Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 348 Yan Chixia, the best swordsman in the world

Seeing that the young man in white shirt spoke sincerely and had an upright look on his brows, he was probably not a desperate murderer, so the scholar felt reassured.

However, seeing the swords worn on the waists of the three guards, the scholar was still afraid, and immediately stammered: " doesn't matter. Xiaosheng, like the four brothers, also came to Lanruo Temple to stay for one night. If ...If nothing happens, I will leave first!"

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The young guard with a sword on his waist immediately stopped the scholar.

After the scholar turned around with a forced smile, he said kindly: "Sorry, brother, my surname is Ding Mingxian. I am not a villain. It was just an unintentional act. I hope you can forgive me!"

The scholar forced a smile and said: "Easy to say...easy to say!"

Ding Xian smiled slightly, then moved his eyes slightly, glanced at the two swordsmen who were still fighting in the courtyard, and asked in a gentle tone: "Brother, I came a little late. I don't know what happened here. May I ask the court?" Why did the two of them start fighting, and how long do they plan to fight?"

"If they keep fighting all night, then we passers-by who are taking a break will suffer the same consequences!"

...It turns out to be because of this!

The scholar suddenly understood, and just when he was about to answer that he had just arrived, he heard the bearded swordsman snort coldly.

"Xiahou, do you hear that? You have disturbed someone who is staying overnight. Why don't you stop it quickly?!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" The black-clothed swordsman named Xia Hou made his sword moves faster and more urgent, and his words burst out like gold and stone, becoming sharper and sharper. "If you are afraid of me, quickly admit defeat and kill the best in the world." Give up the title of Sword, and stop occupying the latrine and not shitting!"

The more Xia Hou spoke, the angrier he became. He immediately snorted coldly and shouted angrily: "The so-called swordsman should be sharp and invincible. You, Yan Chixia, are good. You did the opposite and got the best sword in the world." The name is hidden from the world, leaving me and other rising stars unable to find it - how can there be a swordsman like you in the world!"

"Are you worthy of the title of the best swordsman in the world?!"

As he said that, Xia Hou raised the long sword in his hand, and a black light shone on the sword.

The next second, there was a bright light, and the sharp sword energy separated from the sword body and slashed towards Yan Chixia's neck like a sword.

When Yan Chixia saw this, she let out a long sigh, and the long sword in her palm lit up with red light. The majestic and upright sword spirit suddenly surged, and the sword blade screamed, easily cutting off the sword spirit swung by Xia Hou.

The sword energy flew vertically and horizontally, carrying billowing air waves as it whizzed past Yan Chixia on both sides, cutting off the two stone pillars in front of the temple behind him.

Yan Chixia had already taken this opportunity to step forward, move forward and put her sword on Xia Hou's shoulder.

The blade of the sword was cold and glowed with a cold light in the moonlight.

Xia Hou stared blankly at the long sword on his shoulder, and then at Yan Chixia, who looked calm in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh softly: "I didn't expect you to hide in such a ghost place for more than half a month, and you actually took this... Sharpen the sword..."

"Wrong!" Yan Chixia said coldly, "It's because you showed off your sharp edge and moved forward with your sword without leaving any room for error. That's why you were defeated by me many times."

Xia Hou sneered, lowered his sword, and said calmly: "You beat me, so of course everything you say is right!"

Yan Chixia frowned and sighed: "Xiahou, you have fought with me for seven years and lost for seven years for the false reputation of the best swordsman in the world. Haven't you thought carefully about why?"

Xia Hou sneered: "Why?"

Yan Chixia said calmly: "Because your purpose is impure and your intentions are not right, your sword moves are naturally unstable. If you can't cultivate your mind and nature, and you take another step forward in your state of mind, no matter how fast and accurate your sword is in the future, it will never be possible in this life." My opponent!"

Hearing Yan Chixia's evaluation, the young man in white shirt nodded slightly, obviously feeling that the evaluation was very pertinent.

But Xiahou had been blinded by the reputation of the best swordsman in the world, and faced Yan Chixia's kind advice, he still couldn't get enough of it.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Xia Hou sneered, "I'm here to compete with you, not to listen to you talk about great principles. Everyone has his own way. My path of swordsmanship is to move forward in an indomitable way. No matter what you say, it's impossible. Shake my sword and stop wasting your breath!"

At this point, Xia Hou paused, turned to look at the sword on his shoulder, and sneered: "Yan Chixia, if you want to kill me, kill me. If you don't want to kill me, let me go. I'm warning you in advance, wait for my sword." The law goes one step further and will come to you to continue the competition!"


Yan Chixia's eyes widened, and the veins in her right hand holding the long sword swelled.

After hesitating for a long time, Yan Chixia finally lowered her sword and cursed bitterly.

"No oil or salt will enter!"


Xia Hou glanced at him, snorted coldly, grabbed the sword and turned around to leave.

A group of four people, the scholar and the young man in white shirt, passed by. Xiahou looked at each other coldly and said calmly: "This place is sinister and evil, and there are also villains like Yan Chixia living here in seclusion. If you don't want to lose your life for no reason, it's best to It’s better to choose another place.”

After saying that, Xiahou didn't care about their responses and left the place in large strides.

Looking at Xia Hou's leaving figure, the young man in white shirt showed a smile on his face.

