Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 153 Odin’s Thoughts

"Am I qualified to lift Mjolnir?"

Lin Zhongtian thought for a second, and then decisively denied this possibility.

Are you kidding me? With his personality, there is no way he would be recognized by Thor's Hammer no matter how hard he tried.

But then again, if he is not qualified to lift Thor's hammer, then there is only one possibility left in the scene before him, and that is that his power is stronger than Odin who inscribed the spell on Thor's hammer. !

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but show a thoughtful look on his face.

He was wondering whether the subject of this kind of strength determination was his clone, or the main consciousness of the void gap.

If the subject of its determination is the main consciousness of the void gap, then Lin Zhongtian is not surprised to have such a result, but if the subject of its determination is his clone... then the Odin of this universe is too weak, right?

At this moment, the Thor's Hammer in Lin Zhongtian's hand suddenly vibrated violently.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered and rotated with the vibration of Mjolnir, forming a swirling dark cloud storm. Countless thunders continued to brew among the clouds in the center of the storm, and finally turned into an extremely bright white thunder that crashed down.


White thunder struck the space barrier above Lin Zhongtian's head.

The terrifying power exploded, splitting a crack in the invisible space barrier.

Looking at the silver space crack above his head, Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised.

"Quite strong..."

Lin Zhongtian looked in admiration, thinking that even the power of thunder is so strong, it seems that Odin is not as weak as he thought.

Then, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand gently, and the space crack that had been opened by the white thunder for a long time returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Mjolnir, which was trembling endlessly, suddenly fell silent for a second.

The next second, even more dazzling lightning gathered and brewed in the center of the dark cloud storm.

The Thor's Hammer in Lin Zhongtian's hand also vibrated more violently, as if he could let go at any time.

"be honest!"

Lin Zhongtian said angrily, and then forcibly turned the trembling Thor's hammer over. His right hand was like a pincer holding the handle of the hammer that he wanted to break free from, and he used dimensional magic to engrave the pattern of the Seal of the Void on the surface of the hammer.

Feeling the great will contained in the Seal of the Void, the trembling Mjolnir finally calmed down.

The thunder and dark clouds brewing in the sky gradually dissipated and returned to their previous normal appearance.

Lin Zhongtian threw away the Thor's Hammer in his hand with satisfaction, feeling very pleased with how honest it looked now.

At this moment, a divine thought came from Thor's Hammer, seeming to want to communicate with Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he chose to accept this divine thought.

Immediately afterwards, a voice full of helplessness sounded from his heart.

"As a born great dimensional master, why do you need to lower yourself and compete with a junior for something?"

"..." Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows and asked with interest, "Are you Odin?"

"I am Odin's Thought. Of course, during the period when Odin is sleeping, I can make decisions on his behalf with full authority, so it's okay for you to think of me as Odin..."

It means a ray of consciousness or spiritual thought separated from the main body!

It's not a coincidence, it's the same for me...

Lin Zhongtian nodded, indicating that he could understand this concept.

"So, you have been hiding in this hammer."


"Then why didn't you show up when I was struck by lightning? Now that I've taken away control of this hammer, you suddenly emerged from the hammer to reason with me. Why, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

"Your Excellency, you have misunderstood." Odin's Thought said nonchalantly, "Mjolnir has its own intelligence. According to the rules, I cannot interfere with the decisions it makes..."

Lin Zhongtian interrupted unceremoniously: "Who made the rules?"

"..." Odin's Thought was silent for a while and said, "Odin."

That’s it!

Lin Zhongtian rolled his eyes with disdain on his face.

Odin's Thought seemed to know that he was in the wrong, and awkwardly changed the subject: "For your offense, on behalf of Odin and Asgard, I deeply apologize. To show my sincerity, I am willing to make the decision to invite you to Asgard as a guest." , and open Odin's treasure house to you, and you can take any of the treasures as a gift..."

Odin's treasure trove?

Is it the treasure house in the movie where the Cosmic Cube, the Eternal Fire, and the Box of Ice are stored?

Lin Zhongtian felt a strong interest in his heart, but on the surface he still frowned and said, "Just one piece?"

