Build Madness

Chapter 922 Vocational University City

Once, Ge Xiaotian used "painting" to write a sentence for Tiancheng Evening School, which was widely recognized by the educational circles:

"Education is the basis for the transformation of science and technology into real productive forces and a powerful driving force for social development!"

Official Interpretation: The purpose of cultivating students of the new era is to allow them to absorb existing science and technology faster, better, and easier, so as to contribute to China's construction.

Therefore, in terms of education, Tiancheng implements a streamlined model, supplemented by high-quality courses, simulation systems and credit points, and has just cultivated countless high-paying, high-energy, and high-quality technical talents in a short period of time.

With the further expansion of Tiancheng's industrial chain, even the south that is not involved has gradually penetrated, and Tiancheng's education model has attracted more and more attention and attention in China.

After all, this determines the employment and future development trend of hundreds of millions of people.

Therefore, the word "new" has been added to the "reform of education" implemented by the Ministry of Education in recent years, and it has been changed to "new education reform".

In the new education reform:

Primary and junior high schools adopt Tiancheng's education model, including streamlined curriculum, simulation system, credit points, and promotion of both styles.

In high school, the separation of arts and sciences is terminated, and the 2+2+1 system is started, that is, Chinese and mathematics are compulsory, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, etc. are compulsory, and finally sports, with a total score of 500.

In this way, the workload has been greatly reduced, the enthusiasm for learning has been unprecedentedly high, and the physical fitness has skyrocketed...

The 2003 college entrance examination paper is the second year of the new education reform, and it is also the first time that the national paper is adopted.

Most of the questions must come from Tiancheng Education, which can determine the employment trend.

Of course, Tiancheng Education not only includes Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, Tiancheng Evening School, but also Tiancheng Online School, Tiancheng Summer Camp, Tiancheng Adult Continuing Education, Tiancheng Western United Vocational University, and the directional training institutions established by Tiancheng Friends Enterprise, etc.

Tiancheng Education creates a new way of thinking and leads the reform of science and technology. In terms of mathematics, physics and chemistry, the phenomenon that a few formulas take the whole set of test papers no longer appears, but requires in-depth analysis, interpretation and examples.

Moreover, for the first time in the new college entrance examination, there are no real questions over the years, and Tiancheng Education did not give a lot of test questions...

As a result, the high-level exam papers that use Tiancheng Education's question bank belong to the level of...'what the hell is this?

However, the difficulty of the high-level exam papers has nothing to do with the enrollment plans of major colleges and universities, because the admission score line refers to volunteers.

Coupled with the further expansion of enrollment in major colleges and universities this year, some students were absorbed by Tiancheng's Western United Vocational University during the period...

Even if it is Beijing University, if the total score is 500, the maximum volunteering is 300, and the average is 150, you may be admitted if you pass the test.

After Ge Xiaotian learned about these things, he picked up the admission list of Western United Vocational University with a sad face.

Since our own admission method is not based on "volunteering", but directly gives the score line, this year there are as many as 4 million students who participated in the vocational examination, and only 20 people passed the test.

Fifteen of them are from the unified enrollment of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, one is from Xiangxian No. 1 Middle School, one is from Jishi Yunhe High School, one is from Nanhe Bianliang High School, and one is from Nanhe Lankao No. 1 Middle School...

Obviously, it was the place most influenced by Tian Cheng.

"What do the outside world think of this?"

Dao Eleven: "The carp crosses the Dragon Gate."

"No bad news?"

"Who dares?"


Ge Xiaotian picked up his teacup and took a sip, "Fortunately, we exchanged a large number of 'transition students' with various colleges and universities with the 'excellent courses' before. Otherwise, there would only be 20 people this year, and there would be no 'senior talent transfer' four years later."

"The boss still thinks long-term."

"Let's do it this way. When the campus is completed and the transfer students have just finished their summer vacation, the new students will also have to report with a notice, and everyone will get together for military training."

"What's the military training this year? Drone driving? Mechanical leg operation? Intercontinental trick-or-treating launch?"

"Go, go, what do you think I do? It's good to have some regular military training. It's right to hone your will and cultivate a sense of collective honor."


"Also, on the other side, the Shacheng campus of the technical secondary school and the replica island plan must speed up the construction, and strive to provide consumption places for the attracted masses when the 'General Parade' is held in September."


Dao Shixi nodded and took out another document, "Boss, this is the list of teachers from the two schools."

Earlier, Tian Cheng announced to the outside world that many famous scientists from the home planet became the dean and principal of the Western United Vocational University.

But this does not include lecturers, professors, tutors, tutors, year-level directors, etc.

The Western United Vocational University covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of students from home and abroad, and the required number of scholars from all walks of life will not be less than five figures.

Originally, the three major security companies on the home planet provided Tian Cheng with a set of services.

For example, twenty professors were invited from the University of Massachusetts.

For example, a dozen mathematicians were invited from Harvard University.

For example, from a university with many wheels, invite a dozen...

Like from the University of Knifebridge...

For example, from Niukoushui University...

But Ge Xiaotian was more timid, worried that if he really did this, it would cause public anger and affect Tiancheng's current layout.

After thinking about it, considering that vocational colleges are a complete industrial system, 20,000 priests were placed in positions that needed teachers.

