Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 184 Buddha’s Angry Lotus?

Chapter 184 Buddha...Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus?

Does this mean it’s not considered a move now?

Hearing these words, not only Liu Kunsheng, but also the Laotian Master and others who were watching the battle were shocked.

Whether they were old-timers or young people, everyone was extremely shocked by the monstrous flames emanating from Zuo Yu's body.

But it wasn't over yet. Zuo Yu stretched out a hand, and surging flames emerged from his palm. The high temperature burned the air, forming a vortex of airflow mixed with golden-red flames.

In this way, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind assisted the firepower, and a 20-meter-high flame storm formed in Zuo Yuzhang.

Such a magnificent scene shocked all the audience present. Even Li Yun was a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that Zuo Yu's flame radiation technique had been practiced to such an extent.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Yutuo held up Fire Storm's palm and shook it gently.

An unknown force emerged from all directions, continuously compressing the twenty-meter-high flame storm in the palm. The raging flames turned into wisps of flames and converged towards Zuo Yu's palm, and finally condensed into a lotus flower shining with golden red light.

Looking at the huge fire lotus with a diameter of half a meter, even the weakest person present can feel the power contained in it.

Under this terrifying high temperature, all the bluestone bricks within a ten-meter radius of Zuo Yu were melted into a lake of magma. Only a small area under his feet and their clothes made of Raton's flesh wing skin could still remain. .

Zuo Yu held the fire lotus in her palm, raised her eyebrows at Liu Kunsheng who looked frightened, and said jokingly: "Uncle Liu, I wonder if this Buddha's Wrath Lotus can fall into your eyes?"


Li Yun glanced at Zuo Yu strangely, resisting the urge to complain and shut his mouth.

Liu Kunsheng twitched the corner of his mouth and subconsciously took two steps back, obviously feeling fear in his heart.

At the same time, in the audience, Deng Youcai, who was watching the game with his girlfriend, his eyes widened, and he quickly picked up the hot metal railing in front of him and shouted loudly: "Uncle Liu, let's admit defeat, it's not shameful, this kid It’s too fierce, even if you can bear it, my brother’s body can’t bear it!”

Hearing Deng Youcai's words, Liu Kunsheng's head was full of black lines. He glanced at him and said, "Okay, you don't need to give me a step. I am not a loser. This kid is indeed as strong as a monster. I am no match for him."

After saying that, Liu Kunsheng looked at Zuo Yu and said softly: "Boy, can you tell me your name?"

Zuo Yu glanced at the surprised Lu Jin and others in the audience, and said calmly: "Qi Jiajun, Zuo Yu."

Liu Kunsheng's face showed a sudden realization: "It turns out that he is a descendant of the Qi family army. Anyway, if I fall into your hands, I will lose a lot. Blessed boy, look at this person, and then look at you!"

Liu Kunsheng said that he hated the iron, and then quickly left Deng Youfu's body.

Deng Youfu returned and looked at the fire lotus in Zuo Yuzhang with fear.

But at the same time, he also felt extremely sorry.

"If there is a family immortal in the family who is worthy of the fourth brother, then the fourth brother must be as dazzling and talented boy as him right now..."

Deng Youfu sighed quietly in his heart.

In the audience, Minister Deng Youcai breathed a sigh of relief, hugged the young man beside him and said happily: "Gangzi, fortunately Uncle Liu is sensible, otherwise my brother's life may not be saved!"

Deng Youcai murmured in a low voice, completely unaware of the strange expression on the boy in his arms.

"Buddha...Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus?"

"What modern Xiao Yan!"

The young man named Gangzi couldn't help but complain.

When Zuo Yu heard the young man's complaints, he immediately raised his eyebrows and looked at the audience thoughtfully.

Fellow time traveler?

No, this alone cannot determine that the other party is a time traveler.

After all, the novel "Fights Break the Sphere" also exists in this world.

Although most foreigners have never seen it, there are exceptions. For example, Zhang Chulan once said the famous line "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi" in the first round of the competition.

"But I remember that in the original work, there were only two brothers, Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai, in the Deng family. What happened to the third person?"

Zuo Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his intuition told him that this young man was probably the fellow time traveler they were looking for.

At this moment, Zuo Yu suddenly noticed signs of energy leaking from the flames in his palm. He immediately frowned, controlled the leaking flames to converge into the fire lotus, and then looked forward with a surprised look on his face.

About ten meters away from him, sixteen blue talismans painted with Qi appeared.

Sixteen talismans are connected with each other and rotate around Zuo Yu ten meters away. Together they form a powerful formation, faintly affecting the flame energy in Zuo Yu's palm.

Zuo Yu was thoughtful and turned to look at Lu Jin who had appeared in the venue at an unknown time.

"Mr. Lu, do you plan to end it yourself?"


Lu Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and was secretly shocked. He could extinguish the monstrous mountain fire with the Five Elements Flame Transformation Formation laid out by the Tongtian Rui, but it could not remove even a trace of energy from the fire lotus in Zuo Yuzhang.

