Build Madness

Chapter 942 Energy Utilization Efficiency of Tiancheng Fourth Generation Commercial Housing

Western Union Vocational University.

School of Energy Engineering, Department of Energy Control, Class 5 of Energy Equipment Research.

Forty-nine vocational college students, who were sophomores in ordinary colleges, were downgraded and converted. Following their professional instructors, they were visiting a row of two-meter-high and one-meter-wide metal cabinets.

His instructor is tall and straight, with a shawl and gray hair, he is a Taoist priest.

"Students, as we all know, heat energy can be spontaneously transferred from a high-temperature object to a low-temperature object, but it cannot be reversed spontaneously."

"And the cabinets in front of us are mechanical devices that force heat to flow from low-temperature objects to high-temperature objects in a reverse cycle."

"It's called 'ground source heat pump', and it's one of the heat pump systems."

"Heat pumps originated in the 1970s, and their working principle is similar to that of refrigeration systems."

"The principles are all in the textbook, so I won't talk about it here, just remember its operating formula, that is, get Q0 kcal/h from a low-temperature heat source (outdoor air or circulating water, whose temperature is higher than the evaporation temperature t0) Heat, the mechanical work ALkcal/h is consumed, and the heat of Q1 kcal/h is supplied to the high-temperature heat source (indoor heating system), the relationship between these heats is in line with the first law of thermodynamics, that is, Q1=Q0+AL kcal/h .If the heat pump device is not used, but the heat transformed by mechanical work (or the high-temperature heat source is directly heated by electric energy, the heat obtained is ALkcal/h. After the heat pump device is used, the high-temperature heat source (heating system) obtains more heat : Q1-AL=Q0 kcal/h."

"This heat is obtained from a low-temperature heat source. If the heat pump device is not used, this heat cannot be obtained. Therefore, the heat pump device can not only save fuel, but also use waste heat."

"It can also be seen from this that the minimum value of the heat conversion coefficient is φ=1, in this limit case ε=0, Q0=0, that is, no heat is absorbed from the low-temperature heat source."

"So, generally, the refrigeration coefficient of a heat pump is about 3-4, that is to say, the heat pump can transfer 3 to 4 times the heat energy required by itself from a low-temperature object to a high-temperature object."

"So, the heat pump is essentially a heat raising device. It consumes a small amount of electric energy when it works, but it can extract 4-7 times the electric energy from the environmental medium (water, air, soil, etc.) to increase the temperature. make use of."

"That's why heat pumps save energy."

"Because overseas is 30 years earlier than China in terms of heat pump research, they can already achieve 6 times the cooling coefficient."

"As for Huaxia, since Tiancheng decided to invest in the 'new energy project' in 2001, the 'heat pump system' was successfully developed in September 2001 following the river hydropower station, wind power station, solar energy and other projects, and it was commercialized this year."

"In 2001, the cooling coefficient of Tiancheng's heat pump system was only 3. At the end of 2001, we increased the cooling coefficient to 4. In the middle of 2002, it broke through to 5. In March 2003, in the western development project, we broke through to 6 for the first time."

"Now, we have abandoned the first generation of heat pumps that used freon as the working fluid, and also abandoned the R23 and R417A commonly used in overseas heat pump research laboratories, and switched to carbon dioxide."

"The transformation of the working medium has made our heat pump research breakthrough again. In September this year, the refrigeration coefficient was raised to 8, and surpassed overseas, becoming the company with the strongest technology in the field of heat pumps in the mother star."

"At present, in the engineering field of Tiancheng Department, heat pumps are mainly divided into air source heat pumps, water source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, dual source heat pumps (combination of water source heat pumps and air source heat pumps) and so on."

"China has a vast land and abundant resources, and the climate covers cold, warm and hot. If these heat pumps can be effectively used to build residential buildings, commercial buildings, large shopping malls, etc., no matter where you are in the building, you can feel the 'constant temperature'. "

"It is different from Tiancheng's third-generation commercial housing, that is, due to geographical restrictions, it can only be built in the south of the mother river and the north of the Yangtze River. It is a 'constant temperature room' that can ignore the climate and region in the true sense."

