Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 206 Bone Scraper Xia He


Li Yun shook off the corpse hanging on his arm, leaned over and picked up the seven fallen nine dragon seeds.

Although the power of this thing is average, it is quite creative. You should be able to sell it for a few bucks if you take it back.

Lu Jin stepped forward, walked to Yuan Tao's body, looked at the dead face and said calmly: "Idiot, I dare not defeat this monster, but you, a weapon refiner with magic weapons, dare to Provoke him at such a close distance?"


Seeing Yuan Tao fall, the tall guy who came with him suddenly widened his eyes, angrily took out a colorful plastic water gun from his pocket, aimed at Li Yun and pulled the trigger.


Water bombs struck Li Yun one after another with roaring sounds breaking through the air.

Li Yun casually swatted away an incoming water bomb and looked at Han Dan in surprise.

"water gun?"


Handan was stunned for a moment, then he quickly pointed the water gun at the big tree next to him and pulled the trigger.

"call out--"

The water bomb shot out and instantly penetrated the thick tree trunk, blasting out a hole the size of a bowl.

The power is no problem!

Handan was confused, aimed at Li Yun suspiciously, and pulled the trigger again.


Water bombs roared towards him one after another. Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, swatted away the water bombs and walked towards Han Dan.

At the same time, the aftermath of the water bombs splashed in all directions, and everyone present hurriedly took cover.

Lu Jin dodged a water bomb and looked at the trees around him that were penetrated by the water bomb, feeling secretly shocked.

To be able to develop such power from a toy-like plastic water gun, this stupid guy must be an extremely talented weapon-refining genius.

No wonder Yuan Tao has so many protective magic weapons on his body...

Now that I think about it, this stupid guy should have refined it for him!

Thinking of this, Lu Jin immediately shouted: "Boy Li, don't hurt his life."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I understand."

Li Yun said calmly while swatting away the incoming water bombs.

He has already seen that there is something wrong with this big guy's head. He must be an idiot with a mind like a child.

Naturally, Li Yun wouldn't know someone like him.

Seeing Li Yun approaching with water bombs, Handan seemed a little anxious. He quickly threw away the water gun in his hand, took out a wooden hammer from the backpack on his chest, and hit Li Yun on the head hard.


The wooden hammer hit Li Yun's head, and the surging force exploded the air, creating a circular airflow.

Seeing that the attack was successful, a bright smile appeared on Handan's face.

But the next second, Li Yun raised his arm expressionlessly, pointed his right hand like a knife, and swung it down like lightning.


Severe pain hit his head. Handan rolled his eyes, fell backwards and passed out without even making a sound.

At the same time, the other two omnisexual monsters realized that something was wrong, so they consciously withdrew away from the battlefield while fighting the juniors brought by Lu Jin.

After escaping to the edge of the battlefield, the two looked at each other, turned around quickly, and ran away separately.

"Don't run!"

Lu Linglong and the other juniors roared angrily, spontaneously divided into two teams, and chased the two of them respectively.

Lu Jin frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Boy Li, you stay here and watch this stupid guy. I'll catch up and take a look. There are quite a few full-sex monsters going up the mountain tonight, so don't be careless!"


Li Yun nodded and watched Lu Jin leave.

After Lu Jin and others disappeared into the forest, Li Yun took out the crystal ball, put the unconscious Handan into it, then turned and walked in the other direction——

He still has to go find Barron, who controls the Immortal Thief Liuku, so naturally he can't really stay here and watch the fool.

On the other side, a handsome young man with black hair and red eyes stood in the forest, his hands in his pockets, looking at the frightened little Taoist boy in front of him with interest.

At his feet, three charred corpses lay, and the strong smell of burnt meat filled the forest.

"Stop pretending, Yu Huadu." Zuo Yu said with a chuckle, "I am in a good mood tonight. I can make an exception and spare your life. As long as you hand over your skills, I will let you go down the mountain. How about it?"

As soon as he said this, the fear on the little Taoist boy's face disappeared.

Instead, there was uncertainty and uncertainty.

Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows, stretched out three fingers, and said calmly: "I will only give you three seconds to think about it, one..."

"I agreed!"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Huadu decisively agreed.

As one of the two most prominent people in the Luotian Dajiao, Zuo Yu's information is the focus of their investigation.

According to the information he learned, this person has a naughty personality and a bad taste. Who knows if he can directly count from one to three. Yu Huadu would not dare to risk his own life on the other person's bad taste.

"You are decisive."

Zuo Yu curled her lips, a little disappointed.

Seeing the look on Zuo Yu's face, Yu Hua's poisonous heart turned out to be true.

So he quickly offered up his skills, as if he was afraid that the other party would regret it.

Zuo Yu took the technique, flipped it over casually, and waved his hand after confirming it was correct.



Yu Huadu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned around and ran away.

Although this guy has a bad character, he will still keep his promise.

After Yu Huadu left, Zuo Yu glanced at his back, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Xu Si's number: "I installed a tracker on Yu Huadu, go and catch him yourself!"

After saying that, Zuo Yu ignored Xu Si's response, hung up the phone and left here.

Not long after, the figure leaping in the forest suddenly stopped.