Odin's Thought hesitated and said tentatively: "How about those two treasures?"

Lin Zhongtian said decisively: "Five pieces, give me five treasures, and I will immediately forget about today's unpleasantness. By the way, I will also return this hammer to your son Thor. How about it? Is it a deal?"


Odin's thoughts fell into a long silence.

Unpleasant, where did you get the unhappiness from?

Odin's adopted son Loki was beaten up by you, and you took away control of the hammer. As Odin's distraction, he not only had to apologize for his son and the hammer, but he also had to act like a small businessman here. Bargain with you like a hawker...

After all, Odin's thought is Odin's divine thought, and he still has the arrogance of being a god king.

Upon thinking of this, Odin's thoughts fell into silence and no longer responded.

It seems to be saying that I can give you a hammer, but you can’t even think about five treasures!

There was no other way, so Lin Zhongtian had no choice but to show his cards and said: "Three treasures, this matter can be written off at once, and Asgard can also gain my friendship by the way. It's the best of both worlds, why not?"

"..." Odin's Thought was silent for a long time and said, "Three treasures, plus return Mjolnir."

"Deal!" Lin Zhongtian agreed decisively, and then said with a chuckle, "But I have an additional condition."

Odin's Thought sighed faintly: "You tell me."

Lin Zhongtian said with a serious face: "I want your Uru metal, which is a specialty of Asgard. Don't worry, I don't want this for nothing. I can exchange it with you for treasures."

Odin's Thought seemed a little surprised: "Are you sure?"

Lin Zhongtian said dissatisfied: "You don't think I'm the kind of person who gets things for free, do you?"

Odin's thoughts fell into silence. In the adult world, silence is sometimes an answer.

Lin Zhongtian's head was full of black lines: "Do you agree or not?"

Odin's Thought whispered: "Of course I agree - if you really plan to trade with Asgard."

Lin Zhongtian nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, the deal is concluded. From today on, we are friends. Do you need me to help you take care of that troublesome nephew?"

"No need, Thor has his own destiny. As long as you don't interfere too much, I'll be satisfied."

"This is what you said. If something happens, don't blame me for not helping."

"……What's the meaning?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled mysteriously: "The earth now is not as peaceful as before."

Odin's Thought was a little indifferent at first, thinking that no one on earth could threaten Thor's life, but then he thought about it, and there was a dimensional demon god who appeared out of nowhere standing in front of him.

Who knows if there are other hidden bosses of the same level on earth.

After hesitating for a moment, Odin thought: "Look after Thor for me. I can make the decision and give you fifty kilograms of Uru metal."

"make a deal!"

After gathering the wool, Lin Zhongtian asked curiously: "Can you show me what treasures are in the treasure house in advance?"

Odin's Thought has never seen such a frank and frank Dimension Demon God. After a long silence, he said softly: "It's better to wait until your Excellency comes to Asgard as a guest, and then go and see it in person!"

After saying that, Odin's thoughts fell into silence.

Lin Zhongtian was a little surprised. He quickly sensed Thor's Hammer in his hand through the Seal of the Void, and found that the idea of ​​Odin in Thor's Hammer had completely dissipated.

I don’t know if it’s because I have exhausted my spiritual energy or because I don’t want to talk to him anymore…

It must be that the spiritual energy is exhausted!

Lin Zhongtian thought this in his heart, then looked at the Thor's Hammer in his hand and threw it back to its original position.

When inscribing the Seal of the Void, Lin Zhongtian had already understood the structure of Thor's Hammer.

Although the material of this thing is precious, what really makes it an artifact is not the Uru metal, a specialty of Asgard, but the thunder power contained in the hammer and the magic and spells inscribed by Odin.

If Lin Zhongtian must take away Thor's hammer, Odin will definitely take back his divine power and remove the spell.

By then, Lin Zhongtian could only get an ordinary hammer made of Uru metal.

Instead of taking away a broken hammer when the time comes, it is better to go to Odin's treasure house and pick out a few treasures that you like.

After putting Mjolnir back in place, Lin Zhongtian glanced at Coulson who was anxiously trying to communicate with him outside the space barrier, turned around, opened a portal, and left the place in front of them.

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