Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 229 Dragon Slayer Legolas

While Zhao Lihe and others were working on fixing the portal, Lin Zhongtian was also playing in the world of The Lord of the Rings with gusto.

As Geralt, he followed Gandalf to attend the White Council, where he met the white-robed wizard Saruman, the elf lord Eldron who founded Rivendell, and the lord wife of Lothlórien, Kay Lantrell.

The three of them were all very surprised by Lin Zhongtian's appearance, but with Gandalf's guarantee, they accepted Lin Zhongtian's existence.

Finally, under the strong advice of Gandalf and Lin Zhongtian, the White Council decided to attack Dol Guldur. Lin Zhongtian pretended to participate, and together with Gandalf and other members of the White Council, they repel Sauron disguised as a necromancer.

Afterwards, the members of the White Council left one after another and began to act alone.

Gandalf borrowed a fast horse and planned to go to the Lonely Mountain to warn his friends.

Lin Zhongtian said that he wanted to pursue the escaped dark power north, but in fact, he gave up the disguise of the demon hunter Geralt and quietly arrived at the Lonely Mountain before Gandalf.

After arriving at the Lonely Mountain, a beautiful blackbird landed on his shoulder and told him the adventure story of Legolas in a sweet song.

After defeating the pursuing Orc army, Legolas, Bilbo and his party bypassed the Woodland Kingdom and successfully arrived at Lake Town.

In the original book, Thorin fell into the ancestral dragon disease (i.e., a fanatical greed for treasure) in the Lonely Mountain, which led Legolas not to trust Thorin's promise in Mirkwood, so he quietly left Bilbo He and the dwarves went to the lonely mountain Erebor alone, preparing to slay the dragon alone and retrieve the white diamond necklace of the Elf King Thranduil.

The dwarves who stayed in Lake Town had to steal food because they lost Legolas' wallet, but were discovered by the humans in the town.

In desperation, Thorin could only reveal his identity, claiming that he was a descendant of the King under the Mountain, and threatened to return from this trip to regain Lonely Mountain. If the citizens of Changhu Town are willing to help them, then when Lonely Mountain is destroyed When he regains it, he will share the treasures in the lonely mountain with Changhu Town.

As soon as these words came out, Thorin, Bilbo and his party were warmly welcomed by the townspeople.

They held a celebration banquet for Thorin and others, gave them a large amount of supplies and weapons, and sent them off to Changhu Town.

At the same time, Legolas entered Erebor alone from the main gate and bravely fought the dragon Smaug head-on.

But Smaug is, after all, the most powerful evil dragon in the Third Age. Even in the small space of Erebor Palace, Smaug still showed a powerful and flexible figure. His hard and thick golden-red dragon scales, Even Legolas' ice arrows couldn't completely penetrate it.

Seeing that he was at a disadvantage in the battle, Legolas could only risk his own life and deliberately resisted Smaug's tail whip. Relying on the powerful defense of the blue-patterned silver armor, Smaug thought that he had suffered a serious injury, and he showed his pride. He found his own weakness - the place where the dragon scales fell off on his left chest.

Just when Legolas was about to succeed, Bilbo and the dwarves entered Erebor through a secret passage.

The sudden appearance of a large number of strange smells caught Smaug's attention. He was worried that his treasure would be stolen by thieves, so he abandoned Legolas and flew in the direction from which the smell came.

Legolas was very angry, but at this point, he had no choice but to search for the white diamond necklace in the vast ocean of treasures.

Afterwards, Smaug discovered Bilbo and the dwarves, and angrily sprayed dragon flames at them. However, Bilbo and the dwarves relied on their short and flexible bodies and the narrow secret passages to avoid them.

Even if dragon flames spray into the secret passage, they will rush towards the vents and cannot hurt them at all.

After entangled for a long time, Smaug was angered. He thought these annoying thieves were thieves sent by Lake Town, so he flew out of the Lonely Mountain angrily and prepared to go to Lake Town to destroy them.

During this time, Legolas finally found the white diamond necklace, took it with him, and staggered away from the Lonely Mountain, intending to go to Lake Town to slay the dragon.

