Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 271 Undead Army vs. Basilisk

Behind the stone door on the wall is an empty and dim palace. There are many thick pillars standing on both sides of the hall. The pillars are carved with coiled and entangled snakes. The ceiling is so high that the top cannot be seen and can only be melted into the darkness. The dim light shines from an unknown place, casting strange black shadows on the thick stone pillars.

In this empty palace, every step can produce a hollow but loud echo.

This empty atmosphere should have been very scary, but with Ender's army of Inferi as the vanguard, it immediately became lively.

The noisy footsteps continued to echo in the palace, and Fana couldn't help but say: "When Salazar Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets, he probably never thought that one day so many people would come into his Chamber of Secrets, right?"

If these inferi can be considered humans...

Ender smiled when he heard this, and then he seemed to see something and quickly waved his wand.

In an instant, the advancing army of Inferi suddenly stopped, and the entire palace became quiet again.

Fana followed Ender's gaze and looked ahead, only to see a towering statue standing there with its head on the ceiling. He had an old face full of wrinkles, a sparse and curly long beard, and a wizard's robe carved from stone. , are gray feet wearing nothing.

"This should be the statue of Salazar Slytherin!"

Ander said softly, then turned to look at Anna: "Get ready..."

Fana nodded, and the grizzly bear beneath her immediately spread its limbs and carried her to a stone pillar.

Ender raised his head, looked at the tall statue in front of him, and imitated the second sentence Tom Riddle taught him.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four!"

As soon as the words fell, a loud rumble came from the huge Slytherin statue.

The originally solemn stone face slowly opened its mouth, and a gloomy and hoarse hissing sound came from his mouth, as if something was crawling upwards from the depths of the statue.


Ender perked up and hid nervously behind his army of Inferi.

With a rustling crawling sound, a giant snake dozens of meters long crawled out from the mouth of the Slytherin statue and fell to the dusty hard ground with a loud roar.

Ender immediately closed his eyes tightly and put on the blindfold Fana gave him, observing only through the perspective of the Inferi.

The basilisk's gaze was deadly, but Ender's army of Inferi had long since died and naturally could not die again.

However, the effect of petrification still exists. Not to mention the Inferi, even ghosts will be petrified by the gaze of the Basilisk.

But the prerequisite for petrification is to look into the basilisk's yellow snake eyes.

Before Ender took action, he had ordered all the Inferi to remove their eyes. Without the eyes, they would naturally be unable to look at the basilisk, and the basilisk's deadly gaze would be completely useless.

Nearly a thousand inferi had lost their eyes, and Ender had spent a lot of money to deal with the basilisk.

However, as long as you can kill the basilisk and get its body, all the sacrifices will be worth it!

As for the lack of eyes, how could Ender observe the basilisk from the perspective of the Inferi.

Then let’s talk about the dozen bats flying above the army of Inferi!

As we all know, bats live in dark caves for a long time and are mainly active at night. Therefore, they rely on their unique echolocation ability to determine the location of external objects and themselves.

In order to deal with the basilisk, Ender specially caught many bats during his summer vacation, blinded their eyes, and turned them into inferi.

The purpose is to be able to accurately judge the position and actions of the basilisk even when vision is lost.

Through the unique perspective of the Inferi Bat, Ender closed his eyes tightly and controlled the army of Inferi to attack the basilisk.

Basilisks have a very keen sense of smell, and the thousand-year-old basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets can even use its nose to identify Muggle blood in wizards.

Because of this, it had no intention of taking action originally, because the last order it received was to attack students with Muggle blood. However, Ender and Fana who came to the secret room were both pure-blood wizards and were not within its attack range. within.

But when the first Inferi roared towards it and clawed at its snakeskin with its dark claws, the basilisk became angry.

It was seen raising its huge head high, swallowing a scarlet snake letter that was the size of an adult's arm, and its pair of bright yellow snake eyes angrily glanced at the annoying insect-like corpses around it.

But for some reason, its all-conquering and deadly gaze lost its effect in front of these Inferi.

The dense army of Inferi rushed forward one after another. Some Inferi waved their claws and grabbed onto its snake skin and fine scales. Some Inferi opened their smelly mouths and bit hard on its body. Others stepped on their companions. body, hands and feet, crawling up the body of the basilisk.

