Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 106 Dora is covered in treasures

The void gap, the boundless sea of ​​fog outside the space barrier.

The boundless gray fog separated the two sides, revealing a void of nothingness.

A silver-white figure appeared there as if teleporting, stretched out his left arm forward, gray light flowed on the ring, and a huge three-headed dragon body covered in blood suddenly appeared, floating quietly in the center of the foggy sea.

Lin Zhongtian thought, and the surrounding gray fog suddenly poured into Ghidorah's body like a river flowing into the sea.

The powerful gray mist energy quickly worked, healing the hideous wounds on the left and right dragon heads, and strengthening the muscles, bones, skin and scales of the entire huge body.

Even the severed head that turned into fly ash in the middle continued to bulge and bulge, and was eventually pierced through the flesh membrane by two towering dragon horns, and a new head covered in blood and mucus grew out.

In just a few moments, this magnificent body, which was 160 meters tall, had a wingspan of 500 meters, and weighed 140,000 tons, returned to its original shape and became completely new.

There was a trace of flowing golden light on the dark golden scales, shining like polished gold.

The next second, the three ferocious dragon heads suddenly opened their eyes. Their golden dragon pupils looked at the tiny figure floating in front of them. They opened their bloody mouths big enough to swallow a house and let out a roar.

It's a pity that this is real nothingness, and there is no medium for sound transmission.

Ghidorah's voice naturally couldn't spread, and he could only roar silently on the spot.

It would be difficult for other Titans to survive in this oxygen-free environment, but Ghidorah is an alien monster after all, and the biological laws on Earth do not apply to it.

In the original movie plot, both Ghidorah and Godzilla were attacked by the Oxygen Destroyer.

Godzilla was suffocated and seriously injured as a result, but Ghidorah was unharmed, which shows that it does not need oxygen to survive.

Soon, Ghidorah realized that the environment he was in was similar to a vacuum, so he stopped wasting his efforts and roared. Instead, he gathered the new energy in his body and turned it into golden lightning in the air. He actually planned to continue fighting Lin Zhongtian. .

"How dare you come to my territory and be so arrogant?"

Lin Zhongtian sneered, and the boundless sea of ​​fog behind him shook.

Countless thick gray fogs rolled up and formed into a pair of broad, boundless dark gray eyes.

These eyes are so huge, the dark gray pupils alone are bigger than Ghidorah with a wingspan of 500 meters.

It just stood behind Lin Zhongtian, staring indifferently at the golden three-headed dragon in front of it, which was as small as an ant.

At the same time, a consciousness as vast as the sea, as deep as the abyss, and so great that it is indescribable descended here, and like a god observing patterns on the palm of his hand, he quietly looked at this ant that dared to offend his majesty.

Ghidorah stared blankly in front of the huge eyes that broke through all its cognition, feeling the magnificent consciousness coming around him, and an emotion called fear and awe surged into the hearts of the three heads.

Without hesitation, Ghidorah decisively swallowed the brewing golden lightning, and buried his three heads under the golden dragon wings. His tail was lowered, and his body was trembling, like a frightened little beast, without the arrogance he had just now.

"This is the right thing!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Ghidorah's body structure thoughtfully.

In his understanding, gray mist can generally only heal wounds and cannot regenerate severed limbs, but Ghidorah can actually absorb the gray mist and regrow its severed head at the same time. This shows that its body structure is unique from others. different.

This couldn't help but make Lin Zhongtian very interested.

After careful observation of his main consciousness, he discovered that there is a special body memory in Ghidorah's body.

It is this body memory that cleverly 'deceives' Gray Mist, making him think that Ghidorah's current form of three heads, two tails and two wings is a truly complete form. Only by returning to this form can the evolution of life continue.

"I see!"

A smile appeared on Lin Zhongtian's face, and he finally understood why he couldn't use the gray fog to regenerate his severed limbs before.

Because the healing effect of gray mist is actually a part of evolution, it will only heal wounds that affect the evolution of life, and those broken limbs are no longer part of this life, so naturally they will not make efforts to help their broken limbs regenerate.

After figuring this out, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but look at his right hand.

The next second, gray mist emerged, covering the five bone spurs that were as white as bone.

After a period of dense changes, the gray fog gradually dissipated, revealing a hand that was as white as jade, like a new life.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian's smile became even brighter, and he couldn't help but clench his fists, feeling the temperature of his flesh and blood.

Relying on the vast sea-like main consciousness in the void gap, Lin Zhongtian successfully imitated Ghidorah and engraved a body memory similar to Ghidorah's into this clone, and regrown it through the evolution of the gray mist. A palm.

Not only that, Lin Zhongtian also learned from one example and mastered the ability to use gray mist to change his body shape and appearance.