On the way, they met Bilbo and Thorin. The former was surprised that he survived in the dragon's mouth, but the latter led the dwarves to draw their swords against each other, firmly stating that all the treasures in the Lonely Mountain belong to him, the descendant of the king under the mountain. , Legolas is not qualified to take him away. If he wants to leave the Lonely Mountain, he must accept the search of the dwarves and leave behind all the treasures stolen from the Lonely Mountain.

Legolas recounted Thorin's promise in Mirkwood, but Thorin refused to fulfill the promise because the other party had abandoned him.

Legolas angrily said that he just knew Thorin would regret it, so he left quietly, but Thorin said that he left the team first, so he regretted it.

The two sides couldn't argue, so they started fighting.

But the dwarves who had just fought with Smaug were far from a match for Legolas, who had the bonus of an artifact. If Bilbo had not intervened in time to dissuade him, Thorin and the dwarves would have died under the arrows of the angry Legolas.

After leaving the Lonely Mountain, Legolas dragged his exhausted body to Lake Town. Finally, with the help of Bard, the son of the former Lord of Riverdale City, Girion, he successfully shot an ice arrow into Smaug's chest, but at the same time, he He also suffered heavy injuries. The armor on his body was shattered under Smaug's claws, and his whole body was burned by the hot dragon flames. He is still unconscious.

Bard, who was lucky enough to survive, took Legolas home and asked his son Bain to take care of the great dragon slayer for him. He himself took on the responsibility of the leader in place of the escaped mayor and resettled the people who destroyed his family. The refugees then led the remaining soldiers and civilians of Changhu Town to Gushan.

Before slaying the dragon, Legolas had promised to compensate Lake Town for one-fifteenth of his share of the Lonely Mountain treasure.

Bard and the human army went on this trip to demand this huge compensation from Thorin and the dwarves.

In order to better achieve his goal, Bard also sent a messenger to the Elf King Thranduil of the Woodland Kingdom to tell him that Legolas had retrieved the white diamond necklace. At the same time, he used the name of the temporary mayor of Long Lake Town to Ask Thranduil for help in name.

Looking at the messenger riding a fast horse towards the dark forest, Lin Zhongtian suddenly thought of a question, that is, will the Elf King Thranduil of this world personally lead the army to participate in the Battle of the Five Armies?

Faced with Lin Zhongtian's doubts, Thrush said regretfully that he might not be able to do so.

The Battle of the Five Armies is a classic battle in The Hobbit. The five armies are the dwarf armies of the Lonely Mountain and Iron Hills, the Silvan Elf army of the Woodland Kingdom, the human army of Lake Town, and the Orcs of the Mist Mountains. army and Gambardo’s army of wargs,

Among the five armies, the most powerful ones are naturally the 3,000 elven spearmen and archers led by Elf King Thranduil.

These elves once participated in the Battle of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Era, and suffered heavy casualties in the war with the Dark Nomanur and Mordor. Oropher, the father of the current Elf King Thranduil, was also in this battle. When the remaining elves returned to their hometown, no Orc army dared to stop this army of elves who were immersed in endless sorrow.

In the original work, Thranduil led his army to participate in the Battle of the Five Armies because of the White Diamond Necklace.

But in this world, the white diamond necklace has been taken away by Legolas, and Thranduil thought he had lost everything because he lost his wife and son. The woodland kingdom and the elven people under its rule became everything he had for the rest of his life. .

Under such circumstances, Thranduil naturally did not want to lose even one more elven clansman.

"So the Battle of the Five Armies is going to become the Battle of the Four Armies?"

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, looked at the thrush on his shoulder and teased: "Aren't you going to take care of it?"

The Thrush shook his head. Even He would not let Thranduil forcefully join the battle in this situation, because it was not in line with His sense of beauty.

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "But Thranduil's elven army is the absolute main force in the Battle of the Five Armies. Without the main force, how do you plan to let the dwarves and humans win?"

A human smile appeared in the thrush's eyes.

Lin Zhongtian said in surprise: "You don't want me to take action, do you?"

Thrush shook its petite head, turned to look in the direction of Changhu Town, and said in a sweet voice: "The test is over. Don't you plan to let your new members see the power of the Traveler Alliance?"

"He will realize it sooner or later."

