"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With continuous roars, the heavily armored steel soldiers on the stand exploded in series under the cutting of thermal energy rays.

When the scorching wave of fire was about to engulf the last heavily armored steel soldier, Ye Zixun seemed to suddenly remember something. He quickly stopped shooting the heat rays from his eyes, jumped in front of the heavily armored steel soldier, and kicked him. chest and abdomen.


There was a loud noise, and the steel armor on the chest and abdomen of the heavily armored steel soldier was dented and cracked.

The heavy body instantly flew up and flew backwards towards the bottom of the booth.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Zixun's figure rushed out of the fire wave and landed in front of the heavily armored steel soldier who fell to the ground.

The heavily armored steel soldier turned his head mechanically, locked the figure of Ye Zixun in front of him, and turned the direction of the machine gun on his shoulder.

"Still resisting?!"

Ye Zixun raised his eyebrows, and red rays shot out from his eyes, piercing the still rotating head.

Then he leaned down, and the armor-wrapped palm was like a sharp steel knife, easily piercing the thick armor on its chest, and took out the Ark Reactor that shone with white light.

"This thing should be worth a lot of money, right?"

Ye Zixun looked at the Ark Reactor in his hand and whispered to himself, feeling a trace of regret in his heart.

I was so focused on fighting just now that I almost forgot that these steel soldiers also have miniature ark reactors...

If I could get them all, how many gray mist coins could I exchange for them?

Ye Zixun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and even his back became a little depressed and lonely.

Not far away backstage, Natasha in professional attire stood in the shadows, looking thoughtfully at Ye Zixun's back.

This time, Hammer Industries held a press conference to prove to the world that they also had the ability to manufacture steel armor, so they naturally also extended an invitation to Stark Industries, which currently has a monopoly.

Tony was busy studying the legacy and issues left by his father at the time and ignored Hammer Industries' invitation, so he asked Pepper Potts and his personal assistant Natasha to attend the press conference instead of him.

When Ivan Vanko controlled the Iron Soldier to attack Tony, Natasha reacted quickly, took Pepper to the backstage, controlled Justin Hammer and his technical staff as quickly as possible, and managed to kill Pepper With shocked eyes, they learned the current location of Ivan Vanke from their mouths using torture methods.

It is the corporate headquarters of Hammer Industries.

After learning this information, Natasha quickly turned around and left, preparing to find Ye Zixun and go to the Hammer Company headquarters with him.

She knew that she was only flesh and blood after all, and was definitely no match for these steel soldiers, so she planned to go straight to Huanglong and capture Ivan Vanke, who was controlling all this behind the scenes.

But just when she left the backstage, she was shocked to find that all the army steel soldiers were defeated and destroyed by a mysterious man wearing silver metal armor.

At the same time, she could not find Ye Zixun among the people fleeing.

Looking at the figure of the mysterious armored warrior in front of the booth, Natasha thought for a moment and took out her mobile phone.

"Jingle Bell--"

As the bell rang in front of her, Natasha finally confirmed that the mysterious man in front of her was Ye Zixun.

Ye Zixun came back to his senses, took out his mobile phone, and was slightly startled when he looked at Natasha's name on the screen.

"Let me guess, you were there too?"


Ye Zixun frowned slightly, looked around with his cell phone, and soon spotted Natasha in the shadows.

Looking at the calm but complicated pretty face, Ye Zixun sighed helplessly.

"Have you seen everything?"


Natasha was silent for a while, looking at Ye Zixun from afar and nodding lightly.

Ye Zixun looked helpless: "Okay, I can explain about this armor, but now is not the time to talk. If you still believe me, just forget about it for the time being and deal with the matter in front of you first."

Natasha hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, but after this matter-"

Ye Zixun said decisively: "I will explain it to you and Boss."

The two reached a consensus, and Ye Zixun hung up the phone and walked towards Natasha.

When he came to Natasha, Ye Zixun had a thought in his mind, and the metal armor on his body opened up in layers like flowing water. Ye Zixun walked out of the armor calmly and stood in front of Natasha.

