Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 293 Finally found the organization!

Ye Chen asked with some embarrassment: "So, student Bai, are you encountering black and white impermanence, or are you encountering bull-headed and horse-faced faces?"

Bai Youyou replied angrily: "None of them, they are just two ghosts in black clothes and black hats, holding soul-enchanting chains and ghost-headed knives in their hands, exuding a gloomy black aura, and they look very scary!"

"When I was tied up by these two ghosts with seductive chains, I thought I would never be able to escape. But who would have thought that the two ghosts took out a Dharma mirror and looked at me? For a moment, his expression suddenly changed, he changed his story and said it was a misunderstanding, and let me out again."

"I was confused at the time and wanted to ask Brother Guizha what was going on, but in the blink of an eye they disappeared in front of me. I thought about going back and continuing to be reincarnated, but only after I went back did I realize that I The opportunity for reincarnation has been missed, and the baby conceived in the pregnant woman's body has already been inhabited by other souls. I can't eat the soul and seize the body, so I can only leave disappointed."

"After that, I became a lonely ghost."

"But maybe it's because I was born with a strong soul. Even if I don't know anything, I'm still more powerful than female ghosts like Xiaoyu. After I defeated them and learned their methods, I naturally became the most powerful person in the world. Ghost King."

"At the same time, I also discovered that I could not be reincarnated due to my spiritual practice, and could only become a ghost. Until now..."

Bai Youyou told her story in a faint tone, Ye Chen listened with interest, and Li Yun listened thoughtfully.

According to the alliance's current investigation and research, all souls have been infiltrated by the power of gray mist when traveling through time. The ghosts did not dare to take Bai Youyou away, perhaps because they discovered the power of gray mist imbued in her soul.

But then again, according to Bai Youyou, it has only been five years since she traveled through time.

At that time, the Traveler Alliance had not yet been formally established, and Boss Lin had not yet discovered this world.

Why do souls soaked in the power of gray mist have such great dignity?

Is it because the power of the gray mist is so high-end that even the ghosts in the underworld dare not offend it?

Li Yun's thoughts wandered, guessing the reason why the seductress spared Bai Youyou.

Bai Youyou couldn't wait to ask: "Stop talking about me, what about you, how did you travel through time?"

Ye Chen said helplessly: "I don't know how I traveled through time. I just closed and opened my eyes, and then I traveled through time inexplicably."

Bai Youyou was a little disappointed, turned to look at Li Yundun and said, "What about Classmate Li?"

Li Yun came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "Like Brother Ye, I also traveled through time in a daze, and I don't remember what happened before traveling through time."

Bai Youyou obviously didn't believe it, curled her lips and said, "Forget it if you don't want to say it!"

Li Yun smiled and asked, "By the way, what do you want to do with us?"

Bai Youyou said with a smile: "What else can I do? My fellow countrymen meet my fellow countrymen with tears in their eyes. After all, we are both time travellers. Even if we don't do anything, just talk and chat, it would be great - well, with Xiaoyu After being in contact with them for a long time, my speech becomes more and more like them. If I live like this for a few years, even the memory of my previous life will probably be blurred..."

Looking at the melancholy on Bai Youyou's face, Ye Chen felt the same way.

He thought for a while and said hesitantly: "How about you come with me? I'll free up a room, carve a spiritual altar, offer incense every day, and come and chat with me when you're free, how about that?"

Bai Youyou sighed and said: "If it was five years ago, I would definitely agree, but now, I still have a group of sisters, how can I bear to leave them and follow you... If you are really serious, why not help me repair the wild temple , worship at all times to keep the incense burning, and I will be grateful!"

Ye Chen was slightly stunned, glanced around and said, "Do you want to live here for a long time?"

"Why not?"

Bai Youyou curled her lips and looked at the broken statues around her and said: "These mountain spirits and wild monsters can build temples, why can't I? If mortals come to me in the future to offer incense and make wishes, I will definitely be smarter than them!"

Li Yun said in surprise: "I can't tell, you are quite ambitious. Why, do you want to be the tree spirit grandma in the Chinese chat room?"

Bai Youyou shook her head repeatedly and said with disdain: "Grandma is so ugly, even if I want to be one, I still have to be the Empress of Shushan!"

Shushan is a small mountain five miles outside the temple. The mountain is not high, but the scenery is beautiful and it is close to the temple. It can barely be connected.

Li Yun looked at Bai Youyou in soul form, and then at Ye Chen standing next to him, and couldn't help but show hesitation.

If there was only one time traveler in the world, Ye Chen, he would naturally not be in a hurry and wait for the seven-day review period to pass before bringing him into the alliance. But now he has discovered the second time traveler, Bai Youyou.

And the past she mentioned may be able to enhance the alliance's research on the power of gray mist.

In this way, Bai Youyou becomes a special case, and maybe special things can be done!

After thinking for a moment, Li Yun said: "You two stay here first, don't move around, and wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, Li Yun took out a gray mist coin and activated it without waiting for Ye Chen and Bai Youyou to reply.

