Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 350 Fishing Law Enforcement

Hearing his second brother's angry words, Lu Jianxing couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

"You kid, ever since you went to a foreign world with Master Pan last time, you have changed your appearance when you came back. Not only do you hold a mobile phone every day and watch movies and TV series, but you also say things that I don't understand. "

"... Let's be careful. After all, we brothers are working in front of His Majesty. Although His Majesty values ​​friendship, we brothers cannot live solely on friendship. Friendship will eventually be exhausted. Ability is what you and I can truly rely on!"

After hearing Lu Jianxing's antique-like preaching, Shen Lian's face straightened, he nodded and said, "Brother, don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

Lu Jianxing nodded happily, then looked at Xia Hou, who was covered in charred black, and spoke in a slightly higher tone.

"Second brother, what should he do?"

Shen Lian understood, and also raised his voice and said: "Leave it here, won't the bearded man from Lanruo Temple come over later? The two of them have been fighting for seven years, and they are both enemies and friends, so he should not be harmed."

"My second brother is right."

Lu Jianxing nodded, grabbed the knife and stood up, turned around and left the place together with Shen Lian.

As the breath of the two people gradually faded away, there was a sudden slight noise from the trees next to the pool.

The next second, an old face appeared on the weird and twisted tree trunk. The eyeballs, like those carved from wooden beads, looked at the direction where Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian left in confusion, and then were quickly attracted to Xia Hou on the ground.

After all, Xiahou is a peerless swordsman who can fight with Yan Chixia for seven years. His energy and blood are strong, far beyond ordinary people.

In the eyes of Dryad Grandma, Xiahou's body was like a human-shaped cake with candles lit in the dark night. It was not only bright and dazzling, but also exuded the extremely sweet and delicious scent of blood.

To suck his blood is better than sucking a hundred people!

The tree demon's face showed joy, and he immediately controlled the tree roots to break through the soil and spread quickly towards the unconscious Xiahou.

Just when the ferocious tree roots that looked like ghost hands were about to touch Xia Hou, a roaring sound suddenly appeared in the forest ahead.

Golden light broke through the sky, and a Xiuchun knife filled with golden light tore through the darkness, and instantly nailed the ghost-hand-like roots to the ground.

The root system was cut off by the light of the sword. Grandma Dryad was shocked and quickly raised her eyes.

Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian, who had originally left, appeared again.

The former was filled with blue light, while the latter was covered in golden light, looking at the old face on the tree trunk with a sneer.

Lu Jianxing shouted sharply: "You are a bold monster who dares to commit murder in broad daylight. Why don't you just surrender quickly and come face to face with me to apologize?"

……broad daylight?

Grandma Dryad silently looked at the dark clouded sky, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"It seems that you are planning to fight tooth and nail..."

Lu Jianxing slowly pulled out the Yanling knife from his waist, his eyes cold and fierce.

The next second, Lu Jianxing jumped up, cracked the ground, and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the tree demon.

Hey hey, I haven’t answered yet!

Grandma Dryad's eyes widened, and then she suddenly showed a ruthless look, opened her wood-grained lips, and let out a half-man, half-female howl.

The howl came, like a demonic sound filling his ears, making Lu Jianxing upset and unable to concentrate.

But this interference only lasted for less than half a second and quickly disappeared as the color of Lu Jianxing's skin changed.


In the next moment, Lu Jianxing had already crossed a distance of tens of meters and came to the ancient tree with an old face. The Yanling knife in his hand was inserted directly into the forehead of the dryad's face, splashing dark green viscous blood.

The dryad wailed in pain, waving its branches and roots wildly, setting off a biting wind.

The evil wind came, carrying the sound of tree branches breaking through the air. Lu Jianxing immediately clenched the handle of the knife and retreated.

During the retreat, his brocade clothes were torn by branches as hard as gold and iron, revealing his brass-colored skin with a metallic luster.

Seeing this scene, Grandma Dryad couldn't help but be shocked.

"Golden light is indestructible magical power?!"

"It's just a devilish devil, but he has some knowledge..."

Lu Jianxing's expression was cold, and he swung the Yanling knife in his hand hard, throwing out a dark green blood line on the ground.

As the eldest brother among the three brothers, Lu Jianxing’s main exercises are the Taoist “Tiangang Qi” and the Buddhist “Vajra Indestructible Magic”.

Both Buddhism and Taoism practice, and they are both the most powerful and most yang skills. They can be called the best in Daxia horizontal training, and they are most suitable for dealing with evil spirits and ghosts!

At the same time, Shen Lian also walked slowly from behind to Xia Hou, pulled out the Xiuchun Dao on the ground, and then blue-white arcs of electricity burst out all over his body, lingering around the Xiuchun Dao's blade along his arm.


The arc crackled and tore through the darkness, reflecting the cold faces of Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing.

Grandma Dryad showed fear on her face, and she was full of ideas. She might not be able to defeat them in a short period of time, and she might even lure that smelly Taoist priest from Lanruo Temple over...

After thinking for a moment, the tree demon grandma made up her mind and opened her mouth again to let out a half-male, half-female scream.

The ground shook with the sound of screams, and countless thick roots burst out of the ground, like countless spears made of gold and iron, shooting towards Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing.

"How brave!"