Looking at the metal puppet full of fantasy and science fiction style in front of her, Natasha couldn't help but ask.

"What on earth is this, a new type of steel armor?"

"Of course not." Ye Zixun thought for a while and said, "If I insist on saying it, it should be considered a magical armor."


Natasha's pupils were slightly dilated, her eyes confused and surprised.

At this moment, Lorna, who had left before, finally arrived in a hurry. After she sent Emily to a safe place, she also saved many innocent people, and was delayed for a while.

On the way back in a hurry, Lorna was actually a little panicked.

She was worried that her overflowing kindness would lead to the death of the person she loved most.

But just when she was worried and praying for Ye Zixun's safety, she found that her boyfriend was chatting and laughing with a hot red-haired girl, and behind her stood a silver steel puppet and countless steel soldiers. of the wreckage.

Seeing this scene, Lorna was stunned for a moment, then her face darkened, and she walked quickly towards Ye Zixun.

Ye Zixun glanced at Lorna's figure from the corner of his eye and noticed that there were some gray stains on her face, as if she had experienced a battle, so he rushed over and reached out to grab Lorna's shoulders while carefully checking whether there were any wounds on her body. While asking in a concerned tone: "Are you okay?"

"...I'm fine." Lorna grabbed Ye Zixun's hand, glanced at Natasha behind him and said, "Who is she?"

Natasha said: "Friends."

Ye Zixun said: "Colleague."

Two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Natasha frowned, looked at Ye Zixun and said, "Have you told her your identity?"

Ye Zixun glanced at her, held Lorna's hand and turned around, saying calmly: "That's right."

Natasha frowned, her eyes wandering back and forth between Ye Zixun and Lorna, she shook her head and said, "This is against the rules."

Ye Zixun was noncommittal, turned to look at Lorna and said seriously: "We are now planning to go to the headquarters of Hammer Company to arrest the manipulators behind these steel soldiers. Are you going to come with me, or stay to deal with those steel soldiers?"

"With you of course!"

Lorna said without hesitation.

Natasha frowned when she heard this: "Rivers, with all due respect, this mission may be very dangerous. Your girlfriend-"

Before she finished speaking, the pistol hidden on the outside of Natasha's thigh suddenly floated up, automatically loaded in the air, and was aimed at her head.

Natasha was startled and quickly dodged to the side. Fortunately, the pistol floating in the air seemed to just want to scare her. It glanced at her for a few seconds and then turned around and flew back, falling into a white and slender face. palm.

Looking up along the palm of her hand, Natasha couldn't help but look stunned.

Lorna was seen holding the gun in her right hand, raising her left hand slightly, and a dense green light bloomed between her fingers.

The remains of countless steel soldiers behind him floated up under the influence of the magnetic field, like stars over the moon, slowly floating around Lorna in the center.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Natasha, even Ye Zixun was stunned for a few seconds.

To be honest, this was the first time Ye Zixun saw his wife like this.

But after all, he was a time traveler who had seen big scenes. He quickly came to his senses and reached out to grab Lorna's left hand.


Ye Zixun held Lorna's left hand, frowned and gave a soft drink.

Lorna glanced at him, curled her lips, threw it away, inserted the pistol back into the gun bag on the outside of Natasha's thigh, and then waved away the green light blooming between her fingers.

Natasha looked down at the pistol, then raised her head at Lorna next to Ye Zixun, and couldn't help but say.

"What is it this time, technology, magic, or superpowers?"

"It's a super power!"

Ye Zixun simply answered, and then said seriously: "Okay, I don't have time to talk about these irrelevant things. When I go to the Hammer Industrial headquarters and arrest Ivan Vanke, I will slowly explain to you and the boss—— Natasha, do you have a car?”

"...Yes." Natasha nodded lightly, "I am the assistant and driver of the CEO of Stark Industries today."

"That's good, you go and drive, Lorna and I will fly there first..."


Natasha raised her eyebrows, looking surprised.

Lorna was also a little confused and couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Zixun.

Ye Zixun smiled slightly, opened his arms, and took a step back.

The metal armor behind him suddenly opened and swallowed him whole.

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