Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 168 The Noble Dragon Queen

In Quanyou World, on the land scorched by the scorching sun, an army of three thousand Unsullied were marching forward silently.

But what is different from the rumors is that the Unsullied army in front of them is wearing light black armor, holding strange-looking wooden spears and transparent shields with white English letters printed on them. They also wear steel swords and six black circles around their waists. ball.

These are new equipment that they have only recently updated.

In addition to stabbing like an ordinary spear, the weird-looking spear can also pull the trigger at the end of the spear to shoot out a powerful brass metal block. The transparent shield has both defensive power and will not stop them. vision.

The steel swords worn on their waists can be said to cut iron like clay. The Dothraki's arakh scimitar is as vulnerable as a fragile dead branch in front of their steel swords. The black ball can only be used by gods. A powerful weapon, as long as you pull off the ring on it and throw it out, you can summon powerful fire and thunder.

Every Unsullied who experienced the powerful power of new weapons for the first time worshiped and awed their queen even more.

Everyone is gearing up and fighting high, preparing to use these powerful new weapons to conquer the entire world for the incomparably beautiful, powerful and noble Her Majesty the Queen.

In the center of the army, ten tall steel puppets were carrying a huge sedan. The sedan was decorated with gold and silver forgings, carved with exquisite patterns, and inlaid with colorful pure gems.

The lavender gauze curtain separates the inside and outside of the car into two worlds.

As the hot wind blew, the lavender figure lying on the bed could be vaguely seen.

Li Yun sat cross-legged on the couch in the sedan chair, looking at Daenerys who was radiating coldness in front of her and asked.

"I remember you bought a RV from Zuo Yu. Why don't you take that car?"

"What do you think?" Daenerys stared at her big amethyst-like eyes and said angrily, "That guy Jade doesn't respect my identity as the Dragon Queen at all. He clearly knows that what I want is the domineering and mighty black dragon. The golden model, but they got me a princess pink car. The decoration style inside is either pink or white, which is not in line with my identity and temperament at all..."

Li Yun smiled and said, "Really? How do I remember that you were quite happy at that time?"

Daenerys blushed and muttered: "That's because I was deceived by him. Who knew that the car still has a Hello Kitty pattern printed on it, so how can I drive it out?"

Li Yun comforted him: "It's okay. No one in this world knows Kitty Cat anyway. I just said it was a mythical beast from the Far East. Maybe some fools will believe it!"


Daenerys rolled her eyes at him angrily, and then began to continue practicing "Scylla Kung".

Since she practiced this radiation technique, the meridians in her body have been filled with a kind of cold radiation energy, and her whole body is like a human-shaped air conditioner, exuding a cold air of more than ten degrees below zero.

No matter how hot the summer is, she can't feel the heat at all.

Because of this, Daenerys was able to store the RV in the treasury at will.

Otherwise, even if it was a princess pink style, she would have to bite the bullet and get it out.

There is no way, the red wasteland between Slaver's Bay and Qarth is so hot.

This is a barren land on the continent of Essos, with dry and lifeless red soil, full of wind-eroded fields and low hills, and occasionally one or two dry river beds.

In this harsh environment, if the new armor on each Unsullied person did not have strong heat insulation properties and contained the freezing radiation attached to Daenerys, I am afraid that if the march did not take more than three hours, someone would be injured. Collapsed from heatstroke.

As for the problem of not being able to find supplies in the wasteland, it was nothing to Li Yun who had a space ring.


In the sky above the army, three young dragons began to take shape and soared in pursuit.

After playing around for a while, Claude, the white dragon with milky white scales and dark gold dragon horns, seemed a little tired. He flapped his dragon wings and slapped off the green dragon Jade's claws, then leaned over and rushed towards the sedan in the center of the army.

Li Yun seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly stretched out his hand forward, and happened to catch Claude who rushed into the sedan rashly.

"be honest!"

Li Yun glanced at it lightly, then lifted it by the back of its neck and placed it next to Daenerys.

The cold air filled the air, dissipating the heat from my body.

The white dragon Cloud narrowed his eyes comfortably and kept rubbing his head against Daenerys.

When Daenerys saw this, she stopped practicing, took the white dragon's beautiful head into her arms, caressed it affectionately, and sighed.

"These three little guys are getting bigger and bigger. In a few days, I'm afraid they won't even be able to fit in my sedan chair!"

Li Yun smiled slightly and was about to speak when he suddenly noticed something, so he frowned and turned to look outside the sedan.

