Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 304 Godzilla, it’s you who decides!


Accompanied by a loud roar, the roaring shells suddenly exploded on the thick black mask.

Smoke filled the air, and the ferocious monster that covered the sky raised its claws and scratched its gray-smeared black faceplate. Then it ignored the violent bombardment of the surrounding fleets and shore anti-aircraft guns, and looked behind it in surprise. The silver light portal formed.

"Boss, what are you talking about, sandbag?"

"Yes, there are monsters in the new world too."

"There are also monsters?" Bai Lang's eyes lit up, "Is it "Pacific Rim"?"

"No, it's "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword" and "The Swordsman"."

Bailang: "...?"

Did he hear it correctly, "Eternal Dragon Sword" and "Swordsman"?

How could monsters appear in the world of martial arts? Could it be the world of high martial arts, the real Yitian, the real dragon slayer?

Bailang didn't understand, but was shocked.

"Don't worry, boss, I'll be here right away!"

Bailang's interest greatly increased, and at the same time he no longer had any intention of playing with the fleets in front of him.

So, under the sky covered by dark clouds, the ferocious monster with a height of 170 meters turned around, turned around on the turbulent waves, and looked at the fleet and the fleet that kept firing ahead with its cold vertical pupils. Soldiers with frightened faces.

In an instant, a blue light lit up from the tip of the thick tail, all the way up along the mountain-like sword spine dorsal fin.

The terrifying high temperature distorted the air and evaporated the surrounding seawater, forming a hazy cloud that lingered around Godzilla's body.

Through the gaps in the clouds and the trajectories of the cannonballs, one can see the black ferocious monster's chest glowing blue and its bloody mouth containing terrifying nuclear energy.

"call out--"

The next second, a blue beam of light penetrated the clouds and burst out from the terrifying monster's mouth.

At the beginning, the diameter was only more than thirty meters, but as the distance became longer, the diameter of the blue light pillar also continued to increase.

Arriving in front of those maritime fleets, the cyan-blue light pillar had turned into a light of death a hundred meters in diameter. Like the eraser in Satan's hand, it instantly erased the ships sailing on the sea and the short soldiers with frightened faces on board.

Bai Lang turned his head, and the blue beam of light erupted from his mouth also moved accordingly.

The cyan-blue light beam containing terrifying energy, like the scythe used by the God of Death to harvest the undead, instantly swept across the ships on the sea.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

Accompanied by continuous explosions, nearly a hundred ships on the sea exploded into a series of fireworks.

All beings scratched by the cyan light beam, whether flesh, flesh or steel, were vaporized and sublimated by the terrifying high temperature in an instant.

After easily purifying the fleet at sea, the cyan-blue beam of light continued to hit the seawater, instantly evaporating tens of thousands of tons of seawater.

The majestic water vapor rose into the sky, forming a huge hole with the same trajectory as the blue light beam.

The surrounding seawater fills the void at an extremely fast speed, exerting a thrust outward under the action of Newton's third law.

As a result, a huge wave formed instantly under the action of thrust, and then grew taller and wider at an extremely fast speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the initial wave of a few meters skyrocketed into a monstrous tsunami with a height of tens of meters!

But this is far from over, because the tsunami tens of meters high is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is foreseeable that when this tsunami actually reaches the shore, the water waves set off will be at least hundreds of meters high, and the monstrous water wall will hit the land with the force of overturning the heaven and earth, sweeping over the cities on the shore. , destroying all docks, forts and buildings.

It will bring the dead souls and resentments of another world, setting off a desperate natural disaster called revenge.

When the tsunami set off reached his waist, the ferocious black monster riding on the waves finally turned around, no longer paying attention to the desperate-looking soldiers and generals on the fortress on the shore, and slowly stepped into the silver light portal that opened behind him. .

The world of beast control, the southeastern area of ​​Qingyun City.

The silver light portal, which is two hundred meters high and two hundred meters wide, stands in the city.

The surrounding buildings that were tens of meters tall seemed so small and weak in comparison.

Next to the silver portal, after Lin Zhongtian communicated with Bai Lang, he stood there and looked at the sky with a playful expression.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan and others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. After Linghu Chong asked Fang Yuan for instructions, he immediately escaped into the mirror dimension space with the Void Beast, planning to go to other giant cities to seek support from high-level beast masters.

Time continued to pass, but there was no movement in the silver light portal.

On the contrary, there were constant roars and explosions from behind the door, and from time to time, dozens of cannonballs flew out of the silvery door, slamming into the surrounding dormitory buildings with a loud bang.

Fang Yuan: "..."

Lin Zhongtian: "..."

"Old Bai, are you okay?"

Lin Zhongtian sent the message again angrily.

Bailang quickly replied: "Okay, okay, it's okay!"

As the voice of the message fell, two extremely ferocious black dragon claws poked out from the silver light.

