Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 132 Use it if you have a problem

As war breaks out across the city, Astapor is completely occupied by Daenerys.

She executed all the hundreds of slave traders in the city, liberated hundreds of thousands of slaves in the city, and restored their status as free citizens. The cruel slave Colosseum was closed and converted into a place to teach people knowledge. of Astapor College.

The teachers in the college were selected from freed slaves.

The slaves of Astapor include not only serfs, soldiers and bed tools, but also craftsmen, clerks, teachers and many other intellectual talents. Slaves with these professional skills are quite popular in the market.

Many nobles would buy some slaves and take them home to replace the freedmen who still needed to pay wages.

It also makes it easier to free Daenerys of Astapor.

With little effort, she gained the allegiance of a large number of mid-level talent.

Coupled with the development strategy Zhao Lihe formulated for her based on Astapor's situation before leaving the Traveler Alliance, Daenerys took over Astapor at an extremely fast speed and quickly adapted to the role of ruler.

As for the Unsullied army, Daenerys sent Vonn, Erica and others to serve as commanders. At the same time, she selected intelligent people who were good at commanding from tens of thousands of Unsullied people, and Vonn was responsible for teaching them how to do it. Become an officer.

The most outstanding Unsullied among them is naturally Gray Worm, who leads the Unsullied in the original work.

The Unsullied have no names. Every morning, they will draw a wooden sign from the barrel. The word engraved on the wooden sign is their name today. In the evening, all the wooden signs will be thrown back into the barrel. There will be another random draw until dawn tomorrow.

All the names are random combinations of colors and snakes, rats, insects and ants.

Either red fleas, black mice, blue toads, gray worms, etc.

These despicable names serve to remind the Unsullied that they are lowly, lowly worms.

After liberating Astapor, Daenerys returned their dignity and allowed them to freely name themselves. Those Unsullied who still remembered their previous names changed their names back to their previous names, but some still persisted. Use the name drawn that day.

Gray Worm is one of them.

He believed that his previous name was cursed, causing him to become a slave, and the name Gray Worm was lucky because the day he drew this name, he met Daenerys, the Targaryen's 'Stormborn'.

For such a reason, even Daenerys could not give any explanation and could only let it go.

The most famous building in Astapor is the Step Pyramid, the tallest of which is four hundred feet tall, which is one hundred and twenty meters when converted to international units, comparable to Godzilla in the monster world.

The good Lords of Astapor live at the top of the pyramid.

But now, it has become Daenerys' palace.

On the high platform at the top of the pyramid, Daenerys held onto the red brick railing in front of her, wearing a thin white veil, overlooking the city dotted with lights below.

Looking from here, you can see various trees, vines and flowers planted on the steps of the pyramid, with silk lanterns of various colors hanging on them, and countless yachts cruising in the Worm River.

Recalling the eyes of the liberated slaves looking at her during the day, Daenerys sighed quietly.

"I didn't understand why Daenerys didn't stay here to maintain her rule after liberating Astapor, but rushed to Yunkai, another city in Slaver's Bay."

"But now, I seem to understand..."

Daenerys turned around and looked at Li Yun who was feeding the white dragon Claude in the palace and said softly: "Yunkai is a slave city larger than Astapor, and there are more slaves there than here. , and the life is even worse - when I think of the hundreds of thousands of slaves in Yunkai who are suffering, I can't wait to come to the city immediately and hang all those slave owners on the city gate!"

Li Yun asked without raising his head: "So, you also want to attack Yunkai?"

Daenerys fell into deep thought. After a long time, she shook her head and said, "Let's consolidate the rule here first. Zhao once said a very philosophical thing to me, saying that to fight against foreigners, you must first make peace with yourself. Now Astapor There are still many slave owners hiding among them, I have to find a way to catch them all first, and then lead the army on an expedition after dealing with these internal problems."

"Otherwise, I will probably lead the army out of Astapor with my front foot, and then I will have to turn around and knock it down again..."

At this point, Daenerys paused and said in a faint tone: "Astapor is, after all, a slave city with a long history. Many people have been slaves for generations, and that kind of servility has long been ingrained in their minds - Yun, you Do you know where I caught the three slave owners who were hanged by me at noon today?"


"The homes of the slaves I freed!"

Daenerys gritted her silver teeth secretly, and said with a cold face: "They found the slaves who used to serve them, and hid in these slaves' homes to dominate, but none of these people dared to stand up and resist. It's really..."

Daenerys was so angry that she couldn't speak. Her lavender eyes were full of anger and resentment.

"Isn't this something we have expected?"

Li Yun stood up with a sigh, threw the Titan meat in his hand to Claude, then walked to Daenerys and said: "Conquering by force is just the simplest step for you now, thinking The transformation of the company is the most difficult problem right now - I think you need to recruit some relevant talents from the local area."

Daenerys shook her head: "Talent is not so easy to recruit."

Li Yun suggested: "It's better to try to get some manpower from Brother Zhao or Zuo Yu."

Daenerys was stunned for a moment: "Will the Alliance allow ordinary people to enter?"

Li Yun shook his head and said: "It is definitely not possible to enter the alliance, but if you just use a space object like a crystal ball to take them across borders, there should be no problem."

Daenerys's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay, this thing is not expensive anyway. A crystal ball with the smallest capacity only costs five hundred gray mist coins. I gritted my teeth and could barely afford it!"

Li Yun glanced at her and said, "I can afford it, but you can't use it!"

Daenerys looked gloomy and said dejectedly: "Yes, it requires 15 points of health."

Li Yundao: "Ask Boss Lin and Bai Lang. Currently, they are the only two people in the alliance who can meet the usage requirements."

Daenerys shook her head and said: "Why bother the Boss with such a trivial matter..."

Li Yun nodded and said: "Then let's go to Bai Lang. Before I left last time, I went to his room and saw that he seemed to be chasing Game of Thrones and had already reached the second season. After receiving your invitation, he would definitely If you are interested, I can go back and invite him over, and ask Zuo Yu to help you recruit some talents in the world of John Wick."

Daenerys worried: "Isn't this... too troublesome for them?"

Li Yun said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I haven't discovered a new world yet, so I am idle. What's more, Bailang is currently the second strongest player in our alliance. With him here, you can leave your army in Ah." Stabor maintains his rule, and the three of us go and take the two slave cities of Yunkai and Meereen and free their slaves."

Seeing that Daenerys was still hesitant, Li Yun shook his head and said: "It would be too pretentious to hang up without hanging up. Think about the hundreds of thousands of slaves who are still suffering. Is your face as important as their freedom and lives? "

Daenerys was a little ashamed by what Li Yun said and could only nod in agreement.

Li Yundao: "Now that I have decided, I will set off now."

Daenerys was slightly startled: "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes." Li Yun nodded, then looked at Claude who was eating flesh and blood beside the bed and said, "Take care of your mother."


Claude spread his white and gold wings and let out a childish dragon roar towards him.

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