Build Madness

Chapter 939 VR is popular all over the world, interviewed by reporters

VR glasses are nothing more than using two convex lenses to magnify the same picture divided into two halves into people's eyes.

Then through physical adjustment or software adjustment, ensure that the screen, lens, and pupil form a three-point line.

In this way, a three-dimensional image is constructed in the mind.

Factors that affect image clarity include not only screen resolution and display device resolution, but also the material used for the lens.

Like myopia glasses, they can be divided into glass, resin, nylon, crystal, and PC space film.

In addition, in terms of lens design, there are spherical, aspherical, double, curved, etc., and in lens production technology, there are glass grinding, resin injection, plastic hot pressing, waterproof film, anti-fog film, composite film... …

In short, various factors determine the cost of the lens, ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to a few cents.

And the 'shelf' used to hold the two lenses.

At the high end, you can use helmets, all-in-one machines, and 360-degree virtual warehouses, with software and display devices, to watch specially recorded panoramic VR, or interact with VR to create an immersive experience.

For low-end, plastic boxes can be used, combined with mobile terminals and noise-cancelling headphones, to watch single-scene VR converted from 2D to create a primary experience.

Due to the different presentation methods of the two VRs, the design and technical support are also completely different, resulting in a huge cost gap.

For example, a VR helmet comes with a VR terminal.

As we all know, there are no cheap "terminals" these days. Even a smart phone costs thousands of dollars, not to mention VR, a cutting-edge technology.

As for VR glasses, there are only two lenses and a plastic box. The terminal is in the hands of the customer. After taking it away, you can easily use it by downloading VR resources.


People who have never experienced high-end VR, after feeling the visual impact brought by the VR glasses costing 2 Franklin, under the promotional campaign of "the same is the cutting-edge technology, and can also experience VR", even if the price of this thing 268 Franklin also flocked to buy them frantically.

The fifth day on the shelves.

Horton was so stimulated by the crazily beating profit value that he almost had a heart attack.

Too profitable!

No, it's crazy!

Although he knows that every new technological product launched will bring unfathomable benefits, otherwise the Science and Technology Alliance will not try to kill Longtian.

But in the past, people counted money, but now they count money by themselves...

"Boss, the lens grinder sent by Mr. Chen has increased the daily output of lenses to 20 million pieces, but the daily output of the boxes containing the lenses is only 2 million sets even if all our toy factories are used."

"How much did you sell?"

"The first batch of 30 million sets of finished products is about to be sold out, and the rest are all semi-finished lenses that need to be processed and assembled."

"So, we are still 20 million sets short of the mission quota."


"It's troublesome. When counterfeit products are put on the shelves, the price of VR glasses is bound to be greatly reduced. Fortunately, they imitate urgently, produce urgently, and with material supply constraints, the cost is almost 20 to 30 times that of ours."

Horton thought over and over again, just to be on the safe side, he picked up the 'Ge's kit' that Chen Feng left him when he left.

Opening the package revealed a folded cardboard shell.

Looking at the style, it looks a bit like a box sample.

The assistant is unknown, so I refer to the instruction manual and assemble the cardboard shell into a box...

"This is... paper VR glasses?"

Holden was full of disbelief, subconsciously picked up the lighter, more convenient and easy-to-carry small thing, installed the lens parts, and immediately saw the enlarged font inside the box: suggested retail price 68 Franklin.

"Can you still do this?"

"I have to say, Mr. Ge is really a genius!"


Paper VR glasses, regardless of production speed or sales volume, directly crush plastic VR glasses.

The price is 68, which saves customers 200 Franklin. Once it was put on the shelves, it was immediately praised by unanimous praise.


Not waterproof?


Transparent film, frosted film, graffiti film, various films...

The imitators who were gearing up to produce plastic VR glasses at all costs, faced with such a market, looked at the plastic VR glasses that had been piled up in several warehouses by themselves, and were directly dumbfounded.

sixth day.

VR glasses are popular all over the world.

More VR resources are uploaded to the Internet.

No longer limited to games and other fields, there are also VR live broadcast rooms opened by various anchors with the help of Tianyu live broadcast equipment.

Anyone who has a Longtian SG mobile terminal or a Weihua mate mobile terminal can download or watch for a fee.

Of course, there are also massive free resources, but the content, quality, and experience effects are slightly different from the paid resources.

the seventh day.

