Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 269 Polyjuice Potion

"Then let's try to communicate first. I happened to bring a quill and ink..."

Fana said softly, and then took out a quill and ink bottle from her schoolbag.

Ender took the quill, opened the diary, and wrote a line on the blank page with the ink tip.

"Who are you?"

The black ink stayed on the page for less than a second, then was absorbed by the paper and disappeared without a trace.

Ender dipped his ink again and wrote on the blank page: "I know something is in the journal, come out and meet me."

Similarly, this line of text also flickered on the paper and was sucked in without leaving a trace.

Seeing this scene, Ender nodded slightly, inserted the quill back into the inkwell, and waited for Tom Riddle's response.

Soon, a line of black writing seeped out on the blank page, using the same ink that had just been sucked into the paper.

"Ender Kerr, I know your secret."

Looking at the black ink writing that suddenly appeared on the paper, Ander and Fana couldn't help but look at each other.

This guy really came for him!

Accompanied by Fana, Ender continued chatting with Tom Riddle for a while.

He found that this guy seemed to have learned a lot of information related to him through some means.

For example, Ender's pair of Death Eater parents, as well as his own powerful black magic talent, etc...

Perhaps because he felt that he had mastered Ender's secret, Tom Riddle changed his previous caution and continued to use words to seduce Ender, saying that he could make him the true heir of Slytherin and train him to succeed Voldemort. The next Dark Lord after that.

It has to be said that the conditions proposed by Tom Riddle are very attractive.

But Ender understood that this guy's real purpose was just to control himself.

Ender dealt with Tom Riddle carefully, pretending to be very moved by his proposal, but at the same time expressing doubts about the identity of the heir to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago.

Finally, feeling that the time was right, Tom Riddle promised to take him to the secret room to prove his identity.

Ender closed the notebook, looked at Fana and chuckled: "The deception is successful, the next step is to ask him to take us into the secret room to deal with the basilisk. Do you have anything to prepare in advance?"

"I've already prepared what I need to prepare. All I have to do is go back and get it - and you, do you want me to prepare one for you?"

"No need, as long as there are no outsiders watching, I have my own way to deal with the basilisk."

Looking at the confident look on Ander's face, Fana nodded lightly without insisting.

The two discussed in a low voice again for a while, and then left as usual.

Back in the auditorium, Fana thought that her classmates would look at her strangely and whisper about her relationship with Ender, but she did not expect that these children did not do this and seemed not to notice him at all. .

Looking at the students who were tense, chatting in low voices, and seemed very nervous, Fana couldn't help but frown.

"What happened?"

Fana asked Luna in a low voice.

Luna glanced at her and said softly: "I heard from the students who came back from the infirmary that Colin Creevey was attacked last night and is currently lying stiffly on the hospital bed like Mrs. Norris..."

Colin Creevey?

The name Luna said flashed through Fana's mind, and related memories were instantly retrieved.

This person is a first-year student of Gryffindor House and an avid fan of Harry Potter. During the Chamber of Secrets incident, Colin Creevey was attacked by a basilisk because of his Muggle origin. Fortunately, he was attacked by a basilisk because of his Muggle origin. Because of his hobby, he always carries a camera. He also saw the basilisk's deadly eyes through the medium of the camera, so he was only petrified and did not die.

...It seems that Colin in this world has not been able to escape the fate of being petrified by the basilisk.

Fana sighed quietly in her heart.

At the same time, the news quickly spread throughout Hogwarts, and everyone was talking about it.

For a time, all kinds of rumors spread wildly in the school. All the Muggle-born students began to become suspicious. The first-year students even moved in groups, fearing that they would be the next ones to suffer. The person who attacked.

"They all said that the secret room left by Slytherin has been opened, and the monsters coming out of it will drive all Muggle-born wizards and squibs who cannot use magic out of Hogwarts, or kill them... "

"So you bought this smelly green onion?"

Ron looked at Neville Lombard speechlessly, who was exuding a strange smell, shook his head and said: "Is it possible, I mean possible, that you are from a pure-blood family and are not the target of that monster's attack?"

"Ha ha!"

The Gryffindor students burst into laughter.

Neville, however, looked serious and said in a fearful tone: "They attacked the administrator Argus Filch first. Everyone knows that I am almost a squib..."