In an instant, silver cracks appeared in the ancient temple in the wilderness.

Bai Youyou and Ye Chen immediately widened their eyes and watched Li Yun step into it with dumbfounded eyes.

When Li Yun's figure disappeared into the silver crack, Ye Chen and Bai Youyou couldn't help but look at each other.

"……This is how the same thing?"

Bai Youyou looked at Ye Chen blankly, with doubts and surprise on his face.

Ye Chen came back to his senses, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know, Brother Li and I only met recently, so we are not familiar with each other."

Bai Youyou couldn't help but said: "Then what should we do now?"

Ye Chen thought for a while and sighed: "Let's wait until Brother Li comes back to explain..."

Not long after, a silver crack appeared again in the wild temple.

Ye Chen and Bai Youyou were suddenly stunned and quickly gathered around.

I saw Li Yun walking out of the crack that was emitting silver light, looking at the people and ghosts waiting in the temple and smiling slightly.

"Okay, special case, your review has passed, you can go back with me now!"

"Go back?" Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder, "Go back to where?"

"Of course it's home!" Li Yun said with a smile, "A second home."

After speaking, Li Yun turned sideways, smiled and invited them to enter the silver light portal.

Bai Youyou and Ye Chen looked at each other, thought for a moment, and then took steps hesitantly.

With a flash of silver light, the two people and the ghost completely disappeared into the silver cracks, and the wilderness temple regained its previous silence.

Just when Ye Chen left this world, in the Yizhuang morgue, the coffin that had been silent for a long time suddenly trembled.

Union Building, Traveler Plaza.

Ye Chen and Bai Youyou, who had just walked out of the portal, stared blankly at the surrounding scene.

The huge circular square, the gray ball statue standing in the center of the square, the silver doors distributed in a ring around it, and the golden sun emitting light and heat in the sky all shocked the two newcomers and left them dumbfounded.

Just by entering a silver crack, they came to another world from their original world.

At this moment, the blue light screen suspended above the square seemed to sense something. It immediately switched from the advertisements of the shops to the surveillance screen, projecting Ye Chen and Bai Youyou standing in the square onto the huge blue light. on the screen, and broadcast in a loop with an enthusiastic voice:

"Welcome Mr. Ye Chen and Miss Bai Youyou to the Traveler Alliance!"


Hearing the looping broadcast in the void and seeing the blue light screens showing the three figures in the sky, Li Yun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and was so embarrassed that he almost pulled out of the three rooms and one living room under his feet.

Ye Chen suddenly came back to his senses, regardless of the shame of being broadcast in a loop, he looked at Li Yundun in shock and said: "What does it say, the Alliance of Travelers?!"

"That's right!" Li Yun nodded, quietly left the range of the playback screen, and shouted in a low voice, "Void!"

"I am here."

"Turn off the radio in the square quickly!"

"Okay, Mr. Li Yun."

As the blue-ray screen above the square turned into a loop of advertisements, Li Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the two of them.

Ye Chen had just digested the name of the Traveler Alliance at this moment, and couldn't help but look at Li Yun and said: "So, Brother Li, you are not actually a disciple of the Yuyang lineage of the Quanzhen Sect, but a member of the Traveler Alliance?"

Li Yun said with a smile: "To be precise, he is the time traveler responsible for guiding those who travel through all the worlds. As for the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, that is the identity of another alliance member. I just borrowed it for use!"


Bai Youyou also recovered from the shock, looking at the sun emitting warm light in the sky and wondering: "So where is this place? Why doesn't the sun in this world make me feel uncomfortable?"

"This is the void gap, the gap between worlds, and it is also the base camp of the Alliance of Travelers."

Li Yun explained with a smile, then looked at the sun in the sky and said: "As for that thing, it's not a sun, it's just a light source imitated by Boss Lin with his great supernatural power!"

"Boss Lin?"

"Boss Lin's name is Lin Zhongtian. He is the founder of the alliance and the strongest person in the alliance - okay, stop asking questions, follow me to the reception hall on the first floor of the building to register your identity. When you join the alliance, sooner or later I’ll see him.”

With that said, Li Yun walked towards the outside of the square.

Bai Youyou and Ye Chen were left standing there looking at each other.

They all remembered what Li Yun said before entering the Silver Light Crack.

The phrase "Your review has passed" should refer to the membership review of the Traveler Alliance.

But this was too sudden. Without any warning, it was announced that they had passed the alliance review.

The other party didn't even ask them if they wanted to join the Traveler Alliance...

——So do you want to join or not?

Ye Chen and Bai Youyou looked at each other, and then followed Li Yun's footsteps without hesitation.

Join, of course!

You are a free backer, why don’t you join?

"Finally found the organization!"

Bai Youyou let out a sigh full of complexity and bitterness, expressing her tears.

I'm going to try on the groomsmen's clothes later. If I come back early, maybe I can get another chapter. If I come back late, I might only get two updates.

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