VR has become the hottest word in the parent planet, and some regions even decided to invest in VR and build VR news portals.

Among them, the developed countries headed by Wajima have directly opened VR official TV stations.

But what people don't know is that this is just one of the plans led by a certain black hand.


September 18th.

West Tacheng.

This is Ge Xiaotian's first visit to this border city located in the most northwest of China's map.

Affected by their identities, the local leaders, the leaders of the Construction Corps, and the leaders of the Anti-Xuan Frontier Region held a simple but extremely high-standard welcome ceremony in Tiancheng Square, Xingyue Bay, Tacheng.

This is also Ge ​​Xiaotian's first public appearance in the public eye.

Therefore, the reporters who came after hearing the news, together with the reporters who watched the '03-Joint Anti-K' exercise, gathered at the scene, and strictly followed Tianwei's notice, waiting for the questioning session.

The welcome ceremony was very warm.

The local leaders took the lead on the stage, thanked Tiancheng for its investment, and listed the brilliant development brought by Tiancheng-related industries this year.

Afterwards, the leaders of the Construction Corps, thanked Tiancheng for its technical support, and listed this year's crop production.

The leaders of Anti-Xuan were more direct, and directly drove the military equipment donated by Daqin Bingfeng to the outfield for the appreciation of reporters and the masses.

All of this shows that today's Huaxia is no longer what it used to be!

Finally, Ge Xiaotian took the stage.

"Everything about me is inseparable from the attention of the motherland and the support of hundreds of millions of people in the motherland. I am grateful and honored, but I still need to work harder and fight for the great national rejuvenation. Otherwise, the future will reappear in history. today!"


"Don't forget the national humiliation, revitalize China!"


Overseas journalists were at a loss in the face of hundreds of thousands of people who raised their arms and shouted.


"918 today!"


"You do not understand."


Overseas reporters quickly took out their smart cards and searched for 918.

Afterwards, I was shocked by the bloody scenes that were revealed everywhere, even though they were black and white photos.

After the welcome ceremony.

Ge Xiaotian moved to the Guyue Hotel in Xingyue Bay, Tacheng, and was interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Ge, some people say that the price of gold cannot be raised, and Tianrong is operating behind the scenes. What is your response to this?"

"Wrong, it's not Tianrong, it's me."


"As we all know, gold is a rare metal, but what people don't know is that gold is the only resource on the parent star that can allow us humans to get out of the parent star! It is more than rhodium used to coat optical fibers and make optical mirrors, and more than rhodium used to increase electrons. Ruthenium for component hardness and resistance is better than iridium for electrical contacts, precision chemical balances and surgical medical instruments, osmium, palladium, rhenium for aerospace materials, and even graphene and cesium, a chemical element with 2000 Franklin per gram , more valuable!"

"Mr. Ge, please stop, this is an interview with a reporter, please don't take this opportunity to speculate on gold."

"I'm not wrong, and I'm not making hype. I'm talking about the facts. Our Tiancheng has more than one of the most advanced scientific laboratories on the mother planet. Our Tiancheng has more than one set of the most cutting-edge science and technology on the mother star. But all the research shows that, Gold is indeed as I said, it is the only non-renewable metal that supports us to go out of the parent star and enter the universe. Of course, copper and aluminum are also very important. Copper is the only metal we use to make anti-gravity devices on the parent star with the help of a magnetic field, and aluminum is The only auxiliary material for energy conversion into electricity..."

"Mr. Ge, your words, in just two or three seconds, caused the futures prices of copper and aluminum to soar by one-third."

"Does it have something to do with me? I'm just telling the truth."


"Don't believe it, just like diamonds, it seems very expensive, but our spacecraft discovered that Jupiter is raining diamonds every day. As for the reason, it has been found out that hydrogen and oxygen pass through..."

"Mr. Ge, what we are doing now is a reporter interview, and time is running out."

"Oh, you can ask."

"Sorry, I forgot what to ask, let the next one go."


"Mr. Ge, it is said that you planted 50 million mu of watermelons this year, with a yield of 5,000 jin per mu, and a total output of 100 million tons, which is double the total output of watermelons on your parent planet last year. Have you sold them yet?"

"No, sell out, make a lot of money."


"Really, otherwise, after Tiancheng invested in the All the Way West project, there would be a shortage of funds. Where would the money come from to repay the debts of international banks? Where would the money come from to build the space shuttle? Where would the money come from to land on the moon?"

