Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 262 The factory-new time traveler soul

Time flies, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Zuo Yu took Chen Feng to visit the current umbrella company.

Seeing the safe and stable version of the T-virus serum developed by Alice, the protagonist of the movie, in the hive, Chen Feng seemed a little moved.

But when Zuo Yu joked about giving him one, Chen Feng immediately and decisively refused.

Zuo Yu could tell that this guy didn't really trust things like virus serum.

Under the influence of Chen Fenggou's character, this guy didn't do anything out of the ordinary and passed the seven-day review period without any trouble.

Zuo Yu submitted an application report, and Chen Feng’s qualifications were reviewed and approved by the alliance.

So, seven days later, Zuo Yu officially showed off his identity as a time traveler and invited him to join the Traveler Alliance.

Chen Feng had long seen the silver light portal standing in the center of the hive, so he had expected it, accepted the reality without thinking, and followed Zuo Yu back to the Traveler Alliance.

At this time, Zhao Lihe had returned to the Daxia world.

Daenerys, Ye Xun and others are also busy in their own world.

The only remaining members of the Traveler Alliance are Lin Zhongtian, Bailang and Legolas.

Considering Chen Feng's character, Zuo Yu estimated that this guy would join the glorious camp of the Left Behind Alliance just like Bailang.

After Zuo Yu and Vukong's introduction, Chen Feng had a preliminary understanding of the Traveler Alliance.

But the world he lives in has been controlled by Zuo Yu, so there is no start-up capital for souvenirs.

Fortunately, the alliance benefits are quite comprehensive. Even if you don't have start-up funds, you can quickly become stronger through practice.

Faced with the numerous techniques in the [Tibetan Scripture Pavilion], Chen Feng chose "Liuku Immortal Thief" without hesitation.

Looking at the blue-skin secret book in his hand, Chen Feng asked with some worry: "What if I don't have the talent to practice Qi?"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. The soul of a time traveler is naturally powerful, and it has also been infiltrated by the power of gray mist. It can quickly adapt to various forces. Even if you are an exception, it doesn't matter. Alliance A modified Slim Furnace can help you get your foot in the door.”

Chen Feng immediately asked: "Does the Slimming Furnace have any side effects?"

Zuo Yu shook his head and said: "No side effects have been found yet, but..."

Chen Feng said nervously: "But what?"

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "Using the alliance's self-cultivation furnace requires an activation fee of 100 gray mist coins. This is all your belongings."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out it's just this. That doesn't matter. I remember that the task rules mentioned by Void include the option of working for other alliance members. I can work for you. At most, you can eat meat, and I can just drink soup. Already..."

Zuo Yu was speechless: "You are really open-minded..."

Chen Feng sighed and said: "This is what old workers are like."

Zuo Yu thought for a moment: "You have a PhD in bioengineering, right? It's better to go find Zhao Lihe and Wang Chuyi. The former has just unified China and is experiencing rapid development. He should be able to use your expertise. The latter is developing The Northern Expedition to fight against the Jin Dynasty also needs the help of time-travelers."

Chen Feng thought for a while and decisively chose Zhao Lihe's Daxia Dynasty.

Zuo Yu knew that he would choose this way, so she helped him connect with Zhao Lihe.

Zhao Lihe heard that a new time traveler member was coming to work for him and wanted to help his fellow villagers, so he agreed with a smile.

But when he heard that Chen Feng was a Ph.D. in bioengineering and had participated in the famous Biosphere 2 experiment, his eyes immediately lit up and he hurried back to the Alliance from Daxia World to chat enthusiastically with Dr. Chen Feng.

The so-called Biosphere 2 experiment is the world's largest closed artificial ecological cycle system experiment.

Its superficial purpose is to simulate the earth's ecological environment and establish a complete artificial ecological cycle system, while its deeper purpose is to provide a blueprint for humans to break out of the earth and establish a complete ecological system in the universe.

Although the Biosphere 2 experiment failed, the accumulated experience is what Zhao Lihe needs very much.

He purchased an oversized crystal ball some time ago and is currently trying to build a complete ecosystem and turn it into an independent space for the military to live for a long time.

Once the plan is complete, he won't have to move his troops slowly through fixed portals.

You can completely rely on the crystal ball to carry your army with you and conduct large-scale, ultra-long-distance cross-border marches.

Zhao Lihe originally planned to do his own research first, but if he couldn't do it anymore, he would ask Zuo Yu for help in recruiting talents.

But now, a bioengineering doctor who had participated in the Biosphere 2 experiment appeared in front of him, and he was also a member of the alliance. The dual identities were superimposed and instantly solved Zhao Lihe's troubles.