Zuo Yu stood on the thick branches holding the trunk of the tree, looking strangely at the open space in the forest below.

There, Zhang Lingyu, wearing a white Taoist robe, was glowing with golden light, glaring at the woman standing in front of him.

It was a woman with long pink hair. Her upper body was wearing a tight T-shirt with the word HEX printed on it. The white thin cloth outlined the amazing curvature of her chest. Her lower body was wearing a pair of ultra-short jeans, revealing two slender legs. White thighs.

At this moment, she was standing very close to Zhang Lingyu, with her hands wearing black leather gloves on her slender waist, her red lips slightly raised, looking at Zhang Lingyu in front of her with a half-smile.

Looking at that delicate face that seemed both lustful and pure, Zhang Lingyu looked cold.

"Xia He, get out of the way!"


Xia He curled his lips, and then suddenly approached Zhang Lingyu.

A refreshing yet seductive fragrance rushed into Zhang Lingyu's nose, making him feel a little dazed for a moment.

"You're fat~"

Xia He stretched out his hand with a smile and pinched Zhang Lingyu's face.

Zhang Lingyu came to his senses instantly, slapped Xia He's palm away, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't touch me! I won't settle our accounts with you today! Get out of the way!"

Faced with Zhang Lingyu's tough attitude, Xia He showed no concern, and even the smile on his face did not change.

Zhang Lingyu frowned tightly, and just when he was about to continue speaking, the woman in front of him rushed into his arms with a scent of fragrance.

"If you want to help your fellow disciples, you have to pass my level first."

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, the atmosphere in the forest instantly became ambiguous.

Zhang Lingyu gritted his teeth, grabbed Xia He's jade arm and pushed him out.

"You! Let go!"

"Don't make me use force to you!"

Looking at this immoral scene in the open space below, Zuo Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Since ancient times, heroes have had trouble with beauty. The ancients have never deceived me!"

Slightly emotional words floated from above, causing Zhang Lingyu and Xia He to freeze.


Zhang Lingyu suddenly raised his head, his face alert and nervous.

Zuo Yu jumped down and landed lightly not far from the two of them.

"...It turns out to be Brother Zuo!"

The vigilance on Zhang Lingyu's face disappeared, replaced by shame and shame that could not be concealed.

Looking at Zhang Lingyu and Xia He in his arms, Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows and winked and said: "Master Lingyu, I can't tell, but you are having a great time!"

"This...Brother Zuo, you misunderstood!"

Zhang Lingyu was so embarrassed that she quickly blushed and explained hesitantly.

But Zuo Yu kept smiling and saying nothing, with a look of 'I understand, I understand everything'.

Seeing that the explanation didn't make sense, Zhang Lingyu gritted his teeth and couldn't help but whisper in Xia He's ear.

"Xia He, why don't you let go!"

"Do you have to embarrass me in front of my friends?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Lingyu noticed that the delicate body in his arms trembled, and felt something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, Xia He raised his head, looked at Zhang Lingyu's face so close at hand and said softly: "So, is it embarrassing for you to be with me?"


Zhang Lingyu fell silent.

He wanted to accuse Xia He of joining the Quanxing, becoming one of the Four Madnesses of Quanxing, and relying on his ability to earn the title of Bone Scraper, which he was ashamed to mention. But in front of Zuo Yu, he really said this. Not exported.

First, he didn't want Zuo Yu to know Xia He's identity.

Secondly, he didn't want to belittle and accuse Xia He in front of his friends.

Seeing that the atmosphere was deadlocked, Zuo Yu thought of warming up the atmosphere for everyone.

So he stretched out a hand, looked at the two of them and asked with a chuckle: "Master Lingyu, you seem to be a little distressed. Do you need me to help you swing your sword to kill Qingsi?"

Before he finished speaking, blazing flames rose from his palms, instantly turning the ambiguous atmosphere in the forest into a hot steamer.


Zhang Lingyu's eyes widened and she grabbed Xia He's arm without hesitation and pulled her behind him.

"Brother Zuo! Listen to my explanation!"

Looking at the anxious look on Zhang Lingyu's face and his subconscious reaction to pull her behind him, Xia He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, stretched out his arms, and hugged Zhang Lingyu from behind.

A familiar soft touch came from his back. Zhang Lingyu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Xia He, what are you doing? Now is not the time to lose your temper!"

"Zhang Lingyu, I'm not losing my temper."

Xia He leaned on his back and whispered: "Can't you see? There is no murderous intention in him."

Zhang Lingyu was startled when he heard this and couldn't help turning his head to look at Zuo Yu.

Zuo Yu pouted, put away the rising flames in his palms, looked at Zhang Lingyu and joked with interest: "Master Lingyu, I really didn't expect that the woman who took your first blood and made you unable to learn Yang Wu Lei is actually Xia He, the complete bone scraper!"

Zhang Lingyu was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Zuo, why are you..."

"Okay, don't ask!" Zuo Yu waved his hand to interrupt Zhang Lingyu's words, glanced at Xia He behind him and said lightly, "For the sake of your face, Master Lingyu, I will spare her life, please hurry up and save her life." Send her down the mountain!"

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