Build Madness

Chapter 953 No business, create business

Dropping objects from outer space to the surface of the parent star is completely different from dropping things from a high altitude on the parent star. It needs to consider many factors.

For example, which medium-orbit and low-earth orbits are passed by the dropped objects, and whether they will hit satellites or other spacecraft in these orbits.

For example, how much gravity needs to be freed during the transfer of the dropped object from high orbit to middle orbit, and then to low earth orbit.

For example, the rotation of the parent star, whether we are from a non-synchronous orbit or a synchronous orbit, what is the "parabola" between the two points? What is the angle with the ecliptic plane?

Moreover, in the delivery process, there are still four stages to go through.

In the first stage, the dropped object is out of its orbit, and under the action of the propeller, it enters the ionosphere of the parent star's atmosphere from the outer layer of the parent star.

The ionosphere is also called the magnetosphere. The atmosphere here is relatively dense and collides with each other frequently, and free electrons disappear quickly. Therefore, the temperature of the ionosphere is extremely high, about 2700 ° C, but in fact, objects passing through this area do not exchange heat with the air. , but will feel 'very cold'.

In the second stage, the dropped object enters the middle layer and the stratosphere, and begins to exchange heat and cold with the air, causing friction and burning. Cracking, disintegration, and crushing occur.

In the third stage, the dropped object enters the troposphere. The troposphere has uneven distribution of water vapor, dust, microorganisms, and toxic substances produced by human activities. The dropped object further strengthens the exchange of cold and heat, and turns into a fireball within three seconds...

In the fourth stage, the dropped object is completely out of control under the action of propeller and gravitational acceleration, and the energy generated by its impact on the ground, if other factors are not calculated, can release about half of the product of the square of its 'mass' and 'velocity' one.

If other factors are calculated, such as the magnetic field, tides, etc., as long as it is dropped at the right time, it will be the lever to pry the parent star, the last straw that crushes the camel's back, the horseshoe and iron nail of the war between left and right, and explode beyond itself. The effect of energy N times.

Therefore, how to successfully pass through the above four stages and reduce or increase the kinetic energy of the dropped object is a very advanced aerospace technology.

Because of this, only North America, Ice Bear, China, Montenegro Odyssey, and a few regions that have purchased Tiancheng Aerospace technology currently have mastered this technology, and even European countries have never owned it.

Otherwise, technologies such as rocket recycling and satellite recycling would have been popularized on the mother star, the investment-to-return ratio in the aerospace field would be increased, the investment in the aerospace field would be increased, and the era of large-scale interstellar development would be fully entered.

Among the aerospace agencies that have mastered this technology, Tiancheng's launch accuracy is undoubtedly the first on the parent star.


After the ingredients accurately dropped the moon product twice in the western desert that day, it immediately attracted strong crowds from many countries and regions with satellites.

These satellites recorded in detail the operating conditions of the space shuttle in outer space, observed how the space shuttle was replenished in outer space, and learned the steps of the space shuttle to release products on the moon...

Also so.

All the countries and regions that have satellites on the mother planet have all witnessed the "pounding billiards" operation of Tiancheng's space shuttle.

That is a space shuttle that is a hundred times more expensive than a launch vehicle!

One shot down, it will be scrapped directly!

However, what's even more amazing is that after the super-large space shuttle captured the 'space junk', it stretched out its mechanical arm to fiddle with the ball, installed two large pincers, and slowly approached a NA satellite from far to near.

Then, like a crab, the large pliers clamped the photovoltaic panel interface on both sides of the NA satellite, and with a light grip, the satellite lost its 'wings' immediately.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of good news spread throughout the home planet: Tiancheng's space shuttle successfully captured a pile of space junk in low-earth orbit.

The news media, web, and major forums on the home planet suddenly exploded.

"Damn it, heaven is better than nothing!"


"No, why is there still a full video?"


Tianyu: "Sorry, I forgot to edit, the video is temporarily taken down."

Hundreds of millions of netizens: "..."

Did you do it on purpose?


Huaxia Aerospace Department.

Jiusuo stood in front of the monitor in a daze for a long time, with a strange expression on his face, "This is no longer a question of whether to pay or not, but who pays whom."

NA space agency.

The supervisor stood in front of the monitor in a daze for a long time, seeing the space shuttle waving its evil 'hands' and 'drifting' towards its own space station, hurriedly picked up the communicator, and contacted the Tiancheng 102 laboratory of 'Technology Without Borders', "Let's have something to talk about! "

"Sorry, I can't decide this matter, you need to contact our boss."