Not far away, Fana of Ravenclaw glanced at him, thinking that she would never be able to let her sister Hannah marry him in the future.

Soon, the day's classes passed, and Fana returned to Ravenclaw's tower, took all the things she had prepared in advance, and headed to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, which was the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

But when she came to the bathroom door, she found that Ander had already arrived there, and his face seemed a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Fana held an owl and walked over with her schoolbag.

Ender glanced at her and sighed: "We're late, Harry and the others are hiding inside making Polyjuice Potion."

Fana frowned: "Now...then what should we do, wait until they finish and leave?"

Ender thought for a while, looked at Fana and said, "You also have Polyjuice Potion, right?"

Fana was startled for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, and it's a ready-made polyjuice potion. It only needs the last step, which is the part of the person you want to change, such as hair or nails..."

"That's good!"

A smile appeared on Ender's face.

In the small single room of the bathroom, there was a cauldron on the toilet. There was a constant crackling sound coming from the toilet below. It was a fire that was made waterproof by magic. Hermione was very good at this.

"Colin was also attacked. We'd better get Malfoy to confess as soon as possible."

Ron said angrily: "Believe me, Malfoy has been depressed since losing to Harry in the Quidditch match. He must have vented his anger on Colin. Everyone knows that Colin is your fanatic." fan."

Harry watched Hermione tear up bunches of amphorae and throw them into the potion. He hesitated and said softly, "Dobby came to see me in the middle of the night."

Ron and Hermione both looked up in surprise, and Harry took a deep breath and told him everything Dobby the elf had told him.

Hermione was surprised after hearing this: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?"

"It's clear now!" Ron said in a positive tone, "It must be Malfoy whose father opened the Chamber of Secrets when he was in school, and now he taught it to his dear son, little Draco... But Harry, Dobby Have you ever told you what kind of monster is in the secret room? I really don’t understand it. It’s sneaking around the school, but no one noticed it?”

"Maybe it can make itself invisible," Hermione said as she threw the leech into the cauldron. "Or it can disguise itself. I've read about a similar monster in a book that can turn itself into a piece of armor. …”

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the single room of the bathroom.

The three Harrys immediately closed their mouths and looked at each other nervously.

"who is it?"

Ron lowered his voice and looked a little nervous.

Hermione glared at him and motioned for him to be silent.

The next second, the familiar voices of three people came from the single room next to the bathroom.

"I already know, you did it, you did it, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, the dead rooster in the school, and Mrs. Norris and Colin Creevey who were attacked, it was all you. Manipulating what I did!”

"I can never be your puppet again!"

Accompanied by shouts of panic and sobbing, the toilet in the next room was pressed.

With the sound of water running, the people who entered the bathroom left in a panic.

The three Harrys stared at each other with their eyes widened.

When the footsteps faded away, Ron finally couldn't help but whisper: "It's Ginny, I will never hear you wrong!"

Harry frowned tightly and said, "I heard it too, she is your sister Ginny Weasley!"

Ron said with some astonishment: "So Malfoy is not the heir to open the Chamber of Secrets, but Ginny is?"

Hermione glared at him and whispered: "What on earth are you listening to? Ginny's words clearly mean that something controlled her to do this!"

Harry then asked: "What on earth is that?"

Ron swallowed and asked cautiously: "How about... go out and take a look?"

The three of them looked at each other, and Hermione extinguished the flame in the toilet and boldly walked out of the cubicle with Harry and Ron.

Opening the single room next door, Ron held his nose and lifted the toilet seat, and saw a black book soaked in water.

"This is... a diary?"

Harry and the three couldn't help but look at each other.

Five minutes later, the three little ones packed up the cauldron and potion ingredients and quietly left the bathroom with this windfall.

Looking at the sneaky backs of the three of them, Fana, who was hiding in another corner on the third floor, twitched her lips and turned to look at Ginny behind her.

"I can't tell, but your acting skills are pretty good."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Ginny or Ender replied angrily, and then her appearance and height changed rapidly, from a short girl to a tall and thin boy.

Fana watched his changes and said softly: "But is it really okay to just hand the diary to them?"

Ender shook his head and said, "I no longer need the diary. Tom Riddle taught me two Parseltongue phrases. These two phrases are enough to open the secret room and see the basilisk. There is no need to follow He is vain and submissive."

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