Build Madness

Chapter 971 Return ticket? Feel sorry……

Tiancheng is an enterprise, investing in the aerospace industry must be for profit.

Therefore, Tiancheng's manned spaceflight technology is fundamentally different from those of the countries on the parent planet.

The latter is a space experiment, requiring astronauts to make corresponding operations according to the instructions sent by the surface to complete each project.

On the other hand, Tiancheng is based on the remote control system, an extended unmanned space pilot.

That is to say, Tiancheng opened up an independent space in the launch vehicle. After the rocket lifts off, the 101 and 102 laboratories ensure that the biological and physiological state in the space tends to be normal, and then maintain it until it reaches the moon. This time the moon landing is a success.

Even if the astronaut falls asleep, even if the astronaut messes up, it will not affect his own plan.

To put it bluntly, Tiancheng's manned spaceflight technology is actually similar to 'taking a car', 'taking a boat', or 'taking a plane'. No matter who it is, as long as they buy a ticket and meet the riding requirements, they can enter the 'space capsule'.

This is the basic idea of ​​Tiancheng Aerospace Department's "Earth-Moon Passenger Line".


Xiao Bu's temporary replacement of astronauts with bodyguards does not violate the manned spaceflight agreement in Tiancheng's standard.

Seeing that the other party insisted on this, Ge Xiaotian had to give up the plan of "send the ice bear astronauts up first, and dismantle the North American moon base", and signaled the staff to help the three North American super bodyguards check their bodies and inject medicines according to the time period.



Two hours before waiting for the cabin, inject "anti-space motion sickness" drugs to avoid space syndrome similar to "seasickness" and "motion sickness", such as pale face sweating, nausea and vomiting, upper abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, etc. .

If the personnel can adapt to the drug, after half an hour of observation, the 'anti-radiation' drug will be injected.

One is to resist space particle radiation, including solar flares, particles in the radiation belt of the parent star, etc.

The second is to resist the artificial radiation sources inside the launch vehicle, especially the optoelectronic pollution of Tiancheng.

What? Spacesuit?

Spacesuits are only weakened, and cannot completely avoid radiation. As organisms, they need to undergo passive evolution through drugs to autonomously resist the radiation waves penetrating spacesuits.

after an hour.

If the person being injected can adapt to the two drugs, the 'anti-decalcification drug' will be injected next.

Aircraft No. 1 issued a warning to the Tiancheng Aerospace Department before, if humans lived on the moon for a long time, it would only take twenty years for them to become aliens with thin arms, thin legs and big heads.

Moreover, under the influence of weightlessness, the excretion of inorganic salts such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in urine increases, and the monthly loss is generally 0.3% to 0.5% of the total body weight, which is equivalent to 50% of the decalcification amount of bedridden testers. Three times, and people who bear weight, the loss of bone mass is proportionally greater.

A large amount of decalcification, in addition to causing astronauts to suffer from kidney stones, may also cause severe osteoporosis after returning to Earth, so that slight force and activity can cause fractures, especially fractures of the spine or long bones.

Therefore, based on this data, Tiancheng Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine developed a special 'anti-decalcification' drug for aerospace.

If the person to be injected can adapt to these three drugs, he will be injected with 'sleep-regulating' drugs half an hour before boarding the cabin.

Because astronauts fly in space, there will be abnormal phenomena such as emotional agitation, fantasy, illusion, dreaminess, etc., and drugs must be used for sedation and hypnosis.

Ten minutes before boarding.

There is no need to observe the reaction of the first four agents, and inject the 'active agent' directly.

This is a colorful bottle of brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying liquid that stabilizes human body functions, eliminates fatigue, and improves adaptability.

If astronauts have accidents on the moon, such as broken limbs, broken belly, bleeding...

By virtue of the properties of the drug, it is possible to return to the lunar module alone and perform emergency surgery through remote control of medical treatment.

In short.

Tiancheng Aerospace Department has made complete preparations for this moon landing.

The complicated process and perfect work attitude also stunned the deputy director, Xiaobu and the boss of Bingxiong.


"Ge, you can't do this!"

Xiao Bu held the list of medicines and stood up directly in pain, "Twenty million Franklin?"

"Calm down, calm down, a pilot is worth billions, let alone an astronaut, this is medical insurance."

"But they are my bodyguards!"

"We don't care who they are, even if they are homeless, since they use the free boat tickets and decide to go to the moon, they must be injected with 'four injections and one dose' to ensure that the whole process of the moon landing goes smoothly."


After a while.

The North American business manager enters the account password...


There were only fifteen minutes left before the rocket lifted off.

The three astronauts arranged by Ice Bear, and the three super bodyguards arranged by North America, followed the voice prompts of the staff, walked naked into the independent space inside the lunar spacecraft, and with the help of the mechanical arm, lay down like a coffin. , inside the transparent nutrition cabin with 'high viscosity glue' flowing inside.

The next moment, the local area network was established successfully.

The curved hatch shows the Shenlong system operation page, above which there are audio-visual entertainment, panda guards, online shopping, financial services...

