Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 339: Those who arrogantly claim to be king will receive the divine punishment of fierce flam

Along with the hearty laughter, the man's body ignited with blazing flames.

The flames are like torches, blooming with dazzling light.

When the light dissipated, the figure burning in mid-air had already disappeared without a trace.

The nobles on the high platform looked at each other, and the residents of King's Landing surrounding the square looked blankly at their fallen new king.

It wasn't until Queen Mother Cersei's mournful cries echoed through the square that the crowd was awakened from their sluggishness, and then broke out into an even louder noise.

The crowd became more and more crowded and noisy. Everyone was either shocked or shouting excitedly, so that the golden robes who maintained order were somewhat unable to control the situation.

"what is that?"

"It's thunder and fire!"

"The Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen..."

"Targaryen, Targaryen!"

"The Mad King's daughter is coming back!"

The crowd was noisy, with all kinds of shouts coming from it.

On the high platform, Finance Minister Baelish, who was in the corner, took a step back and watched coldly.

Cersei held Joffrey's cold body in her arms, her eyes showing unforgettable hatred and madness.

Her father, Tywin, is still fighting against Robb Stark, and her brother, Jaime Lannister, is also on the front lines.

As soon as Joffrey died, her last support in King's Landing fell, and she was the only one left in the huge capital.

"Tang! Ge! Li! An!"

Cersei gritted her teeth and squeezed out the name, then turned her head sharply, glaring at the ministers around her like an angry lioness. Her formerly calm and beautiful eyes were now filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes.

"Find Varys for me!"

"I want him to deliver a message for me and spread Lannister's wanted order throughout the Free Cities. Anyone, no matter who it is, can bring the body of that bitch. I am willing to exchange it for ten times the weight of gold!"

As soon as these words came out, many ministers looked at each other in shock.

Baelish coughed lightly, stepped forward and whispered: "Queen Mother, your intelligence is lagging behind. As far as I know, all the free city-states in the Essos continent, including the three giant cities in Slaver's Bay, have now been invaded by dragons. The Queen has taken her under her rule, and I'm afraid your wanted order may not be passed on..."

"What?!" Cersei's eyes widened with shock and anger on her face, "Isn't that what Varys told me - he betrayed us?!"

Baelish glanced around and saw no sign of Varys, so he shrugged: "I'm afraid so."

"Damn eunuch!" Cersei cursed, then her face changed to gloomy, and she gritted her teeth, "Then catch the assassin first, Baelish, and send an order to search the whole city for the traitor who assassinated the king. Anyone who dares to hide the traitor Residents will be punished with the same crime!”

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

Baelish bowed to accept the order, turned and left.

Westeros, Dragonstone.

Lord Stannis Baratheon's hall is a wide circular room with walls made of black stone with no decoration. There are four tall narrow windows in the hall, facing the four directions of east, west, north and south.

In the center of the hall is a round table carved from a huge wooden plank, which Aegon Targaryen ordered built before the War of Conquest.

Aegon's carpenters carved out the bays and peninsulas according to the shape of the continent of Westeros. They used exquisite carpenter skills to carve out the Seven Kingdoms of Aegon's era on this huge round table.

All the rivers, mountains, fortresses, cities, lakes and forests in Westeros are all there, and everything can be seen at a glance.

In the direction corresponding to Dragonstone Island in the outer sea, there is a raised platform. On the high platform is the only seat in the entire hall.

Lord Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone sat on it.

He was wearing a tight leather vest and brown coarse woolen trousers. He had broad shoulders, strong limbs, and a tight face. His face, which had been exposed to the weather for a long time, was full of determination and seriousness, and he exuded a majestic temperament. .

At this moment, this majestic king was inspecting the ministers around the round table, with a taunting and sneer on his tense face.

"It seems that the princes of Storm's End are unwilling to raise troops for me. I know that they have always disliked me. These bastards, the cowardly ones just want to hide behind the city wall and wait to see Windwing again after the war is over. The brave ones Already serving under Renly... Huh, Renly!"

Stannis snorted coldly, with a trace of anger and jealousy in his eyes.

The ministers in the audience looked at each other, and an old bachelor walked out and said softly: "Your Majesty, for the past thirteen years, your brother Renly Baratheon has been the Duke of Storm's End. These princes are all The vassals who swore allegiance to him..."


Stannis suddenly raised his voice and said angrily: "That should have been mine!"

"I never asked for Dragonstone. I don't want this damn place at all. It was Robert. His enemies were entrenched here, so he ordered me to wipe it out. I built a fleet for him, defeated the enemies, and did my best. All the responsibilities for my brother and ministers, but what about him?”

"He made me Duke of Dragonstone, but gave Renly all of Storm's End that should have belonged to me!"

