Build Madness

Chapter 9 Careless!

Leave the strong men at the construction site at the front door to clean up the mess.

Ge Xiaotian took Li Wenquan, and then called his cousin, and the three had a lively chat in the donkey meat restaurant.

It turned out that Li Wenquan and his cousin planned to set up a joint venture garment factory, with one in charge of production and the other in charge of wholesale.

It's not a brand name, it's just for the sake of economy.

And Li Wenquan said before that it is not a lie to use 200,000 yuan to build a front house and then file a lawsuit with Brother Hao.

This guy has driven his wife back to her natal home, and bought a butcher's knife...

He is a ruthless man!

Ge Xiaotian successfully took down the factory building, and then reciprocated, writing and drawing on the notepad, and throwing the first batch of lists to the two.

Five hundred sets of camouflage patterns, five hundred sets of bright yellow multifunctional vests!

In fact, camouflage is not suitable for construction sites, but workers love it because it is wear-resistant, dirt-resistant, cheap, and not ugly.

But it has a very important disadvantage, inconspicuous!

A construction site is a dangerous place, and the big formal construction companies all have uniforms, blue, red or yellow.

To make up for this, everyone wears a bright yellow multifunctional vest...

Shouldn't be ugly, right?

Ge Xiaotian was a little uncertain.

Although it was agreed to pay after delivery, and even though there is no factory at present, the Li Wenquan brothers were quite surprised and pleasantly surprised, and couldn't help but drink two more glasses...


Shakingly rode his bicycle back to the construction site of the fourth uncle's house, and all the work was carried out in an orderly manner.

Brother Hao and the four younger brothers were almost exhausted, but they had to work hard to shovel the soil to pad the house when they saw the eyes of the strong men.

The tamping machine has entered the construction site.

This is a machine that resembles a four-wheeled vehicle.

There is a half-ton ramming pendant in the front, three-dimensional rectangular, driven by the rear diesel engine, slowly rising with the chain belt, about one meter above the ground, falling freely, tamping the ground, somewhat similar to a road crusher.

This kind of machine is more than enough to lay the foundation for building a bungalow, but a larger building will definitely need a more cumbersome rammer. The rammer weighs 10 to 20 tons and is at least ten meters above the ground.

Of course, there are many other ways to lay the foundation, such as piling, soil cushion replacement, compaction stamping, drainage consolidation, chemical reinforcement, high-pressure grouting and so on.


La la boom!

The half-ton rammer fell to the ground, and the dust flew up, making deep pits.

With the foundation of the old house, the new foundation is far less troublesome than imagined.

It's just that many walls are added to the new house type, and this part needs to be filled with soil and compacted back and forth.

"Boss, the project of your second uncle Ge Shunfeng's house has been negotiated, six houses, 35,000 materials and 10,000 advance payment!"

"Your aunt gave the full amount, and your father Ge Feng made the guarantee, thirty-five thousand."

"Sangu wants to build four rooms, one hall and three rooms, 25,000 yuan, and 7,000 yuan in advance."

"There are still four families waiting to see, your father went to talk..."

After Nong Yi reported his work in the morning, he handed over a notepad and a big bag of playful and lovely light blue 'bricks'.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

No matter how bastard Ge Xiaotian was before, all migrant workers who have gone out and seen the world will feel at ease when they see such a formal construction team.

What's more, the second uncle, Ge Shunfeng, will set up a large decoration company in the future.

He understands!

He is a sensible man!

However, Comrade Ge Feng went out in person...

tsk tsk...

It's my dad!

Ge Xiaotian took the bag and turned it upside down.

Fifty-two thousand!

Adding the 100,000 yuan to the front door, and the 50,000 yuan advance payment from the garment factory...

It is not enough to set up a labor outsourcing company!

But with more money comes great responsibility!

"Work hard, work hard, come on!!!"

Ge Xiaotian washed his face, full of energy.

Talking about projects is a very troublesome thing, especially with relatives and friends.

Except for his fourth uncle's family, Ge Xiaotian didn't want to get in touch with the villagers.

One is that many people like to suppress others by seniority. In terms of materials, dozens of dollars are erased here, and hundreds of dollars are rounded off there. After talking about it, thousands of dollars may be gone. If you don't agree, people say you are unhappy, if you agree, you can still earn a dime.

The second is that strong men also need to exercise. In the future, when the stall is expanded, there must be several foremen or even foremen.

The third is that Ge Xiaotian also has his own things to do.

For example, divide the work among one hundred and twenty-eight strong men!

Fifty casual workers are still unable to move, ten stay at the fourth uncle's construction site, twenty go to the second uncle's house, twenty go to the aunt's house, fifteen go to the third aunt's house...