"However, Mr. Ge, all the financial analysts on Mother Planet think that you earned these funds by speculating on gold!"

"Fart, it doesn't cost me to buy gold? I don't need gold for the aerospace industry? I buy gold for consumption, not for speculation. Otherwise, the players who borrowed money to speculate in gold would have been bankrupted by me long ago. Will you still experience VR comfortably while lying in bed like now?"

"Uh...Mr. Ge, don't worry, let's move on to the next topic."

"Please ask questions."


"Mr. Ge, Tiancheng has always attached great importance to AR, but now it is biased towards VR. Does this mean that you have redesigned the development strategy for Tiancheng?"

"Oh? You mean VR? Now VR is indeed very popular and has a good prospect. However, Tian Cheng has always been creating the world in AR, and is even preparing to bring the 3D martial arts world to reality. It seems that he has no preference for VR."

"But Tianyu International has uploaded more VR resources than Wajima."

"If you have entered any 'inner world' of Tianyu games, or experienced the real 'inner world' through wide-area goggles, it is not difficult to find that as long as the recording function is turned on, a 'VR image' can be produced. If you There are many gamers who can even make 'VR plots' as they like, and it can only be said that this is the crushing of high-end technology to low-end technology."

"Wait, Mr. Ge, you seemed to say that you are going to bring the 3D martial arts world to reality?"

"That's right, as we all know, Tiancheng has opened up the world in many areas, including Daqing Mountain, Ancient Canal Town, Qingzhou Ancient City, East Lake Daxing City, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Fengdu Difu, Yangguan Old Road, Yinshan Battlefield, Great Wall...

The tourism boom in August, the economic benefits generated by these scenarios have exceeded the real economy, and have driven these regions to achieve leapfrog development.

Therefore, in the future, we will also open the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Great Victory of Pingxingguan, the magnificent Yalu River, and some specific scenes of national humiliation supported by Modern Film and Television City.

Considering the investment-return ratio generated by "connecting multiple points into one piece", we finally decided to directly cover the "inner world" in the 3D martial arts world to reality.

At that time, all players with VR equipment and AR equipment can log in to the local "inner world" anytime and anywhere, but I do not recommend that VR players enter the "inner world" by walking around in reality, because VR cannot see reality, and it is easy to All kinds of accidents are caused, and the AR device can see the reality, whether it is through the handle and virtual human experience, or the walking experience depends on personal preference. "

"Mr. Ge, you are one of the most visionary entrepreneurs on Mother Planet, how do you evaluate the development prospects of the virtual industry?"

"Your question reminds me of the two choices given to me by the director of Tiancheng 101 Research Office a few days ago. One is that human beings can walk out of their home planet by themselves, but they may face 'mutations', that is, being exposed to radiation, magnetic fields, etc. , gravitational field, etc., change their own shape, and become an 'alien' with thin arms, thin legs, and a big head. Second, human beings rely on energized virtual images to go out of their home planets and realize the development of extraterrestrial planets through remote control.

Look, the virtual industry has become the only choice for the future development of the mother star, can it not be important? "

"Energized phantom?"

"Yes, I guess you haven't read the 'Tiancheng Origin Theory', I suggest you learn more about it, where is the definition of God."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he spread out his palms, and a bowl-sized fireball suddenly appeared in his palms.

With a light wave, he flung it towards the distant window.


Flames splattered and windows shattered, comparable to hand grenades, for example.

Tianwei quickly picked up the fire extinguisher.

All the reporters were dumbfounded.

Several female reporters stared wide-eyed, "God!"

Without waiting for everyone to ask, Ge Xiaotian opened his sleeves, revealing a metal wrist-style device, "Don't be surprised, this is a weapon that combines lasers and chemical substances. If any of the journalist friends present have appreciated what happened in the Japanese sea conflict Ninja Wars, one must be able to understand that cultivator Tian Cheng used this device to transfer game skills to reality.

Therefore, I always believe that ancient wizards, mages, monks, ninjas, and supernatural beings existed, but they were outsiders, and later disappeared because of their lifespan or because they left their home planet.

But now we have the conditions to become them, and even surpass them! "

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he put down his sleeves, snapped his fingers, and six pairs of milky white wings popped out from behind.

And, with the gentle flapping of the twelve wings, the body gradually floated.