"Dear passengers and friends, hello everyone, I am Xiaoyi, the captain and flight attendant of this lunar landing. Our flight departed from the parent star Huaxia Western Space Center, passed through the high-orbit Tiancheng Space Shuttle, and finally arrived at the moon NT-BM01 Base, estimated sailing time 96 hours."

"During this period, please do not leave your cabin. If you have needs, such as hungry, thirsty, excreting, etc., you can wake me up through the voice assistant."

"Due to the long voyage time, we specially prepared free VR games, 3D games, high-definition movies, dynamic music, etc. for everyone. If you have special needs, please activate online payment in advance..."

"The flight notification is over. We will spiral into the sky in 10 minutes. If you feel severe vibrations, please don't panic. This is normal operation..."


A certain super bodyguard said: "We came in a hurry and forgot to say hello to our family. I want to know when we can return?"

"Um...sorry, the return ticket is not available yet, please continue to pay attention to the official website of Tiancheng Aerospace Department."


"I wish you a pleasant journey."


Doesn't it mean that you can't come back if you don't have a return ticket?

More than three bodyguards in black began to struggle violently, and even the Ice Bear astronauts who heard the translation began to shout.

But the mechanical arm firmly fixed the six people and physically hypnotized them...

At the same time, soft music sounded:

"Let's swing our oars and the boat pushes the waves away..."



Huaxia Western Space Center, launch monitoring room.

The huge curved screen jumped violently for more than ten seconds, and then the screen returned to normal. (Skip the astronaut struggling picture)

Seeing the six astronauts falling asleep soundly and smiling sweetly...

Xiao Bu: "Ge, the signal is not stable, will it affect the rocket launch?"

"No, I just switched from the Zigbee network on the surface to the Zigbee network in the universe, and it will take more than ten seconds."

"All right."

five minutes later.

As Ge Xiaotian presses the launch button while everyone is watching...

Dao Yi, sitting in the aerospace building, also pressed the launch button. (Worried about Ge Xiaotian's blind press, this is the truth)

next moment.

The first Tianzi carrier rocket was ignited successfully!


Well, the previous Tianzi rockets were all AR images, fake.

It is more than one hundred meters high and weighs four to five hundred tons. He shoots and plays every day, not to mention Tian Cheng, even if all the countries on the home planet add up, they will go bankrupt.

Before launching satellites and so on, all the Shenzhou rockets provided by Nine were used.

As for the moon landing, space experiments, etc., the Tiancheng Space Department has always used space shuttles.

That is to say, up to now, Tiancheng has only conducted three unmanned spaceflight projects in the true sense.

One is New Year's Eve, one is the launch of the space shuttle, and the other is the launch of the Ceres probe.

Very low cost!

Even if he fails this time, counting the money he got, as long as he doesn't pay it back, he's still making a lot of money!

Of course, this matter is very secretive, and even the deputy director does not know the inside story.

the other side.

After the launch vehicle ignited successfully, it did not eject flames into space.

Instead, it broke free from the shackles of the launcher on the spot, and began to rotate, violently, faster and faster...


Boss Ice Bear: "???"

Hundreds of millions of netizens who paid to watch the live broadcast: "???"

"Don't be surprised, this is activating the anti-gravity system, but the completion of this technology is stagnant at 80%, just like floating Pokemon, the launch vehicle needs to adapt."

After Ge Xiaotian's voice fell, the carrier rocket slowly lifted off without spraying flames...

No, it is floating high into the sky.

This continued for an hour, until the monitor room screen indicated that the launch vehicle had reached the ozone layer, and people saw the launch vehicle ejecting flames through the super surveillance plane following the launch vehicle...

The kilometer-long heat stream directly dissipated the surrounding dense fog, and punched hundreds of kilometers of huge holes in the sky.

The next moment, the launch vehicle disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the screen switched to outer space.

People saw a long thing flying straight from the parent star, passing through several low-orbit satellites, entering the high orbit of the parent star, and then being captured by the space shuttle monitoring it with a huge mechanical arm.

The screen changed.

The space shuttle divides the launch vehicle, retains only the head, and then installs a new rocket body for it, and throws the divided rocket body to the parent star through the thruster.

"This is our rocket recycling project, which is a bit different from what everyone imagined, but ours is more convenient. After the old rocket body falls into the desert, it will be overhauled and it will continue to be used next week."

After Ge Xiaotian explained, he looked at the live camera, "The first phase of the moon landing has been successfully completed, we need to wait 8 to 10 hours to carry out the 'earth-moon orbit change' at the right time.

Because this link is time-consuming and labor-intensive, if it is broadcast live, it will inevitably be boring, so next, I will show you what the moon base looks like through AR projection technology. Friends who like it, please recharge, and follow-up reports are 100 rubles/minute. "



In the early morning of December 2nd.

With the help of a brand-new propulsion system, the Tianzi carrier rocket forcibly entered the lunar orbit.

The six astronauts inside are still sleeping.