Following closely behind was a ferocious monster head covered in black scales, and a gigantic beast that was 170 meters high.

The silver light passed through the scales and fangs like water, fading away the smoke and ashes stained on Bailang's body, making his scales look brand new, revealing the gloomy and dull black metallic luster again.


Godzilla walked out of the portal with heavy steps, silver light sliding along his black scales, and his huge feet roared when they landed on the ground, crushing the hard concrete ground and raising smoke and dust tens of meters high. .

After seeing the full picture of this terrifying monster, the woman in the purple skirt on the green dragon's back couldn't help but take two steps back.

"What kind of monster is this?!" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but look shocked, "How can it have such a terrifying size?"

Today's Bailang is one hundred and seventy meters tall, and his body length from head to tail has reached a terrifying three hundred and fifty meters.

As we all know, the size and height of a monster are not a simple multiple relationship. The 120-meter-tall legendary Godzilla looks like a cute and petite teddy dog ​​in front of the 300-meter-tall Planet Godzilla.

In the same way, the 100-meter green dragon, which is already slender, looks like an ordinary green snake in front of the 170-meter white wave, even less than half the size of the opponent's tail.

This exaggerated visual gap brings an extremely shocking visual impact.

Even the always arrogant ninth-level Beast King [Five-clawed Azure Dragon] couldn't help but feel shocked in the face of such a gap.

"This is not some monster, it's the king of monsters, Godzilla!"

Fang Yuan's face was complicated and strange, and he spoke this sentence slowly.

Zhou Zhiruo, as a native, naturally does not understand such a classic monster image, but how could Fang Yuan not recognize it.

Looking at Godzilla walking out of the silver light, and Lin Zhongtian jumping on Godzilla's shoulders, Fang Yuan felt a long-lost tension and excitement in his heart.

The mysterious strong man in front of me is really a time traveler from another world, and he seems to have more power than him!

To be honest, Fang Yuan really wanted to go down and chat with him right now.

But at the same time, as the strongest human being in this world, he wanted to have a fight with this strong man from another world.

Even if the Godzilla summoned by the other party contained terrifying energy that even he felt extremely frightened!

"Aqing, it's time for you to take action!"

Fang Yuan looked at the five-clawed green dragon at his feet and whispered these words.

The five-clawed green dragon seemed to be ashamed of the fear rising in its heart. When it heard Fang Yuan's words, it immediately let out a long roar and swam in the air, attracting billowing dark clouds to help it.


Dark clouds covered the sky, thunder rolled, and heavy rain poured down.

Lin Zhongtian blocked the rain, hummed softly, and patted Bailang's faceplate.

"The decision is yours!"

"Activate the field magic and the sky will be clear!"

Bailang's head was covered with black lines: "..."

But he had no choice but to do as he was told, forced by Boss Lin's power, and reluctantly played the role of a Pokémon.

But venue magic?

That should be Yu-Gi-Oh!

Bailang complained in his heart while running the atomic furnace in his body crazily, roaring towards the sky.


Along with the deafening roar, the gaps in the scales on Bailang's body revealed a dazzling red light. The nuclear energy bursting out from the atomic furnace formed a golden-red flame visible to the naked eye. In an instant, it shot straight into the sky, evaporating the rainwater and dispersing it. dark clouds.

The sun shines through the scattered clouds.

Lin Zhongtian had a smile on his face and patted Bai Lang's visor again.

"Quick, use the nuclear skill [Atomic Breath]!"

"Huh?" Bai Lang was startled and turned his head in surprise, "Boss, are you sure? That guy is a time traveler!"

Lin Zhongtian said angrily: "Just lower the power a little, it's not like you haven't practiced before!"

The problem is that I don’t know how low it will be!

Bai Lang complained in his mind, and then glanced at the five-clawed green dragon in the sky, which seemed to be stunned by his action of dispelling the dark clouds.

After thinking for a while, Bailang decided to test it with 1% power first.

The next second, blue light began to brew in Bai Lang's chest and throat.

Fang Yuan was shocked and quickly warned Qinglong to avoid it carefully.

At the same time, in order to allow the five-clawed green dragon to take advantage of its flexibility, Fang Yuan recruited another pet beast.

As the strongest ninth-level beast master in China, Fang Yuan contracted a total of nine pet beasts, including two ninth-level beast kings and seven eighth-level beast kings.

On weekdays, all pet animals will stay in the habitat prepared for them by Fangyuan.

When needed, it will be summoned from its habitat through the power of the contract.

This kind of summoning can only be used by high-level beastmasters of level seven or above, and it can only summon pet beasts that have signed a contract with them. It is a secret technique that combines the power of the contract with the power of space, and cannot be used for long-distance teleportation. .

What Fang Yuan summoned this time was another ninth-level beast king he contracted, named [Red Flame Demonic Phoenix].

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