Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 138 This is my territory

Tony frowned: "Send over the surveillance footage."

Jarvis said: "Okay, sir."

There was a flash of blue light in the air, and the surveillance screen in Pepper's office shrunk and was replaced by a surveillance screen from an overhead angle at the intersection.

In the picture, a handsome young Chinese-American is sitting on a bench in the park, smiling, his left hand inserted into the pocket of a black hooded sweatshirt, and his right hand gently waving towards the camera, as if to say hello to them.

Seeing this scene, Tony and Pepper looked at each other.

"Who is he, the magical magician of the East?"

"It's possible, sir."

Jarvis quickly retrieved the information from the police station and put photos of similar Chinese youths on the screen. He said: "I checked all personnel and immigration personnel related information, and did not find any information about this person. He was last seen in a bar in Brooklyn, New York, where a live broadcast of the hearing you attended was being broadcast."

"Brooklyn, New York..." Pepper thought for a moment and said, "Then why not check the flights from New York to Marbury within 48 hours and see if you can find his registration information."

Tony shook his head: "It's impossible. If his magical method can be used for more than just delivering letters, he might be able to get to Marbury from New York without taking a plane."

"so what should I do now?"

"What else can I do!"

Tony glanced at her, turned and walked towards his 'cloakroom', and said casually: "Jarvis, invite this mysterious magician to your home for me, just say that I am very touched by the things mentioned in his letter. interest……"

"Yes, sir."

Soon, a black Rolls-Royce parked in front of a park bench.

The opaque black car window rolled down, revealing a slightly sinister face.

Lin Zhongtian, who was sitting on the bench, smiled slightly as he looked at the tall and thick driver in the car window.

"Let me guess, you are Tony Stark's bodyguard Happy Hogan, right?"

"It seems that your investigation is very clear, Mr. Magician."

Happy didn't seem to know the whole story. He only thought that Lin Zhongtian was one of those people who relied on sensationalism to try to get close to his boss Tony Stark, so his tone and face were not very friendly.

But Lin Zhongtian didn't care, he smiled and asked.

"Mr. Stark asked you to invite me as a guest?"

"Yes, he is very interested in what you mentioned in your letter."

"very good."

Lin Zhongtian nodded, stood up from the bench, and walked towards Tony Stark's coastal villa.

Happy was startled for a moment, then looked surprised, started the car and drove slowly to Lin Zhongtian.

"Aren't you going to get in the car?"

Faced with Happy's surprised invitation, Lin Zhongtian politely declined.

"No, I'll walk faster."


Happy's cheek muscles twitched, he shook his head, closed the car window, muttered "psycho" in a low voice, then started the car and drove towards the beach villa.

Soon, Happy entered the courtyard of the villa, drove the car into the underground garage, and took the elevator to the living room on the first floor of the villa.

As soon as he walked into the living room, Happy saw Tony Stark and Pepper Potts sitting on the sofa in the living room, so he quickly said what he had prepared in the car.

"Mr. Stark, the magician you invited insisted on—WTF?!"

Happy's eyes widened and he looked at the man sitting on the sofa opposite Tony in disbelief.

At this time, the man had turned his head and waved towards him with a smile. It was Lin Zhongtian who had just parted with him.

"I told you it would be faster to walk."


Happy was stunned and speechless.

Lin Zhongtian turned his head with a smile, looked at Tony Stark who was looking at him on the sofa opposite, and the gold and red Mark 4 steel armor standing behind the sofa, and said with a chuckle: "You are very cautious."

Tony was noncommittal: "No way, who told you not to be very friendly when you first appeared?"

Lin Zhongtian shook his head: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Tony laughed when he heard this: "You seem to have made a mistake."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the Mark 4 steel armor standing behind him immediately started up. The reactor on his chest lit up with blue light. The golden-red visor turned his head with the sound of the metal rotating shaft, and his eyes glowed with white light. Looking straight at Lin Zhongtian.

Tony said calmly: "This is my territory."

Hearing this, Lin Zhongtian also laughed.