It can be seen that this son's control of flames has reached its peak.

Even if he possesses the Heavenly Barrier, he cannot compete with it.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Jin changed the subject, frowned and asked, "Boy, what is your purpose in participating in the Luotian Festival?"

Zuo Yu's mind was no longer on making trouble at the moment, and he immediately replied with a smile: "Of course it's your Tongtianlu!"

"That's good." Lu Jin nodded and said with a serious face, "Boy, no matter how strong you are, if you want to reach the Heavenly Barrel, you must honestly follow the rules of the Luotian Dajiao!"

"Otherwise, even if you smash the lotus flower on my head, I will never hand over the Heavenly Purifier to you. If you don't believe it, you can ask around and see if there is 'compromise' in the Lu family's dictionary. Two words!”

Zuo Yu blinked and sighed: "It's really troublesome..."

Seeing that his tone had relaxed, Lu Jin quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Hurry up and release the energy of that fire lotus and let me handle it with the Five Elements Transforming Flame Formation. Otherwise, if you delay it any longer, you will destroy the entire venue!"

"No need to go to such trouble."

Zuo Yu glanced at him, threw the fire lotus into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing.

Then, a muffled sound like a drum came from Zuo Yu's chest and abdomen, as if a bomb had detonated in his stomach.


Zuo Yu burped, and a three-meter-long pillar of fire erupted from his mouth.


Zuo Yu patted his belly and smiled at the stunned Lu Jin.

Everyone in the audience widened their eyes and looked at Zuo Yu in the field in shock.

Just... just swallowed it?

Zuo Yu ignored the shocked people and turned to say something in Li Yun's ear.

Li Yun's expression changed when he heard this, nodded, and walked towards the outside of the field.

On the way the two of them were moving forward, both the referees from the Tianshi Mansion and the players waiting to take the stage retreated to both sides, and no one dared to stop them.

After the two left, everyone in the audience looked at each other, as if they didn't expect the ending to be so anticlimactic.

"Are they going to be disqualified?"

Mr. Lu Cilu, who is a member of the Tenth Group, asked in a low voice.

"No need." Wang Ai leaned on crutches, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction where the two people left and whispered, "To be honest, I really want to see what will happen when these two monsters face off. What a wonderful battle..."

"You two, please stay!"

Mr. Lu Jin's voice came from behind.

Zuo Yu raised an eyebrow, stopped together with Li Yun, and turned to look.

I saw Lu Jin, who had white hair and beard, walking slowly from behind the two of them. In addition to his great-granddaughter Lu Linglong, there were also several young-looking masters beside him, all of whom were the winners of the Luotian Dajiao. .

At this moment, all the young masters looked at Zuo Yu and Zuo Yu in amazement and even awe.

Zuo Yu didn't pay attention to their looks, looked at Lu Jin and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu, is there anything else you can do?"

Lu Jin took a step forward, looked at the two of them and asked seriously: "Are you two descendants of the Qi family army?"

Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other, neither admitting nor refuting, just chuckled.

"Mr. Lu, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

"Then I'll tell you the truth."

Lu Jin nodded and said solemnly, "Do you know Quan Xing?"

Zuo Yu's heart moved and she said softly: "Of course, Quan Xing stays true to himself and doesn't use things to burden the form... This thousand-year-old evil sect has a long history and is notorious. Although our brothers have never set foot in the world, we have heard of Quan Xing's name. Number."

Lu Jin said softly: "Then you know that the Qi family army was destroyed hundreds of years ago, and there was the shadow of the omnipotent demon behind it."

"...Oh?" Zuo Yu was a little surprised, "Is there such a thing?"

Lu Jin let out a long sigh and said frankly: "Although I want to answer you for sure, hundreds of years have passed since this matter, and the truth is no longer known. But as far as I know, the president who lured and killed Qi Jiajun was Bingwangbao is the one who has a name in the universe!"


Zuo Yu frowned, thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Mr. Lu told us about this, it must be more than just out of good intentions - let me guess, you want to ask our brothers to deal with Quan Xing?"


Lu Jin laughed when he heard this: "As expected of someone who dares to challenge me and even the Heavenly Master. His mind, talent, and strength are indeed the best choices - yes, this time Luotian Dajiao, in addition to Longhushan Heavenly Master, In addition to selecting the successor to the Heavenly Master as usual, the most important goal of the government is to use Zhang Chulan and Tongtianlu as bait to lure Quan Xing into the game."

"Now, the fish has been hooked. To ensure safety, I have come to invite you two. But you don't have to worry. I am just inviting you. I am not trying to kidnap you morally. If you are interested in sex, then please follow me. Come here, if you are not interested, then please do it yourself."


Hearing Lu Jin's calm words, Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other.

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Yu nodded: "If what Mr. Lu said is true, then our brothers are naturally interested, but now we have more important things to do. When this matter is over, we will inform Mr. Lu together. How about action?"

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