The size of the project is different, and the number of sub-divisions is also different. In addition, small workers must be recruited.

Technical tasks such as building walls and reading drawings require strong men.

However, it is a waste to use a strong man for carrying dust, moving bricks, watering, etc.

For this kind of casual work, you can recruit some small laborers from the countryside for 20 yuan a day.

There will be more construction sites in the future, and each small construction site will be equipped with ten strong men and ten small workers, and the quality of progress will be guaranteed.

Reasonable distribution not only saves labor, but also solves the employment problem in the village by the way.

To make a company bigger and stronger, it involves many aspects, formality and legality, quality reputation, national contribution, zz glory...

Uh... now there is no company, so it's a bit far-fetched.

Smelling of alcohol, he crouched in the corner, smoking while writing and drawing.

Just as he was doing it, Comrade Ge Feng suddenly appeared from behind.

Ge Xiaotian was so frightened that his hairs stood on end, and he sobered up instantly.


"Dad, don't, don't, we are also decent people, can we go home and call?"

Comrade Ge Feng never beat his son indiscriminately. He never slapped his mouth, slapped the back of his head, or slapped his palms.

Only look for the buttocks, use the belt to pump, and keep pumping until it changes!

This method is very effective, it can't be seen from the outside, it can't hurt self-esteem, and it won't be stupid, and it can be remembered for a long time.

Especially when I go to school, it hurts to sit!

"Come with me!"

Comrade Ge Feng turned expressionlessly and walked into the small alley next to him.

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his butt that was still aching, and took out 3,000 yuan from his purse.

It seems that money is going to be spent today to eliminate disasters!

"Dad! Take this money and use it first..."

However, Ge Feng stretched out his hand to stop him: "Let me ask you, where did this engineering team come from?"

"Why are you fooling around, your son is not a liar!"

"Tell the truth!" Ge Feng's expression was extremely serious.

And seeing this expression, Ge Xiaotian knew that his father was serious!

There must be a valid reason.

"In the past few years, the rectification of state-owned enterprises has caused a lot of laid-off workers..."

"Are you really not telling the truth?"

"The year before last, there was a major disarmament, and these are all veterans..."

Ge Feng squinted at Ge Xiaotian, who bravely looked straight at him.

a long time.

Ge Feng sighed, "Work hard and don't cause trouble for the village! I've settled the deal with the four houses at the west end of the village. When your fourth uncle's house is built, if there is no problem, they will agree to contract labor and materials."

"Dad, don't worry, my son will definitely do a good job! This money..."

"Keep it for use, it's not easy to work on a construction site, don't treat people badly!"

After Ge Feng finished speaking, he patted his son on the shoulder, "I will go back to the Northeast in a few days. I will help your mother with the farm work in the field. She will take care of ten acres of land by herself, weeding and watering the field. Hard!"

"Well! From now on, all the work in the field will be handed over to me! By the way, Dad, you..."

Ge Xiaotian opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say, 'You can do it with me'.

In the previous life, they drank and fought together on the construction site, and the father and son were almost like brothers, so he knew his father very well.

Stubborn, but also very thoughtful, bent on doing a big business.

It's a pity that this time and space was changed by his predecessor.

"What's wrong?"

"Dad, I'll take you to the county seat then!"

"Need not!"

"Ok, deal!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he turned and left very coolly.

But after walking a few steps, I realized that the front turned out to be a dead end, and then walked back awkwardly.

The corners of Comrade Ge Feng's mouth curled up slightly, "Okay, brat, when we get home at night, shall we settle the matter of chicken and duck food?"

"No, that's only a few dollars, or you should take the three thousand!"

"Hehe!" Ge Feng refused again, and walked out of the alley, "You must go home at night, if you dare to go to Qi Feifei's, I will break your leg!"

"Where did I go to her house? I've been with the engineering team for the past few days..."

However, Comrade Ge Feng has gone far.

Ge Xiaotian looked up at the sky, full of helplessness.

If you tell nonsense, you believe it, but why don’t you believe it when you tell the truth?

Sighing and shaking his head, he was about to return to his fourth uncle's house when a woman suddenly walked out of another alley.

Wearing a tight-fitting white T-shirt and black pedal pants, she has an enchanting figure, long hair reaching her waist, and a small light blue satchel in her hand.

Seeing the woman's face clearly, Ge Xiaotian's face turned green, and he quickened his pace.

"Why? Why are you running?"

"Surnamed Ge, stop for me!"

"Ge Xiaotian!!!"

Qi Feifei is a tigress, very fierce.

In his previous life, Crazy Ge was supposed to be sentenced to seven years for hiding guns, but this girl gave him a life sentence.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it...

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