"This is also Tiancheng's fourth-generation commercial housing."

"When it is completed, the air conditioner will no longer consume a lot of electricity in summer, saving users four-fifths of the expenditure. In winter, the heating company will no longer use the heating company, and the heating cost per square meter will be reduced by two-thirds."

"Students in need, or students who are interested, can pass on the relevant information to their parents, relatives and friends. Super Star Moon Bay, which uses a heat pump system, will open on New Year's Day."

"Okay, that's the end of today's class. The homework after class is to borrow mechanical equipment within three hours and assemble 200 ground source heat pumps per person, and hand them over to the students in the 'Equipment Installation Department'. I will check them tomorrow morning."

far away.

Ge Xiaotian led Daoyi and others, and they were also observing the 'ground source heat pump'.

The content of Dao Yi's lecture is almost exactly the same as the course taught by Dao Chang's tutor.

"In general, through the joint efforts of the teachers and students of the School of Energy Engineering, the main campus of the Vocational University has completed the 'intelligent ground source heat pump system'. After a week, after commissioning, it can be realized indoors at low cost' The effect of "four seasons like spring" is that the daytime is no longer hot and the night is no longer cold, which completely offsets the negative impact of the desert climate and saves money for installing air conditioners and building heating stations."

"Where is Shacheng?"

"Complete the construction of the ground source heat pump on the main campus, and the schoolwork activities of the School of Energy Engineering will be transferred to Shacheng, using the same method... No, it is to let the students practice make perfect, we will open up an internship site in Shacheng."

"You, the headmaster, are too evil."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, boarded the special car, and headed to the southern campus of Union University, which is the College of Combined Master and Doctoral Studies.

Ground source heat pump is just one type of heat pump system, which is produced, assembled and operated by teachers and students.

And in the system building, there is also a heat pump called 'energy heat pump'.

Just like after upgrading to a fourth-level town center, the system starts to consume electricity, and correspondingly, various power plants appear in the system building list.

After upgrading the fifth-level town center, the system began to consume photovoltaic cores. Correspondingly, new energy items appeared in the system building list, such as solar power generation systems, wind power generation towers, and energy heat pumps.

Energy heat pump is the 'energy source' of the five-level town center, none of them.

Because the solar power generation system and wind power generation system simply cannot afford the huge consumption of electricity by the system.

Just like launching a space shuttle exchanged from the system, it takes 25% for manufacturing alone, 50% for launch, and 1% for daily operation.

Such a big consumer of electricity forced Tiancheng to shut down the functional buildings related to the system, such as Taishi Smelter, Northeast Aerospace Manufacturing Plant, Sun Paper Processing Plant, etc., when carrying out aerospace projects.

Therefore, whenever Tiancheng carries out aerospace projects, Tiancheng's industries will have a long vacation.

Next, Tiancheng will launch a series of aerospace exploration projects. In order to avoid affecting production, it is imperative to build an 'energy heat pump'.

But the system unit of "Energy Heat Pump" not only occupies the largest area ever, almost covering 40,000 square kilometers, but also has very strict requirements for construction.

There must be low energy in range.

The location must be flat.

Without using a think tank, Ge Xiaotian himself thought of Da Mo.

The reason why the desert is 'hot in the day and cold in the night' is mainly because the fine sand dissipates heat quickly and cannot store heat energy like water and soil.

This is a kind of low energy that is volatilizing energy all the time.

And the desert is definitely the flattest among all the landforms of the mother star, at least there are hills and rivers in the plain.

In fact, it did build successfully.

Of course, covering an area of ​​40,000 square kilometers does not mean that the system unit of "energy heat pump" is as large as 40,000 square kilometers.

It is divided into 40,000 modules, with an average of one per square kilometer. A single unit looks like a large container, and the whole is like a wind power tower on the grassland. The 40,000 modules are evenly distributed in the desert of 40,000 square kilometers.

It can provide 5% of the energy for the system every minute.


It is more powerful than all the power systems in China combined.

However, this energy can only be used by system units and cannot be used on real units.