Daoist priests have different skills and are involved in all walks of life. They are fully qualified for the job without paying extra salary.

The arrangement of teachers in Shacheng Technical Secondary School is simple.

Although the students of the 2000 class had excellent graduation results, only two people climbed to the top of the organ tower. Therefore, for those students who did not get their graduation certificates, except for a few students who had to work because of the shortage of natural human resources, most of the rest chose to stay in school to teach. Can climb to the top of the organ tower.

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his chin, "Send a notice, the 00th class, including 01, 02, and all subsequent Tiancheng technical secondary school students, there are two ways to get a graduation certificate in the future, one is to rely on one's own strength to reach the top of the organ tower, and the other is to come to Shacheng Taught in a technical secondary school for five years."

Dao Shishi blinked, "Boss, did you think of today?"

"I'm not that dark."

"Ghosts believe."

"Come here, strip off this veteran and continue to 'sun and sand bath'."



The Western United Vocational University adopts systematic architecture, and the construction speed is so fast that the entire parent star is dumbfounded.

After the fully completed All the Way to the West Expressway, after the trial opening to traffic, it ignited the enthusiasm of overseas people to travel to China.

Heavy-duty transport vehicles, photovoltaic power generation systems, wind power towers, various industrial parks, endless summer pastures...

Countless things form a picture of the new era, which arouses the yearning of all gods.

In particular, blue-collar workers in the manufacturing industry have returned to factories, the service industry has entered an off-season, and white-collar workers have begun vacations and travel...

In the past, blue-collar workers dominated forums, but now white-collar workers have regained lost ground.

More fun, delicious, delicious, or newly opened projects are being discovered by white-collar workers one after another, which also affects the nerves of blue-collar workers, paving the way for the next round of tourism...

Time unknowingly came to August.

The ocean trade has been prepared for nearly two months, and the loading has been completed.

Land transport convoys drive from various places on the expressway heading west.

Shipping giant ships sail from various ports to the Kra Isthmus Canal...

August 2nd.

Western Union Vocational University Engineering Department.

Ge Xiaotian was sitting in front of the office on the left, and beside him was a parrot that was like a giant eagle.

On the screen of the SG pad next to it, Mr. 'Niosdas' who is far away in the Okhotsk shipyard, with a shiny head on his head, is quite proud, "Boss, after two years of hard work, this little guy is finally obedient, you still Do you like it?"

Before Ge Xiaotian could respond, the parrot raised its neck: "Boss, this bald man scolds you even in his dreams."

Second monk: "..."

"You'd better stay there and continue digging bird droppings."

Ge Xiaotian turned off the SG pad, and motioned to the five Liu Beibei brothers who were sitting in the distance, "It's time to show your real skills, turn this stupid bird into an 'Eagle' for me!"

The latter has experienced abroad for a year, and now he is transferred to Shacheng High School as a full-time teacher. His personality is much calmer, but when he heard that parrots were turned into eagles...

"Boss, cross-species, isn't that too exaggerated?"

"If you can't make it into an eagle, you can always make it into a vulture, right?"

"Sand sculpture?"


Liu Beibei and others grabbed the very obedient parrot and left with a sad face...

At this time, Dao Shishi sent a document.

"Boss, Lab 101 has submitted a second moon landing plan."

"What is the success rate?"


"so tall?"

Ge Xiaotian remembered that it was only 30% last time, "Is it hanging?"

"No, our Department of Aeronautics and Space has developed a vector aerospace engine and applied it to rockets, lunar modules, and lunar vehicles. Now, no matter whether the Earth-Moon orbit changes or the lunar surface soft landing, it can guarantee 100% success there. "

"Vector aerospace engines... aren't rocket engines all vectors?"

"No, it used to be the engine swing, or the use of gas rudders, but now it is the nozzle swing. And, at present, only we have the entire parent star."

"Only us?"

"Yes, our Department of Aeronautics and Space promised."

"Castration and adjustment, the requirements must be reasonable, and let the new Australian intelligence chief of the Five Eyes Alliance take the credit."


"By the way, is this technology amazing?"

"It's awesome, it's awesome. It is the engine that must be used in the current aerospace field. It is useless, and it is not very useful. When the follow-up anti-gravity engine comes out, you give it to the Nine Institutes, and he will also dislike it."

"Okay, let's improve slowly and make money slowly."

"no problem."

Dao Shiyi understood how to operate this wave.

Get the Australian intelligence chief to leak the technology.

The castrated version is incomplete, and it is useless for others to get it. At that time, Tian Cheng will sell the 'slightly completed castrated version of vector aerospace engine technology'.

Then, after a period of time, it was announced that the technology would be further improved, and the "slightly completed castrated version of the vector aerospace engine technology" would be sold again.

Then, after a period of time, it was announced that the mature technology had been developed, and the "slightly completed castrated version..." was sold.

Squeeze toothpaste, everyone who plays technology knows it.

Even if someone else cracks it, Tian Cheng can sell a more advanced version according to the cracking progress of the other party, making it futile for the other party.

"By the way, Boss, machine No. 1 is in trouble again."

"What did you do?"

"It pretended to be a researcher and cheated on your sister through academic exchanges."


Ge Xiaotian took a sip of tea, "What did you say?"

"We also just found out recently... Sanni still doesn't know that the Prince Charming he likes is number one."

"Send it to the moon!"

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