It should be said that he already possesses this ability.

It’s just that due to lack of knowledge, it has never been developed!

Looking at the trembling Ghidorah in front of him, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but sigh.

These strange titan beasts are indeed full of treasures...

He can't wait to catch all the other Titans in one fell swoop!

But before that, he had to drain Ghidorah's remaining value.

He mobilized the surrounding gray mist and turned it into a wisp of filaments that poured into Ghidorah's body. He turned his attention to the special organ in Ghidorah's body that converts and stores bioelectricity. He carefully observed the gray mist transforming into bioelectricity. and the process of converting bioelectricity into golden current.

After about five minutes, the gray mist filaments connecting the gray mist sea and Ghidorah's torso broke.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhongtian's face, and a golden arc flashed in his dark eyes.

He has mastered Ghidorah's golden lightning, and used the meridian channels opened up by the previous "Qing Jing Kung" to replace the useless internal energy with Ghidorah's bioelectricity.

In other words, at this moment, golden arcs of electricity flowed in Lin Zhongtian's body.

Those extremely tough meridians are special organs used to store bioelectricity.

According to the setting of the legendary Ghidorah, this kind of golden lightning is called gravity ray, which contains a powerful magnetic gravitational field, which can make matter float and disintegrate and explode. It is a power with great potential.

With this kind of power in hand, Ghidorah's remaining value has been almost drained by Lin Zhongtian.

"Okay, little guy, it's almost time for you to go in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a transparent crystal ball the size of an orange suddenly appeared in front of Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian caught the crystal ball and stretched it forward. The space around Ghidorah suddenly shrank inward and collapsed. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a Titan with a wingspan of 500 meters to a mini figure the size of a butterfly in the crystal ball.

This change made Ghidorah extremely panicked. He quickly flapped his dragon wings and kept dashing left and right.

But no matter what means it uses, it can't break through the space barrier set by Lin Zhongtian.

"Stay there honestly, and if you feel really bored, take a nap, just like you did in the ice before."

Lin Zhongtian said lightly, while he curled his fingers and tapped the transparent crystal ball.

The huge fingers seen from the inside made Ghidorah extremely frightened, and he quickly buried his three heads under the dragon wings and shivered.

In fact, Ghidorah's size has not shrunk, only the space it is in has shrunk.

The principle is basically the same as that of space objects, the only difference is the ball wall outside the space barrier.

In this part, Lin Zhongtian used his own authority to connect the coordinates of the inner and outer spherical walls, allowing light to travel freely, so that the appearance of the independent internal space can be seen from the outside.

Counting the one in his hand, Lin Zhongtian made a total of thirty crystal balls, specially used to contain the titan beasts in the Godzilla world.

With these crystal balls in hand, Lin Zhongtian rushed back to Godzilla's monster world without stopping.

At the same time, in the inner earth world.

Bailang, who quickly fled the surface, hid in a canyon with towering ancient trees. He looked at the continent hanging upside down in the sky in a daze. Looking at his dull little eyes that were slightly absent-minded, he seemed to be still a little shocked.

After a long time, Bai Lang sighed quietly, and a touch of sadness appeared on his ferocious face covered with black scales.

For the past five years, he has been hiding in the inner earth world, constantly fighting the monsters living here, honing his fighting skills, and at the same time absorbing the nuclear radiation from the high-energy crystals in the inner earth world to become stronger. , in order to be able to defeat Ghidorah, the old enemy awakened by humans five years later.

The results of it?

He finally endured it for five years, and as soon as he came out of the mountain, he met a ruthless character even more terrifying than Ghidorah.

Recalling the silver figure suspended in the air, Bai Lang felt that the nuclear energy in his chest was constantly fissioning, and his eyes looking at the sky became extremely complicated and resentful.

He originally thought that this world was just a world of pure monsters.

But who would have thought that it actually contains the background of Chinese mythology...

Are you kidding, that's the famous Erlang Shen!

One of the two most famous second masters in China, the famous Thorn Head and God of War in Heaven!

He has vast supernatural powers and boundless magic power, and he especially likes to kill demons and eliminate harm for the people.

A giant titan beast like himself, exuding nuclear radiation all over his body, is like a walking natural disaster. With his character, he would definitely rather kill by mistake than let go!

Thinking of this, Bai Lang couldn't help but sigh in his heart and began to worry about his future fate.

If this world is as mixed with Chinese mythological background as he expected, then the famous Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun is a ruthless character that he cannot defeat no matter what.

"The worst case scenario is that I will stay in the inner world from now on and never go to the surface again!"

Bailang gritted his teeth and made up his mind to make a decision, but then he thought of another question——

What if the earth's inner world cannot escape this man's pursuit?

Bai Lang fell into deep thought.

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