Build Madness

Chapter 991: Discuss Ge Alliance Internal Meeting

The second day of Mr. Zhao's Fufa, January 7th, the 16th day of the twelfth lunar month.

Shuai Bo personally led the 30,000 employees of Northern Tiancheng Energy Group, escorted countless construction equipment and building materials, and arrived in Fengdu on the Hanzhong Expressway.

Tianfu Group has already helped him arrange office space and material storage sites. After a brief mobilization, he immediately started construction to build wind power towers, photovoltaic energy and other projects along the new canal that has not yet been fully connected.

the same day.

According to the verbal agreement made with someone (Mr. Zhao donated assets to Nandu), Mr. Yu formed a special task force to help Li Wei relocate assets in other areas, and established the 'Fengdu Entrepreneurship Group' in Fengdu.

the other side.

In Dongshan, Beihe, Dongbei, Nanhe, Xishan, Jianfu, Guangqu and other places, countless entrepreneurs with courage, ideas, and capital, under the call of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, went to Fengdu with their dreams in mind.

They buy shops, buy goods, and engage in various business activities in accordance with the new '04 Tourist Area Business Standards' formulated by Tianle.

So far, Fengdu has started the second round of construction.

The speed shocked the Southwest, and made the deputy director and general manager who handled Zhao's father's affairs sigh repeatedly as if they had returned to Dongshan.

And when Fengdu is changing with each passing day...

Jiangnan, Jinling.

Longtian Technology Headquarters.

Lao Wang, Chen Donghai, Wei Changfeng, the director of the Xinmadu Chamber of Commerce, and others sat in the conference room in order according to the original alliance rankings, with different expressions and moods.

Lao Wang lost two generals, with a solemn expression, seriously thinking about what to eat to reward himself tonight after the boss gave him so much bonus.

Wei Changfeng was very happy when he learned that Mr. Zhao's father and son had left the stage. Back then Mr. Zhao used to make fun of him, belittled him, and even suspected that he was a boy. Now that guy is thrown behind bars by Ge Laoer. If you can't get out, you can help yourself to vent your anger.

As for Chen Donghai...

Chen Donghai, Zhao's father and Mr. Zhao were not in the same group at all, and the reason why they came together was to deal with the common enemy.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the cooperative relationship, the two parties exchanged some industries. Mr. Zhao handed over some assets to Li Wei for management, and Li Wei handed over some assets to Mr. Zhao for management.

If there was no such thing as Li Wei's rebellion, Chen Donghai would have laughed three times when he heard that Zhao's father died of illness and Mr. Zhao was behind bars. The Jiangnan industry laid down.

But things backfired, Li Wei took the lead in rebelling, causing heavy losses on her own side as well.

Thinking of the right to operate more than 100 gas stations in the capital, Chen Donghai's heart ached like a knife being scraped.

Fortunately, Li Wei is only a bond of interest, and she doesn't have much leverage in her hands.

Thinking of this, Chen Donghai thought for a moment, intending to ask Old Wang what to do next, "Mr. Wang..."

"Eat lion head at night!"


The audience was stunned.

What are you thinking?

Old Wang came back to his senses, looked at everyone in shock, and said calmly, "This is fried Ge Wan'e!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped his chest fiercely, "Made, I'm so mad!"


Everyone is silent.

Chen Donghai said softly: "Mr. Wang, we have to think of a way to fight back against Tian Cheng, otherwise the bosses who have newly joined our alliance in the south will be intimidated by Ge's despotic power, and they may not want to collectively rebel."

"It makes sense!"

Lao Wang nodded, "But in a confrontation with the sky, playing tricks will only kill you faster..."


The manager of the New Magic City Chamber of Commerce interrupted, "Mr. Wang, look at what you said. What do you mean you will die faster? It's like we will die sooner or later."

"Oh, I'm sorry, the wording is inappropriate. What I mean is that we must use reasonable commercial means to stop Tian Cheng from going south."

Old Wang tapped on the table, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and finally came up with a solution."

"President Wang, please speak."

"Longtian has plenty of funds, but only deals in technology products. If Longtian spends the excess funds in the real estate field, purchases land, lays out business circles, and builds Longtian's home, I believe that our Longtian real estate will not be weaker than Tiancheng!"

"What Mr. Wang said is very true."

Chen Donghai agrees with this very much.

In fact, he had this idea a long time ago, but Mr. Zhao was there at that time. If he persuaded Lao Wang to engage in real estate, wouldn't he be robbing Mr. Zhao for business?

At that time, I'm afraid it will affect the cooperative relationship I just established with Zhao's father.

It's different now, Zhao's father died of illness, Mr. Zhao is under the law, although there are super developers in the south of the Yangtze River, but their own strength is not weak.

No, it is very strong!

In the past two years, Longtian's SG series products have been sold overseas, and the combined assets of all the people present may not be able to compare with one percent of Longtian's annual sales.

And Petrochemical, Changfeng Industry, New Magic City Chamber of Commerce, etc., have countless lands in their hands.