He imitated Tony and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the surrounding air shattered like a mirror, and the cracks spread rapidly like branches, and enveloped the entire living room before Tony and Pepper could react.

Looking at the bizarre scene around her, which was as bizarre as Inception, Pepper immediately exclaimed and subconsciously threw herself into Tony's arms.

In the real world, seeing the three people on the sofa disappear into the living room, Happy quickly took out the pistol from his waist and looked around in panic while calling Tony and Pepper's names.

Tony comforted Pepper in his arms, and then looked at Happy in the real world through the diamond-cut mirror space. That handsome face showed a trace of gloom and nervousness for a long time.

"This is my territory now."

Lin Zhongtian looked at Tony with a half-smile and said.

Tony pursed his lips, stared at Lin Zhongtian's face in silence for a long time, and suddenly spread his hands.

"Okay, you have the final say on your territory."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and waved his hand, and the cracks in the mirror receded like a tide, allowing the three people in the living room to return to the real world.

As soon as he appeared, Happy, who had already walked to the sofa, subconsciously turned his gun and pointed it at Tony who was directly in front of him.

Tony's eyes widened and he quickly raised his hands: "Hey, man, relax, be careful of fire!"

Happy quickly put away his pistol: "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, you scared me - what happened just now? Why did you and Miss Potts suddenly disappear? It was just like the science department we went to see together a few days ago. It’s like Bofill’s magic…”

Tony glanced at Lin Zhongtian, then smiled and patted Happy's thick arm.

"Relax, I think you may be under too much work pressure and hallucinating. Let's do this. I'll give you two days off. Go home and have a good rest today. Come back to protect me after you have rested."


Happy was a little hesitant, but at Tony's insistence, he still had to leave worriedly.

Afterwards, Tony calmed Pepper down and asked her to leave the living room.

Although Pepper was very worried, he also knew that he would only become a burden to Tony if he stayed.

Finally, only Lin Zhongtian and Tony Stark were left in the entire living room.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "I said, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Tony nodded and said: "Now I believe it - I want to know, what was that just now?"

Lin Zhongtian said: "Mirror space is a world that is exactly the same as the real world but independent of reality. It exists everywhere in reality, but it cannot be noticed by ordinary people."

When Tony heard about magic for the first time, he felt that his world view seemed to be somewhat subverted.

He asked blankly: "Is this magic?"

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while, nodded and said: "You can think so, but as far as I know, technological means should also be able to enter the mirror space."

After hearing this, Tony regained his composure, nodded, and asked, "You said in your letter that there is a way to completely cure my symptoms of palladium poisoning. Is this true?"

"Of course, and it's very effective and has no consequences."

"Is it magic too?"

"In your eyes, it can indeed be said to be magic."

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's answer, Tony was thoughtful.

Soon, Tony asked, "What do you want from me?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and turned his gaze to the steel armor behind Tony.

Tony raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Interesting, does the magician also want my steel armor? It seems that what I made is more popular than I thought!"

"you misunderstood."

Lin Zhongtian shook his head, looked at the steel armor's shining eyes and said, "What I want is the thing controlled behind it."

"...Jarvis?" Tony frowned, shook his head and said, "This is impossible, let's change the condition. I can give you a tailor-made set of the latest Mark 4 steel armor, how about it? "

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said: "You misunderstood again. What I need is artificial intelligence, not Jarvis."

Tony looked strange: "Don't tell me, you just want Jarvis's initial program."

Lin Zhongtian nodded: "That's what I mean!"

"you sure?"


Tony had a smile on his face, and then asked Jarvis to project a blue light screen. After clicking on it a few times, he pushed it in front of Lin Zhongtian and pointed at the hundreds of densely packed files on it.

"These are all Jarvis's backup programs, you can pick any one you want!"

"……so much?!"

Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled, and suddenly felt like he had been cheated.

Tony showed a smile on his face and said in a frivolous tone: "In the beginning, Jarvis was just a natural language user interface, but now, he is my smart butler, with super computing power and the ability to control my steel armor. , and can even tell me funny jokes when I’m bored—do you understand what I mean?”

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