Because Tiancheng has not developed a 'heat pump power station', and the rare metal that needs to be exchanged for 5 million units is ten times more expensive than the exchange for a space shuttle, which is roughly equivalent to... 1 unit = 50 grams of gold, 1 gram of gold is currently It rose to 260 red notes, about 650 billion red notes.

However, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products. If there is a heat pump power station, Tiancheng will be able to build a power plant on the moon. After all, the surface there is full of solar radiation, which is considered a low energy source.

In the same way, Tiancheng can also place the power station on Mercury and Venus, where the temperature is relatively high, to complete the alien energy construction project.

Unfortunately no money.

No, there is no gold.

It is also impossible for Ge Xiaotian to throw the limited gold of his home planet on it before discovering the alien gold source.

In addition, the non-zone is researching the 'H fusion' technology belonging to the sixth-level town center, which is more powerful than the 'heat pump power station'.

Of course, he and Daoyi planned to skip the sixth level and advance to the first level of cosmic civilization. The reason why they built the 'energy heat pump' was to solve the energy crisis and to study energy utilization efficiency.

In 1999, China's energy utilization efficiency, including processing, transportation and use, was only about 32%, which was more than 10 percentage points lower than that of advanced countries. If the 32.1% energy extraction efficiency is multiplied, the total energy utilization efficiency is only 10.3%. , less than half that of advanced countries.

03. Driven by Tiancheng, the total energy utilization rate increased to 22%, but it was still pitifully low.

Daoyi suspects that the condition for advancing to the first level of cosmic civilization is to increase the total energy utilization rate to 60%.

This is a terrifying and almost impossible value.

But who made this a first-level cosmic civilization?


Not long after, the special car arrived at the 'energy heat pump' control center.

Ge Xiaotian walked into the hall, where more than fifty monks in white coats were operating various instruments.

Daoyi was worried that this guy would not understand, and explained: "We are copying the automatic control system of the main brain. After we have a thorough understanding, we will transplant it into a small imitation energy heat pump to test its comprehensive capabilities. If it succeeds, we will add steam turbines and generators. It can imitate the 'heat pump power station', of course, its energy utilization efficiency is definitely not as good as the master brain's finished product, but it can still reach 70%."

"Exceeding the 60% upgrade conditions you predicted, that's great."

"But it's like putting you and Dayao together, you lowered Huaxia's average height."

"I'm 1.88 meters tall, and you actually said that I lowered the average height? Do you know where the second machine went?"


"Do you want to go?"

"It's eighty or ninety degrees below zero, and only ghosts want to go there."


Scientific researchers who focus on technology are definitely not as smooth as Dao Shiyi who possesses various communication skills, and Ge Xiaotian is too lazy to argue with Dao.

Strolling around the control center for a while, I found that I couldn't understand it at all, so I came to the office pretending to be 'I understand it very well'.

'Energy heat pump' is a device that provides energy. Tiancheng has not yet mastered it, but it has already understood such things as air source heat pump and ground source heat pump.

Now these "heat pumps with low energy absorption" have become Tiancheng's new round of real estate development weapon.

In addition, it can also enhance the overall energy efficiency of the industry.

Watch the big boss start the Shiguang machine, and then open the industrial strategy map of Tiancheng International Holdings.

Dao Shiyi Hui reported: “The first batch of Super Xingyue Bay adopting heat pump systems are located in Heilong Bingcheng, Qiqiha, and Jiamu City in the northeast, EEDS in the grassland, Zhangjia City and Chengde in Beihe, Dongshan’s Xuecheng in Zaoshi, Xucheng in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Fengdu in Nandu, Kuncheng and Yuxi in Nanyun, and six cities in Guangzhou. There are a total of 54,700 sets of commercial housing and 32,300 sets of shops facing the street. Worth 174 billion red notes, estimated sales... the fourth in the country."

"Huh? Fourth?"

"Well, according to the summary of big data, the first place is Daheng, the second place is Kewan who has entered the country, and the third place is your old rival, Shen Zhipeng's Ginza."

"What about the fifth place?"

