"They really dare to take action?!"

Lu Jin's eyes widened in anger, and his hair and beard were spread out.

The Heavenly Master thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It's impossible, Quan Xing doesn't have the guts yet."

After saying that, the old Heavenly Master turned to look at Rongshan: "Rongshan, has the identity of the body been found out?"

Rongshan calmed down, shook his head and said, "My disciple went to check it out personally and found that all the dozens of corpses were completely unrecognizable. It should be impossible to identify them based on their appearance..."

Master Tian nodded and turned to look at Xu San and Xu Si in the company.

Xu San immediately said: "I'm going to check the passengers in Qianshan to see if anyone is missing. By the way, I'll contact the local police station to do a DNA test on the body."

The old Heavenly Master also looked at Rongshan and said, "You should also go to Houshan's residence to see if our guests are missing."

This was the first time for Lu Linglong and other juniors to encounter such a thing, and they immediately volunteered excitedly: "Let's go together too!"

Lu Jin hesitated for a while and finally agreed, but out of concern for his great-granddaughter, he also followed, intending to personally protect and keep an eye on these frivolous brats.

For a moment, everyone in the room dispersed.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao followed Xu San and Xu Si and left the room.

But before leaving, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but glance at the old Tianshi and Master Tian Jinzhong sitting in the room, and seemed to hesitate to speak.

Zuo Yu knew that Zhang Chulan must have met Wang Ai from the Wang family and Lu Ci from the Lu family, and learned from them the news that his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi had become sworn friends with Quan Xing's disciples.

According to the plot in the original work, Zhang Chulan should take this opportunity to ask the Heavenly Master about related matters.

But due to the unexpected situation tonight, Zhang Chulan was unable to ask in the end.

Glancing at Zuo Yu who was staring straight at Zhang Chulan beside him, the old master suddenly asked: "Aren't you two going to join in the fun?"

Zuo Yu came back to her senses and said casually: "Not interested."

"Oh?" The old Heavenly Master raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, "People are already dead, but you are not interested - Zuo boy, tell me the truth, these dozens of lives were not caused by you, right?" ?”

Zuo Yu blinked, looked at the old Heavenly Master and chuckled: "Old Heavenly Master, what do you think?"

Looking at those clear dark red eyes, the Heavenly Master frowned slightly and suddenly sighed.

"Well, since you feel you have a clear conscience, I won't ask any more questions."


Zuo Yu was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect that the old master who discovered the clue would let the matter go so easily.

Master Tian didn't pay attention to Zuo Yu's reaction. He stood up and came behind Tian Jinzhong and pushed the wheelchair for his junior brother.

When Tian Jinzhong went down the mountain to look for Zhang Chulan's grandfather, Zhang Huaiyi, he encountered an enemy attack on the way. The unidentified enemies captured him and tortured him about Zhang Huaiyi's whereabouts. However, Tian Jinzhong did not know at the time and the other party did not believe him, so they destroyed Tian Jinzhong's life. Meridians severed his limbs, causing him to spend decades in a wheelchair and bed.

Seeing the old Heavenly Master pushing the wheelchair for him, Tian Jinzhong didn't want to trouble his senior brother, so he called softly:

"Xiao Yuzi, come in quickly and help your Grand Master!"

"I'm coming!"

Along with the crisp words, a little Taoist boy with freckles on his face ran into the room.

The corner of Zuo Yu's mouth curled up, and she looked at Xiao Yuzi who was arranging Tian Jinzhong's clothes with interest.

As a time traveler who knew the plot, he naturally knew the identity of Xiao Yuzi, who was Gong Qing, the current acting head of Quanxing.

He worked undercover in Longhu Mountain for three years and finally gained the trust of everyone in the Tianshi Mansion, including the senior Tianshi and Tian Jinzhong. At the same time, during the three years of getting along day and night, Gong Qing discovered that Tian Jinzhong seemed to be hiding some shocking secret. For this reason, I even dared not sleep for decades, and relied on meditation every night to replace sleep.

Because of this, Gong Qing planned this trip, the main purpose of which was to lure everyone around Tian Jinzhong away and obtain the secrets that Tian Jinzhong had hidden for decades.

Thinking of this, Zuo Yu's eyes became more playful.

Facing Zuo Yu's half-smiling gaze, Gong Qing acted very naturally.

Worthy of being the acting head of Quanxing...

Zuo Yu looked at Gong Qing with admiration. It was naturally impossible for him to expose Gong Qing now. After all, a full-scale attack on the mountain would require Gong Qing's planning.

If Gong Qing is taken down now, the assembled Quanxing may instantly become a mess. In this case, he will not be able to capture those Quanxing monsters and get those interesting skills from their minds.

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Yu looked at the Heavenly Master with a smile.

