Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 197 Have you ever been kicked by Sonic?

Zuo Yu chuckled and said in a low voice: "Old Zhao, you don't know something. This Taoist named Zhang Lingyu was originally the highly anticipated heir to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, but he accidentally made some mistakes a few years ago and lost Yuanyang. , you cannot cultivate the upright Five Thunders of Yang, you can only cultivate the Five Thunders of Yin which are cunning and deceitful.”

"Because of this, Zhang Lingyu had obsessions, or inner demons, in his heart. In order to help him get rid of his inner demons, Master Tian made a deal with the two of us. As long as Lao Li can force his disciple to use evil tricks in public. Wu Lei’s original intention was that he was willing to give us the techniques and secret techniques that did not involve the inheritance of the Heavenly Master..."

"I'm telling you!" Zhao Lihe said with a look of surprise on his face, "No wonder Brother Li has been letting off steam."

While the two were chatting in low voices, the entire audience couldn't help but look shocked when they saw the turbid black water on Zhang Lingyu's body. They couldn't help but form groups in groups and talk about it.

Even if they didn't feel it personally, they could still detect the murky and strange discomfort.

This is very inconsistent with Zhang Lingyu's always upright and unpredictable external image.


A sound like running water came from under his feet, and thick black liquid flowed on Zhang Lingyu's feet.

Zhang Lingyu's face was calm, as if he didn't care about the strange looks from everyone at all.

Li Yun lowered his head and looked at the thick ink-like water Zang Lei at his feet. Then he raised his head and looked at Master Lingyu who seemed to have accepted his true form of Yin Wulei, and suddenly smiled slightly.

"Master Lingyu."


"Have you ever been kicked by Sonic?"

Zhang Lingyu was slightly startled by the sudden words.

Li Yun ignored his reaction and reached out to tear off his clothes and threw them to the ground.

The next second, white stratus clouds exploded out of thin air where Li Yun was originally located, and violent air waves swept across the entire place instantly, like huge rocks entering the sea, setting off black waves that filled the sky.

Zhang Lingyu felt his eyes blurred, and the violent air flow whizzed past him.

The strong wind blew his hair and robes, stirring up countless cloudy and thick water and dirty thunders.


The loud sound that broke through the air and the roar of the venue came at the same time.

Everyone in the audience felt the ground shaking beneath their feet, and they quickly grasped the metal guardrails around them.

After stabilizing their bodies, Lao Tianshi, Lu Jin and others looked at the venue, and then couldn't help but look shocked.

Li Yun was seen standing naked behind Zhang Lingyu, with his right foot deeply embedded in the hard concrete wall. Dense cracks were centered on his right foot and spread in all directions like a spider web.

Behind him was the earth washed clean by the strong wind, as well as layers of white air waves.

Seeing this extremely exaggerated scene, the entire audience fell into dead silence.


The thick, turbid black liquid turned into black rain and swished down.

Everyone in the audience was awakened by the raindrops, and they all tried their best to resist the falling black rain.

Zhang Chulan stared blankly at the waves of air behind Li Yun, and the golden light covering his body spread out, just like his complex emotions that were agitated and difficult to calm down.

"Sound... sonic boom cloud?!"

"This guy can actually accelerate to the speed of sound instantly?"

Difficult and unbelievable words rang out in the audience.

Like a button, the silent auditorium plunged into a sea of ​​noise.

Everyone was shocked, excited and excited by Li Yun's performance.

Only then did Zhang Lingyu realize what had just happened.

He turned around blankly and stared blankly at Li Yun by the wall, as if he couldn't believe that what he saw was reality.


Broken concrete chunks fell to the ground.

Li Yun pulled out his right leg that was stuck in the wall of the venue, patted the shoulder of Zhang Lingyu who was in a daze, and then walked out of the venue calmly as if nothing happened.

Golden light spell? Yin Wu Lei?

My kick breaks the sound barrier, can you resist it?

The purest form of power and speed.

This is the power he believes in!

Li Yun walked out of the venue calmly, but Zhang Lingyu was still in a daze and did not admit defeat.

Seeing this situation, the referee of Tianshi Mansion was in trouble and didn't know how to judge. However, the old Tianshi made the final decision and announced that Li Yun had won the game.

The old Tianshi did this not only for the sake of fairness, but also for the consideration of his disciple Zhang Lingyu.

Too much is not enough, if you want to get rid of your inner demons, a game like this is enough.

If the fight continues and encounters Zuo Yu in the next game, Master Tian is worried that his good disciple will be beaten by that more perverted guy until he doubts his life and completely loses his spirit as a strong man.

Just like that, the two games in the morning were all over.

Everyone watching the whole battle was still immersed in the shock that Li Yun brought to them.

Zhang Lingyu left the venue in a daze under the guidance of senior brother Rongshan.

Looking at Zhang Lingyu who seemed to be still in a daze, Zuo Yu curled his lips.