Of course, when hundreds of millions of netizens saw the "Nutrition Cabin" that looked exactly like a sci-fi movie, no one doubted that the astronauts were put into a physical coma. They only lamented that Tiancheng is still so powerful in the field of biotechnology.

After all, the aerospace agencies of various countries on the mother planet have indeed purchased a large number of rubber figures from Tiancheng that can simulate 99% of human physiological states.

Early morning on December 3rd.

After the 101 and 102 laboratories calculated separately and compared the results, the space center obtained the best trajectory of the Tianzi launch vehicle to land on the moon.

At 10 a.m., the moon landing begins.


Under the witness of billions of viewers on the parent star, the launch vehicle directly dropped the lunar lander with six astronauts on the moon.


The spacecraft spins violently, spins faster...

There are still 160 kilometers away from the lunar surface, and the rotation speed is already difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Moreover, the spacecraft accelerated and fell under the influence of the moon's gravity.

Just when the audience thought they had failed...

The lunar lander suddenly ejected flames in the opposite direction, slowing down the falling speed.

Immediately afterwards, it began to 'float' like a launch vehicle ignited.

When there are only 50 kilometers left from the lunar surface, the falling speed is reduced to 100m/s.

When the distance from the moon mark is only 30 kilometers, the falling speed is reduced to 50m/s.

When there are only 20 kilometers left from the surface, the falling speed is reduced to 15m/s.


In the end, the lunar lander quietly floated fifty meters above the lunar surface.

At this time.

An extremely huge super tractor, with a speed of more than 500km/h, flew and bounced from far to near, and even made several 720-degree air Thomas maneuvers on the way...

When they reached the bottom of the spacecraft, a man with a severed arm who was not wearing a spacesuit and half of his face was rotted jumped out of the cab.

Such a picture, even on the parent star, is extremely weird, let alone on the moon.


This super tractor has no solar sails and uses an internal combustion engine!

It's so chug-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, exhausting the exhaust through the huge chimney...

The hundreds of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room, as well as Xiaobu and the boss Ice Bear who lived in the monitoring room of the aerospace center, all gasped.


The voice sounded.

"Oh, this damn body really makes it hard for me to adapt, dear netizens, I'm very sorry, I scared everyone."


It's okay if you don't talk, but when you talk, the picture is even more terrifying.

Because the moon is a vacuum...

Netizens, on the other hand, saw that half of the weirdo's mouth opening and closing, and they were able to get the right shape.

At this time.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the intercom, "Can you be normal?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry boss, I blew myself up doing the experiment. Is there a new body to replace, so I can only run out like this."

Unit 1 spoke, operating the super tractor and unloading the rear tools.

half an hour later.

When the netizens figured out that this was the famous No. 1 machine on the parent planet, and there was a lot of discussion in amazement, there was already a weird tower crane on the moon.

The tower crane swings the robotic arm, docks the lunar lander floating in the air, and pulls the latter to the lunar surface.

"Successful moon landing!"

Ge Xiaotian jumped up pretendingly, and waved his arms excitedly.

The deputy director, Xiao Bu, the boss of Ice Bear, and hundreds of millions of netizens all have expressionless faces...

No, I don't know how to describe my mood at the moment.

10 minutes later.

The No. 1 machine drove a super tractor and dragged the lunar lander away from the lunar landing site by way of traction.

The tower crane just stayed at the scene.

Since it was connected to the Cosmic Zigbee network, the live broadcast connection was not disconnected inside the lunar module.


Hundreds of millions of viewers on the mother star found that despite the twists and turns, the astronauts still slept very soundly, and one of them might even be dreaming, crying and shouting: 'Mom, I want to go home. '

half an hour later.

A North American flag appeared ahead, and a villa was in sight.

Unit 1 jumped off the super tractor, opened the door of the lunar lander, checked various parameters, and then entered the independent lunar module.

After closing the hatch, he took out three sets of space suits from the hidden compartment, came to the North American super bodyguard, and pressed the buttons one by one.

The latter woke up leisurely. Through the transparent cover of the nutrition cabin, he saw the man with a disfigured face and a broken arm standing outside, and his pupils shrank suddenly...

Machine No. 1: "Struggle, baby!"

The three burly men rolled their eyes...Under the effect of the medicine, they forcibly resisted the shock.

Unit One raised its remaining arm and removed its head.

The three burly men continued to roll their eyes upwards, but they didn't faint...

Machine number one shrugged, walked to the console, opened another hidden compartment, and brought out a nutrition cabin with rubber figures.

But the super bodyguards in North America are just bodyguards, they don't know what a rubber man is at all, and they think that the nutrition cabin is filled with Tiancheng astronauts.


The No. 1 machine stood in front of the 'Tiancheng Astronaut' nutrition cabin, danced and muttered, as if reciting a spell, and after more than ten seconds, the body trembled suddenly and fell to the ground paralyzed.

next moment.

The rubber man in the nutrition cabin suddenly opened his eyes, opened the hatch, and jumped out naked...

"This body is really amazing!"

Hearing the exact same voice, all the super bodyguards in North America turned pale and foamed at the mouth...

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