Not long.

"Mr. Ge, we must sit down and have a serious talk."

"My oceangoing fleet is gone."

"Mr. Ge, I understand your feelings, but we are Aerospace..."

"My oceangoing fleet is gone."


"Oh? Aerospace? I'm sorry, I feel so uncomfortable... What's the matter with you?"

"Mr. Ge, your actions have seriously violated the Outer Space Treaty, the Outer Space Commercial Law, and the Outer Space Agreement."

"My oceangoing fleet is gone."


"By the way, I heard that your space shuttle broke down in outer space. This is easy to solve. Give me 1 billion Franklins. I will fix it for you and drive it back to the home planet for free."


"What? Another satellite is broken? Little thing, give me 5 million Franklins, and I will help you restore it in minutes."


"Space station? This is not easy to repair..."

"Beep beep..."

The person in charge of the NA aerospace agency directly hung up the communication, "Contact the Chinese ambassador."


October 22nd.

Huaxia's board of directors severely criticized Tiancheng International Holdings for violating the outer space agreement, and ordered Ge xx to go to the Nanzhonghai Courtyard in Beijing to accept instructions from his superiors.

the same day.

In the end, the Tiancheng space shuttle did not extend a "helping" hand to the NA space station, but returned to the high orbit, and continued to "scratch the mud ball" under the terrified eyes of the NA space agency.

And the NA Space Agency definitely wouldn't ask Tian Cheng to repair the space shuttle and satellites, and didn't even plan to take the two piles of 'junk' back.

number 22.

Ge xx carried the "punishment letter" and left the capital in a "dejected" manner, returning to the west.

This seems to be the end of the matter.

As for compensation...

Ge Xiaotian naturally knew whether he wanted to come back, and he had no intention of asking at all.

The reason for doing this...

Two days later, the NA aerospace agency announced the creation of a "space-based kinetic energy armament", and decided to send ten "black sticks" weighing seven tons to high orbits and mount them in controllable satellites to attack surface objects, and To guard against instability in outer space, the program is called: Rod of God.

"Counting the losses in the 'Freedom Ark Project', the Iraqi battlefield, the war-torn zone in West Asia, as well as the stock market and futures market, they have wasted almost five trillion Franklins this year."

Sitting in the office, Ge Xiaotian held his head up to appreciate the 'good news', 'award certificate', and 'honorary certificate' brought back from the Beijing courtyard, and played with the small-leaf rosewood health ball brought in from Wanlao in his hand. The result was very dissatisfied. Satisfied, "A little less."

Dao Eleven: "Boss, as long as we launch a space competition, bring together the regions where our partners are located, and show some things that seem powerful and have very strong experimental data from time to time, but are actually tasteless things, North America will definitely try to catch up. We will even create some weird armaments, which will not only wear them down, but we can also take the materials they launched into space, such as black sticks, and take them as our own."

"good idea!"

Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, "The ocean-going fleet sank, in order to compensate the partner, Tiancheng is willing to help the partner's area to build a moon base for free."

"You mean...North America looks at it: 'Hey guy, you all have moon bases, if we don't do it, it means we are behind?' And then increase space investment?"

"Yes, not only to force North America to do it, but also to let the other party pull his group of younger brothers."

"Then let's promote public opinion, saying that the mother star has entered the era of great exploration of the universe?"

"Forget about the public opinion. Last time I was almost dubbed the title of 'the number one cheater on my mother planet' because of the world in VR. If I do it again, I'm afraid the name will stink."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head in denial, changed his voice, and mentioned the ultimate purpose of this series of events: "How is the countermeasure system prepared?"

"Just wait for it to turn on."



October 25th.

On the first floor of the Tiancheng Plaza Science and Technology Building in various places, in the door-to-door shop area, many brand computer stores that once fought with Longtian Technology to death, are now empty.

In Xingyuewan supermarket chains across the country, the shelves used to be filled with imported snacks, popular imported cosmetics, and a dazzling array of imported luxury goods. Now only the products provided by the regions where the ocean trade partners are located remain.

In the Tianheng Auto Trade City in various places, North American GM, which was secretly controlled by Holden Canada GM in the automobile brand war, or Dick and Chrysler, which cooperated with Tiancheng Electric Industry, all disappeared.

not only that.

Sun Paper announced at noon yesterday that within a month, it plans to transfer its American business to the European region...

