Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 126 Radiation Technique

The third floor of the Traveler Building, the trading hall.

When Li Yun brought Daenerys here, Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and Godzilla-like Bai Lang had already arrived.

Seeing Li Yun and Daenerys stepping out of the elevator, Bai Lang waved warmly and said hello.

Li Yun responded with an awkward smile, and then hurriedly walked towards Zhao Lihe and Zuo Yu, for fear of being caught by him and chatting all day long.

Daenerys showed a sweet smile and hurried forward to chat with Bailang. One of them spoke half-baked Chinese and the other spoke primary school-level English. They could still have a lively conversation like this, and they were indeed time travellers. The league is now a spectacle.

Lin Zhongtian stood in front of the shop next to the Divine Beast Pavilion and coughed, attracting everyone's attention.

Only then did Li Yun realize that the shop behind Lin Zhongtian had actually opened!

There is a simple plaque hanging high on the top of the shop, with three characters written on it - [Tibetan Scripture Pavilion]

...Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

Zhao Lihe's face was full of surprise, wondering if his elder brother had found another martial arts world. Otherwise, why would he open such a store? He couldn't sell the low-level internal skills in the Xiuchundao world, right?

Lin Zhongtian looked around the crowd and solemnly announced: "From today onwards, the Sutra Pavilion is officially opened. The skills inside are all created by me based on the martial arts and internal skills of the Xiuchundao world, as well as various monsters in the Godzilla world. These exercises are based on internal strength, open up the meridians, use gray mist as the energy source, strengthen the meridians, and transform them into various forms of energy..."

As Lin Zhongtian explained, Zhao Lihe and others gradually understood the principles of this monster technique.

To put it simply, the meridians in the human body are used as radiating organs in the monster's body to cultivate, so as to control the powerful power that only monsters with special organs can use.

In terms of principle alone, this method can be described as simple and crude.

But it is not easy to practice it.

That is to say, the Traveler Alliance possesses the omnipotent chaotic energy of gray mist, which can not only strengthen the body and meridians, but also transform into various other energies. Otherwise, even if Lin Zhongtian creates a technique, no one can practice it. .

Looking at the people whispering, Lin Zhongtian said with a smile: "A new benefit for the alliance. Each new member can choose one of these exercises to practice. However, I would like to remind you in advance that many of the exercises have physical requirements. Yes, you can’t practice rashly if you are not physically strong enough, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it, do you understand?”

"I understand, brother."

Zhao Lihe nodded, and everyone responded one by one.

"Okay, let's go in and pick a book!"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and got out of the way, and everyone rushed in excitedly.

Only Bai Lang stood blankly at the door, blinking at Lin Zhongtian.

"Boss, this thing... I shouldn't be able to practice it, right?"

"Of course you can't practice!"

Lin Zhongtian said angrily.

At present, the most powerful technique in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was created by him based on the atomic furnace in Bailang's body. The cultivator needs up to 20 points of physical fitness. In the early stage of cultivation, the gray mist is used to transform into nuclear energy, and the meridians in the body are cultivated into The nuclear energy organ will be able to get rid of the gray fog from now on and gradually become stronger just by absorbing nuclear energy.

After reaching a small level of success, the cultivator can be called a walking radiation source. At the same time, his strength and speed will be greatly enhanced. He can also gather the nuclear energy in the body and release it from the Laogong point in the palm of his hand.

After achieving great success, the radiation in the cultivator's body can be freely controlled, without having to worry about the radiation affecting the surrounding life. At the same time, the power of the nuclear energy rays released from the palms will be greatly enhanced, and can be adjusted at will.

Theoretically, it can reach up to 500,000 degrees Celsius, the temperature of Godzilla's atomic breath.

Of course, as a contributor to this most powerful technique, Lin Zhongtian would not treat Bailang badly. He immediately waved his hand and rewarded Bailang with 5,000 gray mist coins and 20% of this technique in the next five hundred years. profit.

Bailang happily accepted the reward, and then absorbed the gray mist coins while watching the show.

At this point, I have to mention that the absorption amount of gray mist coins has the closest relationship with the physical value, but it is only positively correlated with the body size and is not directly proportional.

To give a simple example, Zhao Lihe and Li Yun can only absorb twenty gray mist coins every day. A time traveler who is ten times their size does absorb more gray mist coins every day than they do, but it is not ten times as much. many.

A behemoth like Godzilla, who is hundreds of meters tall, can absorb a hundred gray mist coins every day, which is already the limit.

As a new member of the alliance, Bailang has a guaranteed benefit of one hundred gray mist coins every year, which can only meet the needs of one day. In order to take care of this monster member who is in great demand, Lin Zhongtian will give the ancestors of Godzilla in the inner earth world The remains were included in his contribution, and he was rewarded with five thousand gray fog coins. This time he was given another five thousand gray fog coins, for a total of 10,000 gray fog coins.