"That's not what I meant." Thrush shook his head and said with a chuckle, "The alliance members under your command should also have their own forces. How about letting them fill the vacancies in the elf army?"

"The elf who is about to become a time traveler has summoned an army from another world. This story sounds quite interesting..."

"Did I hear you correctly?" Lin Zhongtian said in surprise, "Are you going to let my alliance members interfere with your music?"

"You heard it right, my friend." Thrush said with a smile in his eyes, "Help me finish writing this story, and I will give your alliance of time travelers the freedom to participate in the movement, and even allow them to establish a Power, how about it?”

"Besides, after watching the show for so long, do you really not want this story to end perfectly?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "What about your Ainu Great Movement? Aren't you afraid of being disturbed by my alliance members?"

The thrush laughed and said meaningfully: "Don't underestimate yourself, my friend. After all, the Ainu are only my creations. How can the music they play compare to your singing..."

Does it mean that the music will be more beautiful with the intervention of him and the Traveler Alliance?

are you sure?

Just those guys in the league?

No matter how you think, they can only make the style of Middle-earth even more ruined!

Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Okay, as long as you don't care, of course I have no problem, but my alliance members are not your creations, and you can't exert the correction power of fate on them. "

"Okay, this is our agreement."

The thrush agreed without hesitation, but then he smiled and said: "In that case, I also have to attach a condition."

Lin Zhongtian asked: "What are the conditions?"

The thrush smiled and said nothing.

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that his power was being suppressed.

He frowned, raised his hand, and endless golden lightning poured out from his palm. At first, the golden lightning was as thick as a bucket, but after it left the body surface twenty or thirty centimeters, it became as thin as a hair. dense lightning.

Both its power and range have been greatly weakened.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but look surprised.

"What's this?"

"The Great Barrier of Ilúvatar." Thrush said softly, "From now on, Middle-earth will be protected by the barrier, and any otherworldly power will be restricted by the barrier, including your alliance members and those who Thermal weapons that upset the balance of war.”

Lin Zhongtian said in surprise: "Thermal weapons will also be weakened?"

The thrush chuckled and said: "Of course. Although death and life are just two states of life to me, the elves and humans in this world are my children and creations after all. You don't think that as a parent, you will allow it?" Is your child being bullied by outsiders without any resistance?"


Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows and suddenly punched out.


The air was instantly exploded, and the rolling air waves turned into violent winds and surged in all directions.

Feeling the oncoming shock wave, Lin Zhongtian showed a smile on his face.

Very good, the physical body has been weakened very slightly, so there shouldn't be any big problem!

In Lake Town, thick black smoke rises from the ruins destroyed by the evil dragon Smaug.

The old, weak, women and children of the townspeople gathered in the corners that were not destroyed, taking care of the wounded who were affected by the dragon flames and collapsed houses.

In a house that was temporarily used as a shelter for the wounded, a brown-haired boy in a hunting suit sat on a chair, carefully wiping the alloy compound bow in front of him with a washed white cloth. Occasionally he raised his head and glanced at the hospital bed. The eyes of the unconscious and handsome elf were full of admiration and adoration.

It was this heroic elf who slayed the evil dragon that was ravaging Changhu Town in front of him.

And the weapon he used was this strange-looking divine bow in the young man's hand!

"Dragon Slayer, what a majestic title!"

"I don't know if I can become a hero like you in the future..."

The boy wiped the compound bow in his hand and muttered to himself to the unconscious Legolas.

"Can I come in please?"

A polite voice came from the opened door.

The young man was slightly startled, quickly grabbed the divine bow, and looked warily at the human who suddenly appeared at the door.

The man was wearing silver armor and had a handsome face. At first glance, he was not a local of Changhu Town.

"Who are you?"

The young man placed his right hand on the bow string and asked with a vigilant expression.

"Child, don't be nervous." Lin Zhongtian smiled, walked into the room, looked at the unconscious elf on the bed and said softly, "I am his friend."

"Friend?" The young man looked surprised, "But you are human!"

"What's wrong with humans? Humans can't be friends with elves. Isn't your father also his friend?"

"That's because they slayed a dragon together!"

The young man puffed up his chest with a hint of pride in his tone.

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