Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 346: Pledge to fight!

Forget it, let them be!

Daenerys sighed and looked helplessly at Chen Feng and Zheng Shaojie: "You are the same?"

Before Chen Feng could speak, Zheng Shaojie quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, I haven't shown off with the people under my command yet, and I can't bring them over to participate in the war in Westeros, so I still need you to send some troops to provide for me. Driven.”

"But it doesn't need to be too much, just give me some."

"The armament should be at the level of World War II. I'll practice my skills - ah no, I'm the most familiar with it!"

...Okay, another one comes here to practice!

The corners of Daenerys' mouth twitched and she looked at Chen Feng and said, "What about you?"

Chen Feng said seriously: "I am different from them. I am here to work. This is my resume. Please take a look."

After saying that, Chen Feng actually took out a resume and handed it to Daenerys, who had a weird look on her face.

Daenerys read through it carefully, and then she was shocked to find that this guy had actually led troops to destroy four countries, and he also served as a lieutenant colonel in Zhao Lihe's Daxia Armored Division.

Finally a decent person!

Daenerys was filled with emotion, and immediately said with a straight face: "I have already read your resume, and you are more experienced than the generals under my command. However, for some reasons, I cannot hand over the position of marshal to you. .”

"Let's do this. The army on the west route will split into two at the fork of the Blackwater River. They will go all the way up and all the way down around the Horn Valley Mountains. I will hand over the troops and horses that are going up to you, and you can help me take over the Riverlands. How about Riverrun?"

A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face: "No problem!"

Later, Daenerys discussed some specific details with the five people and finally finalized their specific tasks.

Ender and Fana will follow the northern army, take a boat northward, and land in the valley in Seagull Town.

Then Ander and Fana led the undead army that was not afraid of the severe cold on the top of the mountain to cross the Mingyue Mountains and attack the most dangerous Eagle's Nest City from the side. The rest of the army was responsible for capturing Runestone City, Iron Oak City, Snakewood City, Coldwater City and other surrounding castles.

Xia Yunlong will march with the army in the middle, take a ship, and arrive at Storm's End Castle by sea.

Zheng Shaojie will join the southern army and lead an army of more than 6,000 Unsullied with World War II equipment to attack High Court.

As the most experienced general among the five, Chen Feng will lead half of the Western Route Army to attack the Riverlands and Riverrun.

After the mission was finalized, Daenerys immediately summoned the marshals and generals from all armies without any ink, and announced that the war had officially begun.

That afternoon, Daenerys held a swearing-in ceremony and expedition ceremony on the coast of Dragonstone Castle.

The densely packed steel ships set off immediately, carrying a total of more than 300,000 people from the five armies, sailing towards the continent of Westeros.

Since the fleet needs to pass through the Blackwater Bay in the inland sea when heading to the continent of Westeros, it cannot travel at the fastest speed. On the contrary, the northern route army heading to the valley port is the first to arrive at Seagull Town from the outer sea.


Dark clouds rolled in the sky over the dock, and lightning tore the blue-white curtain, reflecting the towers made of black basalt.

The green sea water surged on the shore, splashing with waves and lapping on the cornerstone of the tower.

The guards of Seagull Town were drinking and having fun in the tower to avoid the coming wind and rain.

Suddenly, a guard in charge rushed into the tower and shouted in panic.

"Captain of the team, there is... a fleet is coming!"


The guard captain frowned, threw down the chips in his hand, turned to glare at him and said, "What's it called? What's it called? There are no trading ships arriving at Seagull Town Port. What's the cause of the fuss?!"

Since Finance Minister Petyr Baelish took over the customs work at Seagull Town Port, various trading ships have emerged in an endless stream, and Seagull Town has become prosperous, and even the fiscal revenue has increased more than tenfold.

After hearing the captain's reprimand, the guard said anxiously: "It's not a merchant ship, it's a group of warships without sails!"

"A warship without sails?" The captain and his companions looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. "I said Lal, do you want to listen to what you are saying? You are not hiding on the tower. Drink, are you confused?"

As soon as the words fell, the guards in the tower burst into laughter.

But the guard who reported the news was still full of panic and anxiety.

Just when he was about to persuade, an exclamation suddenly came from the dock outside the tower.

The face of the guard captain, who was still laughing, changed, and then he suddenly stood up, grabbed Lal by the collar, stared at him, and exhaled a breath that smelled of alcohol and bad breath.

"You didn't lie?!"

"Of course I didn't lie. If you don't believe me, just let me see!"

The guard captain's expression changed when he heard this. He suddenly pushed Lal away, grabbed the long sword lying on the table, and hurriedly climbed up the tower.

Out of caution, the guard captain did not go to the top of the tower, but looked at the sea outside the pier through the tower's bow hole.