Including the time for digestion and adaptation and normal intake of nuclear energy, it is enough for him to use for the first half of the year.

Compared with Whitecaps, Daenerys's economic situation is much worse, but her demand is also very small. One thousand Gray Mist Coins is enough for her to use for a long time.

At the same time, Zhao Lihe and the others looked through the exercises in the Sutra Pavilion with great interest.

Daenerys carefully and carefully selected, then suddenly her eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "I want this!"

Lin Zhongtian walked in and took a look and found that it was a copy of "Skulla Gong".

This technique was created by him based on the radiation organ in Scylla's body. After it is mastered, the meridians in the body will be filled with a very low-temperature radiation energy, which can emit blue freezing rays and freeze all objects in contact.

Among the radiation techniques created by Lin Zhongtian, "Scula Technique" ranks among the best in terms of functionality and power, and it requires relatively low physical requirements. It only requires 5 points of physical fitness to practice, making it the most cost-effective option.

But Lin Zhongtian still couldn't help being surprised and said: "Why, aren't you a Targaryen with blood and fire flowing in your body? Logically speaking, you should choose this "Raton Kung" or the "Godzilla Kung Fu" that controls nuclear energy. , why choose "Skula Gong"?"

"Of course it's because its physical requirements are low!"

Daenerys held "Scylla Gong" in her arms and said matter-of-factly.

Lin Zhongtian twitched the corners of his mouth, picked up a copy of "Behemoth Kung Fu" and said, "This Kung Fu has lower physical requirements. You only need 2 points of physical fitness to practice all the way to great success. Do you want to take a look?"

"I don't!"

Daenerys shook her head like a rattle and said angrily: "I've read that book. It can only control the growth of plants. How can it be cool with the freezing ability? What's more, it can also make people poop out nutritious pancakes... …Ugh, so disgusting!”

Daenerys stuck out her tongue and backed away with "Scylla Gong" in her arms.

Li Yun asked curiously: "Which one is the most powerful technique?"

"Of course it's Godzilla Kung Fu and Ghidorah Kung Fu!"

The former has already been introduced, so I won’t go into details. The latter is the earliest technique created by Lin Zhongtian. It has perfect functions and comes with many application skills. The physical requirements are also a little lower than "Godzilla Kung Fu". It only needs You can practice with 15 points of physical strength.

After mastering it, the meridians in the practitioner's body will be filled with extremely destructive golden arcs, which can turn into golden lightning and shoot out from the Laogong point in the palm of the hand, and can also build a powerful magnetic field outside the body.

According to Lin Zhongtian's deduction, if you practice to great extent, you can even master some of the power of electromagnetic force and gravity.

After Li Yun read the introduction to these two exercises, he couldn't help but nodded.

The exercises are indeed good exercises, but that's the name...

"Brother, your naming too useless!"

Zhao Lihe finally couldn't help but express his inner thoughts.

Li Yun and Daenerys also nodded repeatedly with approval. Obviously, they had wanted to complain for a long time, but they didn't dare to say it out of respect for Lin Zhongtian.

"If you don't think it sounds good, then just pick one for yourself!" Lin Zhongtian curled his lips, "I'm sure I'm too lazy to put in the effort anyway - let's do this, the new rule is that the first practitioner of each exercise book can change its name. How about it?"

"Then it's settled!"

Zhao Lihe said quickly, fearing that Lin Zhongtian would regret it.

Afterwards, everyone picked out their favorite exercises.

Zuo Yu didn't pay so much attention to it, and randomly picked the "Raton Kung Fu" that could control flames and high temperatures.

Zhao Lihe chose "Ghidora Gong". After all, he will be an emperor in the future. The golden lightning is both powerful and decent, which is suitable for his origin of the reincarnation of gods and his image as an emperor through the ages.

Li Yun only looked at power and potential, so he chose the strongest "Godzilla Kung Fu".

Daenerys still insists on choosing "Scylla" and wants to become the Queen of Ice and Fire.

At this point, everyone has received the new alliance benefits.

After that, if you want to change the technique, you have to spend gray mist coins to buy it from the Sutra Pavilion.

The price is actually not very expensive. The most powerful "Godzilla Kung Fu" and "Ghidora Kung Fu" only cost one thousand gray mist coins, and the rest are divided into grades of 800, 500 and 300. .

At this price, even the poorest Daenerys can grit her teeth and spend it.

As for the newly added travelers in the future, as long as the world they live in has some local specialties, it should not be a problem.

Thanks to book friend Bai Yuebugui for the 3,000-coin reward, and thanks to 0oabcdo0, Shuaring Erlang YF, and Minimalist Life for the 100-coin reward.

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