"Don't be surprised. Look at the ground under my feet. It is a magnetic levitation platform. The wings on my body are the corresponding control devices, which can help me move forward, backward, left, and right."

On-site reporter: "..."

"So, believe in science, stick to science, we are 'gods'."

Ge Xiaotian floated in mid-air, holding the fireball in his hand, flapping his wings gently on his back, matching his light windbreaker and white shirt to guard against attacks...

A female reporter: "So handsome!"

'Hey, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge...'

after a long time

The shocked reporters finally came to their senses, quickly edited the news, uploaded it to the Internet, and then asked questions again.

"Mr. Ge, there are many aerospace agencies promoting that Tiancheng is planning to develop real estate on the moon. I wonder if this is true?"

"This is exaggeration. According to our own research, the moon is not suitable for human habitation, let alone planting and breeding. If strictly defined, it can only be regarded as a small stop for human beings to enter the universe."


"Yes, according to the universe development plan formulated by Tiancheng, if human beings want to reach the extrasolar planets, they need to take three steps.

Why take three steps?

The first step is to enter space, adapt to space, study space, and build space warships based on the moon as a docking station.

The second step is to digest the Kuibao left to us by the mother goddess Nuwa, which is to master all the planetary resources in the solar system.

The third step is to rush out of the solar system.

At that time, there will be a new three-step plan, enter the Milky Way, adapt to the Milky Way, understand the Milky Way, and build a space vehicle suitable for the Milky Way based on the Solar System.

Then, dash out of the galaxy.

At that time, there will be a three-step plan to enter the local galaxy group..."

"Wait, Mr. Ge, we are now conducting a reporter interview. If you have a lot to say, you can record a VR session."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to finish, so he casually pressed the button to end the reporter's interview, "Let's talk next time."

"No, Mr. Ge, the interview is not over yet."

"But the time is up, three hours, it's been a long time, and I lost hundreds of millions of dollars." Ge Xiaotian muttered, turned and left.

"Fuck! Three hours and a few insignificant questions."

"No, you didn't find out, this guy is even more difficult to mess with!"


"We are all overseas journalists. No matter what he says, we will definitely modify it to make the content what the Western people like to watch, and the West has been distorting the facts before..."


Many reporters fell silent.

"He used this kind of long-winded and nonsense to deal with us, and he has given us a lot of face."

"Yeah, the newspaper asked me to get the content of the interview, otherwise I would be unemployed, but I didn't want to go to the polar region to mine. When I came, I was worried that Mr. Ge would talk about some sensitive topics. I never expected that it was all weird. .”

"No, this is not a strange statement, this is Mr. Ge's plan for the future, it is true!"

"Yes, it's true, report it truthfully!"

The reporters at the scene tapped the red envelope and left the venue contentedly.

at the same time.

Some single-scene VRs edited from battlefield videos began to appear on the Internet.

Just like a real CS, the atmosphere of the picture makes the viewer experience the tension, excitement and reality brought by VR for the first time.

until evening.

A North American netizen uploaded an ordinary video.

In the video:

A white and fat aunt, as if collapsing, holding VR glasses, crying heartbreakingly:

"It's Jack, my son, I see him, his leg is gone, he's calling for mommy..."

In VR video:

A drone was shot down by militiamen in West Asia, and fell to the ground with thick black smoke...

In the distance, a material box dragged by a parachute floated in.

on the ground.

Twenty heavily armed North American soldiers retreated into the base in an orderly manner, their ears filled with the sound of gunshots and explosions.

"Be careful, there are R skins, avoid! Avoid!!!"


boom! ! !

In the sky full of gunpowder smoke, a soldier howled and rolled into the trench, curled up into a ball with blood on his face: "Oh, damn it, my leg! Help me!!!"

It's a pity that all the comrades around are fighting back, and some people are blown away from time to time...

Da Bing was full of despair: "Mom, I want to go home!"

Not just this one video.

In the dirty and scattered fortifications, countless flies and ants flew around a soldier who seemed to be dead with edema all over his body.

But the data displayed by the ventilator next to him showed that he was still alive.

The fire was shining outside, and a large cloud of dust was shaken off the roof from time to time.

The dust sprinkled on Da Bing's body scared away the flies and attracted more flies, but Da Bing remained indifferent.

Comment below:

"My God, the big rancher in Wyoming opened his arsenal and asked the governor to return his son, or the governor will look good tonight..."

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