"The swordsman is majestic and upright. Although this person is a bit too sharp, he can still be regarded as a true swordsman."

Hearing the comment from the young man in white shirt, Yan Chixia glanced at him and said lightly: "If it weren't for this, how could I have spared his life several times? But don't think he was well-intentioned, he just wanted to disgust me before leaving. , that’s why I advise you to leave!”

The young man in white shirt asked with a smile: "Then, is what he said true or false?"

"Of course it's true!" Yan Chixia glared at them and said fiercely, "This place is so gloomy and evil, and there are scoundrels like me living in seclusion. If you are afraid of death, leave quickly!"

Faced with Yan Chixia's threats, the young man in white shirt and others had no reaction, but the scholar was frightened and hurriedly hid behind Ding Xian.

"What he said is true!" The scholar swallowed and whispered, "I have seen his wanted order in the county..."

"Oh?" Ding Xian raised his eyebrows and looked at Yan Chixia with interest, "Are you wanted?"

"You are wanted!" Yan Chixia glared at Ding Xian and the scholar, and said angrily, "Although I, Yan Chixia, look ferocious, before I retired from the world, I was also a head catcher and arrested many people. You are a big thief, the imperial court still owes me a lot of salary, how can you want me to be wanted?"

"You are a poor scholar. You are so afraid that you retreat on your own. You insist on tarnishing my reputation and forcing me to tell the truth..."

Only then did the scholar think of Yan Chixia's name and slapped his head.

"Oh, yes, your name is Yan Chixia, and the murderer's name is Liu Yidao."

The young man in white shirt asked with a smile: "Then what is your name?"

The scholar quickly took a step back, cupped his hands and said: "My surname is Ning Caichen, from Shaanxi. I came to Beiguo to collect accounts for Jibaozhai. Unexpectedly, the account book was soaked by the rain and the accounts were unclear. I was unable to collect them." I don’t have enough money to stay in a hotel, so I can only stay here..."

"I see."

The young man in white shirt looked stunned, then he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I, Zhao Lihe, are from Shaanxi like you. I want to go to Yangzhou to discuss a business this trip. These three are my fellow countrymen and also My hired guard."

"Lu Jianxing."

"Shen Lian."

"Ding Xian."

The three brothers handed over their hands one after another and said their names.

Yan Chixia said calmly: "It turns out he is a rich businessman, no wonder he is dressed in brocade - but since he is a rich businessman, why bother to stay at Lanruo Temple? There is a county town three and a half miles west of here, and there are good inns in the city. You should not be able to afford it. Bar?"

Zhao Lihe sighed softly and said, "In today's world, what's the difference between living in an inn and living in an ancient temple in the wilderness?"

Yan Chixia raised her eyebrows, looked him up and down, and chuckled: "You fat sheep, you can see clearly. People are robbed outside the city, stolen in the city, money is lost on both sides, there really is no difference. .”

"However, if you are stolen, you can still save your life. If you are robbed, your life may not be saved!"

Lu Jianxing frowned, took a step forward, and said calmly: "There is no need for Master Yan to worry about this. I will protect the master's safety."

Just you?

Yan Chixia looked at the three guards with contempt in her heart. Suddenly her face changed and her expression became solemn.

These three people are calm, have good temperament, and their eyes are bright and restrained. They are actually real masters of the world!

Looking at the leader of the young man in white shirt, he has a heroic face, calm and unhurried, and he also carries a power that has been in a high position for a long time. Such a power is definitely not something ordinary wealthy businessmen can possess.

"It should be a high-ranking official from the DPRK and Central Government who has returned home..."

Yan Chixia thought so in her heart, then she frowned slightly and said coldly: "If you insist on staying here, I won't stop you, but this place is full of ghosts and ghosts. If you stay here, it's best to light up a bonfire and get together. And live.”

After saying that, Yan Chixia looked at Ning Caichen and said, "Scholar, just live with them!"

Ding Xian raised his eyebrows and said dissatisfied: "Why not with you?"

Yan Chixia smiled and said, "It's okay to follow me. I want to meditate on the futon in the temple. Would you like to rest next to me?"

Ning Caichen was slightly startled when he heard this, and followed Yan Chixia's gaze towards the Buddhist hall, where he immediately saw several broken Buddha statues.

The damaged Buddha body, broken arms, and the terrifying Buddha head with glowing eyes under the altar made Ning Caichen couldn't help but shudder and hurriedly hid next to Ding Xian.

"I appreciate Master Yan's kindness. I... I'd better follow them!"

"Ha ha!"

Yan Chixia raised her head and laughed, holding the sword behind her back, and turned around to leave.

Shen Lian frowned when he saw this, moved closer to Zhao Lihe, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty... Master, do you really want Ning Caichen to follow us? With your royal aura by your side, the female ghost from Lanruo Temple Do you still dare to come?”

"...It doesn't matter."

Zhao Lihe waved his hand and chuckled: "You forgot, the female ghost's target on the first night was not Ning Caichen."

Shen Lian said solemnly: "It's the Xiahou swordsman!"

Zhao Lihe smiled and nodded, took out a red paper umbrella and handed it to Shen Lian.

"Follow Xia Hou. If the female ghost appears, put her under the paper umbrella and bring her to me!"


Shen Lian took the paper umbrella and respectfully accepted the order.

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