Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 1023 Cross-border Transaction

Han Li originally wanted to say a few words to increase the activity level, but when he saw Yamu's speech, he was immediately refreshed.

Among the six members in the chat group, except for the most mysterious Ziwei Emperor, this big guy is the most reliable.

For a moment, all the group members perked up and waited quietly for Yamu to continue speaking.

[Yamu: You probably didn't notice that the points can be clicked, and the points record will be displayed after clicking. ]

[Yamu: I have just seen it, and Brother Xiao guessed correctly. The 300 points are the initial points of the group members, and the extra points are the activity points of the group chat. ]

[Yamu: But there is an upper limit for the activity points, and you can only get a maximum of 12 points per day. ]

Seeing this, Han Li was refreshed and quickly clicked on the points record. Sure enough, he saw a table with only two records in it.

The first one was a record of +300 points when he joined the group, and the second one was an activity point +1, and there was a 1/12 in the brackets behind it, which meant that he could get a maximum of 12 points per day by being active.

Han Li looked at the table thoughtfully, and then switched back to the chat box.

[Xiao Yan: Really! ]

[Xiao Yan: But this is too little, I can chat so much, but I only got 11 points. ]

[Han Li: Not too little. ]

[Han Li: 12 points per day, 4380 points per year, more than 40,000 points in ten years. ]

[Han Li: This speed of earning points is much faster than my earning spirit stones! ]

What Han Li said made sense, but unfortunately, not everyone had the same concept of time as him as a cultivator.

He could retreat for decades at a time, but if it were someone else, such as Klein, he would have become the Lord of Mystery after decades, so there would be no need for the treasures on the first page of the mall.

Therefore, when Han Li finished these three sentences, the chat group immediately became cold.

After a moment, Xiao Yan replied cautiously: "Brother Han, are you also a hidden boss?"

Han Li pondered for a moment and replied: "Brother Xiao, you are joking. I am just a low-level cultivator. I exhausted my wealth not long ago and barely built my foundation. If it weren't for the red envelope from the emperor, I would still be worried about spirit stones!"

Seeing Han Li's cautious words, Ya Mu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Based on his understanding of Han Li, this guy said that he had just entered the foundation building stage, which means he was at least in the middle stage of the foundation building stage.

And what about exhausting his wealth for the foundation building stage, that is even more nonsense. Ya Mu clearly remembers that in the original work, Han Li built his foundation, but refined more than 20 foundation building pills in one breath.

It can be said that among the cultivators in the early stage of foundation building, there is absolutely no one with a richer fortune than this guy!

[Xiao Yan: Foundation building stage! ]

[Xiao Yan: Immortal cultivation boss, no wonder he opened his mouth for ten years! ]

[Klein: Boss, you are a cultivator, of course you can ignore time, but we can't! ]

[Xiao Yan: Yes, @Boss Yamu, hurry up and tell me, what other ways can we get points? ]

[Yamu: There are actually quite a lot of ways. The simplest one is to get a salary. Group members will get 300 points every month. This is the first one. ]

[Yamu: The second way is to put your own products on the group mall, mark the price, and let other group members buy them. In this way, you can earn points from other members, but the group mall will charge a 1% handling fee. ]

[Xiao Yan: They also charge a handling fee. Isn't this too unscrupulous? ]

[Klein: And this approach is ultimately our internal consumption. Is there any way to get it externally? ]

[Yamu: Of course there is. The third method is like this, but it must be linked with other group functions. ]

[Ya Mu: For example, if a group file that has been opened before is downloaded by others, the uploader can get points]

[Ya Mu: For example, the current group live broadcast, as long as it is broadcast, you can earn fixed points according to the broadcast time and the number of viewers, and other group members can also spend points or spend real things to reward. ]

[Ya Mu: However, so far, each group member can only broadcast once a week, and each time does not exceed 24 hours. ]

[Ya Mu: Excluding the points obtained from rewards, if all of us watch the live broadcast, then the group member who starts the broadcast can get about 1,000 points at most. ]

[Xiao Yan: This is not bad. ]

[Ya Mu: Moreover, as time goes by, other group functions will definitely be gradually opened, and channels for earning points such as group live broadcast will definitely increase. ]

[Xiao Yan: That makes sense. ]

[Xiao Yan: But brother Ya, how do you know the rules of so many chat groups? ]

[Ya Mu: Of course, the boss told me. ]

[Klein: I see. ]

[Ya Mu: Actually, I don't think you need to value points so much. In my opinion, the things in the mall are mostly auxiliary. The more important thing about the chat group is that it provides us with a platform for cross-border cooperation. ]

[Ya Mu: Instead of spending a lot of effort to buy items in the mall, why don't we have an open chat to see if there is anything in the other world that we urgently need, and then use this platform to trade with each other. ]

After Ya Mu finished speaking, the chat group was silent for a few seconds, and then some people came out one after another to say that what Ya Mu said did make sense.

Han Li also echoed a sentence, but deep in his heart, he did not completely agree.

The more important thing about the chat group is that it is a platform for cross-border transactions. Han Li quite agrees with this point.

However, Han Li has a different opinion on points.

He silently opened the group store and cast his eyes on the first item in the second row.

This thing is called [Break the World Talisman], which is sold for 10,000 points. The effect is that it can forcibly cross the world and enter the world of other group members without the consent of the group members in this world.

