When he heard the word "steal", Qin Zhaowei, who was originally filled with indignation, suddenly looked sad. He seemed to have thought of something sad, and even the two short paws holding the ice cream cone dropped weakly.

Seeing this, Zuo Yu smiled slightly, reached out and patted his little head, and said comfortingly: "Think about it differently, your breeder already has a boyfriend anyway, no matter how long you stay with her, you will be sad sooner or later. , it’s better to just deal with the pain, what do you think?”

Qin Zhaowei became even more sad when he heard this, and immediately turned his head, leaving everyone with a sad back.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing, and the air was filled with joy.

The laughter of gloating came, Qin Zhaowei turned his head suddenly, glared at them fiercely, then climbed down from Zuo Yu's shoulders, sat on the stone chair, with his back to everyone, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and continued to lick Ice cream cone.

Daenerys held Duoduo and sat next to Li Yun, and asked with a smile: "Didn't you help him modify his vocal cords?"

Zuo Yu shook his head and said: "It can't be reformed yet. This guy's body is too fragile. He should not be able to communicate with us normally until his physical strength reaches two points or he learns astral projection."

Daenerys wondered: "Then how does he register and receive alliance benefits?"

"Of course I helped him do it!" Zuo Yu rubbed Qin Zhaowei's panda head and said with a smile, "This kid is good at hugging thighs. I was just joking that if he doesn't join the alliance, I will make him a contract Beast, when he heard about it, he became even more excited. He directly refused to join the alliance and wanted to sign a contract with me..."


Daenerys twitched the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but look at Qin Zhaowei: "Is it true or false?"

Qin Zhaowei glanced at her and nodded, with a look of regret on his cute bear face.

Daenerys frowned and said, "Don't you know that the relationship between the beast master and the contracted beast is master and servant?"

"Of course he knows, but he doesn't care."

Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "If you ask me, this kid is just lazy. He just wants to hug my thigh and reach the sky in one step."

Daenerys smiled and asked: "Did you sign it in the end?"

Zuo Yu smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, but he still settled for the next best thing and accepted me as his eldest brother. Now he is considered my little brother!"

Upon hearing Zuo Yu's words, Qin Zhaowei immediately turned around, holding the ice cream cone with one little paw, and patted his chest hard with the other little paw, as if he was loyal to his elder brother.

At this moment, Li Yun suddenly said: "Actually, it's not impossible to sign a contract. I think the beast-controlling technique "Beast Emperor Sutra" that Brother Fang redeemed is an equal agreement based on contracted beasts. It is probably similar to the horse fairy. The relationship between the family’s children and the family’s fairy.”

Zuo Yu shook his head and said: "I have also read that skill, but...Awei may not be able to withstand my power transmission."

Duoduo blinked her big emerald-like eyes and suddenly said: "How about letting Brother Tuanzi sign a contract with me? With Brother Tuanzi's character, he definitely doesn't like traveling back and forth between worlds."

"I am a formal employee of the alliance. I will definitely stay in the alliance for a long time after graduation. It is perfect for Brother Tuanzi to follow me!"

Qin Zhaowei's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded his head in agreement.

Zuo Yu frowned and shook his head: "No, if you really want a baby panda as a contract beast, you can sign a contract with Ah Wei's twin brother Tiantian in this life, but don't even think about Ah Wei himself. !”


Qin Zhaowei and Duoduo were both confused.

But Li Yun and Daenerys knew the reason.

The true spirit of the time traveler is naturally powerful, and with Qin Zhaowei's qualifications, he will definitely be able to suppress Duoduo in the contract in the future.

Even if you want to become a contract beast, you must sign a contract with a time traveler member so that you can always maintain equality.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Danny, what did you just say you were doing?"

"Oh, that's it. I have organized a fleet to cross the Narrow Sea, preparing to attack Westeros and regain my Iron Throne..."

Daenerys softly told Zuo Yu and Li Yun all about her decision and the suspected resurrection of the Seven Gods.

After hearing this, Zuo Yu raised the corner of her mouth slightly and joked: "So you came back to shake people up!"

Daenerys chuckled and said: "I actually don't think they are my opponents. I'm just looking for you just in case!"

Li Yun immediately stood up and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go. I just want to see what the level of the gods in the world of Quanyou is..."

The three of them hit it off immediately. At the same time, Qin Zhaowei expressed his determination to follow in his eldest brother's footsteps, and Duoduo also wanted to visit the world of Game of Thrones.

In this way, the combination of four people and one panda came to the Traveler Square and entered the portal belonging to the world of Game of Thrones.

Outside the Traveler Building, in the boundless sea of ​​gray fog.

Lin Zhongtian, surrounded by thick gray fog, opened his eyes with a thoughtful look on his face.

The "Beast King Scripture" mentioned by Li Yun and the power of the holy angel given to him by Jehovah gave him some inspiration on energy transmission and soul contract, and he decided to study related things carefully.