"Lao Li, I told you a long time ago to restrain yourself, restrain yourself, but you didn't listen."

"Now look at it, you beat the kid silly!"

"..." Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and ignored him. He turned to look at Zhao Lihe and said, "Brother Zhao, since you are here, then come with us and share the things you get..."

"No, please don't!"

Zhao Lihe quickly refused: "I'm just here for a visit, and I'll be leaving soon. There's [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] and the Thor's Hammer series of weapons I just customized. The time flow rate in this world is three times that of the Alliance." , I don’t want to wait here twice as long!”

There is also this thing.

Li Yun nodded suddenly.


"Thor's Quake series of customized weapons?"

"If I remember correctly, that thing is worth 5,999 gray mist coins!"

Li Yun couldn't help being a little stunned.

Zhao Lihe smiled bitterly and said: "It's a bit expensive, but who asked me to practice the "Ghidora Kung Fu"? Even my eldest brother said that this thing is the most suitable weapon for me in the alliance..."

Li Yun nodded and said: "Since Boss Lin said so, it must be worth the money."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Yu suddenly motioned for them to shut up, and then turned to look behind him.

I saw the old Heavenly Master pushing Tian Jinzhong in a wheelchair, walking together with Lu Jin, Lu Ci and other old men with white beards.

When he stopped, the old master narrowed his eyes slightly, and his slightly complicated gaze passed over Li Yun and Zuo Yu, and finally landed on the obviously oldest young man in a suit.

"Who is this?"

"I, Zhao Lihe, have met the Heavenly Master!"

Zhao Lihe smiled lightly and held up his hands. His words and deeds were upright, with an indescribable air of majesty. He looked far more like the queen of a famous family than Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

The old Heavenly Master looked at him appreciatively.

"Are you also a descendant of the Qi family army?"


Zhao Lihe was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, nodded with a smile and said: "Exactly, our ancestor Zhao Gaowen was once a guerrilla general in the front camp of the Santun Chariot Battalion in Jizhen. In the fifteenth year of Wanli, he returned home due to disability and brought many people with him. The disabled comrades lived in seclusion in the Qinling and Hanzhong areas, and this is how our village came to be..."

"She is indeed the Queen of Heroes!"

The old Heavenly Master looked solemn and raised his hands to express his admiration.

If you can tell the exact footsteps of your ancestors in detail, you are the authentic descendant of the Qi family army!

Zhao Lihe glanced at Zuo Yu and Li Yun, then smiled and cupped his hands towards the old Heavenly Master: "Old Heavenly Master, everyone, my two little brothers have always been lively and like to play, if I cause any trouble to you. , please forgive me!"


The old Heavenly Master, Lu Jin and others looked at each other in confusion.

After seeing a lot of cynical Zuo Yu and taciturn Li Yun, they were a little uncomfortable when they suddenly saw a normal person.

Zuo Yu rolled his eyes and said bluntly: "Master Tian, ​​do you have anything to do with our brother?"

Still a familiar smell...

Lao Tianshi smiled and wrote lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that the company found out your forged identities. I originally planned to test your heel with words, but after hearing what Zhao Xiaoyou said, I am now very sure that you are really Qi Jiajun's." Descendants, it’s just that the place of seclusion is not that Qijia Village!”

Zuo Yu and Li Yun aside, Zhao Lihe is definitely a descendant of the Qi family army.

The Heavenly Master could tell that Zhao Lihe had an extraordinary sense of belonging and identification with this identity, and when he mentioned his ancestor Zhao Gaowen, Zhao Lihe's tone was full of pride and indescribable confidence.

It's just that the Heavenly Master never imagined that Zhao Lihe, a descendant of the Qi family army, was not from this world, but came from a foreign Ming time and space that was completely different from this world...

Zuo Yu's eyes were strange, and she pursed her lips to suppress a smile.

Li Yun couldn't help but cough twice, pretending to be calm.

Zhao Lihe glanced at them and said helplessly: "Sorry, Heavenly Master, we don't want to be disturbed, so we have no choice but to forge our identities. But don't worry, all descendants of my Qi family army are bound by rules. If anyone dares If they are born evil, someone will come to deal with them..."

Saying that, Zhao Lihe glared at Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

Zuo Yu twitched the corner of her mouth and almost had the urge to teach Zhao Lihe a lesson.

The old Heavenly Master and others looked at each other with deep thoughts in their hearts.

According to Zhao Lihe, there seems to be a huge organization behind the three brothers, and the people inside are all monsters and perverts. Even strong men like Zuo Yu and Li Yun can be subdued.

This is a bit exaggerated...

But seeing the three real monsters in front of him, the Heavenly Master had no choice but to believe it.

Thinking of this, the old master couldn't help but sigh, looked at Zhao Lihe and said: "There is still some time before the afternoon game. Zhao Xiaoyou, would you like to go with me and have a cup of hot tea?"

Zhao Lihe smiled and cupped his hands: "It's true that I have my wish, but I don't dare to ask for your ear."

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