To be honest, when Han Li just saw this product, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

The reason is also very simple. Although these group members are easy to talk to in the group, they are still uncertain what they look like in reality.

The Purple Star Emperor must be a strong man that he cannot resist. Judging from the attitudes of Xiao Yan, Klein and others, Yamu, the Super Saiyan, is also a very powerful existence.

The remaining people, although they appear to be weaker than him, may just be pretending.

What if they buy this [Break the World Talisman] first in the future and then forcibly enter their own world, what should they do?

Han Li thought about it and felt that the safest way was to get this [Break the World Talisman] first.

If the [Break the World Talisman] is limited, it would be the best. If it is not limited, it can also become his trump card.

If he encounters a dangerous situation in the future where there is no way he will survive, or if other group members try to harm him, he can use the [Boundary Breaking Talisman] to go to the world of other group members, exchange the Boundary Breaking Talisman for another Boundary Breaking Talisman, and save his life in time.

Thinking of this, Han Li made up his mind to become the first millionaire in the group to accumulate 10,000 points!

[Xiao Yan: Brother Ya, what you said really makes sense! ]

[Xiao Yan: After thinking about it carefully, the things in the mall are indeed not what I urgently need. Instead of trying hard to earn points, it is better for us group members to cooperate and trade with each other. ]

[Xiao Yan: It just so happens that the group red envelopes and group mall opened by Emperor Boss have the ability to cross-border transactions. ]

[Xiao Yan: If you don’t want to be the first to speak, I can do it for you. After all, sometimes you have to give trust first before you can gain trust, right? ]

The chat group was silent for a moment.

[Klein: Xiao Yanzi, you are too serious. I am a little uncomfortable. Can you change back? ]

[Xiao Yan: [table flipping expression]]

[Xiao Yan: Old Zhou, since you said so, why don’t you go first?]

Klein’s previous life was called Zhou Mingrui. He knew “Battle Through the Heavens”, so he told Xiao Yan his previous life’s name after joining the group.

[Klein: Forget it, I won’t steal your limelight.]

[Xiao Yan: Then I’ll go first.]

[Xiao Yan: I don’t know how many of you have seen my fate, but now I have just recovered to the ninth stage of Dou Qi. Yao Lao asked me to collect some precious medicinal materials to refine Qi Gathering Powder and Foundation Building Spirit Liquid.]

[Xiao Yan: I need four fifty-year-old black leaf lotus, two mature snake saliva fruits, a twenty-year-old Gathering Spirit Grass, and a water-attributed second-level magic core.]

[Xiao Yan: But these things are expensive. If I rely on buying them, I will have to spend all my wealth. If these things exist in your world, I can buy them with points or the spirit stones in the boss’s red envelope yesterday. ]

Seeing this, Han Li's mind moved, and he thought of the spirit stones in Xiao Yan's pocket.

[Klein: Wait, if it's for cultivation, why don't you absorb the spirit stones directly? ]

[Xiao Yan: I want to, but the spiritual energy in the spirit stone conflicts with my fighting spirit. Absorbing it directly is too inefficient. Yao Lao said that I have to refine the spirit stone into spiritual liquid before I can use it to cultivate fighting spirit. ]

[Xiao Yan: However, to achieve this step, Yao Lao said that at least a fourth-grade alchemist must be achieved, and I'm still far from that! ]

[Han Li: I see. ]

[Han Li: Xiao, I haven't heard of these medicinal herbs you mentioned, but they may have other names in my world. Why don't you tell me the medicinal properties of the herbs first. ]

[Han Li: I know a little about medicinal herbs, maybe I can find a substitute. ]

[Xiao Yan: That makes sense, then I'll tell you the medicinal properties. ]

Seeing this scene, Han Li couldn't help but smile.


It was just basic medicinal materials, which was easy for him.

The only problem was that the age of these medicinal materials was too low. He had medicinal materials that were hundreds or thousands of years old, and it was not certain that he could find something that met Xiao Yan's requirements at the moment.

Just when Han Li was thinking about how many spirit stones he should ask for, Ya Mu suddenly popped up.

[Ya Mu: Wait, Xiao, I have a question. ]

[Xiao Yan: Big Boss, tell me. ]

[Ya Mu: What is the currency in your world? ]

[Xiao Yan: Gold coins! ]

[Ya Mu: Can gold coins buy the things you said? ]

[Xiao Yan: Of course, but these medicinal materials are very expensive. For example, the twenty-year-old spirit gathering grass, I saw it at the auction last time, and it sold for a full fifteen thousand gold coins! ]

On Xiaohuan Island, Han Li widened his eyes and stared blankly at the conversation between Xiao Yan and Ya Mu.

After coming to his senses, he couldn't help but slap his head in annoyance.

Yes, why didn't he think of it!

Just because the base currency of my world is spirit stones doesn't mean that the base currency of other worlds is also spirit stones!

Since gold can buy these things, there is no need to go through so much trouble.

As a cultivator in the foundation-building stage, gold and silver are like dirt to Han Li, and are not worth cherishing at all.

Without hesitation, Han Li immediately replied: "Brother Xiao, although I don't know how much a gold coin is worth in your place, I am willing to exchange with you at a ratio of one pound of gold for two spirit stones. What do you think, Brother Xiao?"

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