tiancheng employees.

Ge Xiaotian stood in front of the huge dispatch map, thought for a long time, and tapped his finger on the touch screen display, "Since the superiors can get the sweetness of a railway line without investing in construction, let's add a few more, such as Zaoshi goes north to Yankuang, east to Weicheng, south to Linshi, and even to Lianyun."

Originally, Taishi Steel Factory did not have the authority to produce rails, but Tiancheng enforced its own standards and built a high-standard monorail in Neobras.

It is not a single track used by light rail, but an I-shaped giant track built on a flawless concrete pouring platform.

Although the train running mode is the same as the tire rolling track, and two additional wheels are added, resulting in an increase in the friction coefficient and energy consumption, but the gas turbine independently developed by Tiancheng Electric Industry is adopted, coupled with the segmented jet drive and the power system. As a result, its transportation volume has soared, 6.5 times that of the past.

Of course, the carriage is no longer a conventional standard, but a super-large giant that is three times as wide as an ordinary train, with a drive in the middle, and passengers and cargo on both sides.

Used in the enterprise, the track laid by Tiancheng Dongshan Industry is also like this.

However, entrusting superiors to process steel rails, the price quoted by the production department per kilometer is ten times that of ordinary double-track.

Tiancheng was definitely not happy, so the leaders of Tai City personally went out to grab an order for the Tai City Steel Plant.

The raw materials of Taishi Steelmaking Plant all come from Okhotsk, and the transportation method is "drifting". The processing adopts the smelting furnace invested by Tiancheng Electric Industry, and the processing technology also adopts the technology invested by Tiancheng Electric Industry. The quotation can be equal to the double I-shaped rail.

With the support of CNOOC, which has a large transportation volume, and leaders who are unwilling to spend money to lay township tracks, the Tiancheng railway laying project is very smooth.

According to Ge Xiaotian's philosophy: After using my free product, don't want to use other products in the future.

In other words, if the giant I-shaped rails are used, unless the local leaders are willing to dismantle them, otherwise... Tiancheng will redefine the railway specifications.

In this way, Tiancheng can undertake the construction of the entire railway, or sell the construction plan of the giant I-shaped rail.

After all, only Tian Cheng can build it at present.

And the business came quickly.

Just after Ge Xiaotian finished his orders, the leader of Tiejian who had a lively conversation at the headquarters of Qinggang Tiancheng International Holdings, and the leader of the second construction who liked to joke, visited overnight.

"Haha, brother, we meet again."

"How do you know I'm here?"

"Where there is a railway, there is nothing I don't know."

The leader of Tiejian smiled cheerfully, picked up the tea from the mother tree Dahongpao and drank it in one gulp, "It's delicious."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Send a box, this is not called 'Xing H', it's called a gift."

"Is there any difference?"

"Ge Laoer gave it to me."

"That's all right."

The leader of Tiejian took a look at the leader of the second construction who was still there, and said, "You should squeak."

"My relationship with my family, Xiao Ge, is stronger than yours. You talk about yours first, and I will leave after a few words."


These two are not only competitors at home, but also fierce competition overseas.

It is reported that China Railway Construction Corporation wants the PetroChina Railway Project, and the second construction company has far more influence overseas than China Railway Construction Corporation. During this period, it has obtained almost all of Huaxia's overseas projects, and naturally it will not let go of the PetroChina project.

The two sides were close to a fight.


Well, there is no distinction between robbing a project, as long as you can rob it, a fight is a trivial matter.

However, what the leaders of the Second Construction said was true.

The relationship between Erjian and Tiancheng is indeed much closer than that of Tiejian.

For example, in the Incheon project, Erjian sent all internal materials to Tiancheng.

For example, in the Asia-Europe Bridge project, Erjian rented all the construction equipment in the surrounding area to Tiancheng free of charge.

For example, in the Dubai project, the second construction sent the construction equipment that was not used or even used in the surrounding area to the Tiancheng construction site.

And Tiejian.

Not only did they give Tian Cheng ten times the price on the rails before, a certain manager even secretly prevented Tian Cheng from using his own standard rails.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with the leader of Tiejian. After all, he is a "little soldier", not as good as the leader of the second construction, which is actually the leader of the second construction.

In other words, there are N-level leaders above the leaders of China Railway Construction, and Wan Lao is above the leaders of the Second Construction.

Oh, Wan Lao went to the environment, and the current construction is under the management of Wan Lao's subordinates...

But this shows that the tree of leadership of Erjian has become more solid.

You know, in the future, the "environment" restricts construction and production, and if you are told to turn it off, you must turn it off.

The leader of Tiejian was no match for the leader of Erjian, "You go out first, and I will chat with Xiaoge."

"I won't go out, what can you do?"


The leader of Tiejian was indignant, and looked at Ge Xiaotian, who was holding back his laughter, "Little Ge, look, Tiancheng is developing rapidly and involves all walks of life, but when the plate is too big, it robs other people's jobs. My brother came here this time, not for others Yes, I just want to win the Dongshan monorail project.”

"Brother, you have to ask Dongshan General Manager Gao Jian for this matter, I can't make the decision."

"Don't shirk the blame. Tiancheng invests, Tiancheng builds, Tiancheng operates, and the leaders of the high-level inspection department don't want to take care of it at all."

At this time, the leader of the second construction said: "My brother, he told me all about his intentions, and I won't say anything else. Our second construction is of good quality. You can trust me to entrust this project to me."

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