"That brat is just a kid who wants to steal the crown from my head. Cressen, tell me, why does he covet the throne?"

"Just because of his poor martial arts, his record of no achievements, and his shameful reputation as Longyang that spread throughout Westeros?!"

Angry roars echoed in the round table hall, and the officials trembled.

Old bachelor Cressen lowered his head slightly: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I can't answer for the gods, but your real enemy is the Lannister. If you two brothers can fight side by side..."

"I will never compromise with Renly!" Stannis said in a tone that did not allow for refutation, "unless he gives up the title of king."

Maester Cressen sighed: "Okay, then don't ally with him. Others can also help you."

Stannis sneered: "Are you referring to Lord Stark, the eldest son of Eddard Stark?"

Bachelor Cressen nodded and said, "Exactly. Although he has established himself as the King of the North, as long as you are willing to help him rescue his father..."

Stannis interrupted him again with a sneer: "Why should I rescue Eddard Stark? He is nothing to me!"

Davos couldn't help but said: "So you plan to fight alone and not ally with anyone?"

Stannis frowned and remained silent.

Davos said in a sincere tone: "Your Majesty, with all due respect, you are inviting the princes to a banquet today, and only Celtigar, Velaryon, and Baal Aemon are here. Even if you include Lady Selyse's brothers, uncles, and cousins, It’s not enough to fight against the armies of the Lords of Storm’s End.”

"Your Majesty, you need allies!"

Davos said decisively.

Lady Selyse, who was standing next to Stannis, sneered and said sarcastically: "So the legal monarch of the Seven Kingdoms and the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne must beg for mercy from the widow, the youngest son, and the robber?"

Stannis frowned: "Madam, when did I start begging for mercy from them?"

A smile appeared on Mrs. Celis's face: "Your Majesty, I am very happy that you can say that. Look at the sun hanging high in the sky outside the window. It is as bright as fire, just like the flaming red heart of Allah. This is His symbol and also Your flag!”

Lady Selyse is talking about God, not the gods, which shows that she has abandoned her belief in the old and new gods and instead believes in a god named the Lord of Light.

Stannis is a stubborn man. He is not fanatical about religion and belief. Hearing this, he just said lightly: "Madam, you should keep your God's will for yourself. What I need is an army, not a blessing. You Does God have an army for me?"

Mrs. Celis laughed and clapped her hands gently, and the sound of slight footsteps suddenly came from outside the hall.

Stannis and the ministers turned around and saw a red-robed witch walking in from outside the hall.

She wore a silk dress that was as bright as a bright flame, and wore a golden-red necklace on her fair and smooth chest, with a red gemstone inlaid on it. Her waist-length hair was like polished red copper, under the light of the torch Sparkling.

But compared to her fiery red outfit, the most eye-catching thing is her delicate and beautiful face. The exposed skin on her chest and neck is white and smooth, like the best fresh cream in King's Landing. Her plump breasts and slender The combination of the waist is an eye-catcher.

Once a man's gaze rests on her, it is difficult to move away, even the old maester Cressen is no exception.

Seeing the courtiers in the hall expressing their affection, Mrs. Celis showed contempt and said lightly: "This is the red-robed witch, Melisandre."

Melisandre bowed slightly: "I have met all of you, my lords."

Stannis frowned and said calmly: "You have a way to send me an army?"

Melisandre smiled slightly, stepped forward, walked up to the high platform in full view of everyone, and leaned into Stannis's ear.

The fragrant wind blew towards his face, and Stannis's heart trembled, and his body reacted unconsciously.

The next second, a magnetic and sweet sound like a kitten scratching sounded in Stannis's ears.

"Melisandre, on behalf of my lord Daenerys Targaryen, I send you my most sincere greetings!"

Before she finished speaking, Melisandre's arm suddenly burst into flames.

The hot flames condensed into a blade and instantly pierced Stannis's chest.

Stannis's eyes suddenly widened with anger, he roared and kicked the beautiful witch in front of him.

But Melisandre left gracefully before the opponent took action, avoiding Stannis's counterattack like a fiery red butterfly.

The raging flames instantly ignited all of Stannis's clothes, turning him into a human-shaped ball of fire on the throne. He staggered up and let out a heart-rending scream.

"His Majesty!"

The ministers around the round table exclaimed in surprise.

Next to her, Mrs. Celis also opened her eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Onion Knight Davos angrily drew the sword from his waist, strode forward, and slashed at the red-robed witch Melisandre.

Melisandre retreated slightly to avoid the slashing, and then said calmly: "My lord has ordered that Targaryen will return soon. Any traitor who dares to arrogantly claim the throne will not escape the fate of being burned in the flames!"

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