Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 194 Fire conquers all things

"Don't worry, I will go to them personally and ask for it."

Hearing the old Heavenly Master's faint promise, Xu Si turned and left with a frown on his face.

At the same time, the top 16 competition finally officially began.

The first match was a heavyweight showdown that attracted a lot of attention, between Zuo Yu and Zhuge Qing.

Looking at the handsome blue-haired guy with squinting eyes across from him, Zuo Yu had a smile on his face.

"Brother Zhuge, I heard that in the last game you played against Hong Bin from the Huode Sect. This guy is known as the Little Fire God, but he was defeated by you, a warlock, with fire?"

Hearing these words, Zhuge Qing showed an embarrassed look on his face.

Hong Bin in the audience looked ashamed, but he quickly adjusted himself, stepped on the railing in front of him with one foot, waved his fist, and shouted towards the two people in the center of the field: "Brother Zuo, when it comes to playing with fire, I Hong Bin thinks he is no match for you!"

"But I don't accept this Zhuge Fox!"

"Brother Zuo, you have to work harder and burn this blue-haired fox into a bald-haired chicken!"

Zuo Yu: "..."

Zhuge Qing: "..."

"Don't worry about him." Zhuge Qing put on his posture and said with a serious face, "I was also present at yesterday's game. Your Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus is indeed very strong. Even I couldn't help but shudder at that terrifying energy. So today, I will never give you the chance to use this trick - you have to be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhuge Qing stepped on his feet, and the energy in his body instantly spread out, setting up a complete Qimen formation around him.

This is the Wuhou Qimen of the Zhuge family.

The so-called Qimen is a technique that has extremely strict requirements on direction.

Practitioners can use different spells depending on the position they occupy. Generally, Qimen magic uses the opponent as a reference. Depending on the opponent's position, what kind of spell can be used, and the power will be enhanced.

But this will cause two problems. First, the opponent will always occupy the middle palace. Second, when there are multiple opponents surrounding each other, the relative position of each person must be judged at the same time. This makes the number of Qimen spells very difficult to calculate. .

Wuhou Qimen solved this problem in a way - they centered the middle palace on themselves and used Qi to lay out a complete Qimen bureau within a certain range.

Zhuge Qing's ability was already known to everyone when he faced Hong Bin in the last game.

He originally thought that Zuo Yu would stop his plan, but he didn't expect that the other party actually allowed him to set up a strange game, and even took the initiative to take the Gui position in Kan Palace.

Such an action made Zhuge Qing feel a rare anger in his heart.

"Since you are so arrogant, don't blame me!"

Zhuge Qing made a seal with both hands, pointed his right hand together to form a sword, and raised it suddenly.

The word Kun - Tuheche!

In an instant, the earth let out a rumbling roar, and countless soil and sand surged like water, setting off a huge wave of soil and covering it in the direction of Zuo Yu.

Under one person, Qimen Dunjia is divided into four parts: heaven, earth, humans and gods.

The strange magic technique that Zhuge Qing is using at this moment belongs to the Eight Trigrams in the territory.

After Tulang covered his figure, Zhuge Qing quickly ran towards Dui Palace on the left.

But before he could reach Dui Palace, the raging waves of earth were blasted with a gap by the flames.

The high temperature melted the earth and rocks near the gap into a glass-like substance, and a golden-red flame spurted out from the gap, turning into a violent pillar of fire and shooting towards Zhuge Qing.

Zhuge Qing stepped into the Dui Palace with one foot and stayed in the Kun Palace with the other foot. He used his hands to make secrets and use magic.

The word Kun - Tuheche!

Duizi——Jin Liuli!

In an instant, the earth waves surged again, and the earth and rocks stirred up affected the flames like waves. At the same time, the outermost earth and rocks quickly turned into glass under the action of Dui Zijin Glaze.

This is the combination of the Five Elements Techniques, which turns the Tuhe chariot into high-temperature-resistant glass to deal with the flames.

But unfortunately, Zuo Yu's flame temperature far exceeded the melting point of colored glaze.

The moment the two parties came into contact, the golden colored glaze was melted by the high temperature.

Zhuge Qing did not hesitate, took a step back and made a hand seal.

The word Kun - Wan Leng!

Kun character - ice blast!

Along with the transformation of the Five Elements Qi, a cold breath spread, and the moisture in the air was instantly condensed into ice, turning into countless ice edges floating in the air, and then suddenly bursting open.

Glittering ice crystals covered the entire venue, causing the temperature of the entire venue to drop a few degrees.

But the next second, the golden-red fire pillar broke through the glazed earth river chariot, almost grazing Zhuge Qing and blasting towards the wall behind him.

The raging fire waves rolled towards both sides, and the high temperature burned the air, evaporating the ice crystals in the air into hot steam.

Zhuge Qing's whole body was wrapped in ice crystals, carrying the scorching heat to the Xun position, and made secrets with his hands.

The word Xun - wind rope!

Dozens of air currents rotated at high speed under the influence of the spell, and the aftermath of tearing flames struck Zuo Yu.

Zuo Yu's palms were covered with flames, and he suddenly tore forward. Five golden-red flames were like sharp claws, tearing the dozens of high-speed rotating airflows into pieces.

"it's useless."

Holding the flame in Zuo Yu's palm, he looked at Zhuge Qing who had arrived in the middle palace and said lightly: "In the face of absolute power, there are no five elements that are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. My fire not only overcomes wood, but also water, metal, and earth. Even suppress fire!”