The look confirmed that he is the talent I want!

Zhao Lihe had a great conversation with Dr. Chen Feng. He even left Zuo Yu and invited Dr. Chen Feng to dinner and talk in detail.

Looking at the backs of the two chatting passionately, Zuo Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and silently turned around to prepare to return to the world of rapid pursuit.

Bai Lang came after hearing the news at this time, clamoring that he wanted to meet King Gou of the Resident Evil world.

Zuo Yu showed him the way, and then returned to the world of Chase.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his brows and looked at the ceiling in surprise. His dark red eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the building and the space barrier and see the rolling sea of ​​gray fog in the sky.

In the gray fog sea, silver light flashed out of thin air.

A comatose human male body fell from the silver light into the billowing sea of ​​mist.

The surrounding sea of ​​fog was like sharks that smelled the smell of blood, and they rushed toward the man one after another.

In an instant, the great will as vast as the sea descended here, and the boundless sea of ​​gray fog solidified immediately, and then quickly retreated in all directions like time went back, revealing the hollow in the center and the human body suspended in the air.

Although there was no longer the threat of gray fog, the empty void still killed this human body instantly.

Lin Zhongtian instantly moved in front of this human being, put the remaining soul in the corpse into the crystal ball, and then turned his head with bright eyes to look at the place where this person appeared.


Silent roars echoed in the gray fog, and the space with a radius of hundreds of miles instantly shattered, revealing the extremely dark nothingness outside the void gap.

Lin Zhongtian's subjective consciousness is like a curtain covering the sky, instantly covering all space within a hundred miles.

But it is a pity that he did not find the possible home world. It seemed that the other party traveled to the void gap through another method, not through spatial coordinates.

"how so……"

Lin Zhongtian was a little unwilling. He expanded the search scope several times, but still did not find that world. Instead, he found several new worlds in the heavens.

These worlds all have an aura soaked in gray mist, indicating that there is at least one traveler in them.

But this also shows that these worlds are not the home world he imagined.

"Anyway, let's go in and take a look first!"

Lin Zhongtian made up his mind and chose the nearest world to enter.

When he entered that world, the clone Zuo Yu's figure instantly appeared at his location, and reached out to catch the crystal ball suspended in the void.

Looking at the sleeping soul in the crystal ball, Zuo Yu frowned slightly.

His subjective consciousness has scanned this person's soul and memory.

It's a pity that this guy was in a coma when he traveled through time. He has no idea how he traveled through time. Moreover, his soul strength is far inferior to that of a real alliance member. He should be the kind of person who would be disintegrated by the erosion of gray mist. Unlucky guy.

So, what should he do with this lucky wretch?

Zuo Yu thought for a moment and returned to the world of rapid pursuit with this soul.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the fast tide lapped against the hard and wet rocks.

Around the steep black cliffs, there are scattered many black rocks protruding from the sea. The waves roll on the edge of the rocks and foam. The surrounding area is desolate. Apart from the endless sea, only these rugged black rocks remain.

Suddenly, silver light appeared out of thin air.

A tall figure wearing silver armor appeared above the reef, and the cool breeze with the smell of sea blew his cheeks and hair.

Looking at the desolate scene in front of him, Lin Zhongtian frowned, and his distracted spiritual consciousness spread like a vast tide.

This time, he was not interested in exploring slowly. Instead, he directly used his spiritual consciousness to cover a radius of hundreds of miles, and easily found traces of human beings and civilization.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhongtian showed a disappointed look on his face.

According to the human cities scanned by his spiritual consciousness, it seems that this place is still in the twentieth century, and it is in the sea near the United Kingdom. It is not the place where the soul of the brand-new time traveler comes from...

Lin Zhongtian sighed slightly in his heart.

Obviously, this is not the hometown of time travellers.

But fortunately, he didn't get nothing.

At least, he now knows the identity of this world.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian cast his gaze forward.

There, there is a steep black rock wall, and below the rock wall, there is a dark crack like a knife mark. Through the crack, you can see the long dark passage inside, as well as the cold and cold air emanating from it. Dark breath.

At the end of the dark passage, there is an endless black lake as smooth as a mirror. In the center of the lake is a flat black stone slab with a stone basin filled with emerald green liquid.

At the bottom of the stone basin, there is a regular octagonal locket.

I read that some book friends said that the writing has been too brief recently. Well, let me sort out the plot behind it and try to make each copy neither too long nor too short. Therefore, there should be only two updates today.

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