"Master Heavenly Master, if nothing happens, our brothers will go back and rest first."

The old Heavenly Master nodded when he heard this, then smiled and encouraged: "You two brothers must work hard for tomorrow's game!"

Back in the room, Zuo Yu and Li Yun activated the gray mist coins and returned to the Traveler Alliance.

Looking at the gray ball in the center of the Traveler Square, Zuo Yu took out the crystal ball and released Wang Bing and Wang Ai.

"Void, extract the memories of these two people."

"Okay, Mr. Zuo Yu."

Accompanied by the cold electronic female voice, the gray ball emitted gray light, and the thick gray mist enveloped the two people like pillars, and thin filaments of gray mist penetrated their heads like flexible tentacles.

After about a minute, the gray fog column dissipated.

Two gray light spots the size of ping pong balls were suspended in front of Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

"Is this the memory of Wang Bing and Wang Ai?"

Li Yun stared blankly at the gray light spot in front of him, and when he was about to reach out and touch it, Zuo Yu stopped him.

Zuo Yulang said: "Void, classify and organize the memories of these two people."

Vukong said: "Okay, Mr. Zuo Yu, the memory classification and sorting service requires a service fee of 100 gray mist coins."

Li Yun frowned: "So expensive?"

“Don’t worry, it’s definitely worth your money!”

Zuo Yu smiled, then took out 100 gray mist coins and handed them to Void.

Along with the light emitted by the gray ball, the two gray light spots in front of him quickly merged into one, and then quickly separated into four smaller gray light spots than before.

According to Void, these four gray light spots are memories of skills and secret techniques, memories of experience and skills, memories of major life events, and unimportant garbage memories.

As the name suggests, the memories of exercises and secret techniques store the exercises and secret techniques they have seen and learned.

The memory of experience and skills is the experience they gained in practice, as well as the various skills they learned in life, such as language, cooking, social interaction, driving and other more common skills.

As for the latter two, memory holds more important secrets and trivial memories of life.

These two were of no use to Zuo Yu and Li Yun, so they were put away by Zuo Yu.

Holding the two gray dots representing the skills and experience, Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Let's make a copy of the skills and secret techniques, and then we can sell them to the alliance. As for the experience and skills, do you have any needs? ?”

Li Yun shook his head decisively: "No."

Zuo Yu nodded: "Then put them all separately on the shelves!"

As he finished speaking, the gray ball in front of him emitted a gray light.

The gray light spots representing experience and skills were quickly covered by it, and then disappeared in front of the two people.

Immediately afterwards, a message came to the jade plaques on their waists.

Li Yun picked it up and looked at it, only to see it written clearly:

"Memory items have been put on the shelves in [Exquisite Treasure Pavilion·Auction House Section], a total of 13 items, worth 260 Gray Mist Coins. After the sale, the alliance will charge a 15% handling fee. The following is the list of items - [Chinese ( Proficient)] [English (Proficient)] [Japanese (Proficient)] [Driving (Proficient)] [Social Communication (Proficient)] [Negotiation (Proficient)]..."

Looking at the stunned Li Yun, Zuo Yu smiled and tapped his arm with her elbow.

"How about it, I say it's worth the money?"


Li Yun came back to his senses and frowned: "Old Zuo, memories can also be sold. This is not a good thing. What if there are members of the time traveler who kill innocent people in other worlds and specifically extract memories and sell them on the shelves?"

"I've thought about this too."

Zuo Yu shrugged: "Theoretically, the alliance will not care about this kind of thing. If you are really worried, you can make suggestions to Boss Lin and convene a supreme meeting to discuss this issue, but I don't think it is necessary. According to the current standards of the alliance, time travelers who kill innocent people indiscriminately should not be eligible to join us."

"This is indeed the case now, but in the future when there are more members, the situation will be different..."

Seeing that Li Yun was still a little worried, Zuo Yu curled his lips and said: "Okay, don't worry so much. The auction house section is an official trading area for alliance members. Only official members are eligible to purchase. The skills that ordinary people have There are only so many types, and the market must be saturated quickly. Without demand, who would be free to kill ordinary people."

"...That's true."

Li Yun thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded.

Zuo Yu patted his shoulder and held the memory points of the skills and secret techniques in his hands.

"Void, make a copy of the skills and secret techniques in the memory light spot and exchange them for the alliance."

"Exchanged, totaling 4,200 gray mist coins. Do you two need cash or remittance?"

"Send money."

"The gray mist coins have been deposited into [Void Bank]..."

After exchanging the gray mist coins, Zuo Yu put the memory light spot between his eyebrows, seeming to be reading the skills and secrets in it.

Li Yun glanced at the personal information on the jade plaque, and then asked in surprise: "The General Ju Ling is actually worth 3,000 gray mist coins?"

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