For a time, the basilisk was covered with inferi, like cheese dipped in honey, and covered with dense ants.


The basilisk swallowed the scarlet snake tongue and shook its head and tail angrily.

Every time he swung it, he could throw away the seven or eight corpses hanging on his body.

But even if those Inferi fell heavily to the ground, resulting in deformed limbs and shattered bones, they would still open their misplaced bloody mouths and limp towards the basilisk.

And not only them, but also the inferi that are still hanging on the basilisk.

Whether it's broken nails or broken teeth, they still attack the basilisk greedily and crazily.

The scales of the basilisk are very powerful and can deflect spells and defend against ordinary swords, but after all, it has just shed its skin, and the scales on many parts of its body have not yet grown.

Although the attacks of the Inferi are weak, they are not shy about what they eat, and they dare to strike wherever they go. They can be said to be pervasive.

Finally, as a certain Inferi attacked a certain part, the struggling basilisk let out a scream that even Ender could hear.

Then, the furious basilisk fell into madness. It twisted its body crazily, and kept throwing away the corpses on it. The rapidly squirming snake body was like an Indian train full of passengers, in the palace Collision everywhere in the open space.

When the basilisk passed a certain stone pillar, Ender, who was riding on the back of the grizzly bear, waved his wand.

"Split into pieces!"

"Split into pieces!"

In an instant, two white magic spells shot at the stone pillar next to the basilisk, hitting the upper and lower ends of the stone pillar respectively.

The thick stone pillar immediately broke from the position he had prepared in advance, and hit the basilisk hard with the roaring airflow.


With a loud noise, the broken stone pillar hit the basilisk's tail hard, and instantly broke into several pieces due to inertia.

Although this blow smashed many of the Inferi hanging on the Basilisk into flesh, it also caused real damage to the Basilisk.

The basilisk's huge head and the entire front half of its body were raised high, and it let out an angry and painful scream.

Ender controlled the grizzly bear under him to jump backwards, avoiding the falling gravel, and came to Fana's side.

"What's wrong with you? Are you not ready?"

Ender asked loudly, frowning.

Fana also had troubles that she couldn't express. For some reason, the rooster she brought stopped crowing.

No matter how much she stimulated him, the rooster was unwilling to open its mouth, let alone emit a cry that would be fatal to the basilisk.

Ender frowned and guessed: "Could it be a back-up plan left by Salazar Slantlin?"

"Forget it!" Ander shook his head, "Don't worry about it, just use the rooster's crow you recorded in advance. Anyway, this guy is much weaker than I thought. Even without the rooster's crow, we can still Defeat it!"

"……Oh well!"

Fana nodded, threw away the attack in her arms, and took out two loudspeakers.

At the same time, the furious basilisk finally pulled its tail out from under the stone pillar, and it seemed to have found the culprit. The pair of bright yellow snake eyes were locked on Ander and Fana not far away.

Just when it was about to rush over against the army of Inferi, a loud rooster crow suddenly sounded and continued to echo in the empty palace.

Hearing the sound of this natural enemy, the huge body of the basilisk that was originally crawling stood up instantly. The scales and snakeskin on the whole body were tight, and it shook its head in confusion, as if it was greatly frightened.

Ender's eyes lit up: "It works!"

Fana shook her head, seeming a little disappointed: "According to the description in the original book, the basilisk will flee in panic when it hears the crowing of the rooster, otherwise it will lose its life in twitching all over the body, but now looking at this guy's reaction, The effect of the rooster's crow has clearly diminished..."

But Ander said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it's a good thing if it's effective, just leave the rest to me!"

Before he finished speaking, several gray figures suddenly attacked from both sides of the basilisk.

The sharp claws with corpse poison were like sharp blades, instantly scratching the basilisk's left eye.

The basilisk screamed in pain, and the gray shadows fell to the ground nimbly, looking at the basilisk with sharp teeth. It was the gray wolf inferi waiting for an opportunity to attack the basilisk.

On the rubble behind the basilisk, more gray wolf inferi appeared quietly.

Ender looked down at the scene through the bat's vision, and chuckled: "Very good, you interfere, I will attack, this boss will be bulldozed soon!"

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