On the sea level covered by dark clouds, countless steel ships without sails were quickly approaching the dock.

With the eyesight of the guard captain, he could still see the densely packed figures on the deck, and their black armor glowing with metallic luster under the lightning...

"Quick, send the message to the Earl!"

The guard captain looked panicked and shouted quickly to send someone to inform the lord.

Before he finished speaking, the steel ship on the sea in the distance suddenly lit up with flames.

A cannonball symbolizing death instantly pierced the sky and landed on the tower where everyone was.


There was a loud noise, and the solid tower made of black basalt exploded.

All the port residents who saw this scene looked horrified, screamed and fled in all directions.

The merchants who came here to do business quickly returned to the trading ships docked at the dock, trying to weigh anchor and escape.

But the speed of those steel ships was faster than they imagined. They arrived on the sea near them in almost the blink of an eye, surrounding the merchant ships from all over the world.

Immediately afterwards, rope ladders were lowered on both sides of the ship.

Countless black-armored soldiers descended down the rope ladder, carrying small boats and inflatable boats to the docks and merchant ships.

Not long after, a young black-armored general stepped onto the coast surrounded by dozens of personal guards.

A group of black-armored soldiers who landed in advance quickly came to them, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Marshal, the dock has been captured, and all merchant ships are under control."

"Very good!" Marshal of the North Road nodded and said calmly, "Give me the order to capture Seagull Town, reorganize for a while, and then march to Rune Stone City!"


The black-armored soldier bowed his head respectfully, then quickly stood up and hurried away in the direction of Seagull Town.

The marshal turned his head, looked at the two young boys and girls behind him and said softly: "Two adults, this is Seagull Town. Our army will capture Rune Stone City as planned, and then use Rune Stone City as the base camp, and divide the troops into two groups. Take Iron Oak and Red Base.”

"If you two are not in a hurry, you can stay here until we take Runestone City, then move into the castle to rest for the night, and then march with the troops on the way tomorrow morning..."

Ender and Fana looked at each other, shook their heads and said: "No need, the night is my main battlefield. I want to take advantage of my home field advantage to quickly capture the Eagle's Nest City with a blitzkrieg. General Reese doesn't need to worry about us, just do whatever he wants. Got it!"

Marshal Rise nodded: "Okay, then I won't try to persuade you to stay. I wish you two adults a good start!"

After saying that, Marshal Rise immediately stood up and saluted the two of them with a serious face.

Seeing this scene, Ender and Fana both had strange expressions on their faces, but they still returned the greeting as usual.

After leaving Seagull Town, Fana couldn't help but praise the quality of the army under Daenerys' command.

Ender smiled and explained: "This is what you don't know. It is said that Mr. Zuo held a training camp in the world of John Wick. Marshal Reese and many senior generals of the North Army went to that world to study. of."

Fana suddenly said: "No wonder I always feel that the style of painting is wrong..."

The two chatted while walking towards the direction of the Eagle's Nest City.

After leaving Seagull Town and seeing the deserted surroundings, Ander immediately reached out and waved his hand, and a black motorcycle suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ender put on his motorcycle helmet and handed Fana a small helmet. Then he stepped onto the motorcycle skillfully and turned to look at Fana.

"bring it on!"

Fana pursed her lips, raised her legs and straddled behind Ender, put on her helmet, and hugged Ender's waist tightly.

The next second, with the roar of the motorcycle engine, Ander and Fana soared into the sky and flew toward the horizon.

That's right, although Ender has bought the art of constructing biological force fields, he still used magic to build such a flying motorcycle because of his love for motorcycles in his previous life.

Its flying speed is similar to that of a normal motorcycle, and much faster than most brooms.


The whistling air flow separated on both sides of the motorcycle. Fana blinked and leaned her head on Ender's back. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Soon, with the help of the flying motorcycle, the two crossed countless complicated hilly terrains and reached the sky above the valley in a straight line.

Ender tightened his grip on the brakes, and the motorcycle speeding through the air suddenly stopped and slowly landed on the snow-covered mountain top.

The tire got stuck in the snow, and Ender took off his helmet and looked at the valley ahead with joy.

"Fana, look!"


Ender's excited voice came from the front. Fana blinked, then let go of her arms and looked up.

They saw countless peaks spreading out before their eyes, and a fertile canyon appeared surrounded by mountains.

This is a rare and peaceful country in Westeros. It is protected by mountains on all sides, with fertile black soil as its internal force. Broad and gentle rivers flow slowly through the canyons, connecting hundreds of large and small lakes.

The surface of the lake shone like a mirror in the moonlight, reflecting the green fields planted with barley, wheat and corn on its shores.

Seeing the breathtakingly beautiful canyon in front of him, Ander couldn't help but complain: "Isn't this the smaller Sichuan Basin, the land of abundance?"

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