A cold light flashed in Shen Lian's eyes, and his whole body lit up with amber-like golden light. The Embroidered Spring Knife in his hand was filled with blue-white electric arcs, and he suddenly slashed at the incoming tree roots.

The same goes for Lu Jianxing beside him. The two brothers have been working together for a long time and have a perfect understanding.

As the sword light danced, it was like a large, airtight net that water could not penetrate, cutting off all the roots of the incoming trees.


The embroidered spring knife in Shen Lian's hand drew a semicircular arc and cut off dozens of tree roots as thick as an arm in front of him.

The blue-white electric arc spread rapidly along the tree roots, instantly tearing the entire tree root apart and igniting a raging fire.

But no matter how many tree roots they cut off, more and thicker roots would emerge from the ground and attack the two men from cunning and vicious angles.

Shen Lian was annoyed by the intrusion of tree roots. Finally, after cutting off a tree root that came out from under his feet, he suddenly raised his palm and slapped it on the ground.

"Five thunder dharma-thunder in the palm of your hand!"

In an instant, blue-white arcs of electricity burst out, tearing apart spiderweb-like cracks in the earth.

Countless blue-white arcs flashed in the cracks, emitting smelly black smoke.

The tree demon grandma roared in pain, and the huge tree crown danced crazily.

The next second, the ground was lifted off, and a huge flesh vine tumbled out of the ground.

Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing were slightly surprised, and immediately jumped up and retreated to the side.

Countless tree roots followed closely behind, like arrows with automatic tracking systems, chasing and spreading after the two figures.

Lu Jianxing shouted loudly, and a blue light appeared on his brass-colored skin, and penetrated his body as he swung the knife.

"Tiangang Qi!"

The blue light turned into bolts and instantly hit the roots of the tree, blasting the large tree roots to pieces.

Smoke and wood chips rustled down, obscuring their vision.

The next second, thick fleshy vines emerged from it and rolled towards the bodies of Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing.

The surface of the fleshy vine was blood red, with black air inside, and green viscous liquid secreted from the uneven body surface.

Shen Lian was disgusted by the sight, and immediately a blue-white arc of electricity shot up all over his body, trying to chop it into ashes.

"Bold monster!"

Suddenly there was an angry shout from the woods nearby.

Immediately afterwards, seven rays of golden light came through the air, forming a seven-star formation, piercing the air, and rustling on the flesh vines.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Seven explosions sounded at the same time, and the meat vine was blown up so that pieces of meat flew everywhere, and a large area of ​​disgusting smelly liquid was splashed out.

...Is it Yan Chixia?

Shen Lian frowned slightly, and the blue-white arc that lit up his body disappeared.

The two of them landed lightly. Lu Jianxing winked at Shen Lian, then clenched the steel knife and said loudly: "Master Yan, you are here just in time, help our brothers to take down this monster!"

Yan Chixia strode out of the forest, first glanced at the two brothers Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing who were covered in golden light in surprise, then she bit her finger, drew a blood talisman on her palm, and shouted loudly.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Chixia's magic power surged.

He took off the sword box on his back, raised his palm and clapped it. The sword box opened and closed immediately, revealing the hilt of the divine sword inlaid with gold and jade.

"The heavenly web, the earthly Yama!"

"The divine sword is unsheathed, slaying monsters and slaying demons!"

With a loud shout from Yan Chixia's mouth, the divine sword hidden in the sword box was immediately unsheathed and shined brightly in mid-air.

The divine sword turned into thousands of sword lights, forming one after another in the air, condensing a majestic, majestic and upright sword force.

Yan Chixia's eyes widened in anger, and she pointed her sword towards the ancient tree with an old face in the distance.

"Taiyi Tianzun, be as urgent as the law!"

As the words fell, thousands of sword lights pierced the sky, wildly bombarding the center of the tree trunk with thunderous force.

Explosions continued to sound, the air buzzed, and the sound of swords could be heard.

All the tree roots that tried to block the sword light were shattered and eliminated like a mantis trying to block a cart.

Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing's pupils shrank, and they couldn't help but look at each other, seemingly shocked by Yan Chixia's true strength.

With the continuous bombardment of the sword light, the ancient tree with an old face finally couldn't support it and let out a scream filled with pain.

The next second, the sword's light was like sharpening, instantly breaking through the obstacles of the tree roots and completely crushing the ancient tree with a fluffy crown.

The sword light continued to hit the ground, making a clanking sound, and then shot out in all directions as if being bounced off the ground, instantly crushing all other trees within a hundred meters radius into powder.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and sawdust rose into the air.

Yan Chixia retracted her sword finger, and thousands of sword lights gathered into shape and returned to the sword box.

Shen Lian and Lu Jianxing were so shocked that they immediately stepped forward and cupped their fists.

"Master Yan has great magic power and unparalleled magical skills. Shen/Lu admires him!"

" guys are not bad either!" Yan Chixia put away the sword case, glanced at the golden light on Shen Lian's body and chuckled, "Brother Shen, this golden light on your body doesn't look like ordinary martial arts, it should be the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain, right? !”

"Brother Yan has perfect eyesight!"

Shen Lian showed admiration. Just when he was about to continue praising Yan Chixia, he was stopped by the other party.

"Brother Shen, Brother Lu, don't rush to compliment each other yet."

"This tree demon is not dead yet!"

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