Sure enough, the army of three thousand Unsullied suddenly stopped. A knight in full body armor rode through the center of the army, came to the sedan, turned over, dismounted, and knelt down on one knee respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Queen, there are three people blocking the way in front of the army and they want to see Your Majesty."

"Oh? Let them come over!"

Daenerys's cold voice came from the sedan through the gauze curtain.

The knight lowered his head and respectfully accepted the order. Then he got on his horse and came to the front of the army. He looked at the three people riding camels in front of him and said proudly: "Come with me, Her Majesty the Queen wants to see you. This will be your life." The greatest honor, I hope you will remember it well."

After saying that, the knight turned his horse's head and headed towards the center of the army.

The three people riding camels looked at each other and followed the steps of the proud knight thoughtfully.

They thought they needed to be searched and disarmed before they could meet the Dragon Queen. Unexpectedly, they didn't do this at all. The three of them came to the car easily without any examination.

Just when they thought Daenerys was too arrogant, the battle in front of them made them change their minds.

I saw two mighty giant dragons hovering above the sedan. The warriors carrying the sedan were ten tall steel warriors. Looking at their arms that remained motionless under the scorching sun, you knew that these ten people were rare in the world. A peerless warrior.

Right in front of the sedan, there were three taller steel puppets.

Each of them holds an exaggerated weapon in their hands, namely the Qinglong Guandao carved with dragons and phoenixes, the black and heavy Fangtian painted halberd, and the gold-plated drum-beating hammer inlaid with silver.

Three steel puppets stood in front of the sedan in the shape of a cross, guarding the sedan like demons descending to earth, staring coldly at the three people in front of them.

Seeing this scene, the bald man in the center, who was richly dressed and with a gem inlaid on his nose, was immediately frightened. He quickly climbed down from the camel with the other two people, and knelt in front of the sedan with awe on his face.

On the sedan, a young girl wearing a blue gauze skirt opened the lavender gauze curtain with some effort.

Behind the gauze curtain, Daenerys, wearing a luxurious lavender dress, was sitting on the couch, her delicate hands gently stroking the sleeping platinum dragon on her knees, with a careless smile on her delicate and white face. .

At his base, a tall and strong young warrior sat cross-legged, with a spear lying across his knees. He looked at the three people outside the sedan indifferently, and then looked at the young girl at the door and clicked. nod.

The girl swallowed, forced herself to calm down, turned around and looked down at the three people below and said loudly: "Standing in front of you is Daenerys, the 'Stormborn' of the Targaryen family, from the Andals and the Rhoynar. And the Queen of the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Warden of the Realm, Breaker of Shackles, Queen of Meereen, Princess of Dragonstone, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Queen of Dragons..."

Listening to the girl's increasingly proficient full version, Li Yun couldn't help lowering his voice and sighing.

"No wonder you want to keep Missandei as a maid. It's really not possible to leave this job to others."

"..." Daenerys raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Yun, don't interrupt, I'm working very hard to hold back my laughter. If I laugh out loud, I will completely lose my ability!"

Finally, young Missandei finished reading all of Daenerys' titles.

Then, she seemed to have entered the state, looking down at the three people below and said calmly: "Now, tell me your name."

After hearing these words, the man with pale skin and dark blue lips stood up, gracefully bowed to Daenerys in the sedan, and said in Dothraki with a strange tone: "I am the great wizard. Haiya·Puli."

The bald man with jewels on his nose bowed his head respectfully and said in the Valyrian dialect with the accent of the Free Trade City: "My name is Xaro Xanwan Daxos, and he is one of the Thirteen Great Men of Qarth. "

The last woman wearing a wooden lacquer mask said in the common language of Westeros: "I am Kuishi from the Shadowlands, coming to find the dragon."

Daenerys was stunned after hearing this. These three people also appeared in the original work. They were the wizard from the Temple of the Immortal, the representative of the ruler from Qarth, and the Shadowbinder from Asshai...

Thinking of this, Daenerys smiled on her face.

She ignored the wizard and the giant of Qarth, turned to look at Kuishi and said: "I know you. I heard that you are a shadowbinder from Asshai. You have the magic to control shadows. I am very interested in this and can you help me." Shall I demonstrate?"

Looking at the interested expression on Daenerys's face, Kuixi shook his head, and there was no fluctuation in his tone: "The Shadowbinder's magic can only be cast at night. Under the scorching sun, shadows do not exist. Please forgive me. I cannot perform for His Majesty..."

"But if Your Majesty allows it, I can try to use flames to predict the future for Your Majesty!"

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