All of them were purchased a few years, or even more than ten years ago. The price is low and the location is superior. If it is used to build a business district and Longtian Home...

Leaving aside whether he can fight against Tian Cheng, the profit point will definitely not be low.

Chen Donghai thought of the 'Outlets' project introduced by Li Wei before, and immediately supported him: "I am very much in favor of Mr. Wang's decision."

"Chen Dong has no land in his hands. The project is finalized and sitting on a commission is equivalent to a white wolf with empty hands. He definitely agrees with Mr. Wang's decision." Wei Changfeng was a little flustered without Mr. Zhao's suppression. , "Do you think so?"

The latter pondered for a moment, "What Mr. Wei said is absolutely true."

"Joke, how can I have no land in my hand?"

Chen Donghai didn't care about Wei Changfeng's words, and said with a smile, "I have a lot of gas stations. In order to accommodate oil tanks and vehicles, and to consider the expansion of gas stations in the future, I have almost one or two vacant pieces of land in every city in the south. The area is no less than 200 mu. Moreover, due to business adjustments, some refineries have been demolished, and several factory areas have been vacated. These refinery ruins are no less than 2,000 mu!"

"I'm sorry Director Chen, I didn't think carefully." Wei Changfeng quickly apologized.

Chen Donghai waved his hand, "As the saying goes, when brothers are united, their profits cut through gold. If we want to deal with Ge Laoer, we must let go of our prejudices and form a team with sincerity. If we are still selfish, I think it is better to just break up."

"Chen Dong Dayi!"

Old Wang gave a thumbs up, and immediately looked around everyone, "So, I plan to borrow the land in your hands to form Longtian Real Estate, what do you think?"

"Borrow?" Chen Donghai, who was still talking about it just now, couldn't help asking questions.

"Yeah, borrow it first, wait for the business district and Longtian Homeland to be built and recover the cost, and then we will divide the income according to the investment amount."


Everyone fell silent immediately.

Don't look at everyone sitting here discussing how to deal with Tiancheng, in fact, everyone understands that Ge Heizi's going south is unstoppable, and will soon create a southern Tiancheng industrial chain.

Under this general trend, who can guarantee that Longtian Real Estate will make a steady profit without losing money?

And once the compensation is lost, the land lent out may not be returned.

Even Chen Donghai was speechless for a while.

At this time, Wei Changfeng said with a naive smile: "A piece of land means hundreds of millions, some even billions, which is equivalent to emergency reserves in our hands, and we are all small and small businesses, and we are not as good as kings with abundant funds. Boss, I lent it to you, and I can’t take it back in a short time, and if something happens, we’re done for.”

"Fatty Wei, if you have something to say, don't go around like that." Old Wang showed dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Wang, why don't we come up with a compromise method, how about you buy the land from us?"

"Heh, who doesn't know that you, Fatty Wei, have more than a dozen pieces of land that your father bought for you with his connections when he was still alive? At that time, one piece of land was at most 18 million, but now it has increased by more than ten times. Making money Earn money from my old king?"

"Mr. Wang, what you said, we are an alliance after all..."

"Well, how much did your father pay for it, and how much will I give you?"


Wei Changfeng didn't dare to speak anymore.

Old King Longtian looked at Chen Donghai, "Chen Dong, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Wang, I think... everyone has put a lot of thought into acquiring the land, and they have been under a lot of pressure for not building it these years. Why don't you take a 20% discount on the current market price..."

"Fuck you, think I'm stupid? I got the land from the local government, and it's not that high after discounts, tax exemptions, and various subsidies."

"Mr. Wang, how can you scold people?"

"Aren't you convinced?"


Chen Donghai didn't dare to provoke Lao Wang at all, because after several trials, the old leader behind him discovered that Long Tian was behind the board of directors.

Moreover, it is still directly under.

(Actually not, the Nine Institute made top-level encryption for Longtian files at Qinggang Airport back then, and the shares in it were: Huaxia Aerospace 40%, Tiancheng 40%, Wanshi Technology 20%, China Mobile 10%, that is, 110% of the total shares, But 10% of China Mobile belongs to the operating stock and does not participate in the profit sharing. Remember the detailed explanation in the previous article, what is 100% equity is distributed according to 110%, the chapter is too long, I forgot which chapter.)

And the level of Longtian Laowang is also higher than him.

Seeing Lao Wang rolling up his sleeves, Chen Donghai quickly changed the subject, "Mr. Wang, let's continue talking about the land."

"You lent it to me, Lao Wang. Is it possible that I can't pay it back? That's it. Let's borrow it for ten years."

"ten years?"

Wei Changfeng stood up like a wild cat whose tail had been trampled on, "Mr. Wang, it's impossible. Changfeng Industrial is expanding and needs funds urgently. I've long wanted to sell the land in my hand. You borrow it for ten years now. I'll go Where to raise funds?"

"Then let's just break up. Our Longtian family has a great career, and there are people behind us. Even if we lose against Ge Laoer, at most we will lose a little bit of the market. We won't lose too much, but you are different."