"'Dadi Poly', which was reorganized by two large real estate companies, and 'Zhonghai Longhu', which was also reorganized by two large real estate companies."

"Times have indeed changed."

"The price hasn't changed."


Ge Xiaotian still cared about 'number one' two years ago, because at that time Tiancheng needed publicity, but now...

Take a look at the top 100 in China, there must be a few that do not start with the word Tian.

Most importantly, this year Tiancheng aims at overseas markets.

"What about overseas real estate?"

"A total of 650,000 units of ordinary commercial housing have been completed, with an estimated sales of 295 billion Franklin. In addition, some industries, such as the African District Alliance, Neobras, Montenegro Odyssey, and Nanyang Rubber Plantation, all adopt the work-point system. When converted into sales, about 3 trillion Franklin. We have maintained a profit ratio of 65%.”

"We will keep 50% in the future, and the extra 15% will be used to reward overseas employees."

"Good boss."

"By the way, what about the money? How did I find out that the funds in the account are one or two hundred million, whether domestic or overseas?"

"It doesn't cost you to buy gold? It doesn't cost you to repay international bank loans?"


"However, the funds lent to futures players have not yet been recovered. Strictly speaking, the total funds in our account should be 370 billion Franklin. In addition, some time ago, North American Tianchuang was sold to the Horton consortium. They used funds to help us buy In the hands of the rich man who bought the ticket, he bought minerals worth 270 billion Franklin. Speaking of this, I must remind you that nights are long and dreams are many, you need to go to North America as soon as possible, and take the opportunity to recover the minerals.”

"Build a mining farm over there, let the strong man who acts as Huo Dun's security guard move things in."

"Then you must arrange for a town center to go there, otherwise, if it is out of control, how will you build a mining farm?"

"Town center..."

Ge Xiaotian opened the system list and counted roughly.

There is only one small town center, which is the main town center. After spreading out, it is the current vocational university city. It has five clones, one was sent to the moon, one was sent to Ceres, and one was placed in the space shuttle. One sits inside the soon-to-be space station, and the last is at the South Pole.

For the rest of the town center, one supersized is in the non-region, which is the capital of the non-regional alliance, another supersized is docked on the coast of Dubai, and the others are located in various overseas Star Moon Bay.

If you have to place a town center in North America, after much deliberation, only the 'Engineering Island' can pass.

But such a big guy, especially in the time period just after the big exercise, went straight to North America...

Besides, when fighting in Iraq in North America, to avoid being attacked by the opponent, it is also equipped with a large number of Tiancheng's most advanced Super Panda Kai, drones, and mechanical legs.

If the opponent finds out, I'm afraid there will be a fight on the spot.

"Organize an Antarctic expedition, send an engineering island clone to take the opportunity to replace the main town center clone in Antarctica, and then let Chen Feng send it to North America."


Dao eleven nodded and contacted the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where a vacant engineering island clone was docked.

Just when the two of them were about to go their separate ways...

A system prompt suddenly popped up in Ge Xiaotian's mind.

"Countdown, 19 days: 23 hours: 59 minutes..."

next moment.

A panoramic map of the universe appeared in Ge Xiaotian's vision.

"Find the position of your planet within the specified time. You have one chance to confirm once a day, reset every 24 hours, and a total of 20 chances to confirm. If you succeed, you will advance to the first level of cosmic civilization and get the fourth anniversary reward. If you fail, To advance to the sixth-level town center, the next promotion requires controllable H fusion technology."

Daoyi seemed to have discovered something, "Boss, it's up to you. With our current technology tree, it will take at least 15 years to complete controllable H fusion. You can't afford to wait."

"I... have you ever seen Venus in my eyes? No, my eyes are full of light spots, who knows which one is our planet."

"Have you forgotten the map of the star field that I have been showing you recently? First look for the Virgo supercluster, then the local group of galaxies, then the Milky Way, the solar system..."

"No, I suspect that the map of the universe given by the system is not from our time and space."


"I have found the solar system, but the parent star of this solar system... the African region has not yet separated from the Eurasian plate."


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