Zhuge Qing looked at Zuo Yu with an extremely complicated expression.

Just as Zuo Yu said, his golden-red flames are like the most unreasonable and sharp spear in fairy tales, smashing to pieces the common sense and principles of the mutual interdependence of the five elements.

In front of this terrifying flame, no five element spells have any effect.

"But I still want to try!"

Zhuge Qing stepped forward into the Kan Palace with a firm face. At the same time, he made hand seals and used the spell he had prepared for a long time.

The word "kan" - water waterfall!


In an instant, the water vapor evaporated by the high temperature in the sky above the venue quickly gathered, like a waterfall falling from the sky, and rushed towards Zuo Yu who was in the Gui position of Kan Palace.

At the same time, a large amount of golden-red flames emerged from Zuo Yu's body.

The scorching flames soared into the sky like a fire dragon, facing the waterfall falling from the sky.


As the flames collided with the water flow, a large amount of steaming white gas instantly erupted in the center of the venue.

But the white gas visible to the naked eye only lasted for less than a few seconds before it was evaporated by the terrifying high temperature and the endless golden-red flames into water vapor that was truly invisible to the naked eye.

The hot water vapor rises under the influence of high temperature and turns into countless air currents spiraling upward.

There is no longer any water flow in the entire site, only the golden-red fire waves are still surging.

At the same time, Zhuge Qing took the opportunity to get close to Zuo Yu and used the last two spells in this game.

Duizi - Hei Liuli!

The word Gen——Kunlun!

In an instant, half of Zhuge Qing's body turned into black hard glass, and at the same time, a large amount of Qi filled his body, tightly connected with the Qimen Bureau deployed around him, or in other words, the earth where the Qimen Bureau was located.

The next second, Zhuge Qing twisted his hips and used all his strength to slam into Zuo Yu with his hardened shoulder.

Baji - iron mountain support!

The inheritance of the Zhuge family is very complicated. In addition to strange magic techniques, they even need to practice iron ruler tapping ribs and oil pot initiation, in order to lay the foundation for accepting the inheritance of Samadhi True Fire.

In addition to Wuhou Qimen, Zhuge Qing also possesses the Baji Fist, which is known as the most powerful.

The so-called swinging one's arms against the sky and falling down, stomping one's feet to shake the nine states, Zhuge Qing's leaning was like Mount Tai falling, hitting Zuo Yu unstoppably.


With a loud noise, Zuo Yu, who had always appeared invincible, was knocked out for the first time.

Looking at the flying figure, the audience suddenly burst into an uproar, and even the old Heavenly Master and Lu Jin couldn't help but look shocked.

Only Li Yun's expression remained unchanged, but he looked at Zhuge Qing with a little more regret.

Sure enough, during the inverted flight, golden-red flames spewed out of Zuo Yu's body again.

He used the impact of the flames to stabilize his body, landed on the ground with a backflip, and slid back three or four meters. He stood up unscathed and looked at Zhuge Qing in front of him.

"As expected of a descendant of Marquis Zhuge Wu!"

Zuo Yu's face showed admiration.

This guy had set up a whole game just to get close to him while he was distracted and defeat him with the Baji Iron Mountain Backbone strengthened by Dui Zi Hei Liuli and Gen Zi Kunlun.

Dui Zi Black Glaze can cover his body with a layer of hard and high temperature resistant black glaze.

Gen Zi Kunlun can connect the user's Qi with the entire earth, achieving the effect of being as immovable as a mountain.

Both of these are originally defensive techniques, but once used together with Baji Iron Mountain, they become violent attack skills that can combine the power of the entire earth to hit the enemy.

It has to be said that Zhuge Qing's strength and combat wisdom are the best choice.

Unfortunately, he didn't realize that Zuo Yu was also a monster with a physical value of 17 points.

"...Many...Thank you for the compliment."

Hearing Zuo Yu's praise, Zhuge Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, wriggled his lips slightly, and uttered a few words with a weak voice, and then fell forward weakly to the ground.


With the muffled sound of Zhuge Qing falling to the ground, everyone in the audience realized that the black glass on Zhuge Qing's body had long been broken, and his chest was stained with large amounts of blood. The shoulder he was leaning on was dented, and his right arm was like a It was as soft as noodles, and it was obvious that the entire bones of the shoulders and arms had been shattered.

This move is meant to injure the enemy a thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred.

What's more, Zuo Yu, whom Zhuge Qing bumped into, was a pervert who was no less powerful than Li Yun.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Bai, the younger brother brought by Zhuge Qing in the audience, covered his mouth and burst into tears.

The referee of Tianshi Mansion on the high platform quickly called the doctor and wanted to carry Zhuge Qing out.

But before the doctor arrived, Zuo Yu had already arrived in front of Zhuge Qing, squatted down and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Well, the identification is complete, crushed - no, powdery fracture!"

Zuo Yu retracted her hand, looked at the unconscious Zhuge Qing, raised her eyebrows, and sighed softly: "Although I agree with your desire to win, this is still a bit too random..."

With that said, Zuo Yu took out a gray mist coin and controlled the gray mist to flow into Zhuge Qing's body, quickly repairing his broken bones and the broken bones mixed with his flesh and blood.

After a rough repair, Zuo Yu stood up, ignored the doctor who was passing by in a hurry, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the field amidst the referee's loud announcement.

"First game!"

"Winner, Zuo Yu!"

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