Ruyi Textile also announced at noon yesterday that within a month, it will shift the supply of luxury raw materials from the Americas to the European region...

Wanshi Technology announced today that it will open the OEM directory to European ocean trading partners, and the OEM fee will only be collected through the Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce with a discount corresponding to the VIP level.

That is to say, in the past, electronic companies in the European region needed 10 Franklins to process electronic semi-products in North American OEM companies. Now, Wanshi Technology, which used to not provide OEM services, only charges 6 Franklins if you are a gold VIP. If you are a platinum VIP, Master Technology only charges 5 Franklins, and if you are a Diamond VIP, Master Technology only charges 4 Franklins.

Moreover, Tiantian Logistics Company, Sino-Ocean Trade Group, and Rabbit Kuaipao express delivery services will also give extremely low transportation quotations.

in addition.

Tianrong Trust, Tianrong Angel Investment under Tianrong International, together with Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, jointly announced that it will help companies that have been engaged in foreign trade in the Americas to transform into foreign trade companies in the European region for free, and provide technical, capital, management, etc. Support, and free assistance in handling the visa-free agreement of ocean trade partners, setting up overseas offices, and establishing overseas branches...

Even, if you were engaged in American foreign trade before and owed a lot of debts, and now you are transitioning to European foreign trade, as long as the company has a good reputation and does not resort to fraud, Tianrong Trust can help you repay even if you have tens of billions of debts. The funds of the trust will be repaid in installments without interest...

And in this environment, many things are happening.

For example, Financial Street in Canal Development Zone.

Two Tianwei employees grabbed a foreigner who was stuttering fried dough sticks, "Please show your Smart Card."

"Oh bro, don't be so rude, I'm Jinx."

"Please show the smart card."

The foreigner was unmoved, "I'm Jincos, and I'm the first foreigner to follow the boss... No, no, I'm not a foreigner, I'm a Chinese. Look, I'm wearing long johns."


"I still have a thermos filled with goji berries in my hand."

"According to Tiancheng's standards, from today onwards, except for formal employees, North American personnel will no longer be accepted in the industrial chain."

"Brother, I am a regular worker. I am a senior engineer of Shenlongxin. The big boss knows me, but my children and wife are not. They can't leave me, really."

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Jin Kesi took out his smart card and swiped the card to verify his identity.

"Mr. Jinx..."

"My surname is Jin, and I'm called Mr. Jin."


"Can I go?"

"Yes, but you need to help your family apply for a permanent residence permit as soon as possible"


Jincos was surprised when he heard this, "I can finally live here for a long time, where can I go?"

"Jishi Safe Office, but you need to own a house of more than 200 square meters."



October 26th.

North American toilet paper has doubled and skyrocketed in history, but the supply is still in short supply.

More than 50 North American luxury goods companies collapsed overnight, and nearly a thousand other luxury goods prices were raised, and they faced bankruptcy problems caused by poor capital turnover.

to the opposite.

France added more than 60 large enterprises overnight.

Germany once again has optical engineering companies, and precision instrument processing looms to be revived.

Five Nordic countries get a large space launch site...

Factories across Montenegro Odyssey opened...

Even the bullfighting country, which has newly joined the ocean trade, has also obtained the "time dividend" and ushered in two new energy investment companies.

Industry affects finance, which in turn determines the stock market.

Twisted Securities closed its doors again.

Securities in various parts of the European region were also in the Great Depression, but financial non-listed investment companies ushered in vigorous development.

The two diametrically opposed situations shocked the business world of the mother planet by the power of the 'Tiancheng Countermeasure System'.

But this is not the end, it's just the beginning.

Tiancheng Electric Industry submitted letters of intent to purchase 200 million tons of coal to Poland and Germany respectively.

Subsequently, as a trade relationship, Tianmao Agriculture exported vegetables, fruits, and textiles of the same value to Poland and Germany, and worked out a plan with both parties to build a "European agricultural and sideline product hub".

this day.

Hundreds of cargo ships depart from the ports of the two countries and head straight for the Mediterranean Sea...

As for Huaxia, thousands of heavy-duty transport vehicles drove on the westward highway, heading straight for the Asia-Europe Bridge that was about to be completed.


Tiancheng International Holdings has reached a strategic cooperation with the French Accor Group.

'Tiancheng helped French Accor transform into a comprehensive enterprise. '

Well, that's it.

However, Accor belongs to the hotel service industry. If it wants to become a comprehensive enterprise, it needs to increase industries such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.

In other words, all aspects must be built.

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