Maybe you can create your own 'angel' with this.

He did whatever he thought of, and Lin Zhongtian immediately tore a crack in space.

The sounds of children playing came from the silvery crack. Lin Zhongtian smiled and waved his hand to widen the crack.

In an instant, the silver crack expanded rapidly, revealing the scene behind it.

I saw two children, a boy and a girl, chasing and playing in the courtyard. Not far away was a beautiful young woman wearing a gorgeous phoenix skirt and a golden phoenix hairpin. There was a maid holding an umbrella beside her. It was obvious at a glance that she was a young and beautiful woman of noble status.

Seeing the silver crack opening in the courtyard, the woman was slightly shocked, and immediately shouted at the child to stop.

In an instant, countless figures in brocade clothes emerged from the surrounding buildings, protecting them.

The woman frowned slightly, stopped the guards, asked them to exit the courtyard, then looked at the crack in the space and asked tentatively:

"Is it brother?"

"Yes, Bai Ying, it's me."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "Where's Chang'an? Are you in your Daxia Palace?"

"He is really a brother!" Ding Baiying suddenly showed surprise and said quickly, "Yes, it is in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden next to it. I will call you right away!"

"No need, just know where he is. You can continue to watch An'er and Ningning. Oh, by the way, tell Lihe, I will take Chang'an away!"

Ding Baiying nodded and said, "Okay, brother, I'll note it down."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and closed the space rift, then flashed back to his personal space on the 98th floor of the Traveler Building. He opened the space rift again and took in the little tiger who was playing with the three-meter-long giant crocodile. .

When being enveloped by the power of space, the little tiger Changan was still struggling in fear.

But when it saw Lin Zhongtian's appearance, the panic in its eyes disappeared instantly, and it landed lightly on the ground, circling around Lin Zhongtian excitedly.

"……long time no see!"

Lin Zhongtian let out a sigh, then reached out and picked up the little tiger Chang'an.

The little tiger immediately stopped and let Lin Zhongtian pick him up obediently. At the same time, he stuck out his tongue and gently licked the back of his hand.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and stroked the little tiger's head, mentally measuring its size.

How long has passed, Chang'an's body shape has not changed much, he has just grown a little taller than before.

On the contrary, he has made great progress in terms of physical fitness, and his fangs and teeth are stronger than high-strength alloys.

Lin Zhongtian nodded secretly, chuckled and said, "Help me do an experiment."

The little tiger Chang'an raised his neck and blinked at Lin Zhongtian: "...Ouch?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, then stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the forehead of the little tiger Chang'an.

In an instant, dots of silver light burst out from the void, converging into a circular contract formation with complicated patterns in his palm.

Later, Lin Zhongtian once again used silver light to outline the four-layer void seal, and integrated it into the circular array in front of him in a fitting manner.

"Chang'an, concentrate."

Lin Zhongtian whispered, and then pushed slightly with his right hand to carve the circular contract circle into the body and soul of the little tiger Chang'an.

At the moment when the contract was reached, Lin Zhongtian clearly felt the connection between himself and the little tiger Chang'an.

But unlike the beast master, this connection is not two-way, but Lin Zhongtian's unilateral output to the little tiger Chang'an.

He was unwilling to sign a contract with Qin Zhaowei before, not because the other party couldn't bear his power. After all, this was a gap in the void, and even if the other party couldn't bear it, he could cut off the transmission of power in time.

The reason why he did this was that firstly he felt that the relationship would become weird after signing the contract, and secondly he did not want the other party to know his identity.

But if you switch to the little tiger Chang'an, you don't have such worries.

What's more, the Chang'an family were the beings he met when he just left the void gap.

Lin Zhongtian felt that it was very suitable to give this opportunity to the little tiger Chang'an.

Lin Zhongtian's heart moved, and a huge force suddenly surged out and poured into the little tiger's body along the mysterious connection.

In an instant, the aura of the little tiger Changan suddenly surged.

It immediately roared and jumped to the ground. The muscles in its body began to swell under the influence of that force, and its hair continued to grow. The body that was originally only half a meter long grew to more than five meters in just a few seconds.

Lin Zhongtian waved his hand, and everything in the living room began to move away.

The ground continues to expand under the influence of space authority, and the ceiling also continues to rise with the growth of little tiger Chang'an.

Gradually, the body of the little tiger Changan grew from five meters to ten meters, and then from ten meters to twenty meters.

It wasn't until it turned into a huge beast with a body length of more than fifty meters and a shoulder height of twenty meters that this skyrocketing trend began to gradually stop.

Lin Zhongtian's heart moved, he cut off the transmission of power, and then asked softly: "Can you still bear it?"


Chang'an let out a deafening roar, his huge tiger eyes filled with excitement and excitement.

Lin Zhongtian understood in his heart, smiled slightly, and once again opened the outlet for power transmission.

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