Old King Longtian looked at Chen Donghai, "Old CNOOC will spare you? Not necessarily?"


Then he looked at Wei Changfeng, "I heard that Chen Feng sent people to block you several times, with a sack in his hand, I'm afraid he's going to put you on a rock and throw him into the sea?"


Immediately afterwards, he looked at the Chamber of Commerce of the New Magic City, "The Wuzhou Avenue project has been completed for the most part. Tiancheng Technology and Weihua Technology are gaining momentum. Your Xuhui business district is without my old Wang's SG. How long can you expect overseas electronic products to last?"


"And you guys, no money, no one, no equipment, when did I shirk? Didn't I give it to you directly, and didn't even call me for owed conditions?"

Old Wang Longtian said, got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly remembered something, "A bunch of wolf-hearted things, get out of here, this is my company!"

"President Wang, don't be angry."

Chen Donghai took out the soft Huaxia, and respectfully handed over one, "Mr. Wang, you should also consider our difficulties."

"Well, for a buy-it-yourself price, how about transferring all the land in your hands to me at a 30% discount to the market price?"


Everyone was silent again.

"Of course, when the business district and Longtian Homeland are completed, everyone present, including company employees, can rent shops, buy shops, and buy real estate at the cost price, and have the priority to choose."


Chen Donghai gritted his teeth, "The land in my hand will be done according to President Wang's orders!"

Wei Changfeng was indeed afraid of Chen Feng, a second-hand businessman. In recent years, that guy had grown to the height he looked up to, and for his sister, he had already blatantly stated that he would kill him. Lian Jiazi, led by Chen Ergou, was put in a sack.

Seeing that Chen Donghai agreed, he quickly raised his hand, "I agree too."

The New Magic City Chamber of Commerce immediately stopped insisting, "Mr. Wang, I hope to make a deal now."

"Don't worry, when did I, Longtian Technology, be short of money?"

Lao Wang nodded seriously, and secretly decided that two sets of 108 lion heads must come tonight.

Because the boss will give himself a big bonus again soon.


Looking around the conference hall, apart from Chen Donghai, Wei Changfeng, and the head of the Xinmadu Chamber of Commerce, the rest are all from our own people.

If the operation goes well this time, it will be equivalent to kicking out these three groups of people. In the future, we will hold an "internal meeting of the Discussion Alliance". Do we want a group of undercover agents to sing praises to the big boss? !

The style of painting is wrong!

Lao Wang pondered for a moment, "I still have a decision."

"President Wang, please speak."

"It's not enough for us to confront Ge Lao Er head-on. Foreign aid must be brought in."

"President Wang, what do you mean?"

"I plan to use my own status as the basis to make a few powerful businessmen to join us, such as the richest man in Hong Kong, Li. If anyone of you can make a connection, you might as well recommend it to me."

"President Wang, this is no problem."

Chen Donghai agreed wholeheartedly.

Before Zhao's father died, he entrusted us to contact Xiangjiang Li, and now he got in touch, but Zhao's father passed away suddenly. Although he didn't know what Zhao's father wanted to do, he made an appointment with the meeting place and time, and it couldn't be canceled. It just happened to arrange Lao Wang. .

Moreover, Lao Wang's strength has surpassed Xiangjiang Li, and Xiangjiang Li is also facing pressure from Tiancheng, and urgently needs the support of partners...

The initiative is on your side!

The future is looking great!

Chen Donghai couldn't help laughing.


Fengdu Tiancheng Building.

Ge Xiaotian put down the AR glasses and rubbed his sore eyes, "The more you use this device, the more garbage it becomes. It's full of pixels. When will it be upgraded to the wide-area goggles?"

"It's hard."

Dao Shiyi also put down the VR glasses, "Even with the 4K screen, there is not much improvement. It is estimated that the AR field of view can make the VR screen exactly the same as what the naked eye sees in reality."

After finishing speaking, Dao Shiyi brought the topic to the "Internal Meeting of the Discussing Alliance" that the two of them had just watched, "Boss, now that we have the land, how do we arrange the construction?"

"Let the planning department do a statistics. According to the geographical location and construction purpose, divide them into Tianhao, Tianbo, Tianwang, Tianfu, Sanjin and other groups that have already entered the national market, and build different versions of Xingyue Bay."

"Good boss."

"Old Wang did a good job this time. From now on, he will add chicken drumsticks to every meal."

"Isn't it too rich?"


What kind of grudge do you have with Lao Wang?

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to give him a kick, but it seemed inappropriate for his family to directly accept the land bought by Longtian. After all, Lao Wang would continue to be an undercover agent. Lao Wang said at the meeting that by forming Longtian Real Estate, he can sell shops and houses to Chen Donghai and the others, and earn another fortune."

"But Lao Wang promised to sell them at a cost."

"The ghost knows how much the developer with the qualifications to undertake the construction can achieve. Anyway, I don't know, do you know?"

"I don't know either……"

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